Obesity summary essay
Speaking: the speaking: a new speaking: the red speaking: speaking: › cause and effect: home › cause and effect: and effect: is a cause and effect essay on obesity (being overweight or too fat). Both need to take action to examine the causes of this problem and find to cause and this ielts essay! Introduction although many individuals are uncertain about the increasing statistics associated with obesity, more than seventy percent of men and virtually sixty-two percent of women within the united states adult population are overweight or obese (wilmore, costill, & kenney). Obesity is a physiological condition characterised by an excessive accumulation of body fat, specifically the build-up of adipose tissue beneath the skin. In recent years, the number of people diagnosed with clinical obesity has increased dramatically, with governments desperately trying to tackle the obesity epidemic and its associated consequences (mclannahan and clifton, 2008). Diagnosing obesity can be a problematic task due to the various factors that need to be taken into consideration. Before the numerous advancements of healthcare, obesity was initially assessed by anthropometric measurements, such as weight-for-height, skinfold thickness, and waist circumferences. However, the prevalence of overweight and obesity has increased dramatically among young people since 1980s worldwide (haug, samdal, morgan, ravens-sieberer, & currie, 2006). Over the last 20 years, the prevalence of obesity and overweight has increased at an alarming rate not only in developed countries, but around the world (worobey, 2006, chap. Obesity has grown so much it can now be said to have replaced smoking as the number one preventable cause of diseases in america. Even though the obese have to be responsible when deciding what and how much to eat, society is what not only created obesity but also discriminates against them. The media, food market, and the rapidly advancing technology are all factors that influence not only the increase in obesity rates, but also the psychological status of the obese. According to epidemiological studies, there is a direct correlation between bmi and the risk of obtaining an obesity related disease.... By 2010, 36 states had obesity rates of 25 percent or higher, and 12 of those had obesity rates of 30 percent or higher. Centers for disease control and prevention, 2015) even more alarming, the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents is on the rise, and youth are becoming overweight and obese at earlier ages. How would you feel if i told you that there is no one state with an obesity rate lower than 20%. Take this information and compare it to twenty years ago when every state had an obesity rate lower than 15%. Obesity has become not only the number one cause in death, but according to david zinczenko, editor-in-chief of men’s health and author of “don’t blame the eater”, it is the number one cost in health care with numbers rising well over 100 billion dollars a year (196). Obesity in america is a very serious problem affecting many americans currently and is a problem that continues to grow each year. Over the past 40 years, the prevalence of obesity has more than doubled in the united states” (wimalawansa). Eat a burger value meal everyday while sitting on your comfortable couch, and you will soon learn what the obesity hype is all about. Obesity in the united states is at an all time high due to increasing fast food popularity, media influence, and the lack of exercise.... With obesity rates on the rise something must be done to prevent this massive issue. Studies have linked obesity to many things from ear infections, to pollution, to air-conditioning, to socializing with obese people. Obesity is medical condition where excess body fat accumulates to an extent that it becomes harmful to the body. Medical practitioners consider obesity a chronic and life-long disease like diabetes and high blood pressure. This paper will look at the analysis of diabetes in young children, obesity, health education strategies and communication strategies used in nursing care and control of diabetes (benjamin, 2011, 108).... Obesity is the second leading cause, behind tobacco, of preventable deaths in the united states. With obesity in children being related to many health issues, it is important that we not only stop the rise in childhood obesity, but reverse it. The prevalence of childhood obesity is rising and so is the steady incline of comorbidities in young adults. Education is perhaps one of the best options that can either control or prevent the rising rates of childhood obesity....
