Patriot act research paper
Paper on the patriot actuploaded by julialt2247related interestspatriot actlaw and economicsgovernment informationpublic lawprivacyrating and stats0. 0)document actionsdownloadshare or embed documentembeddescription: a research paper on the patriot act written in 2006 examining what it means for liberty and security in the morea research paper on the patriot act written in 2006 examining what it means for liberty and security in the ght: attribution non-commercial (by-nc)download as doc, pdf, txt or read online from scribdflag for inappropriate contentjulia teitelbaum period 7 english 4/23/07 research paper: the patriot act and civil liberties the uniting andstrengthening america by providing appropriate tools required to intercept and obstruct terrorism act, more commonly known as the usa patriot act, or simply the patriot act was signed into law on october 26, 2001, 45 days after the terrorist attacks on september 11th. Since then, the patriot act and the “important new tools” it authorizes have been subjects of intense controversy. The debate over what the patriot act actually allows law enforcement officials to do, however, centers on the balance of national security and protection of civil liberties in legislation. The patriot act contains provisions that bring up the issue of civil liberties during wartime. Still, on march 9, 2006, president bush restated, “the patriot act is vital to the war on terror and defending our citizens against a ruthless enemy” (“preserving life and liberty”). While the government calls changes to criminal procedure in the patriot act modest, civil libertarians believe the changes erode individual rights. The patriot act gives the attorney general the power to ted terrorists for up to seven days, within which the attorney general must begin proceedings to deport, prosecute, or release the subject. Also, section 411 of the patriot act allows for broader exclusion of immigrants based on their connections with terrorist organizations. The provision excludes any alien determined by the attorney general and the secretary of state to have been associated with a terrorist organization and intending to commit terrorist acts in the united states, as well as their spouses and children (“the usa patriot act: preserving life and liberty”). The provisions allowing increased surveillance within the united states are at the forefront of many disputes over the patriot act (lewis). Section 213 of the patriot act allows for delayed notice of the execution of a warrant, otherwise known as “sneak and peek” warrants.
Defenders of the section believe that the requirement of a court order and proof of reasonable cause for the delay are sufficient precautions against abuse (“the usa patriot act: myth vs. In addition, the patriot act authorizes the use of “roving” wiretaps, additional surveillance of technology such as voice mail and e-mail, more use of pen registers and trap and trace devices, and demands for educational and business records (including library records). However, critics such as the aclu say the secrecy surrounding the use of such tools and lower standards for attaining the authority to use them “represents a broad expansion of power without building in a necessary privacy protection” (“the usa patriot act: myth vs. Another highly controversial provision of the patriot act allows for expanded use of national security letters (nsls). Nsls existed prior to the patriot act, but did not have a penalty for non-compliance and were not widely used; in 2000, prior to the patriot act, the fbi issued approximately 8500 nsls, between 2003 and 2005 the fbi issued 143,074 (fine). The report’s revelations only added to the controversy over nsls, but the government says they “streamline” the information attaining process and that speeding up that process reduces the possibility of ist attack (“the usa patriot act: preserving life and liberty”). In the provisions of the patriot act and in general, legislators must find a balance between adequate protections of civil liberties and adequate protection of the nation as a whole. Supporters and critics of the patriot act both present legitimate arguments that examine the powers of the act to the utmost. Some defenders of the patriot act claim that critics’ hypothetical uses of the patriot act are far-fetched (gerdes). As heated as debates over the patriot act and authorities of the government during wartime may become, such discussions are the best guarantees that neither national security nor individual liberty will be neglected when considering legislation like the patriot ended documentsdocuments similar to research paper on the patriot actskip carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextdismantling the constitutionwater boardingpatriot act speechopinion statement- the patriot acthezbollahcivil libertiesracial profiling terrorist articlecan terrorism be justifiedunited stateswars of terrorpatriot act bill papernegotiating with the talibanfinal papersomaliacivil liberties2warjust war theoryssra neg the threat of using racial profiling on the war on terrorism research papera review of human rights situation in sindh province of pakistanguerrilla deprogrammer 01chinachina the superpowerlibor or liebor scandalland policy for major portsnon state actorshuman rights day flyerchina as an emerging economic super powerthe patriot act research paperaudit of state goverment departments implementation of the freedom of information act 1991 sadocuments about patriot actskip carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextnsa docs (eff foia)united states v. 1987)senate hearing, 109th congress - oversight of the usa patriot acthow to avoid legal trouble over sources and secretssenate hearing, 110th congress - responding to the inspector general's findings of improper use of national security letters by the fbiig act opinionhouse hearing, 109th congress - reauthorization of the usa patriot act (continued)t4 b9 murphy fdr- entire contents- 3-10-02 chuck murphy article- 1st pg scanned for reference- fair use 662doe v. Gonzales (2005)kickercon presentationdeck finalhouse hearing, 109th congress - usa patriot actsenate hearing, 109th congress - commerce, justice, science, and related agencies appropriations for fiscal year 2007t5 b18 civil liberties 1 of 2 fdr- all press reports-reference materials in fdr- 1st pgs for reference- fair useunited states v.
