Obesity epidemic essay
A person is classified obesity if he/she is extremely overweight with high amount of fat. Obesity is a major health issue affecting many adults and children across the uk, every year. Here some facts “population monitoring definition of obesity for example, obesity affects both physically and emotionally, it develops a number of serious health conditions.... With obesity reaching almost epidemic proportions in the united states, and the threat of a global epidemic, we must watch this alarming increase carefully ( health risks of obesity, 2013). Obesity is defined as: "…an excess of adipose tissue…" (a report of the surgeon general, 2014). The two most common measures of obesity are body mass index (bmi is a ratio of weight to height) and relative weight index, such as percent desirable weight (body mass index , 2013).... The obesity epidemic maria mena is a second year undergraduate student at merced community college getting her general education. How would you feel if i told you that there is no one state with an obesity rate lower than 20%. Take this information and compare it to twenty years ago when every state had an obesity rate lower than 15%. Obesity has become not only the number one cause in death, but according to david zinczenko, editor-in-chief of men’s health and author of “don’t blame the eater”, it is the number one cost in health care with numbers rising well over 100 billion dollars a year (196). By 2010, 36 states had obesity rates of 25 percent or higher, and 12 of those had obesity rates of 30 percent or higher. Centers for disease control and prevention, 2015) even more alarming, the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents is on the rise, and youth are becoming overweight and obese at earlier ages. The world health organization defines obesity as the “abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health”. An epidemic is said to affect a disproportionately large number of people in a population and spreads rapidly. Argument paper the obesity epidemic and our nation’s health as a whole have many factors that include socioeconomic status in particular. Socioeconomic status and childhood obesity will always shape our nations vision and mission with what we do with healthcare. Healthcare in america is in a major reconstruction faze, and is in much need of it, obesity and socioeconomic status are going to be the major contributors to this reconstruction. Obesity continuously puts these children at a very high risk of developing many serious illnesses like high blood pressure, asthma, and many more.... The encyclopedia britannica emphasizes the increasing significance of the epidemic of childhood obesity and its complex biological, social, and health in today’s american children with just increases year over year since the early nineteen eighties from just fewer than twenty percent from the adolescent and childhood life stages into adult transition. Obesity rates have more than doubled in adults and children since the 1970’s,” and in the present day it is estimated that “two – thirds of u. Obesity is a leading contributor of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, and countless other health concerns. Obesity is a medical condition that affects children, teenagers and adults, and in recent years has caused many disorders that are potentially life-threating. According to professor jane wardle, obesity rates started to rise soon after 1984 and she explained that it steadily raised under one percentage a year.... Eating to much of the wrong foods, with little or no exercise can cause the silent but deadly epidemic of obesity in children and in teens. Townsend) overweight and obesity would seem to be problems associated with the united state’s wealth and more than sufficient food supply. Gastric bypass surgery has become a popular choice for people trying to overcome extreme obesity. Neuman is obesity really a serious health concern or is the “epidemic” merely a result of highly fabricated, misleading ideas of politicians and the media. Most health experts and average people believe that obesity is one of the most prevalent health concerns today, resulting in increased risk for other major health issues; such as; heart disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer, and the chance for early loss of life.... Many researchers discuss the issue of obesity providing statistics and lists of causes, but fail to give an adequate solution that works for the long term. Obesity is not only a problem in the us but also worldwide with its prevalence doubling in high income and economically advanced countries and is also growing in under-developed areas. The terms overweight and obesity identify ranges of weight that have been shown to increase the likelihood for certain diseases and other health problems. The rates of obesity have doubled since 1970 to over 30 percent in the united states, now more than two-thirds of americans are overweight.... The great debate is whether obesity should be labeled as a disease or simply an individual choice due to a person’s lifestyle. Even more frightening is the growth rate of this crippling health epidemic; between 1980 and 2014, obesity has doubled for adults and tripled for children (cdc, 2015). The physical consequences of rising obesity rates in our country include an abundance of physical ailments including type-2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, sleep apnea, arthritis, elevated cholesterol, and even some cancers.... Obesity is a highly flexible disease, it can be found in all parts of the world and in all types of living environments. Obesity has many causes ranging from eating habits, food preparation, unhealthy physical lifestyles, transportation and more. Culture plays a huge role in the epidemic since with every culture there are different shared and learned behaviors. Wealth cannot save you from genetically being cursed with obesity, if there are traces of obesity in your family history.
