Power electronics research papers
Within your scope of the journal encompasses selected topics and emerging technologies in power electronics, including components, systems, and processes used in solid-state energy conversion and applications in energy conservation and efficiency. Solid-state energy conversion includes electronic power conversion systems for mobile, wireless, and other applications; and power conversion systems associated with energy conversion, storage, and interface between electric and non-electric energy conversion, including power converters and drives. Applications in energy conservation and efficiency include industrial transformation of energy, manufacturing operations, local grid connections, use and management, local generation and e influence ed reliability of planar power interconnect with ceramic-based opher mark nov 13 00:00:00 est 2017 mon nov 13 00:00:00 est -circuit fault analysis and diagnosis for indirect matrix nov 13 00:00:00 est 2017 mon nov 13 00:00:00 est ralized control strategy for ac-stacked pv inverter architecture under grid background nov 13 00:00:00 est 2017 mon nov 13 00:00:00 est buted voltage control and power management of networked ad s. Nov 13 00:00:00 est 2017 mon nov 13 00:00:00 est cation of a low components nine-level cascaded-transformer multilevel inverter in grid- tie nov 10 00:00:00 est 2017 fri nov 10 00:00:00 est all latest ss power transfer for electric vehicle jan 29 00:00:00 est 2015 thu jan 29 00:00:00 est on control of dc microgrids and multiple microgrid rlo ferrari jul 31 00:00:00 edt 2017 mon jul 31 00:00:00 edt 2017. Review of passive power filters for three-phase grid-connected voltage-source may 20 00:00:00 edt 2017 sat may 20 00:00:00 edt y-side power flow control of wireless power transfer for electric vehicle may 20 00:00:00 edt 2017 sat may 20 00:00:00 edt trends in inductive power transfer for transportation jul 03 00:00:00 edt 2013 wed jul 03 00:00:00 edt all popular sion author digital your staff manager and distinguished engineer at op grumman corporation one about this transactions on transportation transactions on power power electronics in with personal account required for ss power transfer for electric vehicle ation year: 2015, page(s):4 - ss power transfer (wpt) using magnetic resonance is the technology which could set human free from the annoying wires. In fact, the wpt adopts the same basic theory which has already been developed for at least 30 years with the term inductive power transfer. Review of passive power filters for three-phase grid-connected voltage-source ation year: 2016, page(s):54 - order to reduce size and cost, high-order passive filters are generally preferred in power converters to cancel out high-frequency harmonics caused by pulsewidth modulation. Side power flow control of wireless power transfer for electric vehicle ation year: 2015, page(s):147 - s noncontacting methods of plug-in electric vehicle charging are either under development or now deployed as aftermarket options in the light-duty automotive market. Wireless power transfer (wpt) is now the accepted term for wireless charging and is used synonymously for inductive power transfer and magnetic resonance coupling. Trends in inductive power transfer for transportation ation year: 2013, page(s):28 - ive power transfer (ipt) has progressed to be a power distribution system offering significant benefits in modern automation systems and particularly so in stringent environments. Of solid-state transformer technologies and their application in power distribution ation year: 2013, page(s):186 - solid-state transformer (sst), which has been regarded as one of the 10 most emerging technologies by massachusetts institute of technology (mit) technology review in 2010, has gained increasing importance in the future power distribution system. Stage solar pv fed brushless dc motor driven water ation year: 2017, page(s):1377 - order to optimize the solar photovoltaic (pv) generated power using a maximum power point tracking technique, a dc-dc conversion stage is usually required in solar pv fed water pumping which is driven by a brushless dc (bldc) motor. To physics-of-failure as a reliability driver in power de place ation year: 2014, page(s):97 - electronics has progressively gained an important status in power generation, distribution, and consumption. With more than 70% of electricity processed through power electronics, recent research endeavors to improve the reliability of power electronic systems to comply with more stringent constraints on cost, safety, and availability in various applications. Electronic transformer-based railway traction systems: challenges and ation year: 2017, page(s):1237 - this paper, power electronic transformer (pet)-based railway traction systems are comprehensively reviewed according to the unique application features and requirements. Of commercial gan power devices and gan-based converter design ation year: 2016, page(s):707 - m nitride (gan) power devices are an emerging technology that have only recently become available commercially. This paper reviews the characteristics and commercial status of both vertical and lateral gan power devices, providing the background nece... System stabilization using virtual synchronous generator with alternating moment of ation year: 2015, page(s):451 - virtual synchronous generator (vsg) is a control scheme applied to the inverter of a distributed generating unit to support power system stability by imitating the behavior of a synchronous machine. The vsg design of our research incorporates the swing equation of a synchronous machine to express a virtual inertia property. Three-phase modular multilevel dc–dc converter for power electronic transformer ation year: 2017, page(s):140 - 150. Three-phase modular multilevel dc-dc converter is proposed and analyzed for power electronic transformer (pet) applications. The derived impedance characteristic of the source dab converter reveal that the stability of this dc grid is decided by the low-frequency terminal behaviors of integrated units, which is different from that of dc microgrids powered by other types of source converters. In wireless power transfer systems for roadway-powered electric ation year: 2015, page(s):18 - y-powered electric vehicles (rpevs) are attractive candidates for future transportation because they do not rely on large and heavy batteries but directly and efficiently get power while moving along a road. The inductive power transfer systems (iptss) that have been widely used for the wireless powering of rpevs are reviewed in this paper. Simple pulsewidth modulation (pwm) control is applied to the proposed converter to regulate the power flows and achieve the following attractive features: 1) the voltage gain of the converter is only determined by the effective duty cycles of switches and has nothing to d... And control of the isolated dc–dc modular multilevel converter for electric ship medium voltage direct current power ation year: 2017, page(s):124 - dc-dc modular multilevel converter (dc-dc mmc) with a medium-frequency ac-link transformer is a promising candidate for the modern electric ship medium voltage dc power system to provide galvanic isolation, flexible voltage regulation, and fault ride through ability. Active power control of photovoltaic systems for grid frequency ation year: 2017, page(s):1154 - deployment of power electronic coupled generation such as photovoltaic (pv) systems increases, grid operators have shown increasing interest in calling on inverter-coupled generation to help mitigate frequency contingency events by rapidly surging active power into the grid. When responding to contingency events, the faster the active power is provided, the more effective it may be for arrestin... Of topologies, modeling, control schemes, and applications of modular multilevel o lizana ation year: 2017, page(s):1631 - r multilevel converter (mmc) is one of the most promising topologies for medium to high-voltage high-power applications. The main features of mmc are modularity, voltage and power scalability, fault tolerant and transformer-less operation, and high-quality output waveforms. Over the past few years, several research studies are conducted to address the technical challenges associated with the...
