Problem statement on teenage pregnancy
Long term impact of adolescent risky behaviors and family r i: statement of the long term impact of adoles... For others, it will be the beginning down a path to problems that follow them into adulthood. For the most part, the consequences examined are typically short-term such as high school graduation, college enrollment, and teenage pregnancy. Why do some youths use drugs or engage in sexual activity and go on to lead successful lives while others encounter problems? 20201, attention: pra reports clearance new authors:free, easy and al: ambassador newsletter keeps you up to date with all new papers in your information via can unsubscribe any registered t with t a new password via impact of teenage pregnancy on school dropout among secondary school girls in embu ogy - children and ad immediately. Illustration in percentages of the girls already engaging sex with partners of different gh considerable attention has been paid to the prevalence of adolescence childbearing in kenya today, few studies have focused on the educational consequences of the schoolgirl pregnancy. Using data collected in selected schools in embu municipality, this study examines the factors associated with schoolgirl pregnancy as well as the likelihood of school dropout and subsequent re-enrollment of schoolgirls who become analysis is derived from the data collected from secondary schoolgirls, education officials and teachers on factors that predispose girls to pregnancy, the extent to which teenage pregnancy contributes to school dropout and the eventual levels of re-admission. Question is then raised on what other factors would be causing these girls to drop out of school other than just the pregnancy. However, poverty, cultural practices and peer pressure are among the factors assumed to be predisposing girls to pregnancy from the findings of this study, while these factors in themselves would also cause dropouts.
Problem statement of teenage pregnancy
In addition, some studies have shown that few adolescents use contraceptives and are at risk of pregnancy (kiragu, 1991; mccauley and salter, 1995; kiragu & zabin, 1995). Research reports also indicate that the united states records the highest teen birth rates in the industrialized world, twice as high as that of the united kingdom which is the developed nation with the second highest rate of teen pregnancy (the national campaign to prevent teen pregnancy, 1997). The educational stakes are also very high for young parents in the developed countries whereas a high percentage of young mothers drop out of school, making early motherhood the number one reason for dropping out of school among young girls in these africa, especially the sub-saharan africa countries, there are concerns about high rates of pregnancy-related school dropouts, also leading to the reported gender disparities in education in the developing world (mensch et. Among policy makers and even the media, pregnancy is increasingly being mentioned as a reason for premature school leaving in the region. Anyone who has lived or travelled in africa and read the local papers is familiar with the attention given to “schoolgirl pregnancy”- a term which draws attention to the risks schoolgirls face when they stay in school beyond the age of sexual maturity (lloyd & mensch, 2005). Because girls who dropped out of school due to pregnancy usually never returned to school to complete their education after childbirth, their opportunities for socioeconomic advancement are limited. They must either terminate their pregnancy by taking recourse in abortion in order to continue their education, or drop out of school either on their own volition or on pain of threatened official expulsion….. When girls drop out of school because of pregnancy, their future socio-economic prospects are significantly reduced. Than the health problems associated with teenage pregnancy, it can also affect the girl’s future by delaying or terminating education, decreasing the chance of education beyond high school and increasing the chances of a poor marriage, unemployment or a low paying job.
It is also noted that rather than pregnancy causing girls to drop out of school, other factors such as the lack of social and economic opportunities for girls and women in general as well as the domestic demands placed on them, coupled with the gender inequities of the education system, may result in unsatisfactory school experiences, poor academic performance and an acquiescence in or endorsement for early kenya, the youth population with young people between ages 15 – 19 is large, accounting for 25% of the population of the country. The challenges are serious such that many young people especially young girls are leaving school early due to pregnancy. A growth in the percentage of girls attending school after puberty inevitably leads to a rise in the risk of pregnancy among students being that they are already sexually the fluidity of the traditional african marriage process, the onset of sexual relations and childbearing prior to formalizing a union was not unknown in kenya in the past (meekers 1992). The ministry is fully aware that the dropout rate for girls is higher than that of boys and also that pregnancy and subsequent drop out of the girls from school contributes to the very disparities the educational policy seeks to eliminate. The statistics on school drop out of the teenage mothers in kenya reveal that the problem has been demanding urgent solution. 1 problem statement:Teenage pregnancy has a direct implication on school dropout among girls and a subsequent contributor to the disparities experienced in the education of both girls and boys. A number of studies concur that many young women drop out of school as a result of pregnancy (gyepi-grabrah, 1985a). Whereas there have been issues raised with regard to teenage pregnancy and its subsequent influence on school dropouts, the literature available is really not about schoolgirl pregnancy at all, but instead on the relationship between school exit and subsequent childbearing. The widespread perception is also that girls who become pregnant and drops out may have to accept a low-paid job, enter a premature marriage, or become the head of an impoverished household, relying on meager assistance from her family and the child’s study seeks to establish the extent to which teenage pregnancy contributes to school dropout among girls in embu municipality.