Chapter thirteen, titled “is fast-food the new tobacco,” in the they say i say book, consists of authors discussing the debate of fast-food’s link to obesity. Authors debate the government’s effects on the fast-food industry, along with whether or not the fast-food industry is to blame for the rise in obesity throughout america.... Cultural factors are a contributing factor in the cause of the obesity epidemic in america as it continues to be a reoccurring topic of conversation due to a high prevalence of overweight individuals. Given the worldwide obesity epidemic that appears to be affecting most ethnic groups, there is an appreciation that the causes of obesity among african american families and others must lie in the fundamental aspects of the food supply (capers, c et al. Obesity among americans has been a growing issue in the united states predominantly over the past decade. Throughout my research i have come to find a lot of facts and statistics about fast food consumption causing obesity. Viewed as an epidemic, childhood obesity is sweeping across the united states and creating a public health crisis (henry). Obesity is a growing concern in canada and due to the increased time spent in one’s place of employment, there is an augmented importance placed on healthy living in the workplace. Obesity is now being categorized according to individual’s body mass index (bmi), which is calculated by the weight of the individual divided by his or her height. Studies have shown higher income countries with welfare regimes have a higher prevalence of obesity and easier access to fast foods.... While fast food may be one of the contributors to the obesity epidemic, it surely doesn’t stand alone. Public health problem: there is no doubt that obesity has taken its seat as one of the top disease that strikes the world today. In america, obesity has now spread through the country leaving 2 out of 3 adults either overweight or obese, and worldwide 1. Obesity does not discriminate against social status, sex, or race; it can take a person’s life and turn it upside down in the blink of an eye if they are not careful. Some people think of obesity as a worldwide killer because there is no outrunning it if it overtakes a person’s body. The obesity epidemic is not something that has just caught the attention of people recently; it has been going on since the 1950’s.... The treatment and prevention of childhood obesity are considered the responsibility of individual children and their parents.... According to the cdc, in the appalachian region of the united states more than 81 percent of people suffer from obesity related health problems. Many researchers have theorized that media use by children, excessive snacking during media use, food-marketing practices in food advertisements, cross promotions, food away from home, supersizing and increased portion sizes can all contribute to childhood obesity” (kavas).... There is no question that obesity is a big problem in today’s society, but whom or what's to blame. The fact of the matter is that the obesity epidemic is caused of many different factors. Since the 1960’s childhood obesity has increased by 54 percent in children ages six to eleven. Silberstein, 1) childhood obesity is so prevalent among these age groups that it has reached epidemic proportions. It is not one of violence, nor is it one of drugs or abuse; instead it is a silent epidemic that is centered on our nation’s growing number of obese children. The obesity rate in america has tripled in the last twenty years fostering three hundred thousand deaths per year with a growing number of obese children (greenblatt).... In this research paper we will be looking at the topic of obesity and the social ramifications that it holds. The topic of obesity is important to the field of sociology because obese people make up a significant portion of the world’s population. Stated that obesity in childhood is often caused by little exercise and too much or the wrong kinds of food (as cited in papalia & feldman, 2012). Found that obesity in childhood puts children at risk for behavior problems, depression and low self-esteem which can affects the child as they grow up (as cited in papalia & feldman, 2012) the three sou... Overweight and obesity became a national health priority area in 2008 (beaumont et al, 2012) and is defined by the world health organisation (2014) as “abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health”. As we know overweight and obesity are drastically increasing problems worldwide and have consequently reached epidemic status, thus proving to be one of the most important problems of public health. Obesity has been accused of contributing to many long-term conditions, such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, diabetes and cancer (pennybacker 15). Along with the fact that obesity is the most common form of malnutrition in the western world, it also affects sixty-four percent of americans (pennybacker 15; brownell 1).... Some people think the government's involvement in regulating food would greatly help obesity rates, and others think the country's obesity rates would show little to no improvement. Although no one cause of obesity exists, and no government regulations will likely alter someone’s lifestyle choices, the government should implement some regulations by implementing programs to educate and encourage citizens to lead a healthier life and by requiring companies to list... Campaign” on feb 9th 2010 which is “dedicated to solving the challenge of childhood obesity within a generation” ( ). Obesity is an epidemic in america, greatly impacting youth, the health care system, and economically vulnerable populations. Among all of the high-income countries in the world, obesity rates remain the highest in the us. According to harvard, us obesity rates have more than doubled since 1980, although they have remained the same since 2003.