Connected pv-wind-battery-based multi-input transformer-coupled bidirectional dc-dc converter for household ation year: 2016, page(s):1086 - this paper, a control strategy for power flow management of a grid-connected hybrid photovoltaic (pv)-wind-battery-based system with an efficient multi-input transformer-coupled bidirectional dc-dc converter is presented. The proposed system aims to satisfy the load demand, manage the power flow from different sources, inject the surplus power into the grid, and charge the battery from the grid... Strategy of a quadratic boost converter with voltage multiplier cell for high-voltage ation year: 2017, page(s):1761 - need of dc–dc switching converters for power supplies with high-voltage gains has increased in the recent years due to new applications in areas as renewable energy systems, transportation, industrial, medical, and others. However, the reliability of inverters used in the pv system is mainly affected due to the vulnerability of power semiconductor devices to failure. Solar power pv plants using multivariate design ation year: 2017, page(s):638 - proliferation of photovoltaic (pv) installations across the globe has accelerated dramatically in the past decade covering home, rural, mobile, industrial, and utility-scale applications. Kw/dm3 on-board power electronics for 50 kw/85 khz automotive ipt ation year: 2017, page(s):419 - ive power transfer (ipt) is widely discussed for the automated opportunity charging of plug-in hybrid and electric public transport buses without moving mechanical components and reduced maintenance requirements. And comparison of a 10-kw interleaved boost converter for pv application using si and sic m ram chandra ation year: 2017, page(s):610 - -connected photovoltaic (pv) inverters have a dc/dc converter connected to the pv for executing the maximum power point tracking. And optimization of a 380–12 v high-frequency, high-current llc converter with gan devices and planar matrix ation year: 2016, page(s):854 - centers demand high-current, high-efficiency, and low-cost power solutions. The high-voltage dc distribution power architecture has been drawing attention due to its lower conduction loss on cables and harnesses. A two-stage circuit topology is proposed, wherein the first stage is a boost converter, which serves for maximum power point tracking, and the second stage is a grid tied voltage source converter (vsc), which not only feeds extracted so... Stability and control of offshore wind farms with ac collection and hvdc ation year: 2014, page(s):1181 - paper investigates the stability and control of offshore wind farms employing medium-voltage ac collection and high-voltage dc (hvdc) transmission to the onshore power grids. They are arguably originated due to interactions between the mmc and the wind power inverters. Status and future trends in electric vehicle propulsion ation year: 2013, page(s):3 - this paper, the current status and the requirements of primary electric propulsion components-the battery, the electric motors, and the power electronics system-are reviewed. The future trends in the electric propulsion systems, battery charging, and the types of power trains are presented. Possible future electric vehicle powertrain systems based on lithium air battery and plug-in fuel cell ve... Considerations of distributed and centralized switched-capacitor converters for power supply ation year: 2017, page(s):On-chip power supply distribution faces the challenges of high and fast-changing load current, limited metal layers and decoupling capacitors, efficiency and thermal issues. Derating strategy of power electronics converter for maximum wind energy production with lifetime information of power ation year: 2017, page(s):One of the most important causes of failure in wind power systems is due to the failures of the power converter and due to one of its most critical components, the power semiconductor devices. And emulation of junction temperature for high-power igbt modules considering grid ation year: 2017, page(s):Grid-connected converters in wind turbine systems play a more active role in future power grid dispatching for fulfilling specified grid codes. Hence the diversified demands and faults from grid sides bring more intense thermal fatigue to the power modules. The simple battery lifetime model, also developed and presented here, estimates both energy capacity fade and power fade and includes effects due to temperature, stat... In this case, both ac grid and dc grid can exchange power with the bess while the power transfer between ac and dc grids can be decoupled. A future for power s daniel van ation year: 2013, page(s):59 - paper presents a historical and philosophical perspective on a possible future for power electronics. Power electronics appears to be a much more complex case, functioning as an enabling technology spanning an enormous range of power levels, functions and applications. Characters scope of the journal encompasses selected topics and emerging technologies in power electronics, including components, systems, and processes used in solid-state energy conversion and applications in energy conservation and efficiency. Applications in energy conservation and efficiency include industrial transformation of energy, manufacturing operations, local grid connections, use and management, local generation and staff manager and distinguished engineer at op grumman corporation one your about this e influence aim of the journal is to enable the power electronics community to address the emerging and selected topics in power electronics in an agile fashion. It is a forum where multidisciplinary and discriminating technologies and applications are discussed by and for both practitioners and researchers on timely topics in power electronics from components to scope of the journal encompasses selected topics and emerging technologies in power electronics, including components, systems, and processes used in solid-state energy conversion and applications in energy conservation and efficiency. Solid-state energy conversion includes electronic power conversion systems for mobile, wireless, and other applications; and power conversion systems associated with energy conversion, storage, and interface between electric and non-electric energy conversion, including power converters and drives. Applications in energy conservation and efficiency include industrial transformation of energy, manufacturing operations, local grid connections, use and management, local generation and power electronics industry applications staff manager and distinguished engineer at op grumman corporation one space park redondo beach ca author digital onal open access publishing staff manager and distinguished engineer at op grumman corporation one your username/ purchased ications sion and & canada: +1 800 678 ide: +1 732 981 crimination y & opting out of cookies. Use of this web site signifies your agreement to the terms and electronics research group professor david perreault ations journal papers / conference papers / patents / other publications. Perreault, “measurements and performance factor comparisons of magnetic materials at high frequency,” ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. Afridi, “impedance control network resonant converter for wide-range high-efficiency operation,” ieee transactions on power electronics, vol.
