Political science dictionary
Rhetorical device often used by politicians where adverse information is pre-emptively presented to an audience, with the intention of discrediting or ridiculing what another politician intends to origin of the term lies in well poisoning, an old wartime practice of pouring poison into sources of fresh water before an invading army, to diminish the attacking army’s one political party makes major gains in the united states house and senate and the other has few barabak: “there is no authoritative definition of a wave election. A wave election is commonly considered one in which a political party wins a large and lopsided number of house and senate seats while sustaining minimal losses. Specifically, i define a ‘wave election’ to be a congressional election that (1) produces the potential for a political party to significantly affect the political status quo as (2) the result of a substantial increase in seats for that party. In politics, the term has been used to describe those who use the political process to enrich rep. Steve latourette (r-oh), writing for politico, noted that today’s political grifters “are a lot like the grifters of old—lining their pockets with the hard-earned money of working men and women be promising things in return that they know they can’t deliver. Youngman: “politically speaking, there are two main attractions at fancy farm: the specter of a career-ending gaffe hanging over every politician who takes the stage, and the crowd, half of which is trying to will that gaffe to happen through endless heckling and occasional chants. Nowadays, like our unique political lexicon, it seems to have become a generic insult for just about any politics one disagrees with. Wall where people flaunt their political connections by displaying photos of themselves with more famous phenomenon is also sometimes called the “glory wall” or “me wall. I think to attack with — to attack a person’s reputation and views point when you have tried everything but the term originally refers to the effort required to remove a rusted or stripped nut, it has come to be used in a legislative context as the time to exert maximum effort to round up votes to get a bill passed due to an approaching the term did not originally refer to castration, many have used that as its double-meaning in a political junior members in the british house of commons who occupy the back benches of parliament, sitting behind party leaders and top government : “backbenchers are also sometimes known as private members and thus a backbencher can introduce an original idea for legislation in the form of a private member’s bill. Congress who are not part of their party’s e who expresses doubt or excessive worry about a political news reports that david plouffe, president obama’s former campaign manager and top political adviser, first coined the term in 2008 when democrats began openly fretting about their political e used the term again before the 2010 midterm elections in a washington post op-ed when he urged “no bed-wetting” among democrats: “this will be a tough election for our party and for many republican incumbents as well. The 2000 presidential election, the washington post reported that bush staffers reportedly began using the term as a joke and even referred to the president’s political team as “the department of strategery. Primary to select candidates what is run by a political party and not the r to a party canvas, a firehouse primary allows the party to keep control of the nominating process while allowing more participation than a party caucus. Lizza attributes the term to new york times columnist russell baker who used it “to describe the mysterious source who plucks politicians from obscurity and mentions them to political journalists as contenders for higher office. To diminish a political foe by likening his or her words to remarks on “legitimate rape” made by former missouri rep.
Senate seat in lambrecht: “akinize has been used often to describe political attacks since those remarks about rape and pregnancy effectively scuttled akin’s political ambition. Democrats were prevented from passing bills with the assistance of a small number of members of the majority election held in the 6th year of a president’s tenure in which the party holding the white house historically loses a substantial number of house and senate atlantic: “for decades political analysts have been intrigued by an ironclad pattern in american politics: the president’s party loses seats in the off-year election that follows his white house triumph–a phenomenon that has occurred in every off-year election save one since the civil war. State whose voting outcome in a presidential election is relatively sensitive or responsive to changes in political conditions, such as a change in the national economic silver: “elastic states are those which have a lot of swing voters — that is, voters who could plausibly vote for either party’s candidate. Inelastic state, by contrast, is one which is relatively insensitive to these used for a political campaign that are not properly disclosed before an term was apparently coined by mother locked box where legendary louisiana gov. Huey long kept “deducts” from state employee salaries to fund his political tes suggest long collected between $50,000 to $75,000 each election cycle from government workers. Person preoccupied with arcane details of public ats in name only (dino) is a disparaging term that refers to a democratic candidate whose political views are seen as insufficiently conforming to the party l law does not define or officially recognize the act of a presidential candidate “suspending” their campaign instead of formally ending : “practically speaking, if a candidate removes him- or herself from the race without the intent of re-entering at a later date, then there is not a big difference between ‘suspending’ a campaign vs. Planted or pre-arranged question asked of a government minister by a backbencher of his or her own political party during parliamentary question term refers to american advice columnist dorothy dix’s reputed practice of making up her own questions to allow her to publish more interesting term has been used in australian politics since the 1950s, and has become increasingly common in everyday usage, but interestingly is virtually unknown in other countries where dix’s advice column was equally acronym for “get out the vote. Process by which a political party or campaign urges its supporters to vote in the immediately approaching ism for a politician who claims to be doing one thing but in reality went to meet with his term was coined after south carolina gov. Political tactic of joining an organization with which you do not agree with the intention of changing it from the his 1959 book masters of deceit, fbi director j. The nomination is then decided though political deals between candidates, party bosses and subsequent votes until one candidate receives a the era of presidential primaries, political party conventions were routinely brokered. The most recent brokered convention nominees were adlai stevenson at the 1952 democratic convention and thomas dewey at the 1948 republican recently, a brokered convention is mostly just a political junkie’s fantasy. And as david frum notes, it’s hard to imagine a “brokered convention” when there is no such thing as political “brokers” any more. Elected delegates to a convention aren’t going to be swayed by political leaders deciding the nominee in a backroom. Primary election in which all candidates for elected office run in the same primary regardless of political known as the “nonpartisan blanket primary” or “top two primary”, the top two candidates who receive the most votes advance to the next round, similar to a runoff election.