The epidemic of growing obesity is not primary based on health, but the social factors are contributing the affect of this phenomena. The legals interventions promotes healthy campaigns to reduce obesity in many ways to reduce fats with healthier food programs for schools.... There is an alarming rise in childhood obesity throughout the united states, making it an epidemic in our country. Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years. The obesity epidemic makes headlines daily as newscasters recite statistics about the dangers of excess body weight. If taken in more calories than burned, it leads to being overweight, and eventually obesity. While fast food may be one of the contributors to the obesity outbreak, it certainly doesn’t stand alone. Obesity is an epidemic and affects millions of people of the nation of the united states every day. For children and for many adults who are overweight, they are starting to look at themselves as the new normal," says obesity expert robert f. Belkin, 2006 abstract this paper describes the nation’s childhood obesity epidemic and the school intervention movement to develop healthy lifestyles and reduce obesity. It discusses the extent to which schools can reduce childhood obesity and the need for involvement of other groups in order to increase the impact that schools can have.... Obesity has grown so much it can now be said to have replaced smoking as the number one preventable cause of diseases in america. Even though the obese have to be responsible when deciding what and how much to eat, society is what not only created obesity but also discriminates against them. The media, food market, and the rapidly advancing technology are all factors that influence not only the increase in obesity rates, but also the psychological status of the obese. According to epidemiological studies, there is a direct correlation between bmi and the risk of obtaining an obesity related disease.... From new scientific research and pop-culture movie documentaries to restaurant menu offerings and congressional legislation, obesity concerns weighed in heavily. Obesity is the result of fat accumulated over time due to the lack of a balanced diet and exercise. Causes of obesity according to the usda, at the start of century 21st american people have increased their daily caloric intake by consuming five hundred calories more than in 1970.... This huge decision brought spotlight to the argument of whether obesity should be considered a disease or choice. The biggest reason the ama decided on making obesity a disease was because it would help patients receive medical treatments for obesity with the insurance companies paying.... Obesity and being overweight are problems in america that are continuing to exacerbate each and everyday. According to jan simmonds, being a few pounds above an individual's ideal weight is considered overweight; while obesity is being more than twenty percent above an individual's ideal weight (3). However, unhealthy family eating habits and a lack of family involvement in physical activity are major reasons for obesity in young children today.... Percent of americans diagnosed with obesity in 2010, 17 percent of those were children between the ages of two and nineteen years old.... Many researchers believe that the trend in obesity has a lot to do with cultural, economic, and environmental factors. Introduction the world health organization defines obesity as the “abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health”. As long as we keep sitting around hoping that one day the problem will disappear, obesity will keep plaguing. Obesity is a serious growing problem in oklahoma and something needs to be done about it. The public health issue of obesity "the increased prevalence of overweight and obesity particularly among children and adolescents is a severe public health problem" (bray, 2005). Obesity has been associated with energy intake and expenditure imbalance, genetics, cultural, socioeconomic, behavioral, and situational factors all play a role in eating and weight control (bray, 2005).... Prominence of obesity among people with disabilities consciousness of the relationship between disability and obesity is crucial for good public health today. It is an important subject, particularly in the contemporary society where obesity and overweight have become a major health concern. Obesity in our children introduction in today’s ever changing world is important to understand the statistics behind obesity. The recent obesity epidemic in the united states has wide-ranging implications, and as more literature further validates this phenomenon, we can observe obesity’s real effects on the nation’s level of health and labor market outcomes. Economically, obesity drains valuable resources from the nation’s healthcare budget, decreases worker productivity through an increased number of missed work days, and forces employers to spend more on their health care plans for overweight employees. These factors prove that obesity forces taxpayers to forgo valuable income and consumption in order to subsidize higher medical costs and treatments for the obese.... Obesity is a serious epidemic health issue in the us; today, 1 in 3 american adults are obese. To target the issue of obesity effectively, we must first have a clear understanding of the problem. The question of whether obesity is a disease or a choice is a controversial one, as was readily apparent last june, when the american medical association released an official statement recognizing obesity as a disease.