Perreault, “variable frequency multiplier technique for high efficiency conversion over a wide operating range,” ieee journal of emerging and selected topics in power electronics, vol. Perreault, “ac-dc power factor correction architecture suitable for high frequency operation,” ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. Perreault, “a systematic approach to modeling impedances and current distribution in planar magnetics,” ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. Perreault, “theory and implementation of rf-input outphasing power amplification,” ieee transactions on microwave theory and techniques, vol. Perreault, “integrated cmos energy harvesting converter with digital maximum power point tracking for a portable thermophotovoltaic power generator,” ieee journal of emerging and selected topics in power electronics, vol. Perreault, “design of class e resonant rectifiers and diode evaluation for vhf power conversion,” ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. Perreault, “design of single-switch inverters for variable resistance / load modulation operation,” ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. Perreault, “a multilevel energy buffer and voltage modulator for grid-interfaced micro-inverters,” ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. Perreault, “transmission line resistance compression networks and applications to wireless power transfer,” ieee journal of emerging and selected topics in power electronics, vol. Perreault, “two-stage power conversion architecture suitable for wide range input voltage,” ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. Perreault, “miniaturized low-voltage power converters with fast transient response,” ieee journal of emerging and selected topics in power electronics, vol. Perreault, “four-way microstrip-based power combining for microwave outphasing power amplifiers,” ieee transactions on circuits and systems – i, vol. Perreault, “high efficiency resonant dc/dc converter utilizing a resistance compression network,” ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. Perreault, “lossless multi-way power combining and outphasing for high-frequency resonant inverters,” ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. Perreault, “a single-phase photovoltaic inverter topology with a series-connected power buffer,” ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. Sullivan, “a technology overview of the powerchip development program,” ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. Perreault, “optimization of integrated transistors for very high frequency dc-dc converters,” ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. Perreault, “sub-module integrated distributed maximum power point tracking for solar photovoltaic applications,” ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. Perreault, “design methodology for a very high frequency resonant boost converter,” ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. Perreault, “experimental validation of a four-way outphasing combiner for microwave power amplification,” ieee microwave and wireless component letters, vol. Ghz, 27-dbm asymmetric multilevel outphasing power amplifier in 65-nm cmos,” ieee journal of solid-state circuits, vol. Perreault, “merged two-stage power converter with soft-charging switched-capacitor stage in 180 nm cmos,” ieee journal of solid-state circuits, vol. Perreault, “evaluation of magnetic materials for very high frequency power applications,” ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. Perreault, “high-frequency resonant sepic converter with wide input and output voltage ranges,” ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. Perreault, “a very high frequency dc-dc converter based on a class phi-2 resonant inverter,” ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. Perreault, “a new power combining and outphasing modulation system for high-efficiency power amplification,” ieee transactions on circuits and systems – i, vol. Perreault,”a fabrication method for integrated filter elements with inductance cancellation”, ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. Perreault, “a high-frequency resonant inverter topology with low voltage stress,” ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. Perreault, “transistor selection and design of a vhf dc-dc power converter,” ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. Perreault, “inductance compensation of multiple capacitors with application to common- and differential-mode filters,” ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. Also, see “corrections to inductance compensation of multiple capacitors with application to common- and differential-mode filters,” ieee transactions on power electronics, vol.
Perreault, “analysis and design of high efficiency matching networks,” ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. Kassakian, “design and evaluation of feedforward active ripple filters,” ieee transactions on power electronics, march 2005, pp. Perreault, “an active ripple filtering technique for improving common-mode inductor performance,” ieee power electronics letters, vol. Perreault, “filters with inductance cancellation using printed circuit board transformers,” ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. Perreault, “computer-aided optimization of dc/dc converters for automotive applications,” ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. Kassakian, “switching-ripple-based current sharing for paralleled power converters,” ieee transactions on circuits and systems – i, vol. Sato, “synthesis of dissipative nonlinear controllers for series resonant dc/dc converters,” ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. Kassakian, “design and evaluation of a cellular rectifier system with distributed control,” ieee transactions on industrial electronics, vol. Kassakian, “distributed interleaving of paralleled power converters,” ieee transactions on circuits and systems – i, vol. Verghese, “time-varying effects and averaging issues in models for current-mode control,” ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. Kassakian, “analysis and control of a cellular converter system with stochastic ripple cancellation and minimal magnetics,” ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. Perreault, “randomized modulation of power converters via markov chains,” ieee transactions on control applications, vol. Perreault, “analysis and synthesis of randomized modulation schemes for power converters,” ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. Kassakian, “effects of firing angle imbalance on 12-pulse rectifiers with interphase transformers,” ieee transactions on power electronics, vol. Perreault, “design and evaluation of a reconfigurable stacked active bridge dc/dc converter for efficient wide load-range operation,” 2017 ieee applied power electronics conference, 2017. Perreault, “a soft-switched high frequency converter for wide voltage and power ranges,” international telecommunications energy conference (intelec), oct. Perreault, “a new architecture for high-frequency variable-load inverters,” 2016 ieee workshop on control and modeling for power electronics, june 2016. Perreault, “analysis and design methodology for system cost reduction in distributed power systems,” 2016 ieee workshop on control and modeling for power electronics, june 2016. Perreault, “stability, control, and power flow in ad hoc dc microgrids,” 2016 ieee workshop on control and modeling for power electronics, june 2016. Perreault, “capacitively-aided switching technique for high-frequency isolated bus converters,” 2016 ieee applied power electronics conference, march 2016. Perreault, “applicability and limitations of an m2spice-assisted ‘planar-magnetics-in-the-circuit’ simulation approach,” 2016 ieee applied power electronics conference, march 2016. Perreault, “wireless power hotspot that charges all of your devices,” 2015 annual international conference on mobile computing (mobicom ‘15), sept. Perreault, “a high-power-density wide-input-voltage-range isolated dc-dc converter having a multitrack architecture,” 2015 energy conversion congress and exposition, pp. Andersen, “outphasing control of gallium nitride based very high frequency resonant converters,” 2015 ieee workshop on control and modeling for power electronics, pp. Perreault, “architecture and system analysis of microgrids with peer-to-peer electricity sharing to create a marketplace which enables energy access,” 9th international conference on power electronics (icpe 2015 -ecce asia), pp. Perreault, “an rf-input outphasing power amplifier with rf signal decomposition network,” 2015 international microwave symposium, may 2015. Afridi, “impedance control network resonant converter for wide-range high-efficiency operation,” 2015 ieee applied power electronics conference, pp. Perreault, “design of class e resonant rectifiers and diode evaluation for vhf power conversion,” 2014 ieee energy conversion congress and exposition, sept. Perreault, “a systematic approach to modeling impedances and current distribution in planar magnetics”, 15th ieee workshop on control and modeling for power electronics (compel ’14), june 2014. Perreault, “power conversion architecture for grid interface at high switching frequency,” 2014 ieee applied power electronics conference, pp. Perreault, “design of resistive-input class e resonant rectifiers for variable-power operation,” 14th ieee workshop on control and modeling for power electronics (compel ’13), june 2013.
