Policy research paper
955 publications policy research working paper series disseminates findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues. Titles are submitted from units around the world bank for internal review and inclusion in this series which is managed by the development economics research support unit. To new options are now at bottom of is a service hosted by the research division of the federal reserve bank of st. Reducing traffic congestion in beirut : an empirical analysis of selected policy optionsby anas,alex & de sarkar,sayan & abou zeid,maya & timilsina,govinda r. Cyclicality of fiscal policy in sub-saharan africa : magnitude and evolutionby calderon,cesar & chuhan-pole,punam & lopez-monti,rafael matias. Documenting myanmar's social transformation : insights from six rounds of research on livelihoods and social change in rural communitiesby pursch,samuel james & woodhouse,andrea fitri & woolcock,michael & zurstrassen,matthew pierre. Entry and exit, multi-product firms, and allocative distortionsby fattal jaef,roberto series, journals, authors & ibe to new additions to profiles for economics s rankings of research in economics & related was a student of whom, using d articles & papers on various economics your paper to be listed on repec and aggregator for economics of plagiarism in working paper series dedicated to the job d you are at the helm of an economics es from the stl , research, apps & more from the st. Paper estimates the mobility costs of workers across sectors and regions in a large sample of developing countries. The paper develops a new methodology that uses cross-sectional data is motivated by the fact that panel data typically are not available for most developing countries. The paper provides evidence suggesting that mobility costs, particularly across sectors, are partially driven by information assimetries and access to the internet can mitigate these research working da cruz,marcio jose; milet,emmanuel michel stephane; olarreaga, impact of large-scale migration on poverty, expenditures, and labor market outcomes in nepal (english). Paper studies the impact of migration on poverty, expenditures, and labor market outcomes in nepal. Between 2001 and 2011, the share of male working age population abroad more than doubled, mostly due to young men leaving to work in malaysia and the persian gulf paper studies the impact using instrumental variables as well as difference-in-difference methods. The wage effects are driven by higher agricultural wages for all, and higher non-farm wages for research working much oil is the islamic state group producing ?
Policy research working paper
More broadly, remotely measuring extractive industry activity in conflict-affected areas and other regions without reliable administrative data can support a broad range of public policy decisions and academic research. This paper uses satellite multi-spectral imaging and ground-truth pre-war output data to effectively construct a real-time day-to-day census of oil production in areas controlled by the terrorist group. The estimates of production levels were approximately 56,000 barrels per day (bpd) from july-december 2014, drop to an average of 35,000 bpd throughout 2015, before dropping further to approximately 16,000 bpd in research working ,quy-toan; shapiro,jacob n. Paper investigates an alternative proxy for individual worker productivity in physical work settings: a direct measure of physical activity using an , the paper compares worker labor outcomes, such as labor supply and daily productivity obtained from firm personnel data, with physical activity; they are strongly related. Second, the paper investigates the effect of a health intervention on physical activity, using a temporally randomized offer of malaria testing and treatment. Workers who are offered this program reallocate time from lower intensity activities in favor of higher intensity activities when they research working ,oladele b; dillon,andrew s. In contrast with other impact evaluations of similar programs, the analysis does not find that the expansion of mexico's program had a crowding out effect on domestic or international private transfers to the research working parra,clemente; escamilla guerrero,david l trajectories and women's well-being in senegal (english). Marital breakdowns and their aftermaths have far from neutral effects on women's research working t,sylvie; van de walle,dominique; villar,sive or progressive ? This paper projects the effects of an increase in the tobacco tax on household welfare in ukraine. Tobacco taxes are also associated with positive distributional effects related to the higher long-term price elasticities of tobacco research working tarlovsky,alan; meneses,francisco and the geography of economic activities in mexico (english). Paper estimates the impacts of road improvements on local employment and specialization in mexico for 1986-2014, through changes in access to domestic markets and travel costs to ports and the u. Heterogeneous effects are found across sectors and research working spoor,brian; bougna lonla,theophile; garduno rivera,rafael; selod,cts of estimating poverty with phone surveys : experimental results from serbia (english). These findings suggest that poverty monitoring via telephone surveys is promising, but additional experiments in other country contexts are research working ,vladan; katayama,roy shuji; munoz,rodrigo; takamatsu,shinya; yoshida,ucing a performance-based school grant in jakarta : what do we know about its impact after two years ?