Our free enter the title keyword:The obesity epidemic obesity epidemic ns of americans and people worldwide are overweight or obese. Obesity rates have more than doubled in adults and children since the 1970’s,” and in the present day it is estimated that “two – thirds of u. Around forty years ago obesity would not effect this abundant number of people; however today’s society consumes more fast food in addition to spending most of their hours past generations people burned more calories throughout the day than we do now. This has caused obesity to become a reoccurring event because obese parents lead their kids into obesity, and when their children grow up they do the same thing. This along with many other causes has made the obesity epidemic difficult to causes of obesity are complex and can include genetics and medical history (“united states obesity”). Although changes in the genetic makeup of populations occur too slowly to be responsible for this rapid rise in obesity”, genes definitely contribute to the process of obesity (“obesity and genetics”). On the obesity ting these strategies, parents indicated that schools should have a role in childhood obesity. While there is a continual increase of obese children here in america is of great concern for many people; there are numerous originations and governmental agencies that rare standing up and trying to put an end to childhood obesity. 1012 - pages: y epidemic in america be a parallel that their parent isn’t as well. In reality all these factors contribute to this growing epidemic of obese children in america, however the question is not whether these are legitimate reasons for childhood obesity because they are; the question at hand is what can and should be done about parent would say that they don’t want their child to live with obesity and the troubles that comes along with it. 1021 - pages: obesity epidemic in america r, genetics can only determine the tendency you have to be obese. Eating right and exercising regularly will be what actually determines if you are overweight or r reason for obesity becoming so prevalent in our society can be blamed on portion size and food available as well as its cost. 523 - pages: on childhood obesity to prevent unhealthy may lead to obesity later in life, focusing on schools represents a fragmented effort. This paper argues that a collective effort from multiple as schools, governments, and families is needed to address childhood obesity, because an effort by will not provide…. 2185 - pages: ood obesity is an epidemic y increases the insulin resistance and glucose intolerance making the drug for type 2 diabetes less effective. Obesity also may cause children to have higher cholesterol levels, sleep and breathing difficulties, heart problems and asthma. 874 - pages: ood obesity is an epidemic are many causes to childhood obesity nowadays, at the university of illinois they found that there might be a link between poor parenting and high childhood obesity risks. 976 - pages: ood obesity an american epidemic sible and take time out to choose healthy foods from supermarkets, to avoid purchasing excessive sugary and fatty meals from fast food ood obesity is a treatable condition and both parents and teachers should take an active role in the health of our children. Parents are the first line of defense for childhood obesity and should monitor what foods their child is eating. Andrea sharma she proposes that in order for changes in childhood obesity and obesity on a whole there needs to be some form encouragement to understand good nutrition and promote physical activity. She encourages this by way of increasing the intake of water and fruits and lessening that of sweetened beverages and high calorie ood obesity is on the increase and even though not one factor can be blamed for its increase , the underlying fact is…. 604 - pages: solutions to the obesity epidemic in america ing to cottam (2004) this utilitarian lifestyle, the pleasure first attitude predisposes people to becoming obese. Lack of education is a large determinant in having a predisposition to obesity as gh many people are predisposed to being obese society has the ability to take back the control and adopt a healthier lifestyle. 1506 - pages: ons to the pediatric obesity epidemic in america g the causes of this dramatic increase in obesity among children and pre-teens is an important input in designing prevention policies for healthcare providers to ensure successful solutions in child weight-management. Imbalances of low energy intake combined with low energy expenditure over a long period of time often create extra weight in children, which can lead to future health of now, obesity remains classified as a medical condition, and as a result, today’s research…. 