2000)house hearing, 111th congress - usa patriot actt5 b59 dos docs- niv 5 of 5 fdr- letters- memos- 14 withdrawal notices 188seedinvest - crowdfunding comment letter 4 (keep crowdfunding simple) vfhouse hearing, 112th congress - usa patriot actt4 b11 usa patriot act summary fdr- entire contents- field guidance re 2001 legislation- 1st pg scanned for reference 912united states v. Hearing, 108th congress - improving financial oversightgroups oppose alternative bills to amend patriot actprepared testimony jeff lynn seedrs house subcommittee hearing 5. 14senate hearing, 108th congress - fbi oversightsenate hearing, 108th congress - protecting our national security from terrorist attacksmore from julialt2247skip carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextcourse source final presentationegia presentation julia teamworkrestaurant is report parts 1 and 2industrial desi jiti stool presentationerm motivation summary sheetegia teamwork project finalerm friends with benefits summary sheetindustrial design fundmentals cardboard stool presentationjulia teitelbaum resumeerm motivation experiment papertest tube final presentationcollege choice criteria formcollege choice criteria formtest tube final presentationerm friends with benefits paperjulia teitelbaum resumevictors_piano_solo_corpse_bride__danny_elfmanu. Dialogthis title now requires a credituse one of your book credits to continue reading from where you left off, or restart the t ch paper on the patriot actuploaded by julialt2247related interestspatriot actlaw and economicsgovernment informationpublic lawprivacyrating and stats0. This is not an example of the work written by our professional essay s of the patriot usa patriot act (patriot act) was established after september 11, 2001 (9/11) when terrorists attacked the united states. The patriot act has raised many concerns about whether it infringes on the civil liberties of the people of this nation. Looking back in history, our past presidents developed laws that were the stepping stone for the ideas that created the patriot act. This has raised many issues involving the patriot act and whether or not it is more detrimental to us than it is helpful. In relation to the patriot act and how it deprives those accused under it of constitutional rights, the american people should be concerned with how much power our government has when developing laws governing our civil september 11, 2001 the united states (us) experienced the unthinkable when terrorists attacked the country on its own soil. A lot of thing would be different today if that question could half been answered prior to 9/ patriot act came into existence as a response to the tragic events of 9/11. The bill that would come to be known as the patriot act was introduced to congress just days after 9/11. Senator russell feingold (d-wi), would up being the only senator to vote against the patriot act.
