Poems about homework
Browse through all homework rk poems: 1 / rk - poem by allen browser does not support the audio to kenneth kochif i were doing my laundry i'd wash my dirty irani'd throw in my united states, and pour on the ivory soap,scrub up africa, put all the birds and elephants back inthe jungle,i'd wash the amazon river and clean the oily carib & gulf of mexico,rub that smog off the north pole, wipe up all the pipelines in alaska,rub a dub dub for rocky flats and los alamos, flush that sparklycesium out of love canalrinse down the acid rain over the parthenon & sphinx, drain the sludgeout of the mediterranean basin & make it azure again,put some blueing back into the sky over the rhine, bleach the littleclouds so snow return white as snow,cleanse the hudson thames & neckar, drain the suds out of lake eriethen i'd throw big asia in one giant load & wash out the blood &agent orange,dump the whole mess of russia and china in the wringer, squeeze outthe tattletail gray of u.
Central american police state,& put the planet in the drier & let it sit 20 minutes or anaeon till it came out rk poems: 1 / 79.
Are here: homework poems - poems for homework - poem thors in schoolsmeadowbrook presspoetry teachersfiction t romans, ancient dog chewed up my doggy ate my sister's always on the teacher ate my marvelous homework and housework rk!
D rather take bathswith a man-eating shark,or wrestle a lionalone in the dark,eat spinach and liver,pet ten porcupines,than tackle the homework,my teacher rk!
Glad your nose is on your night i dreamed of soon as fred gets out of do i hate my homework?
Used with the permission of harpercollins ed poems poems by allen n in my dream by w.