Oregon business plan
And oregon’s industry ar, sports apparel & outdoor gear ion technology and ic vehicles and sustainable nmental technology and ry and wood building and lift nductors and electronic m & industry cluster ry clusters e public finance and e education and work force health care costs and improve smarter investments in public e oregon’s transportation e oregon’s capacity for economic e access to fy and streamline regulation and land quickly available for high wage e forest health and biomass reliable, affordable and clean clean, reliable and affordable ss on ion and workforce. Oregon leadership summit: not business as action to implement the gy: pioneering then research, commercialization, and access to capital for new products and gy: e quality infrastructure, sensible regulations and reasonable business in a high quality of life that attracts and retains talented industries leading the globe in e oregonians for success in the global y jobs for all -oregonbusplan2017-11-17t23:35:42+00:00. 2017 policy documents and tary: oregon’s fiscal er now for 15th oregon leadership business, elected and education leaders december 4, 2017 at the oregon convention center for oregon’s premier public policy event. Since 1985, obc has been a nonpartisan voice for public policies that improve oregon’s economy and quality of life.
Learn more about who we task force playing a key role in advocating policies to reduce behalf of the oregon business plan, obc’s poverty reduction task force has been active the past two years in advocating state policies and investments aimed at reducing poverty in oregon. In this effort, the task force is working with community organizations long involved in advocating for poverty task force supports business plan recommendations to strengthen education attainment and career skills, build up rural economies where poverty is most severe, and enact policies to make the social safety net work and to make work pay. Learn more inside about the obc poverty reduction the 2016 legislative session, the task force and its community partners successfully focused their advocacy on increasing the earned income tax credit (eitc) for low-income families with young children, resulting in passage of hb 2015 legislature adopted an even larger number of policy and budget recommendations to help reduce oregon’s high poverty included reinvestment in temporary assistance for needy families (tanf), expansion of employer related day care, increased child care tax credits, and continuation of the individual development account program that helps low-income families build financial security. Leadership summit set for december oregon business plan steering committee has chosen december 4 for this year’s leadership summit.
This will be the 15th year that leaders from oregon’s business, government, civic, and nonprofit sectors convene to consider issues and policies important to oregon’s progress. Last year’s event drew more than 1,200 tuned for updates as summit plans are firmed obc modeling tool offers alternate scenarios for fiscal is taking a deep dive on oregon’s fiscal future with a new policy tool to analyze different revenue and spending from public data and spreadsheet algorithms, the tool allows up to a 10-year look in biennial periods at revenue and spending based on differing revenue and expenditure assumptions and policy choices. Site by nts and oregon’s industry ar, sports apparel & outdoor gear ion technology and ic vehicles and sustainable nmental technology and ry and wood building and lift nductors and electronic m & industry cluster ry clusters e public finance and e education and work force health care costs and improve smarter investments in public e oregon’s transportation e oregon’s capacity for economic e access to fy and streamline regulation and land quickly available for high wage e forest health and biomass reliable, affordable and clean clean, reliable and affordable ss on ion and workforce. Oregon leadership summit: not business as nts and nts and materialsg-oregonbusplan2017-09-26t22:46:58+00:nts and additional reports focused on the portland region, please visit value of see also documents and materials from the 14th annual leadership us policy playbooks/initiative and cluster e recovery brief.
Er, renew or reinstate a er a business onlinebusiness registration formsordering copies and certificatesrenew a business (file annual reports)reinstate a businessupdate registrationfile to become a benefit ss name searchresearch a ss information ss xpressstarting a businesscurrently selectedbusiness wizardinformation referral listclose a businessbusiness publicationsbusiness laws and rulesarticles of incorporation faqbusiness information center faqregistering your business name faqweb renewal faqscam m commercial code (ucc). A ucc onlinesearch for a ucc recordcopy requestucc definitionsucc efiling faqucc filing tipsucc newsucc forms and qualificationnotary trainingcommission application / re-applicationnotary system faqupdate a commission recordforms and feesnotary newsresources and aids to notarizationoregon notary faqnotary stamp tication (apostille). To get an authentication (or apostille)authentication faqus department of state, ation public business dataoregon business statisticsoregon nonprofit dataucc data listsoregon benefit fit resourcesnonprofit faqsnonprofit glossary of e directoryformssmall business reportget contentsteps for setting up starting a new business, there are many important decisions to make and rules and procedures to be and foremost, are you required to register your business in oregon? There is no single source for all filing requirements, the following steps will assist in starting your business xpress is a cooperative effort of state agencies and your first stop ng a business in oregon.
Ized referrals and information on government or organization contacts for your how to start a business in oregon guide (pdf) provides ist to guide you through the process of registering your business. Business plan is a blueprint of every aspect of your , marketing, advertising, promotion and location are s of creating a plan. Small business lists three categories of business assistance ment and technical ing and international 's economic and community development department provides reports and services for and about oregon businesses. A business entity type from the following list for ew of the principal types of legal business str oregon.
Check ss registry database for name : sole proprietors may conduct business under their own name or assumed business name. Register your oregon secretary of state's corporation division is the place to corporation, nonprofit corporation, assumed business name, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, oregon trademark or service file a business online or download forms to print and mail. Learn your tax tanding tax obligations is important for any business information center has information and federal income ements to report personal property to county assessor's ck other taxes that may apply to your business. Businesses need to apply to the internal revenue service for a er identification number (ein).
For more information:Form ss-4, application for ein, requires identification of responsible ng incorrect business entity of nominees in the ein application process. Check what licenses, permits or certifications you occupations and business activities require licenses, permits or certifications from state agencies or state of oregon offers a searchable license over 1,100 licenses, permits and business information center also provides information on state license uction and landscape contractors need to register with the construction contractors board or landscape contractors and counties may also require businesses to have a license or permit. Learn about registering patents, copyrights, trademarks and service marks with the state of oregon and federal with the department of environmental quality (deq). Some business activities require you to contact ine whether you comply with the americans with disabilities act (ada).
Meet ongoing registration your reporting and registration obligations sses registered with the secretary of state on must file annual reports and renew registration mail payment coupons renewal due renew online for more fit organizations engaging in charitable to file annual reports with the oregon department of justice (doj),Charitable activities section, and with the internal revenue service. The how to start a business in oregon (pdf) guide provides basic information about starting a business in oregon. It has a list of recommendations to help get your business off to a good you will have employees in oregon, the employer’s guide for doing business in oregon (pdf) will come in handy. December 5, 14th leadership summit focused on the challenge oregon state government faces in coming years with impending budget deficits.
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Revenue is growing but the costs of the public employee retirement system (pers) and medicaid are growing three times faster, threatening investments oregon needs to make in early learning and high school and college ss leaders, education stakeholders, and elected leaders shared their perspective on this issue in the morning session and over the afternoon breakout sessions, the summit agenda offered participants in-depth analysis and the opportunity to weigh in on a range of issues related to growing the economy and making smart investments to help oregon students and families succeed.