Perreault, “four-way lossless outphasing and power combining with hybrid microstrip/discrete combiner for microwave power amplification,” 2013 international microwave symposium, june 2013. Perreault, “high efficiency resonant dc/dc converter utilizing a resistance compression network,” 2013 ieee applied power electronics conference, pp. Perreault, “two-stage power conversion architecture for an led driver circuit,” 2013 ieee applied power electronics conference, pp. Perreault, “integrated low-voltage converter architecture with ac power delivery,” 2012 ieee energy conversion congress and exposition, pp. Perreault, “sub-module integrated distributed maximum power point tracking for solar photovoltaic applications,” 2012 ieee energy conversion congress and exposition, pp. Perreault, “lossless multi-way power combining and outphasing for high-frequency resonant inverters,” 2012 international power electronics and motion control conference, pp. Perreault, “merged two-stage power converter with soft-charging switched-capacitor stage in 180 nm cmos,” 2011 european solid state circuits conference, pp. Perreault, “integrated cmos dc-dc converter with digital maximum power point tracking for a portable thermophotovoltaic power generator,” 2011 ieee energy conversion congress and exposition, pp. Perreault, “control and design of lossless multi-way power combining and outphasing systems,” (invited), 2011 ieee midwest symposium on circuits and systems, pp. Ghz asymmetric multilevel outphasing pa in 65 nm cmos,” 2011 ieee topical conference on power amplifiers for wireless and radio applications, pp. Perreault, “a single-phase photovoltaic inverter topology with a series-connected power buffer,” 2010 ieee energy conversion congress and exposition, pp. Perreault, “a new power combining and outphasing modulation system for high-efficiency power amplifiers,” 2010 ieee midwest symposium on circuits and systems, pp. Perreault, “design methodology for a very high frequency resonant boost converter,” 2010 international power electronics conference, pp. Keim, “a custom-designed limited-angle actuator for an electromechanical engine valve drive part ii: fabrication and evaluation,” iet international conference on power electronics, machines and drives, april , y. Keim, “a custom-designed limited-angle actuator for an electromechanical engine valve drive part i: conceptual design,” iet international conference on power electronics, machines and drives, april , y. Celanovic, “low-power maximum power point tracker with digital control for thermophotovoltaic generators,” 2010 ieee applied power electronics conference, pp. Sullivan, “opportunities and challenges in very high frequency power conversion,” 2009 ieee applied power electronics conference, feb. Perreault, “evaluation of magnetic materials for very high frequency power applications,” 2008 ieee power electronics specialists conference, june 2008, pp. Perreault, “high-frequency resonant sepic converter with wide input and output voltage ranges,” 2008 ieee power electronics specialists conference, june 2008, pp. Perreault, “merged two-stage power converter architecture with soft charging switched-capacitor energy transfer,” 2008 ieee power electronics specialists conference, june 2008, pp. Perreault, “a very high frequency dc-dc converter based on a phi-2 resonant inverter,” 2008 ieee power electronics specialists conference, june 2008, pp. Perreault, “design and evaluation of a 42 v automotive alternator with integrated switched-mode rectifier,” 2007 ieee vehicle power and propulsion conference, september 2007, pp. Perreault, “a high-frequency resonant inverter topology with low voltage stress,” 2007 ieee power electronics specialists conference, pp. Perreault, “a fabrication method for integrated filter elements with inductance cancellation,” 2007 ieee applied power electronics conference, anaheim, ca, feb. Lorilla, “applications of power electronics in automotive power generation,”sia international conference automotive power electronics, paris, france, june 21-22, 2006. Perreault, “inductance compensation of multiple capacitors with application to common- and differential-mode filters,” 2006 ieee power electronics specialists conference, jeju, korea, june 2006, pp. Lang, “synthesis of lumped transmission-line analogs,” 2006 ieee power electronics specialists conference, jeju, korea, june 2006, pp. Lang, “radio-frequency inverters with transmission-line input networks,” 2006 ieee power electronics specialists conference, jeju, korea, june 2006, pp. Perreault, “design considerations for very high frequency dc-dc converters,” 2006 ieee power electronics specialists conference, jeju, korea, june 2006, pp. Perreault, “foil field lundell alternator with rotating power electronics,” 2006 ieee power electronics specialists conference, jeju, korea, june 2006, pp. Perreault, “topologies for future automotive generators – part i: modeling and analytics,” 2005 ieee vehicle power and propulsion conference, october 2005, pp.
Perreault, “topologies for future automotive generators – part ii: optimization,” 2005 ieee vehicle power and propulsion conference, october 2005 pp. Perreault, “resistance compression networks for resonant power conversion,” 2005 ieee power electronics specialists conference, june 2005, pp. Perreault, “new architectures for radio-frequency dc/dc power conversion,” 2004 ieee power electronics specialists conference, aachen, germany, june 2004, pp. Perreault, “multi-resonant microfabricated inductors and transformers,” 2004 ieee power electronics specialists conference, aachen, germany, june 2004, pp. Perreault, “parasitic capacitance cancellation in filter inductors,” 2004 ieee power electronics specialists conference, aachen, germany, june 2004, pp. Kassakian, “design and experimental evaluation of an electromechanical valve drive,” 2004 ieee power electronics specialists conference, aachen, germany, june 2004, pp. Perreault, “thermal modeling of lundell alternators,” 2004 power engineering l meeting, denver, co, june 2004, (in press). Perreault, “filters with inductance cancellation using printed circuit board transformers,” 2003 ieee power electronics specialists conference, acapulco, mexico, june 2003, pp. Perreault, “performance improvement of alternators with switched-mode rectifiers,” 2003 ieee power electronics specialists conference, acapulco, mexico, june 2003, pp. Keim, “design of dual-output alternators with switched-mode rectification,” 2003 ieee power electronics specialists conference, acapulco, mexico, june 2003, pp. Keim, “a new electromagnetic valve actuator,” 2002 ieee workshop on power electronics in transportation, auburn hills, mi, october 2002, pp. Perreault, “active emi filters for automotive motor drives,” 2002 ieee workshop on power electronics in transportation, auburn hills, mi, october 2002, pp. Umans, “a six-phase multilevel inverter for mems electrostatic induction micromotors,” 2002 ieee power electronics specialists conference, cairns, australia, june 2002, pp. Perreault, “filters with active tuning for power applications,” 2001 ieee power electronics specialists conference, vancouver, canada, june 2001, pp. Perreault, “design of an active ripple filter using voltage injection,” 2001 ieee power electronics specialists conference, vancouver, canada, june 2001, pp. Perreault, “regulation and compensation of source harmonics for the boost-converter based power factor precompensator,” 2001 ieee power electronics specialists conference, vancouver, canada, june 2001, pp. Perreault, “the future of electronics in automobiles” (invited), 2001 international symposium on power semiconductor devices and ic’s, osaka, japan, june 2001, pp. Caliskan, “a new design for automotive alternators,” sae paper 2000-01-c084, 2000 international congress on transportation electronics (convergence 2000), detroit, mi, oct. Perreault, “computer-aided design and optimization of dc/dc converters for automotive applications,” 2000 ieee power electronics specialists conference, galway, ireland, june 2000, pp. Kassakian, “design and evaluation of an active ripple filter with rogowski-coil current sensing,” 1999 ieee power electronics specialists conference, charleston, sc, june 1999, pp. Kassakian, “analysis of three-phase rectifiers with constant-voltage loads,” 1999 ieee power electronics specialists conference, charleston, sc, june 1999, pp. Verghese, “feedback control of paralleled symmetric systems, with applications to nonlinear dynamics of paralleled power converters,” 1999 ieee international symposium on circuits and systems, orlando, fl, may 1999, pp. Kassakian, “design and evaluation of a cellular rectifier system,” 1998 ieee power electronics specialists conference, fukuoka, japan, may 1998, pp. Sato, “analysis and experimentation with dissipative nonlinear controllers for series resonant dc/dc converters,” 1997 ieee power electronics specialists conference, st. Kassakian, “distributed interleaving of power converters,” 1996 power electronics and motion control conference, budapest, hungary, sept. Kassakian, “frequency-based current-sharing techniques for paralleled power converters,” 1996 ieee power electronics specialists conference, baveno, italy, june 1996, pp. Perreault, “randomized modulation schemes for power converters governed by markov chains,” 1995 conference on control applications, albany, ny, sept. Verghese, “time-varying effects in models for current-mode control,” ieee power electronics specialists conference record, atlanta, ga, june 1995, pp. Kassakian, “loss modeling and component selection for resonant pole inverters,” proceedings of the 29th universities power engineering conference, galway, ireland, sept. Perreault, “an assessment of cellular architectures for large converter systems” (invited), proceedings of the first international power electronics and motion control conference, beijing, prc, june 1994, pp. Martin, “a soft-switched parallel inverter architecture with minimal output magnetics,” ieee power electronics specialists conference record, taipei, roc, june 1994, pp.