Phenomenon in which polls consistently underestimate support for female candidates relative to white male termed was coined by political scientists christopher stout and reuben kline who noted that in the 1990 texas gubernatorial race many polls predicted clayton williams (r) to beat ann richards (d) by as much as 8 points. The moment quickly entered the political lexicon as shorthand for a politician rebuking an extremist in his or her base in order to demonstrate to independents that they are not beholden to the party’s core special interests. Floridian white voters, whose families have typically lived in the state for president bill clinton told cnn in late 2008 that he would travel to florida on behalf of barack obama’s presidential campaign: “if we’re trying to win in florida, it may be that — you know, they think that because of who i am and where my political base has traditionally been, they may want me to go sort of hustle up what lawton chiles used to call the ‘cracker vote’ there. False, dirty or slanderous story used for political advantage, usually about a candidate seeking political 1940 the chicago tribune offered this definition: “a roorback is a false report about some alleged misdeed in a candidate’s past, often based on forged evidence, circulated in the final days of a campaign. Creation of fake twitter profiles to show support for a political white described the practice in an texas monthly interview about his 2010 race against texas gov. Place designated after a political debate where reporters interview analysts and campaign operatives who attempt to “spin” the news coverage of the event. Bush’s political fortunes by wrapping him in the trappings of his office and having him take steps to demonstrate, as one political aide put it, that ‘he is the man in charge and the others are just wannabe’s. By-election is an election held to fill a political office that has become vacant between regularly scheduled elections. In every congress since that time a candy desk has been located in the back row of the republican side, on the aisle and adjacent to the chamber’s most heavily used period between when a candidate announces their bid for public office and when the actual primaries take ’s also sometimes called the “money primary” since candidates spend most of their time during this period raising money in an effort to show political strength. Political diversion which draws attention away from something of l quinlan notes the term likely originates from an article published on february 14, 1807 by journalist william cobbett in the weekly political register. In a critique of the english press, which had mistakenly reported napoleon’s defeat, cobbett recounted that he had once used a red herring to deflect hounds in pursuit of a hare, adding “it was a mere transitory effect of the political red-herring; for, on the saturday, the scent became as cold as a stone. Sinister politician who pretends to be what he is not; related to the rino species, according to samuel term comes a widely-mocked political ad run by 2010 california u. The federal emergency management agency was unprepared for the 1989 san francisco earthquake and hurricanes hugo and andrew in 1989 and 1992, a federal report noted the agency “is widely viewed as a political dumping ground, ‘a turkey farm’…where large numbers of positions exist that can be conveniently and quietly filled by political appointment. The main bulwark against this kind of problem is not the american political establishment, which has proven itself incapable of enacting a fair and nonpartisan electoral system befitting a mature democracy.