Paper evaluates the early impact of introducing a performance component into jakarta's school grant program on learning outcomes. Using administrative data, it applies difference-in-differences and regression discontinuity approaches to identify the impact of the grant by exploiting differences in program coverage over time, as well as by comparing changes in test scores between schools that received the additional performance award with schools that did paper finds that the introduction of the performance component had different impacts on government primary and junior secondary schools. The evaluation utilized preexisting administrative data and the paper offers some suggestions on how education information systems can be strengthened to create more robust feedback loops between research and research working -samarrai,samer; shrestha,unika; hasan,amer; nakajima,nozomi; santoso,santoso; adi wijoyo,wisnu cal economy of reform (english). The succinct answer from the first generation of research is that conflict of interest between organized socio-political groups is responsible for some groups being able to stall reforms so that they can extract greater private rents from status quo policies. The next generation of research is tackling a more fundamental question: why does conflict of interest persist; or, why do some interest groups exert influence against reforms if there are indeed large gains to be had for society? After reviewing the available and future directions for research, the paper concludes with what all of this means for policy makers who are interested in understanding the factors behind successful research working ate debt maturity in developing countries : sources of long- and short-termism (english). Paper documents to what extent firms from developing countries borrow short versus long term, using data on corporate bond and syndicated loan ry to claims in the literature based on firm balance sheets, firms from developing countries borrow through bonds and syndicated loans at maturities similar to those obtained by developed country firms. The short-termism in developing countries is partly explained by a lower proportion of firms using these markets, with more firms relying on other shorter-term research working a lorente,juan jose; didier brandao,tatiana; schmukler,sergio policy and digital technology use : indicative evidence from cross-country correlations (english). Paper exploits variation in country-level indicators drawn from published data to analyze the relationship between labor regulation and the use of digital analysis shows a statistically and economically significant association between digital technology use by firms and a country's statutory minimum wage and employment protection regulations. To ensure the broadest country coverage, the paper develops new indexes of employment protection, using the world bank's doing business indicators, which allow several aspects of labor market regulation—such as restrictions on hours and hiring, dismissal procedures, and severance costs--to be analyzed research working d,truman g. Paper proposes a non-parametric adaptation of a recently developed parametric technique to produce point estimates of intra-generational economic mobility in the absence of panel data sets that follow individuals over method predicts past individual income or consumption using time-invariant observable characteristics, which allows the estimation of mobility into and out of poverty, as well as household-level income or consumption growth, from cross-sectional data. The paper validates this method by sampling repeated cross-sections out of actual panel data sets from three countries in the latin america region and comparing the technique with mobility from panels. The results are encouraging even for those specifications that include few time-invariant variables as research working tti,leonardo socioeconomics of fish consumption and child health in bangladesh (english).
Using more than 36,000 records from several waves of the bangladesh demographic and health survey, the research focuses on the socioeconomic determinants of household consumption of all animal-source foods; the socioeconomic determinants of fish consumption, given its importance in the bangladeshi diet; and the impact of observed consumption patterns on mortality and resistance to infectious diseases for children in their first years of maternal education and family economic status significantly increase the level of animal-source food intake, but they decrease the consumption share of fish. These findings highlight the importance of programs to increase supply of fish, maternal nutrition education and more public health programs to promote fish research working ta,susmita; mustafa,mohammed golam; paul,tapas; wheeler,david t and factor market distortions : the case of the manufacturing sector in morocco (english). The paper also finds that industries that are more opened to competition (international and domestic) such as machinery and textiles industries present lower levels of market distortions compared with more protected industries with relatively little competition, such as the food industry. The main results of the paper are robust to an alternative estimation that uses a different methodological framework with a less extensive theoretical framework. The paper discusses policies to further limit the extent of product and factor market distortions in research working our,jean-pierre christophe; diaz sanchez,jose ting the national innovation system in developing countries (english). Paper argues that there is a greater commonality of approach between the national innovation systems approach and mainstream economic analysis than is often asserted, and that a better dialogue between the two could strengthen both this end, the paper uses an off-the-shelf neoclassical model to provide a tentative structure for what a national innovation systems schematic might look like and where its boundaries should be. Simulations from the model suggest how present benchmarking techniques may be research working ic growth in guinea and how to accelerate it (english). The growth diagnostic approach, the paper finds three binding constraints to growth: (i) lack of good infrastructure (roads and electricity), (ii) low access to finance, and (iii) poor governance. The paper discusses some of the policy options to consider to address the key binding constraints to economic growth as well as to overcome the challenge of increasing total factor productivity growth in research working wa,abdoul logical change and the labor market in argentina and uruguay : a task content analysis (english). Objective of this paper is to analyze the employment profile trends in argentina and uruguay according to the task content performed by the workers in their paper aims to produce an approximation of the impact of technological change on the labor market. The paper uses the definition of an indicator that captures the relative importance of four types of tasks, cognitive/manual and routine/nonroutine, based on the information provided by occupational information network and household surveys. The analysis finds that in the last two decades the relative importance of cognitive tasks in the workplace has increased in line with the reduction of manual tasks, particularly among the youngest research working ,ignacio raul; zunino, incidence in belarus : a commitment to equity analysis (english). Paper employs the commitment to equity framework to present a first attempt at a comprehensive fiscal incidence analysis for belarus, encompassing the revenue and expenditures components of the fiscal system, including direct and indirect taxes, as well as direct, indirect, and in-kind analysis reveals that fiscal policies in belarus effectively redistribute income from the top to the bottom of the income distribution.
