Project management dissertation
Management to find a specific project management resultsan improvement in project leadership skillsthough project managers have placed client needs and demands at a priority, client expectations, and the increase in global competition, as well as the enormous impact projects have on firms, have led to a further increasing demand for the use of more effective leadership skills that can assist project managers in project team leadership (zimmerer and yasin, 1998).... Click here to read more published: 2016-07-25 51 pages 17,864 wordsavoiding project failureproject management have become increasingly important in the development of any nation.... Click here to read more published: 2016-07-25 49 pages 17,208 words project management: capitulo 1 da guarda project management: des flux multimedia project management: employee turnover project management: hotel industry in malaysia project management: human resource accounting and indian practice project management: knowledge age project management: luxury housing industry project management: menagement des operations project management: online property management system project management: organic food project management: project management business project management: project management plan project management: project management within organizations is important project management: tesco and : all of the dissertations in this section were written by students and then submitted to us to publish and help others. They are not the work of our own expert dissertation writers; we never publish the work that we produce for our customers. Related slideshares at project management hed on feb 28, you sure you want message goes the first to t at institue of technology and management project management n sharma msc project management. An analysis of communicational issues on global projects and its impact on project n sharma msc project management. An analysis of communicational issues on global projects and its impact on isor – ruth dissertation is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for of master of science. All rights part of this publication may be produced without the written permission of n sharma msc project management. The data in this dissertation has not in any other submission for an academic assignment and acknowledging ance revived. Project management grows and projects become global, it’s important to ion to communication and develop communication skills as a project manager,In order to have successful projects. This research study illustrates the importance ication and the influence communication has on project management. Ch analyses projects in two different scenarios in organisational projects uction projects, as well as explaining communication in project ce. The study begins with an introduction to project management and trates the inter-link of communication with project management, ying the aims and objectives of the research. Following the aims and the research the study begins with an introduction of communication, however,There is no clear definition of communication in terms of management, which research to explain communication through models and concepts. The writes heavily analyses of literature on communication in ts, construction projects, project management practice and concludes ning the effects of effective communication. The study analysed around l articles, from which there were various journals ranging from ls to project management journals. The project management journal in the time-horizon from 1998-2010 and the other journals used weren’t a time-horizon as the study looked at journals from almost any year to correct data/information required. The moral of the study is y a view of the importance of communication and it’s influence on n sharma msc project management. D(s): organisational projects, flow of information, construction projects,Effective communication and project n sharma msc project management. Study begins with the chapter of introduction, which introduces the topic ication with a major link with project management. The chapter importance and influence that communication has had on project illustrating case studies about real life projects. The chapter then tion of communication listed by various authors, furthermore discussing of communication in project management and its impact. The chapter des with the aims and objectives of the study, as well as describing each chapter in the t management is mainstay in the business world. Nowadays almost sation has a project going on and the requirement for project sets is now larger than ever. Project management defined is “a our, undertaken to create a unique product or service” (pmi, 1996). Furthermore,Craig, (1999) states that communication doesn’t have a specific theory from know from in comparison to other management topics, such as culture ship. The effective flow of information is vital to everyone involved in t, as effective flow of information will lead to a successful project, erring of data across various departments in the project to keep the ts encounter various issues when in progress and projects that s from various cultures and ethnic backgrounds can lead to a lot erstanding, as working ways are completely different. A by assaf and al-hejji, (2006) outlines that a large construction project place in saudi arabia, with major client dealing with a firm from construction project faced major difficulties due to data or n sharma msc project management. The problems that occurred were as simple as paper work transferred over through departments for signing off aims and objectives,Which meant that some teams still were working on completed tasks, which projects to be very inefficient as other tasks were lacking due to lesser paid to them. Also, as the project had two teams, one in saudi arabia and hong-kong, the above issue here occurred as both teams couldn’t converse another effectively, which led to many major decisions not being made on to incomplete tasks and this led to the design and the scope of the project d time after and al-hejji, (2006) state that this happened due to different working styles team in the project, where the management should have implemented g ethic in regards to similar types of working styles, which suits both teams. Later stages of the project, new management was brought and some were let , due to the early failure of the project. The project sponsor in hong kong also increase the financial strength of the project, as it was going over budget, redundancies were made and this was also a major issue in the project as vast amounts of experience due to some experience staff being rmore, al-momani, (2000) relates to similar incident that occurred in over a 130 projects were delayed due to the lack of interaction s departments within a project. Al-momani, (2000) explores, how due to pments taking place in jordan in the late 90’s, many construction project . These projects were liaising with many foreign firms and the ed as no real strategy was implemented on how to successfully achieve ives in the project and this led to the bare minimum correspondence s. The clients in the end were very disappointed as the project kept , which led to low productivity and major financial n sharma msc project management. Relation to the research conducted by assaf and al-hejji, (2006) and al-momani,(2000) the analyses of the projects comes down to conclusion that was the major issue as both studies illustrate how due to the lack ation not being distributed around the a project effectively, the tered the above problems. In respect to the project discussed above in by assaf and al-hejji, (2006), the information flow should have been given g which both parties can understand as the project had two project teams ent parts of the importance of communication in project