Presenting qualitative data
8); 2010 oct s:article | pubreader | epub (beta) | pdf (451k) | e and analyse data | collate and analyse questionnaire results | present your to present your the group has analysed the data it will need the present the results.
Methods’ section that says how the group carried out the research and why it used those methods, along with how many people participated in the main themes and findings coming out of the analysis - using each theme as a sub-heading can work sions: the group’s answer to the research question based on its interpretation of the endations: what the group wants to happen on the basis of their conclusion - the impact they want to research instruments as are some hints for presenting qualitative research:Don’t get bogged down in the detail - tell the reader about the main themes as they relate to the research question, rather than reporting everything that interviewees ulate the data and tell the reader what level of consensus there was - did all the different types of people you spoke to agree, or did views differ by group?
That ‘most people said …’ or ‘few people felt …’ rather that giving the number of people who said a particular brief quotes where these illustrate a particular point really t confidentially - you could attribute a quote to ‘a teacher’ rather than ‘mrs jones’, for are some hints for writing up quantitative research:Use charts or tables to help the reader understand the data and then highlight the most interesting ’t feel that you have to report every e the data rather than just describing it - use it to tell a story that focuses on answering the research ’t use percentages or proportions to report findings if you have fewer than 100 filled in questionnaires, as this can be misleading.
You should still be able to navigate through these materials but selftest questions will not 9 : introduction to 1: introduction to 2 research and the voluntary and community 3 primary and secondary 4 research 5 quantitative 6 qualitative 7 ethics and data 8 presenting and using research findings.
Presenting qualitative planning the presentation of qualitative data, consider that the data are:It may be suggested that the researcher base the structure of the presentation of the research around the categories or themes that have themes or categories may be presented as sections with relevant can be used to demonstrate and or inform or support findings, but it is recommended that the researcher consider the reliability and validity of each eration may also be given to whether or not qualitative data can be represented in a quantitative form (i.