Open call for proposals
Invite participants to submit proposals for cost actions contributing to the scientific, technological, economic, cultural or societal knowledge advancement and development of europe.
Multi- and interdisciplinary proposals are open call action proposal submission, evaluation, selection and approval (sesa) procedure is fully science and technology-driven and will ensure a simple, transparent and competitive proposal evaluation and selection process, reflecting the bottom-up, open and inclusive principles of ipants planning to submit a proposal for a cost action will need to refer to the sesa minimum number of countries included in the network has increased to seven cost full or cooperating members.
Results will be communicated in november any questions related to the open call, please contact opencall@.
Cost is a portal for cost action participants' registration and financial to e-cost open call – submission, evaluation, selection and approval (sesa) guidelines (pdf, 236 kb).
Enquiries and technical updated: 18 october ibe to cost is supported by the eu framework programme horizon » major activities » annual calls for proposals » open gic research older t and carer -to-one of jpnd research entation plan, ent of national ent of national for working working iew with philippe ed living and cell t + public stakeholder advisory sation of calls for ew imaging working groups imaging working -disease analysis y-specific details -disease analysis y-specific of call ng a tion and tive strategies tive strategy pilot al-level care evaluation care evaluation al contact k of centres of s of third coen ipating centres of s of first coen s of second coen ring and january 9, 2017, jpnd launched a call for multi-national research projects for pathway analysis across neurodegenerative diseases.
Learn more at the call overview of all the previously launched calls is available here or through the “closed calls” tab on the left side of this page.
Short overview presentation has been recorded to provide context on the processes behind how jpnd calls are developed, as well as how jpnd funding currently site uses cookies more infono » major activities » annual calls for proposals » open gic research older t and carer -to-one of jpnd research entation plan, ent of national ent of national for working working iew with philippe ed living and cell t + public stakeholder advisory sation of calls for ew imaging working groups imaging working -disease analysis y-specific details -disease analysis y-specific of call ng a tion and tive strategies tive strategy pilot al-level care evaluation care evaluation al contact k of centres of s of third coen ipating centres of s of first coen s of second coen ring and january 9, 2017, jpnd launched a call for multi-national research projects for pathway analysis across neurodegenerative diseases.
Short overview presentation has been recorded to provide context on the processes behind how jpnd calls are developed, as well as how jpnd funding currently site uses cookies more infono bio-based industries (bbi) joint undertaking (ju) is responsible for the implementation of open call for proposals for research and innovation actions and innovation actions, as well as coordination and support actions, in line with the horizon 2020 rules for ju calls are open to private for-profit and not-for-profit organisations, including large enterprises as well as smes, research and technology organisations, universities, associations, or any legal entity interested in bbi activities.