Online research paper publication
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Online publication of research papers
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Online research paper submission
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However, this research is limited by the cost of equipment installation; management and storage of the large amounts of data collected; and data reduction, coding and analyses. Collectively, the gforce application and iphone platform have the potential to serve as feature-rich, inexpensive, scalable, and open-source tool for assessment of kinematic risky driving events, with potential for research and feedback forms of submitted: oct 31, 2017 open peer review period: oct 31, 2017 - dec 26, now has an unprecedented impact factor of 5. Toronto, jun 15th, 2017) clarivate analytics (formerly the ip division of thomson reuters) has released its' impact factors for 2016 (journal citaton reports, 2017), which reflect how often papers published in 2014-2015 were cited in 2016. The impact factor of the journal of medical internet research has risen to an unprecedented impact factor of 5. Jmir is ranked #1 in the medical informatics discipline, and #4 in the large health sciences + health services research category.
Methods: the study had 2 parallel components: (1) secondary research (hermeneutic systematic review) to identify key domains, and (2) empirical case studies of technology implementation to explore, test, and refine these domains. We studied 6 technology-supported programs—video outpatient consultations, global positioning system tracking for cognitive impairment, pendant alarm services, remote biomarker monitoring for heart failure, care organizing software, and integrated case management via data sharing—using longitudinal ethnography and action research for up to 3 years across more than 20 organizations. Click the 'details' link for a full miology and g up research on drug abuse and addiction through social media big ound: substance use–related communication for drug use promotion and its prevention is widely prevalent on social media. Understanding these aspects can help researchers effectively leverage social media big data and platforms for observation and health communication outreach for people with substance use problems. We elaborate on theoretical applications, ethical challenges and methodological considerations when using social media big data for research on drug abuse and addiction.
Based on a critical review process, we propose a typology with key initiatives to address the knowledge gap in the use of social media for research on prescription drug abuse and addiction. We also examined ethical considerations in the research processes of (1) social media big data mining, (2) subgroup or follow-up investigation, and (3) dissemination of social media data-driven findings. To develop a critical review-based typology, we searched the pubmed database and the entire e-collection theme of “infodemiology and infoveillance” in the journal of medical internet research / jmir publications. The psychological or behavioral consequence (eg, increased behavioral intention for mimicking risky health behaviors) of engaging with and being exposed to social media communications regarding problematic drug use was another area of research that has been understudied. Although the cohort sizes identified over social media are large, future research will have to assess the completeness of the information available through them.
Methods: we conducted a scoping review using the medline (medical literature analysis and retrieval system online) and embase (excerpta medica database) databases. Results: we identified 54 papers describing 47 unique tools from 13 countries studied in the context of 68 chronic health conditions. Few studies focused on older adults, creating a relevant avenue of research on how to create devices for users that may have impaired cognitive skills or low digital literacy. A model of contextual information may be used by researchers to choose possible contextual information that may be monitored during studies on adults with pain. Older adults are generally more comfortable responding to survey items when asked by a real person rather than by completing self-administered paper-and-pencil or online questionnaires.
Development of a conceptual model for ehealth: qualitative study with key ound: despite rapid growth in ehealth research, there remains a lack of consistency in defining and using terms related to ehealth. More widely cited definitions provide broad understanding of ehealth but lack sufficient conceptual clarity to operationalize ehealth and enable its implementation in health care practice, research, education, and policy. Methods: we conducted semistructured interviews with key informants (n=25) from organizations involved in health care delivery, research, education, practice, governance, and policy to explore their perspectives on and experiences with ehealth. It provides the depth of perspectives and examples of ehealth use that are lacking in previous research. Future research should focus on how to improve adherence to the wechat weight loss interventions, to improve and refine the wechat content such as developing a variety of materials to attract interest, and to protect personal privacy, especially for females.
Wearable devices have recently opened new areas in medical research as potential efficient tools to measure lifestyle factors such as sleep quantity and quality. Objectives: the goal of our research is to identify the determinants of poor sleep based on data from a large population of users of connected devices. Collectively, the gforce application and iphone platform have the potential to serve as feature-rich, inexpensive, scalable, and open-source tool for assessment of kinematic risky driving events, with potential for research and feedback forms of tion of a diabetes self-management program on type ii diabetes patients’ comorbid illnesses, healthcare utilization, and submitted: oct 31, peer review period: oct 31, 2017 - dec 26, ound: an estimated 30. Retrospective administrative medical and pharmacy claims data from the healthcore integrated research environment (hire) were used for outcome variables. Objective: we used topic modeling and sentiment analysis techniques on lynch syndrome-related tweets to answer the following research questions: 1) what are the popular topics in laypeople’s discussions?
The topic modeling and sentiment analysis results were elaborated to answer the three research questions. Objective: to explore the use of mch apps in android and ios app stores and describe the key functional features of the most popular ones with the purpose of providing insight for further research and development of mch mobile health products. Methods: the researchers searched the three most popular android app stores (tencent myapp, baidu mobile assistant and 360 mobile assistant) and the itunes app store in china. Among the functions of ‘data collection and management’, the researchers found 47 independent tools, including pregnancy preparation, fetal heart monitoring, blood glucose and blood pressure monitoring, as well as some that prompted an action, such as visiting the doctor. Ade outcomes are important for patients, quality improvement, drug safety research, and post-marketing surveillance; yet they are vastly underreported.
Systems that are integrated into electronic medical records (emrs), make use of existing data to avoid duplication of documentation, and generate alerts to improve safety may address the shortcomings of existing systems, and generate robust ade data as a byproduct of safer ations » online paper an educational research ional evaluation and policy ional editorser issues and l of educational & behavioral online archivesreview of educational of research in highlights april 2012aera highlights march 2012aera highlights february 2012aera highlights january 2012aera highlights archival books listaera examination and desk copiesmail/fax book order ch pointsonline paper repository online & publicationsmerchandisesearch the advertising and mailing listspublications permissionspublications paper the online paper repository:The aera online paper repository is an open-access clearinghouse with abstracts of all scientific presentations given at aera annual meetings since 2010. More than half include full-text papers voluntarily contributed to the repository by annual meeting presenters. Aera encourages all presenters to make their full-text papers available to the repository as a way to distribute their research more here to access the online paper meeting papers prior to 2010:For information about papers presented at an annual meeting before 2010, please visit the online program for that meeting (programs are available on the aera website back to 2005). You are seeking full-text papers presented at annual meetings before 2010, please contact the presenters information about ordering annual meeting programs, please click ts of the repository:For scholars, students, and other users, the repository:Offers a new opportunity for broader access to information presented at the aera annual as a reference on current scholarship and es guidelines for citing scholarship presented at the annual presenters, the repository:Allows sharing of presentations in a new format and reaching a broader audience than those attending the s in a permanent online archive the full text of the s addition of presentation notes at any time after the s reporting of subsequent publication of the research by allowing addition of citation information, a journal url, or a digital object identifier (doi). K street nw, suite 1200, washington, dc : (202) 238-3200 | fax: (202) -shandwick preparation ant ational journal of thesis projects and 2348-3164 (online); 2348-3156 (print).
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