Bundling allows candidates of both parties to finesse the federal caps on individual political contributions and allows the bundlers to gain more-than-ordinary access to presidents and presidential hopefuls. The theory goes that, in these races, white voters wanted to appear politically correct by telling pollsters they were going to vote for a black candidate when, in fact, they were not prepared to do so. Resigned ten days after he was praised by government groups that support political term was first used by detractors of political reformers in the late 19th century when urban municipal governments were controlled by political machines. The phrase evidently worked as republicans united to help elect reagan as explored by sidney blumenthal in his 1980 book, the permanent campaign, which explained how the breakdown in political parties forced politicians to govern in different ways. Instead of relying on patronage and party machines, politicians increasingly used political consultants to help them monitor their job approval numbers and media r, the theory of the permanent campaign is also credited to political strategist patrick caddell who wrote a memo for president-elect jimmy carter just after his election in 1976 in which he asserted “governing with public approval requires a continuing political campaign. Thus caddell gave a name — the permanent campaign — to a political mind-set that had been developing since the beginning of the television age. Every president since lyndon johnson has run his administration from a political consultant’s eye view. Percentage of people who volunteer with a campaign to canvass or phone bank and then don’t show ’s used as a measure of complacency of a candidate’s sacrifice someone, typically one who is undeserving, in order to make political ek: “in general, ‘thrown under the bus’ is a metaphor for what happens when someone takes a hit for someone else’s actions. Gear such as bumper stickers, lawn signs, and campaign term is derived from the bait used to catch fish because in a political campaign these items are frequently used to entice volunteers and voters to get more involved in a campaign or bringing them to notes that during the 2008 presidential campaign, barack obama’s campaign “set up little tabletop trinket shops, known as ‘chum stores’ because all those little obama-branded doodads aren’t only keepsakes; they are also bait. Small, easy access, wallet-sized campaign sign typically given to a potential voter during door-to-door canvassing or at an ’re also sometimes called palm cards because they’re designed to be small enough to fit in the palm of your ng canvassing routes for campaign workers to knock on unusual political term comes from shakespeare’s the tempest when a storm causes trinculo to seek shelter under a sheet with caliban, whom he regards as an enemy. Rousing political speech that galvanizes a crowd to take word detective notes the term is “one of those grand old words that have traveled so far from their origins that nearly all traces of their beginnings have faded from popular culture. This technological advance was so widely appreciated that, by the end of the 1800s, the term stemwinder had taken on the figurative meaning of ‘excellent’ or ‘outstanding,’ or, as the oxford english dictionary puts it, ‘a person or thing that is first rate. Unpopular action that is likely to cause a politician’s subsequent defeat at the polls or be cause for him or her to resign from public r, as william safire notes in safire’s political dictionary, “these suicides, like the report of mark twain’s death, are usually exaggerations. However, it was very much a derogatory term that suggested both political opportunism and exploitation by the outsiders.
In the south, northern carpetbaggers usually allied themselves with the newly-freed slaves to win political ’s modern usage refers to any outsider who moves into an area to seek political power at the expense of the locals. Roosevelt run for vice president in 1920 “and to whom he gave sets of cuff links in remembrance of that unfortunate political campaign. Gift of cuff links to political operatives has since become a sign of being an early insider with a politician. Richard nixon (r-ca) on september 23, 1952 as he was fighting to retain his spot on the national republican ticket as the vice presidential had been accused of improprieties relating to a fund established by his supporters to reimburse him for his political expenses. Act of a political candidate presenting his or her views as being above and between the left and right sides of the political spectrum. Term was first used by political consultant dick morris while working on the re-election campaign of president clinton in 1996. Also offered a definition in his book power plays: “the idea behind triangulation is to work hard to solve the problems that motivate the other party’s voters, so as to defang them politically… the essence of triangulation is to use your party’s solutions to solve the other side’s problems. Unintentional comment that causes a politician term often refers to a politician inadvertently saying something publicly that they privately believe is true, but would ordinarily not say because it is politically l kinsley: “it used to be, there was truth and there was falsehood. Intricate knowledge of a process not normally known to the public and only of interest to m safire: “from its sports context comes its political or professional denotation: minutiae savored by the cognoscenti, delicious details, nuances discussed and dissected by aficionados. The term references the status held by cows in hindu culture, where the cow is regarded as a sacred american politics, social security has been considered a sacred cow because it is so politically popular that most politicians would never support ending the program. Whereas hard power — the ability to coerce — grows out of a country’s military or economic might, soft power arises from the attractiveness of a country’s culture, political ideals, and policies. The typical sign of such campaigns are websites or direct mail advertisements that use identical layouts and stock increased number of cookie-cutter campaigns in recent years is due, in large part, to the rise of political consulting on the local they’re also due to consultants having found campaign tactics that work again and shapiro: “there is another intriguing reason why campaign tactics in both parties are about as creative and innovative as those employed by the french general staff during world war ii. No major candidate is willing to risk his or her political future on untried campaign plans built around embracing new media and playing down tv spots. With a senate seat or a governorship at stake, the political herd instinct is as powerful as it is debilitating.