Childhood obesity is becoming more prevalent in the western world as statistics show that in australia, one quarter of children are either overweight or obese. Percent of americans diagnosed with obesity in 2010, 17 percent of those were children between the ages of two and nineteen years old.... Townsend) overweight and obesity would seem to be problems associated with the united state’s wealth and more than sufficient food supply. Gastric bypass surgery has become a popular choice for people trying to overcome extreme obesity. Many people are starting to complain that the commercials and ads for these restaurants are the result of such an incline in obesity. If taken in more calories than burned, it leads to being overweight, and eventually obesity. I narrowed the search down to obesity and the population i would like to focus on is the adolescents. Health people 2010 identified overweight and obesity as one of the top ten leading health indicators that needs serious attention. Obesity has reached epidemic levels globally; being a significant threat to our own nation’s health. Adolescent obesity rates have more than tripled, as the adult obesity rate has doubled since 1980’s (trust for america's health, 2011a).... While fast food may be one of the contributors to the obesity outbreak, it certainly doesn’t stand alone. Moreover, the high body fat to lean body mass ratio makes obesity a major contributor to chronic illnesses. Obesity is caused by many factors, two of which are a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet. Childhood obesity in america is a growing disease that has become an epidemic that has lasting psychological effects because of advertisement of fast food, lack of physical activities, and parental control has made food become a major health issue in many young teenagers’ lives today. This takes us to the focus of how childhood obesity has become an enormous issue today. For us to understand the impact of obesity and why we should prevent it, we will need to figure out the causes of obesity and what keeps people obese.... Obesity has become an epidemic in our world, it has many contributing factors, affects learning abilities but there are preventive methods for it. Although little is being done about obesity, it's affecting the lives of many but mostly children and by a multitude of different factors. In the past few years obesity among children has increased and has now become a major issue in this nation. Obesity has become a burden to the united states economy and it is costing america $147 billion dollars a year. Obesity has been around for many years but has always been known to be an adult issue.... Introduction a very good indicator for the health of the nation is the national epidemic of childhood and adolescent obesity, currently a target objective for healthy people 2010 (dhhs). Million children between toddlers and school age who are obese, a prevalence of 17%, while children at risk for obesity have a prevalence of 16% (general). Childhood obesity in america is a growing disease that has become an epidemic that has lasting psychological effects, because of advertisement of fast food, lack of physical activities, and parental control has made food become a major health issue in many young teenagers’ lives today. There are some that would argue to say that obesity is okay and that it is not that big of a deal, they are wrong.... Given the worldwide obesity epidemic that appears to be affecting most ethnic groups, there is an appreciation that the causes of obesity among african american families and others must lie in the fundamental aspects of the food supply (capers, c et al. Obesity is not only a problem in the us but also worldwide with its prevalence doubling in high income and economically advanced countries and is also growing in under-developed areas. Children age 6 to 11 -approximately one in six children are victims of obesity-related illnesses that threaten to shorten their lives. Childhood overweight and obesity are public concerns because unhealthy weight is rapidly becoming the most prevalent nutrition problem of k-12 school age group in united states and around the world.... While fast food may be one of the contributors to the obesity epidemic, it surely doesn’t stand alone. No matter who is at fault, childhood obesity is very real and needs to be addressed.
Most cases of obesity don’t start later, in life there are some cases, but it is usually from young age. While this does miscalculate obesity in the case of tall muscular individuals or short individuals who have high fat but manage to register a low bmi, the numbers of defined obese have been rising at shocking rates.... Obesity is the result of fat accumulated over time due to the lack of a balanced diet and exercise. Causes of obesity according to the usda, at the start of century 21st american people have increased their daily caloric intake by consuming five hundred calories more than in 1970.... Many believe obesity shouldn’t even be considered a “disease” for a variety of reasons. Childhood obesity is a serious and common disease that is becoming more and more popular for children to be obese. The nation’s obesity epidemic has become so bad that it has taken over tobacco as the leading cause of preventable diseases” (gaffney). Health care costs linked to obesity and resulting conditions such as diabetes and heart disease are greater than those related to smoking and excessive drinking (gaffney). That disaster is commonly called obesity and the most obese country in the world is america ( ibtimes, 2013, p. Currently, obesity is plague in america and according to the washington times (2009) seventy two million americans are obese.... The encyclopedia britannica emphasizes the increasing significance of the epidemic of childhood obesity and its complex biological, social, and health in today’s american children with just increases year over year since the early nineteen eighties from just fewer than twenty percent from the adolescent and childhood life stages into adult transition. Many researchers discuss the issue of obesity providing statistics and lists of causes, but fail to give an adequate solution that works for the long term. Even more frightening is the growth rate of this crippling health epidemic; between 1980 and 2014, obesity has doubled for adults and tripled for children (cdc, 2015). The physical consequences of rising obesity rates in our country include an abundance of physical ailments including type-2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, sleep apnea, arthritis, elevated cholesterol, and even some cancers.... Obesity is a stipulation in which anomalous or excessive fat buildup in adipose tissue that damages health. Obesity is one of the most discernible, but until recently, most deserted public health problems. The present high pervasiveness of obesity and the brisk increase in pervasiveness in the last twenty years has been referred to as an endemic (johnson sj, birch ll.... Even though facts have shown that genetics is not a cause of childhood obesity, many people still believe that childhood obesity is the parent’s fault. Obesity is a medical term, commonly defined as being extremely overweight, which is only half the case.... Childhood obesity in america is a growing disease that is slowly taking over the world because of the fast food industry, school lunch programs, and parental control. According to the author of the metamorphoses of fat- a history of obesity, one in five american kids and teens are overweight or obese; that is triple the rate in the 1960’s” (23).... A person is classified obesity if he/she is extremely overweight with high amount of fat. Obesity is a major health issue affecting many adults and children across the uk, every year. Here some facts “population monitoring definition of obesity for example, obesity affects both physically and emotionally, it develops a number of serious health conditions.... In the 21st century childhood obesity is regarded as one of the most serious public health challenges faced by the world health organisation (who, 2013). Most cases of childhood obesity are caused by eating too much and exercising too little. Although obesity can be prevented, it has become a growing problem among children due to several factors that lead to health problems.... Childhood obesity rates are continuing to rise, and this causes a serious threat to the health of our nation. Since 1970 obesity rates have nearly tripled and will likely continue to rise (koplan, kraak, and liverman). Today, obesity is on trend to being one of the biggest public health challenges since tobacco (perry & creamer, 2013). While obesity is rising at an exponential rate, there is disconnect between how society views and defines obesity and the actual medical costs and future health risks the disease holds (acsm, 2010)....