1)document actionsdownloadshare or embed documentsharing optionsshare on facebook, opens a new windowshare on twitter, opens a new windowshare on linkedinshare by email, opens mail clientembeddescription: my obesity essay for school! Attribution non-commercial (by-nc)download as docx, pdf, txt or read online from scribdflag for inappropriate contentphysical education ood obesity & annelise wright introduction the scientific knowledge and focus on overweight people and obesity is now huge. The term “obesity epidemic” is a common phrase used in society, particularly by health professionals and doctors, who emphasise their concern for our society and future generations’ health. Undoubtedly, there are new zealander’s, both adults and children who are obese, but can we consider this an epidemic? The word epidemic is rather emotive as it has medical connotations giving the implication that mass amounts of people are suffering from some kind of “condition” or disease. Epidemic” means to be “spreading rapidly and extensively by infection and affecting many individuals in an area or a population at the same time. While we may consider some people obese, it may be an over-statement to categorise obesity among plagues such as influenza and smallpox. However, there are those who would argue against this analysis of the “epidemic” to be an exaggeration since some statistics do confirm that obesity and childhood obesity has in fact increased. Epidemic or no epidemic there is indeed a need to change something - even multiple things in order to improve the well-being of new zealand children. To determine possible solutions to this problem it is important to understand what obesity and inactivity is, and why it may exist. Is it something that always has, and always will due to pre-determinants or have we created childhood obesity through our own choices? Throughout this essay, i am going to attempt to answer and evaluate many of the questions and opinions i have outlined above. I will also critically analyse the following: possible causes of childhood obesity and inactivity, the relationship between childhood obesity and inactivity, and reasons as to why they are issues of concern for new zealand. Obesity is associated with heart disease, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure and some cancers, however it is not surprising that this one english noun causes much confusion, worry and concern amongst society; our definition for the word is unable to be determined by our means of identifying it.
The new zealand ministry of s obesity as “an excessively high amount of body fat (adipose tissue) in relation to lean body mass. Below are the bmi-for-age weight status categories and the matching percentiles: weight status category underweight healthy weight overweight obese percentile range less than the 5th percentile 5th percentile to less than the 85th percentile 85th to less than the 95th percentile equal to or greater than the 95th are limitations to the “bmi” which will be discussed more soundly in the latter parts of the essay. However to date, this is likely to be the best measure of childhood obesity when considering both accuracy and practicality. There are many factors that contribute to childhood obesity coming from a variety of sources. A recent study, carried out at the university of california, showed that obesity spreads within social networks and that people with fat friends are 50 per cent more likely to be overweight than those who hang out with skinny people. By indulging in the wrong types of food, we are not only increasing passing on society’s “instant” way of life but also increasing chances of obesity in new zealand children. Hamish meldrum, head of the british medical association claimed in an interview that “fat people are simply greedy and obesity is caused by over eating,” and that "we are in danger of “over-medicalising” the problem. This remark caused much controversy and “the independent” (british online newspaper) writes that: “obesity experts were immediately outraged, and said that dr. The 88,000 people who were prescribed with anti-obesity prescriptions for drugs like xenical and reductil last year, and the one in four brits who, according to the world health organisation, are obese, no doubt felt similarly affronted. This article does not regard new zealander’s, nor is it about children; however, it does give insight into westernized societies’ views on obesity. Meldrum’s statement comes across as harsh and offensive even; so why is it outrageous to suggest that energy in exceeding energy out is the cause of obesity? Our society is constantly creating more illnesses and diagnosing more people with disorders that we deem responsible for our obesity. There is a noticeable “weight debate” amongst new zealand society, thus perhaps obesity is becoming more prominent within children amongst those of us who disregard obesity to be a health issue and take a more “pc” approach, seeing it as a bit of extra “puppy fat” or blaming genetics. Numerous studies indicate that places with fewer economic and social resources have higher rates of obesity. The 2006 /07 new zealand health survey investigated the impact of socioeconomic status on levels of obesity amongst children and found the