Even though the patriot act did not come into existence until after 9/11, it does have roots in earlier legislation. Strangely enough, it was this act that was broadened and revamped to create the patriot act (creative commons, n. Becoming law, the patriot act has been highly criticized for being extremely broad and too open for interpretation. In 2004, a judge ruled that parts of the patriot act were unconstitutional because they were too vague and in violation of the first and fifth amendments. Another criticism of the patriot act is that it does not guarantee enough oversight to make sure that those that are given power by the act do not misuse it. On march 9, 2006 president bush signed the patriot act reauthorization, but attached a signing statement in which he said that he would ignore specific mandates written in the bill that would give more judicial and congressional oversight to agencies authorized use of the act. On december 10, 2007, an appeals court upheld the 2004 ruling that parts of the patriot act were unconstitutional. Even though they have this technology at their disposal that does not mean that the constitution can be ignored in the name of protecting the example of the patriot act being used in such a way is in the case of jose padilla. Monday april 4th, 2011 the house of representatives reviewed the patriot act and voted to extend it to the 8th of december, giving the power to the federal bureau of investigation and many other federal agencies to still use roving wiretaps among other powers that overstep our constitutional rights. February 28th, 2011 was thought to be the last day of the patriot act since no new legislation had been passed. However, what was a surprise to many was the fact that sixty-five democrats voted for the extension of the patriot act. Many of the 27 republicans who voted against the extension, such as dana rohrabacher, believe the american people will face a legitimate threat of out-of-control prosecutions as well as the possibility of out-of-control spy networks taking like the electronic privacy information center (epic) and the american civil liberties union (aclu) are fighting for reform of the patriot act.
On march 30th, 2011, the aclu appeared before the house subcommittee on the need for reform of the patriot act, arguing that the government monitoring of communications with no proof is a violation of the american peoples’ basic amendment rights. Epic has spoken on more than one occasion to the senate judiciary committee to require the attorney general to report to congress any unlawful investigations under the patriot act, yet this battle still continues lives of both us citizens and immigrant are affected by the power of the patriot act. For example, foreigners who seek education through grants, non-citizens looking to gain permanent residency, citizenship, visas and work permits in the united states are being scrutinized under the new requirement system of the patriot act. More stringent government standards and thorough background checks are just another obstacle created by the patriot act. These new rules under the patriot act also go against most of the checks and balances from the bill of rights that was put into place to protect citizens’ privacy. Also put in the middle of the arguments are companies and public libraries that have to turn over any potentially incriminating documents accessed through their systems, at the request of federal law enforcement agencies, without giving any notification to their patriot act has a greater purpose than can be imagined. I believe that certain aspects of the patriot act are feasible, but only with intensive oversight not only from congress, but also from the supreme court. The way it is now, the patriot act goes against everything that this country stands for and deprives us all of our civil liberties. If the patriot act is to be kept as law, the people that we elect to the house of representatives (house) and senate need to hold the people who use it accountable who overstep or abuse the power given to them. If it is unacceptable for soldiers in war to commit crimes against the people of the nation they are occupying, it should be unacceptable for authorities to use tactics that are considered torture when trying to elicit information from an individual, whether that person be an american citizen or history of the patriot act actually dates back to the eighteenth century under different laws put into place during war time to protect the us. The constitutionality of the usa patriot act one of america’s founding father said that “those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one. Benjamin franklin’s belief is especially relevant today, following the introduction a big brother-like act of congress, the usa patriot act.
Usa patriot act after the devastating attacks on the united states on september 11, 2001, this country scrambled to take action to provide future protection. On october 26, 2001, the public law 107-56, uniting and strengthening america by providing appropriate tools required to intercept and obstruct terrorism, also known as the usa patriot act, was signed into effect” (stern, 2004,... On terror and the usa patriot act,- long a polarizing issue, a balance between civil liberties and national security has constantly trailed america’s pursuit of happiness. The importance of the usa patriot act the united states government changed the face of computer and internet use when it signed the usa patriot act on october 26, 2001. Ethics of the usa patriot act another week, another series of patches to download from microsoft. The usa patriot act the united states of america is a country that is based upon a principle of balancing the rights of an individual, while still preserving public order. Usa patriot act the usa patriot act, actually named the uniting and strengthening america by providing appropriate tools required to intercept and obstruct terrorism act, was created to deter and punish terrorist acts in the united state and around the world, to enhance law enforcement investigatory tools, and for other purposes. He usa patriot act gave the fbi and other agencies more power to investigate, created a counterterrorism fund, and made it illegal to aid and/or harbor terrorists.... Incorrect interpretation of the usa patriot act the usa patriot act is a legitimate law. In the case of the university of california san diego (ucsd) administration banning the link to the terrorist website, the usa patriot act was interpreted incorrectly.... The usa patriot act and civil liberties september 11, 2001 sparked many different feelings into the hearts of americans. The men and women of congress retaliated to the terrorist attacks by drafting and passing the usa patriot act on october 26, 2001, which stands for “uniting and strengthening america by providing appropriate tools required to intercept and obstruct terrorism.