Kassakian, “effects of firing angle imbalance on 12-pulse rectifiers with interphase transformers,” ieee power electronics specialists conference record, seattle, wa, june 1993, pp. Perreault, “analysis and synthesis of random modulation schemes for power converters,” ieee power electronics specialists conference record, seattle, wa, june 1993, pp. Thornton, “power electronics for linear synchronous motor propulsion systems,” 13th international conference on magnetically levitated systems and linear drives, argonne, il, may 1993, pp. Khan, “automotive applications of power electronics,” in the power electronics handbook, 3rd edition, muhammad h. Within your : special section on lighting transactions on power electronics covers fundamental technologies used in the control and conversion of electric e influence -phase six-switch dual-output inverter using dual-buck nov 16 00:00:00 est 2017 thu nov 16 00:00:00 est frequency transformer design for modular power conversion from medium voltage ac to 400v nov 16 00:00:00 est 2017 thu nov 16 00:00:00 est -signal models with extended frequency range for dc-dc converters with large modulation ripple nov 15 00:00:00 est 2017 wed nov 15 00:00:00 est ucing single-carrier digital modulation schemes for vlc by controlling the first switching harmonic of the dc-dc power converter output voltage fernandez nov 15 00:00:00 est 2017 wed nov 15 00:00:00 est 2017. Three-phase grid-connected micro-inverter for ac photovoltaic module nov 15 00:00:00 est 2017 wed nov 15 00:00:00 est all latest ew of dual-active-bridge isolated bidirectional dc–dc converter for high-frequency-link power-conversion mar 26 00:00:00 edt 2014 wed mar 26 00:00:00 edt -up dc–dc converters: a comprehensive review of voltage-boosting techniques, topologies, and aug 03 00:00:00 edt 2017 thu aug 03 00:00:00 edt l of power converters in ac jun 20 00:00:00 edt 2012 wed jun 20 00:00:00 edt of battery charger topologies, charging power levels, and infrastructure for plug-in electric and hybrid nov 22 00:00:00 est 2012 thu nov 22 00:00:00 est ion, control, and applications of the modular multilevel converter: a aug 26 00:00:00 edt 2014 tue aug 26 00:00:00 edt all popular sion author digital your transactions on transportation journal of emerging and selected topics in power power electronics in with personal account required for ew of dual-active-bridge isolated bidirectional dc–dc converter for high-frequency-link power-conversion ation year: 2014, page(s):4091 - -frequency-link (hfl) power conversion systems (pcss) are attracting more and more attentions in academia and industry for high power density, reduced weight, and low noise without compromising efficiency, cost, and reliability. Up dc–dc converters: a comprehensive review of voltage-boosting techniques, topologies, and ation year: 2017, page(s):9143 - -dc converters with voltage boost capability are widely used in a large number of power conversion applications, from fraction-of-volt to tens of thousands of volts at power levels from milliwatts to megawatts. Of power converters in ac ation year: 2012, page(s):4734 - enabling of ac microgrids in distribution networks allows delivering distributed power and providing grid support services during regular operation of the grid, as well as powering isolated islands in case of faults and contingencies, thus increasing the performance and reliability of the electrical system. Of battery charger topologies, charging power levels, and infrastructure for plug-in electric and hybrid ation year: 2013, page(s):2151 - paper reviews the current status and implementation of battery chargers, charging power levels, and infrastructure for plug-in electric vehicles and hybrids. Charger systems are categorized into off-board and on-board types with unidirectional or bidirectional power flow. Control, and applications of the modular multilevel converter: a ation year: 2015, page(s):37 - modular multilevel converter (mmc) has been a subject of increasing importance for medium/high-power energy conversion systems. Over the past few years, significant research has been done to address the technical challenges associated with the operation and control of the mmc. Analysis and testing of autonomous operation of an inverter-based ation year: 2007, page(s):613 - analysis of the small-signal stability of conventional power systems is well established, but for inverter based microgrids there is a need to establish how circuit and control features give rise to particular oscillatory modes and which of these have poor damping. Impedance-based control for voltage-source and current-source ation year: 2015, page(s):7019 - virtual impedance concept is increasingly used for the control of power electronic systems. The main objective is to find the parameters of the nonlinear i-v equation by adjusting the curve at three points: open circuit, maximum power, and short circuit. Ation year: 2009, page(s):592 - ever increasing progress of high-voltage high-power fully controlled semiconductor technology continues to have a significant impact on the development of advanced power electronic apparatus used to support optimized operations and efficient management of electrical grids, which, in many cases, are fully or partially deregulated networks. And analysis of harmonic stability in an ac power-electronics-based power ation year: 2014, page(s):6421 - paper addresses the harmonic stability caused by the interactions among the wideband control of power converters and passive components in an ac power-electronics-based power system. Of perturb and observe maximum power point tracking ation year: 2005, page(s):963 - m power point tracking (mppt) techniques are used in photovoltaic (pv) systems to maximize the pv array output power by tracking continuously the maximum power point (mpp) which depends on panels temperature and on irradiance conditions. Modular multilevel converter (mmc) is one of the next-generation multilevel converters intended for high- or medium-voltage power conversion without transformers. And experimental testing of a resonant dc–dc converter for solid-state ation year: 2017, page(s):7534 - the solid-state transformer (sst) concept, the key task of voltage adaptation and isolation is performed by a high-power dc-dc converter, which is operated in the medium-frequency range, hence enabling a reduction in size and weight of the converter's reactive components. They are also widely used for monitoring and diagnostic purposes in the power and energy areas. Wireless power transfer systems with high energy efficiency over wide load ation year: 2017, page(s):Optimum energy efficiency in a wireless power transfer (wpt) system usually occurs only at a specific load value while the load such as a battery is normally not constant. Critical review of recent progress in mid-range wireless power ation year: 2014, page(s):4500 - ng from tesla's principles of wireless power transfer a century ago, this critical review outlines recent magneto-inductive research activities on wireless power transfer with the transmission distance greater than the transmitter coil dimension. It summarizes the operating principles of a range of wireless power research into 1) the maximum power transfer and 2) the maximum energy efficienc... Besides injection of active power into the grid, the pv system operates as a unified power quality conditioner (upqc), suppressing load harmonic currents and compensating reactive power. Piezoelectric energy harvesting circuit for wireless remote power ation year: 2002, page(s):669 - paper describes an approach to harvesting electrical energy from a mechanically excited piezoelectric element. A vibrating piezoelectric device differs from a typical electrical power source in that it has a capacitive rather than inductive source impedance, and may be driven by mechanical vibrations of varying amplitude. Bidirectional full-bridge cllc resonant converter using a new symmetric llc-type resonant network is proposed for a low-voltage direct current power distribution system. This converter can operate under high power conversion efficiency because the symmetric llc resonant network has zero-voltage switching capability for primary power switches and soft commutation capability for output rectifiers.... Microgrids—part ii: a review of power architectures, applications, and standardization ation year: 2016, page(s):3528 - microgrids (mgs) have been gaining a continually increasing interest over the past couple of years both in academia and industry. Of dynamic characteristics between virtual synchronous generator and droop control in inverter-based distributed ation year: 2016, page(s):3600 - recent researches on inverter-based distributed generators, disadvantages of traditional grid-connected current control, such as no grid-forming ability and lack of inertia, have been pointed out.