What are the levels of school drop outs in embu municipality due to teenage pregnancy? 6 justification of the study:Early sexual debut and premarital sex are increasingly common features of female adolescence in kenya - putting girls at the risk of unwanted pregnancy and even infections such as sexually transmitted infections and hiv/aids. Except in qualitative studies, the simultaneous decisions related to pregnancy and leaving school are rarely examined. In particular, if a girl gives a reason other than pregnancy for discontinuing her education, whether she is also pregnant at the time she leaves school is rarely taken into account. Particularly for those who give such dominant concerns as financial issues, family obligations, or lack of interest in school, a pregnancy may serve as an unacknowledged catalyzing force for timing of school ’ dropping out of school due to pregnancy is a prevalent issue as reported in most schools in kenya and this makes the issue of pregnancy as a reason for school dropout a subject worth investigating. Pregnancy as a factor in some of the dropouts may be downplayed, likewise the girls who mention pregnancy as their reason for leaving school may be influenced by their family’s financial situation or by potential care giving arrangements that will be available after the child is born. These factors may be significant in determining how a schoolgirl reacts to pregnancy and whether she will resume her education after her child is reports also show that an estimated 13,000 girls drop out of school every year due to pregnancy. With all the uncertainties pointed out here, it is evident that the issue of teenage pregnancy as a reason for school dropout among school girls is an area worth investigating; singling out the influence that teenage pregnancy has on schoolgirl dropout and the extent to which it is felt. 7 significance of the study:As already seen above on the justification, the outcome of this very important study has provided a more precise understanding of how teenage pregnancy influences school dropout and how that affects the education of the girl child in this particular region, the causes of teenage pregnancy as well as the possible remedies that can be employed to control the most likely to benefit from the findings of this study are the ministry of education and the school management authorities, especially in the formulation and strengthening of policies that guard teenage pregnancies in schools and the possible re-admission of the affected girls back to school.
The civil society is another potential beneficiary of the outcome of this study in their course of championing for the rights of the girl child in attaining education, while working towards narrowing down the gender disparities in the education study has also helped create an environment of clear understanding of teenage pregnancies in schools, singling it out for clarity as one of the major causes as opposed to the many reasons that may cause school dropout. 9 assumptions of the study:- secondary school going girls are at great risk of dropping out of school due to pregnancy. Girls who withdraw from school due to pregnancy would have otherwise continued in school had they not become r 2: literature studies have investigated the degree to which pregnancy related school dropout is a major cause of gender differences in educational attainment (eloundou-enyegue and strokes 2004). The goal of this study is to determine whether reduction in unintended teen pregnancy is a useful policy lever to improve school attendance by girls ensuring gender equity in school ble arguments suggest that programs to avoid unintended pregnancies among teens can have spillover benefits in promoting gender equity in education in many countries. Since many girls and few (if any) boys drop out of school because of pregnancies, policymakers could reduce existing gender gaps by addressing pregnancy-related dropouts (hyde 1995; odaga and heneveld 1995; okojie 2001). 1 causes of teenage pregnancies:The various causes of teenage pregnancies in kenya are as listed below;. Problems in parent-child relationship, which may encourage the adolescent to seek comfort, acceptance and consolation through sexual activity. Early pregnancy may be seen as a normal occurrence, the outcome of adolescent fertility and an indication of one’s et. Teenage pregnancy can usually be attributed to abundance of sexual mythology that they have learned from their peers and lack of factual information that they have received from their parents.
For pc, kindle, tablet, impact of teenage pregnancy on school dropout among secondary school girls in embu a in social ess of the health risks associated with teenage pregnancy in ... Earn money and win an iphone long term impact of adolescent risky behaviors and family r i: statement of the long term impact of adoles... H e w h i t e h o u s e in statement on teen pregnancy help site map text ent on teen of the press president: thank you. And we've ere about what we're trying to do to discourage young smoking because that presents, by far, the greatest that they face morning we want to talk about teen pregnancy,Because it is a moral problem and a personal problem and a individual young people should face, and because it has proportions that it is a very significant economic and m for the united states. The rates here, of course, ed in many other countries in the world, but they're g the same kind of problems elsewhere, and that doesn't make parents often don't have the education they need,Don't have the self-awareness they need, don't have -confidence they need to make the most of their own lives in force or to succeed themselves as know, too, that almost all the poor children in y are living with one parent; that there are very, very children, without regard to race, region or income, living -parent married households. We know that there are an awful good, single parents out there doing their best, but we also would be better if no teenager ever had a child out of wedlock;. It is not the right thing to do, and it is not a good thing children's future and for the future of our also know, finally, that we all have to work solve this problem, and that the people who deserve the lion' of credit are people like those who are behind me today --. Who are giving their lives to try to give our young to say yes to, to try to give our young people a sense -confidence, a sense of identity and a sense of the future they can make good personal decisions about their own s of our administration have been meeting ns like these folks from all sectors of our society, and over the country, to determine whether we could help to establishment of a new national organization that would and reinforce and elevate these community-based is not a problem which can be solved in is not a problem that can be dealt with by a politician', no matter how statesmanlike. But things, as these people have told me today, for political do, there are things for business leaders to do, there are people in the media to do, things for the health care system i am very pleased that from the grass roots, we input about how you ought to design the right kind of gn against teen pregnancy.
