Polar bear research paper
Polar bears are widely spread in canada, extending from the northern arctic islands south to the hudson bay area. They are also found in greenland, on islands off the shore of norway, on the northern coast of the former soviet union, and on the northern and northwestern coasts of alaska in the united polar bear is one the largest members of the bear family. Males polar bears stand from eight to 11 feet tall and generally weigh from 500 to 1,000 pounds, but can weigh as much as 1,400 pounds. Female bears generally stand eight feet tall and weigh 400 to 600 pounds, except some, which can reach 700 pounds. The reason the polar bear weighs so much is that is stores about a four-inch layer of fat to keep it polar bear has a long, narrower head and nose, and small ears. The polar bear has coat that appears white but, each individual hair is actually a clear and hollow. The polar bear's coat helps it blend in with its snowy surroundings, this adaptation helps the polar bear hide while hunting. The polar bear's front legs are slightly pigeon-toed, and fur covers the bottoms of its paws. These adaptations help the polar bear keep them from slipping on polar bear rarely eats plants. A polar bear hunts a seal by waiting quietly for it to emerge from an opening a seal makes in the ice allowing them to breathe or climb out of the water to rest. The remaining meat provides a food source for other animals in the bears also prey on young walrus’s.
The remains of whale, seal, and walrus are also important sources of food for polar bears. In fact, because of their acute sense of smell, polar bears can sense animal remains from far ng usually takes place in april to june. Polar bears reach breeding maturity at three to five years of to cite this bears and their retreating habitat essay. Include the scientific and common names of your species the polar bears scientific name is ursus maritimus, which means “maritime bear”. The reason for this name was because of the polar bears dependence on the arctic sea ice, which they spend most of their time traveling and hunting. According to polar bears international (2014) other terms are beliy medved meaning white bear in russian, isbjorn, meaning ice bear in norweigan.... Polar bears were hunted more commonly in the past, since they have been considered at risk, they have been given regulations and laws to ensure their species survives, thus taking precautions such as putting a limit to hunting and killing the bears, whether they bring a threat when entering a community or village.... The arctic tundra’s extreme temperatures have caused species, specifically polar bears, to adapt to it. The effects of global warming on polar bears for years, we have heard of the devastating effects of global warming and how the melting of the polar ice caps will cause severe climate changes. Global warming has caused the polar bear population to decrease due to the results of having to swim longer distances, loss of habitat, and lack of mates to reproduce offspring. Polar bears are big, white bears (sometimes darker fur) that live in very cold regions like around the artic poles.
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Polar bear is the name for a white bear found on the icy sea of the arctic throughout the north polar basin. Being the only bear considered being marine, it is longer than other bears and streamlined for aquatic life. It has the “plantigrade” feet (heel and sole touching the ground) which are typical in all bears, with five sharp, claws on each foot for grasping at the ice and holding its prey. Long hair between the pads protects the bear's feet from the cold and provides traction on the ice so he doesn’t slip.... Polar bears life span it is believed that polar bears live an average of 15 to 18 years, though some bears have tagged in their early 30s. In some zoo’s bears have been known to live up to the mid 30s. There is only one individual bear that has been known to have lived up to the age of 40. Biologists believe that starvation is the leading cause of death for sub adult bears, which is probably the reason that when bears are in captivity (a zoo) they live longer. Polar bears “saving the white beast” the polar bear males can measure up to nine feet long, and can weigh 770-1430 lbs. The fur of the polar bear covers their entire body except their nose and pads of their feet. The polar bear lives in a small place on the top of the globe called the arctic circle.
At an average the polar bears have about five million square miles of living space. Adult female polar bears breed only every third year because of this male bears can travel large distances in search of mates. A pregnant polar bear carries her young for 195 to 265 bears can have one to four cubs but they usually have two. However, the cubs grow rapidly from the milk provided by their bears live to about 25 years of age. There are two exceptions to this they are, when a mother polar bears have cubs and during mating season. Polar bears are in active most of their life they spend their time either sleeping or lying around. After eating a bear will clean itself by rinsing and licking their it is estimated that there are about 28,000 polar bears worldwide. The rest of it is in greenland and soon as spring comes, the mother bear leads her cubs to the coast along the open sea, where seals and walrus are abundant. Because of this, most adult female polar bears breed only every third lum: s: ursus science ng polar bears by bear-sea ice sting future status of polar ations and fact man, j. Changing arctic ecosystems - research to understand and project changes in marine and terrestrial ecosystems of the arctic. Changing arctic ecosystems: updated forecast: reducing carbon dioxide (co2) emissions required to improve polar bear outlook.