following: 13. To an extent, the family environment children grow up in influences the likelihood of childhood obesity. Expectations and family values can determine obesity amongst children because children build their own viewpoints and values based on what they see and are taught – directly and indirectly by those they look up to – more than often parents or other persons close to them. Although the chances of obesity developing among children who are exposed to the likes of poor decisions and an obese-o-genic environment is relatively high, individuals do respond differently to food and exercise once genetics comes into play. Although it is rare for people to have mutations in single genes, which result in severe obesity at infancy, it is possible for genetics to predispose people to being larger. Thus, obesity can result from only a small energy surplus over a long period of time. Possibly, children who have always been slightly larger than their peers and considered to merely be carrying some “puppy fat” are just children who habitually carry surplus energy due to their onally, children with a family history of obesity may also be predisposed to gain weight. Relationships between childhood obesity and inactivity childhood obesity and childhood inactivity often go hand in hand and to some extent share a cyclical ulties with movement due to size passive leisure alternatives lack of motivation to thy food choices. Surplus of diagram above shows in a simplistic form the way in which childhood obesity and inactivity are linked. Often we overestimate the strength and reliability of the relationship between obesity and inactivity, overlooking the fact that physical fitness may be a more powerful measure of health. For example, a child who is extremely inactive, makes unhealthy food choices but does not eat excessively, and does not have a history of obesity in their family or the genes to trigger weight gain may remain in a weight range considered normal, but surely, this child cannot be considered healthy. This analysis shows just how complicated the issues of childhood obesity and inactivity really of the reason that the relationship between childhood obesity and inactivity is not always consistent, (such as the above data) is due to the measure of obesity – body mass index (bmi) calculation and its limitations in defining someone as “obese. These limitations mean that the relationship between childhood obesity and inactivity is not as inter-related as one might think [2]. Environment – unfixed food availability determines advertising economics – availability of money surrounding cultural views and morals upbringing habits attitudes self- perception expectations personal morals and views priorities pre-determined make up and the variable factors surrounding us determines our behaviours, which subsequently determines our decisions when it comes to food and fitness, influencing the strength of the relationship between obesity and inactivity to us personally. Obesity in auckland school children: a comparison of the body mass index and percentage body fat as the diagnostic criterion. Whether you see it as an epidemic, a “fat and lazy” crisis if you wish, or if you feel it is something that has been exaggerated and “hyped” up, it still remains an issue. However, the final two statistics are particularly intriguing as they indicate that childhood obesity in new zealand is not the “epidemic” it has been made out to be – obesity has not been “spreading rapidly”. Therefore, over an 8-year period, obesity levels increased by 300% for males, and a 160% increase for females, thus an “epidemic”. It is even thought that this comparison may under represent the true increase in obesity because the 1989 survey used a lower bmi cutoff value (30 kg/m²) to define obesity among individuals of maori and pacific island descent in comparison to 1997 (32 kg/m²). This is possibly due to the differences in ages, and for that reason much older children are the likely cause for the label “epidemic”. All in all, epidemic is a matter of opinion; no specific guidelines or figures exist which can detect whether something has reached epidemic rates. Impacts of childhood obesity and inactivity on new zealand society obesity statistics show that obese children, particularly adolescents have a 70% chance of being obese as adults, and that percentage increases to 80% if either one or both of the child’s parents are obese as well *1+. As a nation, we must forego spending a large amount each year on areas that should be of high priority such as economic growth and education due to the large costs associated with obesity health related issues. It is estimated that obesity health care expenditure in new zealand is nz$303 million per annum. Although many of the health costs obesity do not occur until late adulthood; if our children are becoming much larger physically and increasingly unhealthy then inevitably, they too will one day be large contributors to new zealand’s health care expenditure costs.