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The analysis points toward possible reforms that would allow reducing poverty and inequality more research working ova,kateryna; shymanovich,gleb; chubrik, adjustment costs across sectors and regions (english). Research working impact of large-scale migration on poverty, expenditures, and labor market outcomes in nepal (english). Research working are the effects of expanding a social pension program on extreme poverty and labor supply ? Research working ucing a performance-based school grant in jakarta : what do we know about its impact after two years ? Research working t and factor market distortions : the case of the manufacturing sector in morocco (english). Research working logical change and the labor market in argentina and uruguay : a task content analysis (english). Impact factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years. Sjr uses a similar algorithm as the google page rank; it provides a quantitative and a qualitative measure of the journal’s more on journal example article on lides are short, 5-minute presentations in which the author explains their paper in their own ctive plot application lets readers explore data and other quantitative results submitted with the article, providing insights into and access to data that is otherwise buried in hing your article with us has many benefits, such as having access to a personal dashboard: citation and usage data on your publications in one place. This free service is available to anyone who has published and whose publication is in ch policy (rp) articles examine empirically and theoretically the interaction between innovation, technology or research, on the one hand, and economic, social, political and organizational processes, on the other. Organization and mental health problems in phd ic engagement and commercialisation: a review of the literature on university–industry ping a framework for responsible of research collaboration cosmopolitanism on job cost-quantity relations and the diverse patterns of “learning by doing”: evidence from n problem and firm innovation: the influence of ceo career horizon, exploitation and exploration on breakthrough nability transitions: an emerging field of research and its ic engagement and commercialisation: a review of the literature on university-industry is protective space? Of international university research downloaded most downloaded articles from research policy in the last 90 organization and mental health problems in phd ic engagement and commercialisation: a review of the literature on university–industry ping a framework for responsible ly published articles from research of research collaboration cosmopolitanism on job cost-quantity relations and the diverse patterns of “learning by doing”: evidence from n problem and firm innovation: the influence of ceo career horizon, exploitation and exploration on breakthrough most cited articles published since 2012, extracted from nability transitions: an emerging field of research and its ic engagement and commercialisation: a review of the literature on university-industry is protective space? Reconsidering niches in transitions to open access latest open access articles published in research service innovation and multiple institutional logics: the case of hybrid social enterprise providers of health and l rankings in management and business studies: what rules do we play by? Of international university research n partner journal is now partnering with heliyon, an open access journal from elsevier publishing quality peer reviewed research across all disciplines.
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Partner journals provide authors with an easy route to transfer their research to ch policy in the ft top 50 business and management es and l keywords for submission and notes for proposing a special l issues published in research new data innovation: new insights and metrics – top social media is a recent list of 2017 articles that have had the most social media attention. New evidence from zation of innovation and bank policy research working papersa collection of policy research working papers, policy research reports, and world development reports in the world bank's updatedcurrenteconomy coverageeap, eca, lac, mna, sas, ssa, hic, lmy, ibrd, idatopicpovertyupdate frequencydailyaccess optionsquery toolattribution/citationdevelopment economics research group, the world bankhelp us improve this sitehelp / feedbackibrdidaifcmigaicsidlegalaccess to informationjobscontact© 2017 the world bank group, all rights fraud or corruption.