This paper covers detailed design of the power stage, auxiliary resonant circuit, and control of the s4t... Adaptive power-split strategy for battery–supercapacitor powertrain—design, simulation, and ation year: 2017, page(s):9364 - ic vehicles (evs) adopting both batteries and supercapacitors have attracted a significant amount of attention in research communities due to their unique power-sharing capabilities. A hybrid energy storage system (hess) can effectively reduce power stress that would, otherwise, be applied to batteries alone, and whose weight and size is still a common concern when competing against conventi... Power point tracking converter based on the open-circuit voltage method for thermoelectric ation year: 2015, page(s):828 - electric generators (tegs) convert heat energy into electricity in a quantity dependent on the temperature difference across them and the electrical load applied. It is critical to track the optimum electrical operating point through the use of power electronic converters controlled by a maximum power point tracking (mppt) algorithm. Survey of wide bandgap power semiconductor ation year: 2014, page(s):2155 - bandgap semiconductors show superior material properties enabling potential power device operation at higher temperatures, voltages, and switching speeds than current si technology. As a result, a new generation of power devices is being developed for power converter applications in which traditional si power devices show limited operation. Of power management strategies of hybrid ac/dc ation year: 2015, page(s):7072 - , conventional power systems are evolving to modern smart grids, where interconnected microgrids may dominate the distribution system with high penetration of renewable energy and energy storage systems. Voltage bipolar-type dc microgrid for super high quality ation year: 2010, page(s):3066 - rid is one of the new conceptual power systems for smooth installation of many distributed generations (dgs). While most of the microgrids adopt ac distribution as well as conventional power systems, dc microgrids are proposed and researched for the good connection with dc output type sources such as photovoltaic (pv) system, fuel cell, and secondary battery. Resonant coupling as a potential means for wireless power transfer to multiple small ation year: 2009, page(s):1819 - ss power transfer via magnetic resonant coupling is experimentally demonstrated in a system with a large source coil and either one or two small receivers. Current regulation of a three-phase voltage source inverter with an lcl input ation year: 2003, page(s):888 - grid connected power electronic systems, such as statcoms, upfcs, and distributed generation system interfaces, use a voltage source inverter (vsi) connected to the supply network through a filter. Source networks for electric power conversion part i: a topological ation year: 2015, page(s):699 - nce networks cover the entire of electric power conversion from dc (converter, rectifier), ac (inverter), to phase and frequency conversion (ac-ac) in a wide range of applications. The feasibility of the approach is verified by ate reactive power and increase system efficiency of isolated bidirectional dual-active-bridge dc–dc converters using novel dual-phase-shift ation year: 2008, page(s):2905 - paper proposes a novel dual-phase-shift (dps) control strategy for a dual-active-bridge isolated bidirectional dc-dc converter. Bidirectional grid-tied three-phase ac–dc power conversion using series-resonant converter modules and a three-phase ation year: 2017, page(s):9001 - -bidirectional converters are used to integrate energy storage with both dc and ac distribution grids. This paper presents a 2-kw, 60-hz, 450-vdc-to-240-vac power inverter, designed and tested subject to the specifications of the google/ieee little box challenge. Of active and reactive power sharing strategies in hierarchical controlled antônio alves ation year: 2017, page(s):2427 - rids consist of multiple parallel-connected distributed generation (dg) units with coordinated control strategies, which are able to operate in both grid-connected and islanded modes. Microgrids are attracting considerable attention since they can alleviate the stress of main transmission systems, reduce feeder losses, and improve system power quality. Improvement of series-series compensated wireless power transfer systems using discrete sliding mode sak ation year: 2017, page(s):This paper presents a discrete sliding mode control (dsmc) scheme for a series-series compensated wireless power transfer (wpt) system to achieve fast maximum-energy-efficiency (mee) tracking and output voltage regulation. The power transmitter of the adopted wpt system comprises a dc/ac converter, which incorporates the hill-climbing-search-based phase angle control in achieving minimum input cur... Electronics as efficient interface in dispersed power generation ation year: 2004, page(s):1184 - global electrical energy consumption is rising and there is a steady increase of the demand on the power capacity, efficient production, distribution and utilization of energy. The traditional power systems are changing globally, a large number of dispersed generation (dg) units, including both renewable and nonrenewable energy sources such as wind turbines, photovoltaic (pv) generators, fuel ... Single-stage grid connected inverter topology for solar pv systems with maximum power point ation year: 2007, page(s):1928 - paper proposes a high performance, single-stage inverter topology for grid connected pv systems. The proposed configuration can not only boost the usually low photovoltaic (pv) array voltage, but can also convert the solar dc power into high quality ac power for feeding into the grid, while tracking the maximum power from the pv array. Characters transactions on power electronics covers fundamental technologies used in the control and conversion of electric your about this e influence ieee transactions on power electronics journal covers all issues of widespread or generic interest to engineers who work in the field of power electronics. The journal editors will enforce standards and a review policy equivalent to the ieee transactions, and only papers of high technical quality will be accepted. Papers which treat new and novel device, circuit or system issues which are of generic interest to power electronics engineers are published. Papers which are not within the scope of this journal will be forwarded to the appropriate ieee journal or transactions editors. Examples of papers which would be more appropriately published in other journals or transactions include: 1) papers describing semiconductor or electron device physics. These papers would be more appropriate for the transactions of the society which is concerned with these applications. While original papers of significant technical content will comprise the major portion of the journal, tutorial papers and papers of historical value are also reviewed for ation details: ieee transactions on power power electronics ication, networking & ents, circuits, devices & ing & ered materials, dielectrics & , waves & l topics for , energy, & industry processing & astern ment of electrical computer engineering.