Shermanesque statement is a clear and direct statement by a potential political candidate indicating that he or she will not run for a particular term is derived from a remark made by gen. In name only (rino) is a disparaging term that refers to a republican candidate whose political views are seen as insufficiently conforming to the party line. Whisper campaign is a method of persuasion using rumors, innuendos or other sneaky tactics to create false impressions about a political candidate while not being detected spreading them. Term applied to the media, especially with regards to their role in the political phrase has its origins in the french revolution, where the church, nobility and commoners comprised the first, second, and third estates. Generally, presidents who address congress do so from the rostrum, but franklin roosevelt’s last speech to congress was given from the well, in a rare acknowledgment of his origins of the term are unknown, although the oxford english dictionary gives one definition of ‘well’ as “the space on the floor of a law court (between the judge’s bench and the last row of seats occupied by counsel) where the solicitors sit. Body man assists an executive branch official or political candidate by shadowing him at virtually all term was first used in a 1988 boston globe article, which said that body men “fulfill a kind of mothering role,” securing their bosses accommodations and ensuring he always has his favorite breakfast. Split ticket is when a voter chooses candidates from different political parties in the same a straight ticket is when a voter chooses all of the candidates of the same facilitate straight ticket voting, some jurisdictions may allow voters to pull a lever or check a single box to choose all the candidates of a particular party. Primary election that allows voters to select candidates on one party’s ballot without declaring their own party ’s not to be confused with a blanket primary, in which all candidates appear on the same ballot and the two highest voted candidates proceed to the runoff, regardless of party nging, often called negative campaigning, is the practice of making malicious attacks against a political opponent’s character and term originates from the latin phrase “fortiter calumniari, aliquia adhaerebit,” which translated to “throw plenty of dirt and some of it will stick. The size and impact of a convention bounce is sometimes seen as an early indicator of party a blanket primary system, voters are not required to affiliate with a political party and may vote for any candidate on the ballot. The candidate from each political party who receives the most votes in the primary advances to the general election. Can be used for political, pork-barrel spending and considerable debate in congress has centered on earmark reform. In conclusion, members vote on a motion to send the bill with accompanying amendments, to the is room for political maneuvering during the mark-up meeting, as quoted by one lobbyist familiar with the process: “committee’s often abruptly cancel congressional mark ups, such as in this case and instead schedule hearings in an attempt to regain support for a bill. Examples include cases related to political asylum, social security benefits, the military, veterans’ administration concerns and irs problems. Ignoring it, or putting it in your pocket, has been called a pocket untrue or unfair political attack or smear term comes from the 2004 presidential campaign when the swift boat veterans for truth produced a series of television ads and a bestselling book that challenged kerry’s military record and criticized his subsequent antiwar activities.
Kerry himself had served for four months as a swift boat commander in term “swiftboating” soon became used to describe political tactics of the group. News event late in a political campaign that has the potential to influence the outcome of an e election day is typically held on the tuesday after the first monday in november, surprise events that take place in october can have the potential change the minds of prospective term came first into use just after the 1972 presidential election, when the united states was in negotiations to end the domestically-divisive vietnam war. Politically-motivated, often vindictive investigation that feeds on public term refers to the witch hunts in 17th-century salem, massachusetts, where many innocent women accused of witchcraft were burned at the stake or . Joseph mccarthy’s (r-wi) search for communists in the federal government during the 1950s is often referred to as a witch practice of making political speeches or appearances in many different towns during a short period of term originates from the time when politicians mainly traveled by train and gave speeches from the back of the train during “whistle-stops” in small towns. Though sherman may have literally meant he was going to repair fences on his farm, the line was widely interpreted to mean that he had come with a political motive and rebuild support in the coming elections. In earlier times, many political operatives smoked cigars which filled the rooms with opedia of chicago: “the original smoke-filled room was in chicago’s blackstone hotel, where, according to an enduring legend, a small group of powerful united states senators gathered to arrange the nomination of warren g. Harding as republican candidate for president in 1920… when the associated press reported that harding had been chosen ‘in a smoke-filled room,’ the phrase entered the american political lexicon. Unmanned balloons were sent up into the atmosphere to determine if they were safe for human endless series of political dinners and lunches that politicians running for office must attend to raise money. Frequent menu option at these gatherings is chicken, which must be cooked in advance and then reheated, making it rubbery to ul government expeditures that lawmakers secure for their local districts in an attempt to gain favor with term first came into use as a political term just after the civil war. These inquiries are compared to fishing because they pull up whatever they happen to artificially-manufactured political movement designed to give the appearance of grass roots gns & elections magazine defined astroturf as a “grassroots program that involves the instant manufacturing of public support for a point of view in which either uninformed activists are recruited or means of deception are used to recruit them. Harris: “the term caucus is first attested in the diary of john adams in l763 as a meeting of a small group interested in political matters, but william gordon’s history of the independence of the united states of america, 1788 speaks of the establishment of caucus political clubs as going back fifty years earlier than his time of writing in 1774, so a first-occurrence date for the caucus can be estimated in retrospect as early as 1724. Type of political speech using code words that appear to mean one thing to the general population but have a different meaning for a targeted part of the economist: “over the past few weeks, a new expression has entered the westminster lexicon: dog-whistle politics. A social science concerned chiefly with the description and analysis of political and especially governmental institutions and known use: words from the same political science defined for english-language political science defined for e your inner word nerd. Degree in political examples of political science from the foreman, a professor of political science at barry and one of the conference participants, said many trump supporters support his decision to cancel the e vazquez, miamiherald, "figuring out a path forward for 800,000 'dreamers' | miami herald," 2 nov.