Changing arctic ecosystems: polar bear and walrus response to the rapid decline in arctic sea ice. Temporal complexity of southern beaufort sea polar bear diets during a period of increasing land use. Collar temperature sensor data reveal long-term patterns in southern beaufort sea polar bear den distribution on pack ice and land. Prevalence and spatio-temporal variation of an alopecia syndrome in polar bears of the southern beaufort sea. Polar bear population dynamics in the southern beaufort sea during a period of sea ice decline. A review of infectious agents in polar bears (ursus maritimus) and their long-term ecological relevance. Changing arctic ecosystems: updated forecast: reducing carbon dioxide (co2) emissions required to improve polar bear outlook. Implications of the circumpolar genetic structure of polar bears for their conservation in a rapidly warming arctic. Increased land use by chukchi sea polar bears in relation to changing sea ice conditions. Diet of female polar bears in the southern beaufort sea of alaska: evidence for an emerging alternative foraging strategy in response to environmental change. Validation of mercury tip-switch and accelerometer activity sensors for identifying resting and active behavior in bears.
Effects of capturing and collaring on polar bears: findings from long-term research on the southern beaufort population. Variation in the response of an arctic top predator experiencing habitat loss: feeding and reproductive ecology of two polar bear populations. Mapping polar bear maternal denning habitat in the national petroleum reserve - alaska with an ifsar digital terrain model. Polar bear use of a persistent food subsidy: insights from non-invasive genetic sampling in alaska. Polar and brown bear genomes reveal ancient admixture and demographic footprints of past climate change. Long-distance swimming by polar bears (ursus maritimus) of the southern beaufort sea during years of extensive open water. The utility of harvest recoveries of marked individuals to assess polar bear (ursus maritimus) survival. Consequences of long-distance swimming and travel over deep-water ice for a female polar bear during a year of extreme sea ice retreat. Catalogue of polar bear (ursus maritimus) maternal den locations in the beaufort sea and neighboring regions, alaska, 1910-2010. Morbillivirus and toxoplasma exposure and association with hematological parameters rn beaufort sea polar bears: potential response to infectious agents in el species. Polar bears: proceedings of the 15th working meeting of the iucn/ssc polar bear specialist group, copenhagen, denmark, 29 june–3 july 2009.
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Survival and breeding of polar bears in the southern beaufort sea in relation to sea ice. A bayesian network modeling approach to forecasting the 21st century worldwide status of polar bears. Variation in winter diet of southern beaufort sea polar bears inferred from stable isotope an journal of zoology. Landward and eastward shift of alaskan polar bears denning associated with recent sea ice changes. Effects of earlier sea ice breakup on survival and population size of polar bears in western hudson bay. Supplemental materials for the analysis of capture-recapture data for polar bears in western hudson bay, canada, 1984-2004. Recent observations of intraspecific predation and cannibalism among polar bears in the southern beaufort sea. Microsatellite dna and mitochondrial dna variation in polar bears (ursus maritimus) from the beaufort and chuckchi seas, alaska. Proceedings of the 14th working meeting of the iucn/ssc polar bear specialist group, 20-24 june 2005, seattle, washington. Model for autumn pelagic distribution of adult female polar bears in the chukchi seas, 1987-1994. Using discrete choice modeling to generate resource selection functions for female polar bears in the beaufort sea.
Geographical distribution of organochlorine pesticides (ocps) in polar bears (ursus maritimus) in the norwegian and russian arctic. Proceedings of the 13th working meeting of the iucn/ssc polar bear specialist group, 23-28 june 2001, nuuk, greenland. Polar bear management agreement for the southern beaufort sea: an evaluation of the first ten years of a unique conservation agreement. Using satellite telemetry to define spatial population structure in polar bears in the norwegian and western russian arctic. Geographic variation of pcb congeners in polar bears (ursus maritimus) from svalbard east to the chukchi sea. Comparison of aerial survey procedures for estimating polar bear density: results of pilot studies in northern alaska. Proceedings of the 12th working meeting of the iucn/ssc polar bear specialist group, 3-7 feb 1997, oslo, norway. Proceedings of the 12th working meeting of the iucn/ssc polar bear specialist group, 3-7 feb 1997, oslo, norway. Proceedings of the 12th working meeting of the iucn/ssc polar bear specialist group, 3-7 feb 1997, oslo, norway. Proceedings of the 12th working meeting of the iucn/ssc polar bear specialist group, oslo, norway. Chlorinated hydrocarbon contaminants in polar bears from eastern russia, north america, greenland, and svalbard: biomonitoring of arctic pollution.