In this paper, the motor drive system of ev was mainly researched, and a co-simulation method was proposed: control system and motor model were established with matlab, and the equivalent circuit model of inverter and the cable model were established with saber. Oak ridge national laboratory (ornl) developed such a hil test platform capable of subjecting electric drives to both conventional steady-state test procedures as well as transient experiments such as vehicle drive pment of new igbt to reduce electrical power losses and size of power control unit for hybrid e kimura, tasbir rahman, tadashi misumi, takeshi fukami, masafumi hara, sachiko kawaji, satoru ct one way to improve the fuel efficiency of hvs is to reduce the losses and size of the power control unit (pcu). To achieve this, it is important to reduce the losses of power devices (such as igbts and fwds) used in the pcu since their losses account for about 20% of the total loss of an hv. Furthermore, another issue when reducing the size of power devices is ensuring the thermal feasibility of the downsized devices. To achieve the objectives of the 4th generation pcu, the following development targets were set for the igbts: reduce power losses by 19. Power losses were reduced by the development of a new super body layer (sbl) structure, which improved the trade-off relationship between switching and steady-state loss. This trade-off relationship was improved by optimizing the key sbl concentration ed modeling of near-wall heat transport for cooling of electric and hybrid powertrain components by high prandtl number saric, andreas ennemoser, branislav basara, heinz petutschnig, christoph irrenfried, helfried steiner, günter ct reynolds-averaged navier-stokes (rans) computations of heat transfer involving wall bounded flows at elevated prandtl numbers typically suffer from a lack of accuracy and/or increased mesh dependency. An averaged model is utilised for the electrical domain, and a power balance method is used for linking the dc and ac sides. Investigation into the tradespace of advanced wide-band gap semiconductor devices in a full-bridge dc-dc kondrath, nathaniel ct in aerospace applications, it is important to have efficient, small, affordable, and reliable power conversion units with high power density to supply a wide range of loads. Use of wide-band gap devices, such as silicon carbide (sic) and gallium nitride (gan) devices, in power electronic converters is expected to reduce the device losses and need for extensive thermal management systems in power converters, as well as facilitate high-frequency operation, thereby reducing the passive component sizes and increasing the power density. A performance comparison of state-of-the art power devices in a 10 kw full-bridge dc-dc buck converter operating in continuous conduction mode (ccm) and at switching frequencies above 100 khz will be presented in this manuscript. Power devices under consideration are silicon (si) igbt with si antiparallel diodes, si igbt with sic antiparallel diodes, si mosfets, sic mosfets, and enhancement-mode gan transistors. Specification analysis framework for aircraft y deppen, brian raczkowski, marco amrhein, jason wells, eric walters, mark bodie, soumya ct future aircraft systems are projected to have order of magnitude greater power and thermal demands, along with tighter constraints on the performance of the power and thermal management subsystems. This trend has led to the need for a fully integrated design process where power and thermal systems, and their interactions, are considered simultaneously. The key contribution of this paper is the process for model and control algorithm validation, specifically a method for decomposing the problem into model and control algorithm validation and testing of a high temperature nk krishnamurthy, stephen savulak, yang ct the emergence of wide band gap devices has pushed the boundaries of power converter operations and high power density applications. The wide band gap devices in conjunction with silicon on insulator electronic components enable the realization of power converters that can operate at high ambient temperatures that are typically found in aerospace engine environments. This paper describes the design and test of a power electronic inverter that converts a fixed input dc voltage to a variable voltage variable frequency three phase output. The design of the key functional components such as the gate drive, power module, controller and communication will be discussed in this paper. No one technique or technology fits perfectly for all types of ting impact of bleed and power extraction with more electric ct aircraft subsystems essential for flight safety and airworthiness, including flight controls, environmental control system (ecs), anti-icing, electricity generation, and starting, require engine bleed and power extraction. Predictions of the resulting impacts on maximum altitude net thrust(>8%), range, and fuel burn, and quantification of turbofan performance sensitivities with compressor bleed, and with both high pressure(hp) rotor power extraction and low pressure(lp) rotor power extraction were obtained from simulation. The “no bleed” system in boeing 787 was a major step forward toward more electric aircraft (mea) and analysis in this paper substantiates the claimed enhanced secondary control approach for voltage restoration in the dc distribution gao, serhiy bozhko, patrick ct the paper will deal with the problem of establishing a desirable power sharing in multi-feed electric power system for future more-electric aircraft (mea) platforms. Hence the onboard installed electrical power increases significantly and this results in challenges in the design of electrical power systems (eps). A novel communication channel based secondary control method is proposed in this l design for pmm-based generator fed by active front-end rectifier in more-electric ng yin, serhiy bozhko, seang shen ct the future aircraft electrical power system is expected to be more efficient, safer, simpler in servicing and easier in maintenance. As a result, many existing hydraulic and pneumatic power driven systems are being replaced by their electrical counterparts. As a result, a large number of new electrical loads have been introduced in order to power many primary functions including actuation, de-icing, cabin air-conditioning, and engine start. Advances in modern power electronics allow the concept of starter/generator (s/g) which enables electrical engine start and power generation using the same electrical machine. This results in substantial improvements in power density and reduced overall utility of wide-bandwidth emulation to evaluate aircraft power system le bash, steven pekarek, jon ct the cost and complexity of aircraft power systems limit the number of integrated system evaluations that can be performed in hardware. As an example, aircraft generation systems are often tested using an emulator that consists of a bank of resistors that are switched to represent the power draw of one or more actuators. In this research, consideration is given to modern wide bandwidth emulators (wbes) that use power electronics and digital controls to obtain wide bandwidth control of power, current, or voltage. Capturing the impedance of loads and sources is important for accurately assessing the small-signal stability of a tual design and weight optimization of aircraft power systems with high-peak pulsed power li, balakrishnan devarajan, xuning zhang, rolando burgos, dushan boroyevich, pradeep ct the more electric aircraft (mea) concept has gained popularity in recent years. As the main building blocks of advanced aircraft power systems, multi-converter power electronic systems have advantages in reliability, efficiency and weight reduction.