The fact that type two diabetes is often preventable makes the whole idea of a “diabetes epidemic” even more tragic. Type 2 diabetes and other diseases caused by obesity and inactive lifestyles such as coronary heart disease, hypertension, and some types of cancers impact new zealand society in an economic sense but culturally and socially also. In the future, when today’s children enter the workforce, new zealand may experience a greater loss in productivity than present if obesity and inactivity continues to rise. Effective hours worked (full time) per 143 effective hours worked (full-time) month per month high-fat diet healthy diet low energy levels and poor fit, energetic and alert concentration obese or overweight normal body weight irregular sleep patterns more attentive at work, better sleep patterns poor stress management techniques actively manages stress levels 18 days annual sick leave 2 days annual sick leave [6] living with obesity at a young age can affect the well-being of a child, decreasing their quality of life not only through physical factors. This long list of benefits is all things that new zealand children will not be receiving to the extent that they should be, due to childhood obesity and inactivity. Arguably, childhood obesity and inactivity may be partially responsible for many seemingly unrelated issues to new zealand society today. Additionally, depletion in physical activity may contribute to a culture of unhappiness amongst society, which may sound asinine and slightly ridiculous, but it is nevertheless, a negative se in: leads to a overall wellcausing being emotional state happiness value on life value on ood obesity and se in society’s wellbeing as a whole increase of negative culture. Journal of occupational and environment medicine [7] source: the health of australia’s workforce, november 2005, medibank private possible solutions, actions, and implications to reducing childhood obesity and inactivity educating people, children and especially parents, about healthy lifestyle choices and the negative implications associated with obesity and inactivity may be the most vital and effective way to cease obesity. If parents were more knowledgeable about ideas and concepts relating to wellbeing and how to avoid obesity and the effects obesity and inactivity can have on a person, then it would create a personal solution to the problem as they would be more conscientious about providing a healthy environment for their children. It is much easier to prevent obesity than to treat it, and prevention largely relies on parent education. Many societal strategies can be put in place to solve the current levels of inactivity and obesity among children. The government holds a great deal of power, thus impacting new zealanders directly and indirectly when it comes to decisions they make which then influence levels of obesity and inactivity. Government policies often influence the level of individuals’ disposable incomes and as it has been established that low levels of income is a cause of childhood obesity and inactivity it is vital that government policies ensure families have the monetary means to live relatively healthy lifestyles – income and price must be in has been suggested that gst (goods and services tax) is taken off the deemed “healthy” foods (fruit and vegetables) in order to promote these food groups and making it easier for lower socio-economic families to purchase healthy foods. This may well be an effective societal strategy to reducing childhood obesity provided that those who do eat poorly due to economic reasoning are capable of changing their habits and lifestyles, which although often easier said than done, with other solutions in place such as emphasis on parental education, it may be highly feasible. Implementing new policies and guidelines will help counter rates of childhood obesity and inactivity only to an extent, because in the end it all stems back to a child’s home life and their upbringing and choices themselves and their parents make – “you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink. A possible solution to childhood obesity is to give these families, vouchers for fresh food instead of solely money. Recently the government launched a $67 million four-year campaign aimed at raising physical activity and reducing new zealand's growing obesity rates, targeting schools in particular. This initiative acts as a positive external influence toward obesity prevention as it has created an environment that condemns advertising of unhealthy foods. This “atmosphere” is influencing society indirectly and affecting individual ideas and beliefs, ultimately presenting people with a more concerned approach towards the prevention of obesity and inactivity. Everyone holds some degree of self-worth and because it is common knowledge that obesity and inactivity can cause negative effects on one’s overall well-being and even happiness, people are likely to respond positively to various solutions, because ultimately they are here to help, not to harm. Undoubtedly, there are people who lack concern for the issues raised of obesity and inactivity, even apathy toward health in general. Consequently, if a general lack of interest toward obesity related issues is implied then few will make an effort to “learn”, hindering the potential effectiveness of the solution. Conclusion “obesity has reached epidemic proportions globally, with more than 1 billion adults overweight - at least 300 million of them clinically obese - and is a major contributor to the global burden of chronic disease and disability. Throughout this essay, i have covered various angles and views on childhood obesity and inactivity. 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