And today i am pleased to a group of very prominent americans will agree to become leaders for the national campaign to reduce teen pregnancy. When it holds its first board meeting the gn to reduce teen pregnancy, i hope, will be coming to house to discuss how we can work together and how we can all part to advance this important e government does have to do its part, again as in the state of the union, we don't have a big e, it's smaller than it was when i took office. Foster has dedicated his energies g with this complex, profoundly human problem of ncy, and he's had a remarkable amount of success. And it is not the right choice for a teenager to she or he is ready. Gorerecord of progress | the briefing roomgateway to government | contacting the white housewhite house for kids | white house historywhite house tours | help | text onlyprivacy statement 1996 state of the union address in statement on teen pregnancy protect our children from tobacco america's challenge: background on president's state of the union address statement by the president on direct college loans president clinton's 1996 state of the union address as delivered state of the union address - background state of the union 1995 - ch proposal: exploring the causes of teenage pregnancy in the uk. 0 proposed title of ing the causes of teenage pregnancy in the actually shows the extent to which teenage pregnancy proves to be a social menace in the fabric of britain’s cloth. Among the background of teenage girls, the ones who are more vulnerable to become pregnant are: the homeless, children of teenage parents, underachieving in school, those in or leaving care, involved in crime, members of some ethnic groups and those leaving in high socially deprived must be emphasized that, this research development proposal will look into why the widespread of pregnancy among teenage girls in uk, its effects and also propose mitigating measures in relation to the problem. 2 statement of problem and western and eastern cultures, pregnancy among teenagers is a common social canker. Even though, teenage pregnancy may be seen as a positive sign as some believe is a sign of fertility, many researches depicts that it comes with some related psychological, physical and social problems (limmer, 2005).
The rate of pregnancy breaks to bare that the cases of unplanned pregnancy are on the high side. Most teenage mothers are faced with the problem of postnatal depression, economic difficulties, poor housing, unfinished education, and a few to mention. In addition the babies of these teenagers are of risk such as high mortality and low birth rate (mayson, 2011). About sample research proposal on teenage teenage pregnancy be prevented given the fact that education plays a crucial factor for disseminating imperative information? Pregnancy research so called “in”, but the equal treatment for birth control methods are a teen girl doesn’t have goals for her future or doesn’t have control over her life she is also a greater chance that she will become pregnant. Occasionally, abuse is the result of teenage results of this trend are everlasting, dramatic, and sometimes traumatic. Mathis feels that if a class that talks about the importance of condoms could prevent an unplanned pregnancy, why not add it to the school’s program. Removing it from the curriculum does not discourage young people from having sex; it puts them at risk for unwanted pregnancies and stds when having n claims that teenage pregnancy is everybody’s problem and not just one political party or another. On teenage pregnancy scratch the surface that lies beneath the complex issues of teenage pregnancy.
There are many adverse concerns that encompass teen pregnancy, to which society has even developed its own views upon. Concerns that develop from adolescent pregnancy can have negative impacts for teenage parents, children, and even society. According to furstenberg, “in 1995, in his state of the union address, president bill clinton singled out teenage childbearing as “our most serious social problem”. Eliminating the glamorous lifestyles of teenage parents, we will help teens face the reality that being a parent is ultimately difficult. The teen parents should help send out the message that it is hard to live life as a teenage parent and that television shows don’t fully depict the hardships that come along with raising children. Instead of having shows that glamorize pregnancy, we should have shows that educate teens on…. Pregnancy t a fully developed maturity the mother can also suffer from emotional and mental stagnation. She may feel humiliated and ashamed after her pregnancy begins to show, so then she refuses to finish school and as a result she lessens her ability to effectively raise her child. When teenage mother are pregnant, they are the least likely of all maternal age groups to get early and regular prenatal care.
Pregnancy and the media sex, drugs, and alcohol influence teens to do the same things that they listen to in their songs. They are influenced to do bad things and this is a perfect example of how seeing teenage pregnancy in the media can give them the wrong perception. In society today, there are more shows about sex and teen pregnancy than there has been ever before. About research proposal: exploring the causes of teenage pregnancy in the about sample research proposal on teenage e pregnancy research and effects of teenage pregnancy ch-proposal-on-causes-of-employee-turnover. Words | 18 e pregnancy on teenage pregnancy e pregnancy and the media e pregnancy prevention e pregnancy e pregnancy and the media on the ever changing concept of ment availability for sex offenders religion from a hinduism art: the seduction of the innocent on the glaciers of yosemite national on the effects of parenting styles on child outcome.