The pulsed power load has been increasingly adopted--especially in military applications--and has demonstrated highly nonlinear characteristics. Consequently, more design effort needs to be placed on power conversion units and energy storage systems dealing with this challenging mission profile: when the load is on, a large amount of power is fed from the power supply system, and this is followed by periods of low power consumption, during which time the energy storage devices get ing behavioral models in experimental n. Miller, michael ct this paper introduces a method for conducting experimental hardware-in-the-loop (xhil), in which behavioral-level models are coupled with an advanced power emulator (ape) to emulate an electrical load on a power generation system. The paper will be broken down into four topics: 1) the development of a solution to target behavioral-level models to an advanced, real-time simulation device, 2) the development of a high-bandwidth, high-power emulation capability, 3) the integration of the real-time simulation device and the ape, and 4) the application of the emulation system (simulator and emulator) in an xhil r and reconfigurable transient modeling and simulation design support tool for mee/mea power sztykiel, steven fletcher, patrick norman, stuart galloway, graeme ct there is a well-recognised need for robust simulation tools to support the design and evaluation of future more-electric engine and aircraft (mee/mea) design concepts. Design options for these systems are increasingly complex, and normally include multiple power electronics converter topologies and machine drive units. The developed tool is a matlab/simulink library consisting of functional sub-system units, which can be rapidly integrated to build complex system architecture experimental survey of li-ion battery charging ah al-refai, osamah rawashdeh, rami ct lithium-ion batteries are the standard portable power solution to many consumers and industrial applications. Charging these batteries is a delicate process because it depends on numerous factors such as temperature, cell capacity, and, most importantly, the power and energy limits of the battery cells. Virtual ecu and its application to control system analysis - power window system morishima, shigeru thomas oho, satoshi ct a virtual power window control system was built in order to look into and demonstrate applications of microcontroller models. The mechanical system of the power window, the dc motor to lift the window glass, the h-bridge mosfet drivers, and the current sensing circuit to detect window locking are also modeled. By integrating these models into continuous and discrete co-simulation, the power window control system was analyzed in detail from the microscopic command execution of the microcontroller to the macroscopic motion of the window mechanism ing internet of things solutions using a visual rad cloud palachi, fariz saracevic, amit ct connected vehicles provide suppliers and oems new opportunities to improve their customer experience and offer new services. Then, the phase currents under different conditions are applied to the finite element model to obtain the distribution of the magnetic field strength h and the magnetic induction b, so that the pmsm loss can be ency improvement of boost converter for fuel cell bus by silicon carbide azu sugiura, atsushi tanida, kazutaka ct the adoption of silicon carbide (sic) power semiconductors is regarded as a promising means of improving the fuel efficiency of all types of electrically powered vehicles, including plug-in, electric, fuel cell, and hybrid vehicles (phvs, evs, fcvs, and hvs). In this research, sic schottky barrier diodes (sic-sbds) were adopted in the upper arm of an fc boost converter. This technology is capable to provide sufficient power density and higher driving cycle energy efficiency compared to the current state-of-the-art rare-earth permanent magnet synchronous machines used for automotive applications. To accelerate the design process, this paper presents a method that consists of an equivalent magnetic circuit model and a process to obtain magnet width and thickness that satisfy target maximum torque and power factor (p. Complexity reduction of the hardware and diagnostic software was undertaken to eliminate potential ission-mounted power control unit with high power density for two-motor hybrid kashimura, yuki ct a second-generation power control unit (pcu) for a two-motor hybrid system is proposed. An optimally designed power module, which is a key component of the pcu, is applied to increase heat-resistant temperature, while the basic structure of the first generation is retained and the power semiconductor chip is directly cooled from the single side. In addition to the optimum design, by decreasing the power loss as well as increasing the heat-resistant temperature of the power semiconductors (igbt: insulated gate bipolar transistor and fwd: free wheeling diode), the proposed pcu has attained 25% higher power density and 23% smaller size compared to first-generation units, maintaining pcu efficiency (fuel economy). To achieve a high yield rate in the power module assembly process, a new screening technology is adopted at the initial stage of power module ic traction motors for cadillac ct6 plugin hybrid-electric jurkovic, khwaja m. Rahman, peter savagian, robert ct the cadillac ct6 plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (phev) power-split transmission architecture utilizes two motors. Hvw can withstand the forming load during motor manufacture, secures durability for the automobile motor operating environment (automatic transmission fluid: atf), high temperatures) and can maintain high-voltage gate control methods to reduce electrical power losses of hybrid osanai, masaki wasekura, hideo yamawaki, yusuke ct reducing the loss of the power control unit (pcu) in a hybrid vehicle (hv) is an important part of improving hv fuel efficiency. Furthermore the loss of power devices (insulated gate bipolar transistors (igbts) and diodes) used in the pcu must be reduced since this amounts to approximately 20% of the total electrical loss in an hv. This research clarifies a better condition of the two-stage control and designed a circuit that improves this trade-off relationship by increasing the speed of feedback -pinch mechanism for power alex john, mona sherki, sanjay a ct new generation automobiles are equipped with power windows which eases the passenger’s effort in moving the vehicle windows up and down. Even though it adds comfort to driver & passenger, inadvertent use of power window can be fatal if a person’s body part gets trapped inside. The anti-pinch algorithm used in this project is based on the “method of monitoring movable element”, method monitor traveling distance of a power window pane. Iet power power electronics aims to attract original research papers, short communications, review articles and power electronics related educational studies. The scope covers applications and technologies in the field of power electronics with special focus on cost-effective, efficient, power dense, environmental friendly and robust solutions, which includes:5-year impact factor: 3. The zvt characteristic for active power switches and zero-current transition characteristic for power diodes can be achieved to reduce the switching losses of active power switches and eliminate the reverse recovery losses of power diodes. Finally, experimental results taken from a 1500 w prototype are presented to confirm the effectiveness of the presented high step-up dual switches converter with reduced power device voltage stress for distributed generation study introduces a new dual switches converter with a high voltage gain and reduced power device voltage stress. However, unlike other converters with coupled inductor, the power device voltage stress in the proposed converter is dramatically reduced. Finally, practical results from a laboratory prototype are presented to verify the performance of the proposed igation on pulse-width amplitude modulation-based single-phase quasi-z-source photovoltaic pulse-width amplitude modulation (pwam) method was proposed for the single-phase quasi-z-source inverter (qzsi)-based photovoltaic (pv) power system to reduce quasi-z-source (qzs) impedance values while improving efficiency. As a result, the power dissipation decreased compared to working at the constant dc-link voltage.
Simulation and experimental results verify outstanding features of the pwam for single-phase qzsi, and the proposed approach for dual-mode operation of the pwam-based single-phase qzs pv power is and control of battery-integrated dc/dc converters for renewable energy esmaeel seyed this study, conventional dc/dc converters are integrated with a battery for renewable energy applications. The proposed bics provide constant output power (less fluctuation) in different irradiance levels in distributed pv systems resulting in a constant output voltage at the connection point of bics to the dc link. Besides extracting maximum power from the renewable source, output voltage is properly regulated on reference voltage in the proposed bics. A linear quadratic regulator (lqr) control is applied to regulate output voltage and power of renewable source on references for three scenarios. Dc–dc multilevel boost synchronous compensators (statcom): a r multilevel inverter: pulse width modulation and capacitor balancing ion, design and control of dual h-bridge-based isolated bidirectional dc–dc lised single-phase p-q theory for active power filtering: simulation and dsp-based experimental ght & contents © the institution of engineering and technology institution of engineering and technology is registered as a charity in england & wales (no 211014) and scotland (no sc038698).