Population growth research paper
By using our website, you agree to the use of cookies as described in our privacy in global population , the world's population is approximately 6. Population growth is distinctly uneven worldwide and these differences are reflected in the allocation and use of resources. This article gives a brief overview of population growth processes and surveys recent trends in population statistics, including fertility, contraception, sex ratios, nutrition, hiv/aids, urbanization, aging, migration, income distribution, consumption, and biocapacity. Current population trends are indicators of the near future, providing a basis for ongoing attention and research on population tion-growth aphers track several population processes to estimate and project population change. For most of history, and likely pre-history, the world's population change has been marked by high fertility rates, high crude birth rates, high infant mortality rates, high crude death rates, high mortality rates, and low life expectancy. When added together, this means that the world's population turned over rapidly, but absolute numbers grew only slightly or not at all.
Research paper on population growth
In demography, a relatively stable condition of no net decrease or increase in numbers is called a population replacement 1830, the global population had reached one billion. The second billion in population increase took only 100 years, the third billion about 30 years, the fourth billion 15 years, and the fifth billion only 12 years (population reference bureau, 2007). Figure 1 illustrates this exponential growth of world population since 1950, providing projections through the year 2050 (us census bureau, 2011). Around 1990, we see the beginning of a downward trend in the overall population growth rate. As shown in figure 2 (us census bureau, 2012), if this decreasing trend continues, the rate of population growth will have slowed significantly by r, as figure 1 shows, a decrease in the rate of population growth does not lead to a decrease in overall population. In absolute terms, the global population is projected to increase to over 9 billion people by 2050.
According to the population reference bureau, this increase is approximately the size of the combined populations of china and india, the two most populous countries representing two of the highest population growth rates in the world (2007). One of the most well-known theories of population growth was put forth in 1798 by robert malthus, who held that world population would grow at a rate just slightly higher than food production. Though "natural" population-limiting processes exist, such as disease, drought, and natural disasters, which tend to increase mortality rates, malthus predicted a future in which widespread starvation would al and social factors also have had a tremendous impact on population processes. The two fields are complementary to one another, just as social change and population change go hand in hand. More recent and even better-known theory of population growth is known as demographic transition theory, which holds that populations move through four distinct stages of growth and decline processes, linked to the technological or developmental state of a given table 1, the first stage is representative of most of human history up until the last few centuries. According to demographic transition theory, stages 2 and 3 are periods of expected increases in overall population as societies undergo processes of industrialization and the accompanying changes in food supply, sanitation, medicine, and working conditions.
In stage 3, decreasing birth rates and increasing life expectancy begin a period of population decline. If birth rates are stable, the population again reaches replacement 1: stages of population growth during demographic 1 stage 2 stage 3 stage 4 production rates (economic goods) low increase increase stable fertility rates high decrease decrease stable birth rates high high decrease stable death rates high decrease decrease stable net effect: replacement growth declining aphic transition is descriptive of population growth during the era of widespread industrialization. Certainly, global population growth and decline have been geographically uneven, and patterns do differ between more and less industrialized nations, as demonstrated in figure aphic transition theory will be put to the test as india and china, with the world's largest populations, continue to industrialize and we see the outcomes of other recent trends in population processes over the next 40 trends in population processes fertility & ity rates in industrialized nations have been declining since the early twentieth century. Vasectomy, or male sterilization, is used by only about 4 percent of the worldwide population (kent & haub, 2005). Large body of research over the last several years links higher education for women and girls with reduction in fertility levels. Countries and time periods, both the sex ratio at birth and the population sex ratio generally varies little between human populations.
The main limitation on population growth is what is known as the "carrying capacity" of a given area of... Tutoring ative & culture, race & ogical theory: social should all be anda ngozi anda ngozi al bureau of economic tion growth, technological adoption and economic outcomes: a theory of cross-country differences for the information beaudry, david working paper no. Program(s): object of this paper is to show how population growth, through its interaction with recent technological and organizational developments, can account for many of the cross-country differences in economic outcome observed among industrialized countries over the last 20 years. In particular, our model illustrates how a large decrease in the price of information technology can create a comparative advantage for high population growth economies to jump ahead in the adoption of computer- and skill-intensive models of production as a means to exploiting their relative abundance of human capital versus physical capital. The predictions of the model are that, over the span of the information revolution, industrial countries with higher population growth rates will experience a more pronounced adoption of new technology, a better performance in terms of increased employment rates, a poorer performance in terms of wage growth for less skilled workers, a larger increase in the service sector and a larger increase in the returns to education. Population growth, technological adoption, and economic outcomes in the information era," review of economic dynamics, 2002, v5(4,oct), who downloaded this paper also downloaded* these:W1837 population growth, labor supply, and employment in developing countries.
Economic growth, population theory, and physiology: the bearing of long-term processes on the making of economic , canning, and sevilla. Books by rs from books in in on aging and — non-technical summaries of 4-8 working papers per er — news about the bureau and its research disclosure activities are organized ms and working pment pment of the american ic fluctuations and nment and rial ational finance and ational trade and zational tivity, innovation, and for aging and health research (cahr). Summer institute econometric annual conference on developments in long-term asset reneurship and economic policies in canada and the united institute methods feldstein in nber ood pments in the european ation and ational capital tivity and census research data center (brdc). Use data ntly requested:Business cycle memos, faq, t population ic report of the economic poterba, poterba is president of the national bureau of economic is also the mitsui professor of economics at chers by nber te list of nber nber ch disclosure ment and to other resources. Cambridge, ma growth of world population analysis of the problems and recommendations for research and r: /10766 to get more information about this book, to buy it in print, or to download it as a free ted citation:"introduction. The growth of world population analysis of the problems and recommendations for research and training.
An important barrier to the achievement of these goals is the current rate of population growth. The present world population is likely to double in the next 35 years, producing a population of six billion by the year 2000. If the same rate of growth continues, there will be 12 billion people on earth in 70 years and over 25 billion by the year 2070. Such rapid population growth, which is out of proportion to present and prospective rates of increase in economic development, imposes a heavy burden on all efforts to improve human welfare. We recommend that these groups now join in a common effort to disseminate present knowledge on population problems, family planning, and related bio-medical matters, and to initiate programs of research that will advance our knowledge in these ted citation:"introduction. Than bio-medical research will be required, for control of population growth by means of voluntary regulation within each family poses major social and economic problems that can be solved only in part by biological means.
Of special importance is the need for extensive and immediate research in the field to learn how we can make family planning more effective in societies that recognize the need for it. The challenge to students of social problems can hardly be view of its relationship to the welfare of all men, individually and collectively, the problem of population growth can no longer be ignored. Increased understanding of present procedures and development of new methods for regulating fertility will maximize the freedom of all parents to determine the size of their families even in those countries where population growth is not an urgent social problem but where fertility regulation can have great personal significance. Growth of world population analysis of the problems and recommendations for research and members save 10% or register to save!