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Population and genetic studies of polar bear (ursus maritimus): a summary of available data and interpretation of results. Proceedings of the 11th working meeting of the iucn/ssc polar bear specialist group, 25-27 jan 1993, copenhagen, denmark. Proceedings of the 11th working meeting of the iucn/ssc polar bear, 25-27 jan 1993, copenhagen, denmark. Proceedings of the 11th working meeting of the iucn/ssc polar bear specialist group, 25-27 jan 1993, copenhagen, denmark. Distribution and relative abundance of maternal polar bears dens in the chukotka peninsula region, u. Proceedings of the tenth working meeting of the iucn/ssc polar bear specialist group, 25-29 oct 1988, sochi, russia. Proceedings of the tenth working meeting of the iucn/ssc polar bear specialist group, 25-29 oct 1988, sochi, russia. Is the polar bear (ursus maritimus) a hibernator - continued studies on opioids and hibernation. Proceedings of the eighth international conference on bear research and management, 20-25 feb 1989, victoria, canada. Performance and utility of satellite telemetry during field studies of free-ranging polar bears in alaska. Pages 85-115 in proceedings of the nineth working meeting of the iucn/ssc polar bear specialist group, 9-11 aug 1985, edmonton, canada.
Pages 119-124 in proceedings of the eighth working meeting of the iucn/ssc polar bear specialist group, 15-19 jan 1981, oslo, norway. Bear dna research science ng polar bears by bear-sea ice sting future status of polar ations and fact bears (ursus maritimus) are one of 4 marine mammal species managed by the u. The usgs alaska science center conducts long–term research on polar bears to inform local, state, national and international policy makers regarding conservation of the species and its habitat. The majority of our research is conducted on the southern beaufort sea population of alaska and neighboring canada. The goal of our current research efforts is to refine and enhance models to project the future status of polar bears in the rapidly changing arctic ng polar bears by usgs alaska science center uses the latest technology in satellite radio-tracking to fill key information gaps on how polar bears use both the sea ice and land. Managers need information on the status and trends of populations, and the usgs has focused its polar bear research program on dynamics of the southern beaufort sea population. Bear-sea ice bears are tied to the sea ice for nearly all of their life cycle functions. Because of their dependence upon the sea ice for food, these changes can directly affect the carrying capacity of the arctic for polar bears. This will give managers the best chance of adapting strategies to assure long term polar bear survival in a changing ice environment. The future status of polar 2007, usgs led an intensive research effort to project future status of polar bears. This research projected major declines by mid-century in polar bear distribution and abundance and became an important consideration in the 2008 decision to list polar bears as a threatened species under the endangered species act.
Bears give birth in snow dens in mid-winter, and remain in dens until early spring. Data on polar bear maternal den locations provide information for natural resource agencies in planning activities to avoid or minimize interference with polar bear maternity dens. You have questions about research or media inquiries regarding the usgs alaska science center please contact:Communication and outreach - alaska science office of communications. Geological contact information: ascweb@imate worldwide bution of polar bears ( bears are distributed throughout of the northern polar bear or the sea/ice bear are the world's largest ors. Today, 25,000 to 40,000 polar bears note: the photos on this page have come t cd's which allow use on educational internet sites and in ts or they have been contributed by are free to use all of it in book reports or for your graphy for more the age of four or five the female polar bear can start . They stay there and come out in spring with the babies are much smaller than human babies when they're are the size of a rat and weigh little more than a can grow to full man size in a year if they have lots of of polar bear cubs. Photo by: us fish and polar bears may grow 10 feet tall and weigh over 1400 s reach seven feet and weigh 650 pounds. In the wild live up to age e what we think, a polar bear's fur is not white. On sunny days, it traps the sun'ed heat and keeps the bear warm at 98 degrees f (when they' bear fur is oily and water repellent. The hairs don't mat , allowing the polar bears to easily shake free of water and any may form after eath the fur, a polar bear's skin is actually black -- skin soaks up the sun's heat and helps them stay bears also have a 4 inch layer of fat underneath their prevents them from losing any of their heat. In fact, if at a polar bear with an infared camera, they are pretty close ble (in other words, they don't give off any heat!
Smallest foot pad is the front trackand the larger is bears have wide front paws with slightly webbed toes that swim. Paw pads with rough surfaces help prevent polar slipping up on the bears have been known to swim 100 miles (161 kilometers) at bears primarily eat seals. They often rest silently at a seal’ing hole in the ice, waiting for a seal in the water to the seal comes up, the bear will spring and sink its jagged the seal’s a special liver that allows them to process all of the seal eat - seals store a lot of vitamin a in their blubber which to survive and grow quickly. A polar bear's liver contains more vitamin a than any other animal on earth - their liver d to allow them to process and eat all of the seal blubber mes the polar bear stalks its prey. Bear eats the oil while grooming it could made pollution is also a cause of death. By the end polar bear eats the seal and it could be bears are considered marine mammals -- just like seals, dolphins. Although polar bears are related to the brown bear,Evolved over time to live in cold northern arctic climates. Their on the decline and they are considered a "vulnerable" by: us fish and ting polar bears isn't just a matter of being nice.