Ses say that the driver, a temple university student who was studying political science and philosophy, had repeatedly rear-ended cars prior to the fatal hindman is an assistant professor of political science at the college of the holy cross in worcester, hindman, fortune, "there’s a strategy behind trump’s nfl fight. N lower name recognition and his position to the left of tea party republicans, straus is unlikely to have a viable chance to win election statewide, said brandon rottinghaus, a political science expert teaching at the university of zelinski, houston chronicle, "what's next for speaker straus? A missile to coincide with this week’s congress would fit north korea’s past behavior, said robert kelly, a professor of political science at pusan national university in south -young jeong, wsj, "north korea missile jitters surface ahead of u. Eisenstein, associate professor of political science at indiana university northwest, said the optics of it in many ways could be bad for voters if the issue were not addressed in advance of the special napoleon, post-tribune, "newly registered teen voters in hobart, hammond ineligible for nov. Ff obtained her master's degree in teaching from dominican university, a law degree from ohio state university college of law and a bachelor's degree in political science and english from university of illinois at girardi, aurora beacon-news, "west aurora district 129 hires administrator," 20 oct. Woods, assistant professor of political science at ohio state university, said the candidates' reluctance amounted to them playing it safe on a divisive example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'political science. Send us known use of political words from the same cal science defined for english language tion of political science for english language learners. The study of governments and how they more about political made you want to look up political science? Your knowledge - and maybe learn something along the your knowledge - and learn some interesting things along the ibe to america's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! Your knowledge - and maybe learn something along the a city of skyscrapers—one synonym at a es: political science in a we're watching: 'streisand effect'. Words for setting the ng: 'veteran' searches up ahead of of the year: world's best online cal science political science dictionary compendium offers you dictionaries and glossaries with detailed explanations and definitions of terms, phrases, acronyms and abbreviations related to political political science dictionary:Political science ry of parliamentary constitution of the islamic republic of al standards for civics and civil code of the islamic republic of babylon's dictionary & translation software free download now! Part of our social science dictionary collection this political science dictionary set is easy to use and offers the widest approach best internet slang. Social science dealing with political institutions and with the principles and conduct of of political science recorded in d forms cal scientist, es from the web for political porary n eric bronner is a distinguished professor of political science at rutgers went on to study government at oxford, and received a ph. Third, university of virginia political science professor larry sabato, still rates it a “lean republican” ’s do or die for scott walker in university of tehran political science students be obliged to game out strategies against a jinn?
It turned into an ugly affair,” said terry madonna, a professor of political science at franklin and marshall democratic revolt? Moderate cruises in pa-13 interlace these is the crowning achievement of political ally were they burdened with books on economics and political so versed as they was he in the details of political , dialectics, philosophy, and political science are to be theory of rationality is the one at present accepted in political h dictionary definitions for political science expand. Esp as an academic subject) the study of the state, government, and politics: one of the social cal scientist, s english dictionary - complete & unabridged 2012 digital edition © william collins sons & co. Political science is a social science that makes generalizations and analyses about political systems and political behavior and uses these results to predict future behavior. Political science includes the study of political philosophy, ethics, international relations and foreign policy, public administration, and the dynamic relations between different parts of new dictionary of cultural literacy, third editioncopyright © 2005 by houghton mifflin hed by houghton mifflin company. Small mark has two primary uses: to signify possession or omitted do i get a word into the dictionary?