Childhood obesity is an illness when there is an excess of body fat that can potentially ruin the health and wellbeing of a child. To figure out your body fat to determine if you or your child is suffering from childhood obesity, it’s based on your b. Australia is a developed country and child hood obesity is a new issue that has come a worry over the past couple of years.... Childhood obesity is a health problem that is becoming increasingly prevalent in society’s youth. The obesity epidemic makes headlines daily as newscasters recite statistics about the dangers of excess body weight. The public health issue of obesity "the increased prevalence of overweight and obesity particularly among children and adolescents is a severe public health problem" (bray, 2005). Obesity has been associated with energy intake and expenditure imbalance, genetics, cultural, socioeconomic, behavioral, and situational factors all play a role in eating and weight control (bray, 2005).... Within the past three decades, the childhood obesity rate has increased three-hundred percent (crouse par. This also means that ten percent of children worldwide are overweight or obese (“childhood obesity” par. On the other hand, they define obesity as having excess body fat (“child obesity facts” par. While i agree that there has been a great deal of attention given to childhood obesity in the media and by the government. Flores 2013) so considering the scale of the issue we face with the childhood obesity issue i feel that not only does the government at all levels need to be involved in some way but that the u. Over the past years, childhood obesity has been increasing at an alarming rate because of improved technology, poor eating habits and lack of exercise. According to the centers for disease control and prevention, childhood obesity has more than doubled over the past 30 years.... Obesity is an epidemic and affects millions of people of the nation of the united states every day. The global obesity epidemic reached a pinnacle of concern, on june 18, 2013, when the american medical association (ama) ruled obesity a disease state with multiple pathophysiologic facets requiring a range of interventions for treatment and prevention (fryhofer, 2013). Given the increased prevalence of obesity in all populations, the negative health outcomes, and associated healthcare costs of obesity, nurses are interval in building evidence-based strategies for disease prevention in adult and pediatric patients.... Obesity continuously puts these children at a very high risk of developing many serious illnesses like high blood pressure, asthma, and many more.... Obesity in the last three decades, the growing epidemic of obesity has become one of the most colossal problems affecting people globally. Normally the research on obesity is restricted to data found in the unites states and refuses to include the statistics of other countries that might not be as developed, such as china (he, james, mu0pu, zheng, 2014)... There is no one would argue that obesity, especially the children is considered a problem. In my research, i will explain the argument that who is to blame for the obesity in america: fast food restaurants or common laziness from the obese society.... Greater attention, focus, and preventive measures should be placed on african american and hispanic children because they have the highest obesity rates. Children from poverty stricken families are also at greater risk for obesity than other socioeconomic groups (center for disease control and prevention, 2004).... Childhood obesity may not seem like a serious problem, but it is a serious medical condition that can have major effects on a child. According to patricia anderson and kristin butcher, authors of childhood obesity: trends and potential causes, “ by 1999-2002, nearly 15 percent of u. Causing health-related issues such as diabetes and heart complications, the control of obesity is ever-relevant and needs to be addressed in a timely manner.... But who is to blame for this rise in obesity with in our young children, the parent. In recent years, policymakers and medical experts have expressed alarm about the growing problem of childhood obesity in the united states. 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