Introduction in the aftermath of the september 11, 2001 terrorist attacks us congress passed legislation known as the uniting and strengthening america by providing appropriate tools required to intercept and obstruct terrorism act of 2001 commonly known as the usa patriot act. This paper will attempt to prove that not only is the usa patriot act unconstitutional but many of its provisions do nothing at all to protect americans from the dangers of terrorism. While this act made legislative changes that increased surveillance and the investigative powers of law enforcement agencies to protect america from further terrorist acts, the passing of the usa patriot act has reduced the priva... In response to activities such as the attacks on the world trade center, pentagon, as well as the 2001 anthrax scares, congress proposed the usa patriot act. The patriot act was established after the tragedy of september, 11, 2001 in a moment of weakness. The patriot act has used an “us vs them” mentality as well as pro-american propaganda to accomplish its goals. Several weeks after the horrible terrorist attacks on september 11, 2001, the uniting and strengthening america by providing appropriate tools required to intercept and obstruct terrorism (usa patriot act) act was rushed through congress by attorney general, john ashcroft. The patriot act after the terrorist attacks of september 11th, 2001 our country underwent a change that has drastically affected the fundamental values that our founding fathers instilled in this country. Just 45 days after the september 11 attacks, with virtually no debate, congress passed the usa patriot act on october 5th, 2001. To ease these fears, lawmakers created the usa patriot act which stands for uniting and strengthening america by providing appropriate tools required to intercept and obstruct terrorism. While, according to lawmakers, the patriot act is aimed at ending terrorism, it is arguable that the patriot act is aimed at beginning a big brother-type society.... This paper will describe the primary elements and / or components of the usa patriot act and fisa and research how the media has conveyed the main messages and elements of both acts....
The usa patriot act which stands for uniting and strengthening america by providing appropriate tools required to intercept and obstruct terrorism, was proposed by the bush administration’s antiterrorism to congress on september 19, 2001 one week after the terrorist attacks on the twin towers on 9/11. The patriot act was passed by the house of representatives on october 2nd, 2001 and was then passed by the senate on october 4,2001 with both the democrats and republicans supporting it. The patriot acts purpose is to deter and punish terrorist acts in the united states and around the world. The patriot act is meant to help stop terrorism by making it easier to get search warrants for suspected terrorists. The purpose of the patriot act is to enable law enforcement officials to track down and punish those responsible for the attacks on 9/11 and to protect against any similar attacks.... The not so patriotic patriot act on september 11, 2001 the united states was attacked by a terrorist group on our own soil. On october 26, 2011 the us government signed into law the uniting and strengthening america by providing appropriate tools required to intercept and obstruct terrorism act (usa patriot act). The patriot act historical methodologies the patriot act of 2001 is an act of congress that was signed into law by president george w. In this essay i will explain the details of certain sections in the congressional records about the patriot act and its impact it had on the american media. The congressional records contain a series of sections which breaks down the patriot act and its tactics preventing terrorism.... To a vast majority of americans, there exists the belief that the patriot act violates their right to privacy, and does little to ensure national security. One week after september 11, 2001, the patriot act, a law that was meant to strengthen national security, was signed by the bush administration to ensure that no terrorist attack would ever harm the lives of more americans.
The patriot act gave federal law enforcement agencies what they needed to mount an effective and coordinated plan to stop united states terrorism.... Deciding the best route of action was to catch the terrorists before they could do any more harm, the uniting and strengthening america by providing appropriate tools required to intercept and obstruct terrorism act of 2001, or usa patriot act, was passed.... In response to this tragedy, the united states of america passed the usa patriot act, an acronym standing for uniting and strengthening america by providing appropriate tools required to intercept and obstruct terrorism act, on october 26, 2001. Patriots quickly came together, supporting the president to pass legislation, known as the usa patriot act, to tackle internal and external threats to this nation. Still free to speak about the usa patriot act to some, the united and strengthening america by providing appropriate tools to intercept and obstruct terrorism (usa patriot) act is a law essential to winning the war on terrorism; for others, this act is viewed with utmost contempt for its orwellian nature allowing big brother to read your email and look through your library records. The war on terror: the rising of the us patriot act” america, once considered the land of the free and the home of the brave. The us patriot act should stay in effect indefinitely because it helps to remove barriers to investigate terrorism, it strengthens the criminal laws against terrorism, and it gives the government the authority to intercept wire, oral and electronic communications relating to terrorism. Originally passed after the september 11, 2001 attacks, the patriot act was formed in response to the terrorist attacks against the united states. The us patriot act privacy can be considered one of the most valued rights of a civilized society. The usa patriot act is very important to everyone in the united states of america. There are many people that are anti-patriot act because they feel it infringes on there constitutional rights. At the same time, there are enormous amounts of people that are pro-patriot act putting the safety of the home front as their number one priority.
