Online marketing research paper
Marketsseptember 2013, volume 23, issue 3,Pp 177–204 | cite asinternet marketing: a content analysis of the researchauthorsauthors and affiliationsj. Rhea ingramopen accessspecial themefirst online: 31 january 2013received: 08 november 2011accepted: 14 september 2012abstractthe amount of research related to internet marketing has grown rapidly since the dawn of the internet age. A review of the literature base will help identify the topics that have been explored as well as identify topics for further research. Topics, focus, categories) of the current literature, and then discusses an agenda for future research efforts.
Emarketing research paper
We analyzed 411 articles published over the past eighteen years (1994-present) in thirty top information systems (is) journals and 22 articles in the top 5 marketing journals. The results indicate an increasing level of activity during the 18-year period, a biased distribution of internet marketing articles focused on exploratory methodologies, and several research strategies that were either underrepresented or absent from the pool of internet marketing research. The compilation of the methodologies used and internet marketing topics being studied can serve to motivate researchers to strengthen current research and explore new areas of this dsinternet marketing business models internet advertising e-commerce literature review content analysis responsible editor: christopher patrick hollandjel classificationm15 m31 this article as:Springer berlin ts and alised use cookies to improve your experience with our et marketing article will focus on internet marketing and the strategies used to make the efforts successful. When developing a strategic marketing plan, organizations will need to determine if and when internet marketing will be utilized.
The success of the internet as a medium for marketing depends upon how well the system outperforms alternative systems. This article will also explore how an organization can establish a customer base with the site-centric and symbiotic marketing ds advertising; commerce service providers; direct marketing; internet marketing; marketing channels; marketing strategies; public relations; site-centric model; spamming; symbiotic ing: internet marketing use of the internet is exploding, especially in the united states. In addition, many consumers feel comfortable purchasing online and value the internet's capacity for providing information about different products and services. As a result, internet marketing has blossomed and become a key part of many companies’ advertising efforts.
Companies have also found the internet to be an effective communication tool for customers, potential consumers, and other businesses, and the advent of social media further enabled companies to connect and interact directly with a result, marketing has experienced significant changes in how it operates. When creating a marketing plan, organizations must determine (1) if the tool is useful for marketing their products, (2) which products can benefit from internet marketing, (3) when it is best to use traditional marketing, internet marketing, or a combination of both, and (4) what pitfalls need to be avoided so organizations do not experience failure when using internet marketing. Therefore, companies have responded by changing the way that they market their unities for internet internet opened many new avenues for companies to market new products and provided opportunities to restructure how they were marketing their established products. Benefits of the internet include its ability to market globally, provide a free market without regulations and barriers to entry, and determine which products sell well in an online format.
In addition, they can determine whether they want to sell on their own site or sell products through online retailers such as amazon. The internet provides opportunities and challenges for the four ps of marketing (price, promotion, product, and place) by being an unpredictable distribution channel, a powerful marketing communication and promotional tool, an effective marketing research tool, and an efficient tool for segmenting and targeting consumers and customers (lemoine, 1999). It has the capability to combine the efforts of direct marketing, advertising, and public marketing: companies can communicate and promote products and services to a target market by using e-mail, customized pages, and promotional systems. However, if the company uses e-mail as a mechanism, the company must ensure that its promotional e-mails are not considered spam—unwanted marketing messages—by their ising: companies can target global markets and make sure their ads are seen by consumers who will buy their products.
In addition, the cost of online advertising is typically cheaper than traditional advertising methods such as print or television advertising. Through the use of social media, companies can respond to complaints or other customer concerns quickly and effectively, thus managing their online reputation and establishing rapport with success of the internet as a medium for marketing depends upon how well the system outperforms any alternative systems. Studies have indicated that the internet is, in fact, one of the best venues for marketing products and services. These studies include one that distinguishes online and traditional retail formats with regard to the costs and benefits for consumers (alba, lynch, weitz, janiszewski, lutz, sayer & wood, 1997) and another that illustrates how the internet shares some of the same characteristics as other mediums but also offers new and unique features (peterson, balasubramanian, and bronnenberg, 1997).
The internet provides consumers with many benefits, such as accessibility to goods that are not in the local market, lower prices, the availability of different alternatives within the same product category, and the ability to shop at any et marketing ping a successful internet marketing strategy is necessary if an organization wants to make an impression online. A successful strategy should include a great product, a web site designed to sell, and an outstanding marketing strategy (lowery, n. Lowery suggests a three-step process for ensuring the success of an internet marketing 1: develop product — a company should create a unique product that gives potential customers what they want. Log in ctional enrichment sed collectivities: rumor & breath becomes et marketing article will focus on internet marketing and the strategies used to make the efforts successful.