Some may say that the changes in the bills are of the most significant since congress passed the patriot act after the september 11, 2001, terror attacks. Some of the actions that were taken place have been recycled from a controversial justice department draft of a bill, called "patriot ii," which was discarded after details of its provisions were given to the media.... Patriot act "we're dealing with terrorists who operate by highly sophisticated methods and technologies, some of which were not even available when our existing laws were written. This event released a flow of patriotic fervor and a permanent fear among all americans that they had also now become suspect to acts of international terrorists. The “patriot act” in the wake of the terrorist attacks on september 11, 2001, congress sprang into action. Lawmakers overwhelmingly approved the usa patriot act of 2001, giving law enforcement and intelligence agent’s broader authority to fight terrorists operating in the united states. Signed into law by the president on october 26, the patriot act is designed to fight terrorism on several fronts. Mcmanus claims that the usa patriot act, which was passed in response to the september 11, 2001, attacks on the united states, gives the president authority and powers that are not limited to the pursuit of terrorists. Patriot act 2: the domestic security enhancement act after the horrendous terrorist attack on the new york trade center a new bill was passed by congress shortly after september 11, 2004. This bill was designed as a follow-up to the usa patriot act to work in increasing government surveillance, detention and other law enforcement powers while reducing basic checks and balances on such powers. Patriot act and the risk of losing our civil liberties terrorism has drastically affected our recent way of life. The next month congress passed the usa patriot act, a clever acronym for uniting and strengthening of america through providing appropriate tools required to intercept and obstruct terrorism.
A similar situation exists for the eras of mccarthyism and what i'll refer to as post patriot act.... The fourth amendment to the united states constitution guarantees citizens the right to secure their home, papers, persons and effects from “unreasonable search and seizures,” a phrase that is often analogous with a person’s right to privacy. 107-56 uniting and strengthening america by providing appropriate tools required to intercept and obstruct terrorism act [usa patriot act] of 2001, section 215 is responsible for access to records and other items under fisa, which stands for the federal intelligence surveillance act of 1978, this act was implemented during the george w. Shortly after the september 11th 2001 terrorist attacks, the us congress enacted a law, commonly known as the patriot act. It is the way of life in this age, to search the internet for leisure, research and general amusement. The passage of a series of laws bound together under a single act, known as the patriot act, compromised the people’s right to free speech as well as many other rights laid forth by the bill of rights. The september 11 terrorist attacks led to the patriot act, which was a law passed just six weeks after the world trade center and the pentagon were hit. The uniting and strengthening america by providing appropriate tools required to intercept and obstruct terrorism act (or the usa patriot act) was enacted on october 26th, 2001 by president george w. The patriot act allows this heinous invasion to occur and allows government agents to access personal information on any individual they suspect. The patriot act allows americans to be under constant surveillance this provision applies to suspected terrorists, but that definition is loose and it is easy for the government to label anyone as a suspected terrorist to start gathering information on them.... 56, otherwise known as the “patriot act,” there has been an ongoing battle between the privacy citizens enjoy and the safety americans seek in their day-to-day lives. In order to achieve this idea of safety congress passed the patriot act that purported to grant new tools and rules by which law enforcement could catch terrorists....
It can be concluded that the patriot act was signed with such extreme ability’s applied, because of how close it was signed after 9/11. Since the adoption of the patriot act of 2001, our security and freedom has been in question.