management is so huge tioners usually refer it to as the “lifeblood” of the project. Project s need to share, collaborate and integrate knowledge and information hend a project (zulch, 2014). This reflects largely on the projects delayed stated by al-momani, (2000) as due to a lack of interaction in those projects,Not enough information was integrated to give a comprehensive knowledge of that was needed to be done and and what way. In relation to ment, communication would be used for requesting information, ation, asking questions, giving a direction, constructing teams or n sharma msc project management. The missing elements from the projects examined earlier, as those ’t have the flow of information, and due to that any information that buted wasn’t encoded effectively for project teams to understand. Particularly,In the saudi arabia project as two different project teams were from different the world and needs encoding of information in order to interact with one. 3 communication ication in general and not just in project management has various issues,Which cause it to fail. According recht a, (2010) there is an illustration that feedback within allow the flow of information to be shared or distributed within a project feedback, gives the project team members to monitor and review various tasks within the project. This allows planning to develop a lot more and in ive way in a project, which then outlines a much clearer scope and aim of t, for the project team members to work on. Project or isn’t as effective then this can cause information to be can lead to various tasks within a project going wrong. In the long run this a lack of trust within project co-member and allow conflicts to arise when objectives of the project are not being rmore, le roux (1999) speaks similarly about the specific issue ication, which is feedback, however it explains it as reviewing. And objectives as inability to construct such a process could cause a project , especially large-scale project where there are many levels of ication can also be an issue in project management when it’s ineffective of delivery of information or data. The reason for ineffective projects can occur due to inadequate flow of information, which can mean and analytical processes may not be defined properly and there is ing responsibility, which can cause the scope and objectives of the project , as there is no definitive focus. Talukhaba et al, (2011) explains that in order a project effectively, there is a need to focus on selling and reselling ideas,Where the focus has to be on regular explanation of project scope ologies.
As this will keep hindering over project teams throughout t journey and allow them to have a clear-cut focus on the aims and together, talukhaba et al, (2011) meaning is for project managers to act as their project teams by reminding them about the task in hand, so all the tasks to an effective and efficient level. 4 communication challenges and are many communication challenges that occur in project management more than “electronic communication”. Schahaf, 2008 claims that due logical advancement, project are now becoming it projects and one of recurring challenges in communication is misunderstanding of to the distribution of international teams. Correspondingly, ication is very much reliant on power and due to power shortages owns; this can cause the project team member to feel anxiety, leading cts between project team members. Sarker and sahay, (2003) relates to ent above as electronic communication is about projects with virtual the major power in those projects is the software which is used to . The breaking down of the software can cause teams to feel isolated and unable to covey information, which in the long run will lead to task, allowing conflicts to n sharma msc project management. It projects, the use of technology plays a vital part in the success of the due to that some of the critical challenges arise as overloading of emails ols can lead to a delay in response, which can create an obstacle in developing. Thus,This can cause further delays in the project scope and objectives, which are the of a project. As mentioned earlier about feedback by le roux (1999) atively feedback will also be delayed if the responses are delayed due to electronic communication and this can cause implications to team rmore, face-to-face transference of information is also a major challenge ts, especially global projects. Stawnicza, (2014) illustrates that ction is the “highest level of richness” in communication in regards to ment, explaining that it’s a major requirement for project success. In global projects, there can be a lack of face-to-face communication, which the trust between project team members and can also cause a lot of de-. That this can cause less corporation in the project teams, which has on large scale projects and can eventually cause divisions within g a negative effect on the scope of the conclude, communication is distributed into many sectors such as transferring ation, data, face-to-face interaction and electronic communication via these sectors of communication have their implications as listed earlier in . The major issues in regards to these types of communication is that they used effectively as due to technological advancement, face-to-face have lowered in projects especially large scale projects. Furthermore, both the above issues combine and present issue, which is ineffective distribution of information and how that can ts to be delayed or even n sharma msc project management. 5 aims and aim of this research of this thesis is to explore communication theories igation of the impact that face-to-face communication and ication have on projects with the purpose of determining the feedback has on communication and the impact that ineffective has face-to-face communication. To examine the literature in the 21st century on communication by ication theories and project management. To illustrate the impact and influence feedback has on communication projects by looking at examples through literature and case studies. To make recommendations and draw upon a conclusion from the study ture and evaluation of research about the challenges of electronic -to-face communication and its influence on project management. 6 research scope and ication as a whole is a very broad field and within communication there l of interesting areas of study, however the principal focus of this study is of those areas in communication link with and influence project such as culture, leadership and sustainability are so broad ad have so of study that its almost not possible to explore them all. Hence, why ch looks at two major kinds of communication in order to recognize nce of the area on projects, mainly with linking in global research begins with the chapter of the literature review, which outlines important areas of communication. Ch then explores 5 case studies to highlight the issues that communication in real-life projects and the impact that it has or can escalate to. Following on, the sampling area is detail with explanations of the uses of project management journals and ology chapter decisively concludes with the research time horizon,Explaining the time-scale that the research took and study then moves onto the data analysis of the research, here the ys the gathered research in data form. Recommendations are also made on the research itself, such as es gathered of communication and project management on the bases of n sharma msc project management. Des the dissertation research with just the references printed further on possible future n sharma msc project management. 0 literature succeeding chapter gives an understanding of communication in literature discusses topics ranging from communication theories, which describe es on communication in project management. Then in relation to multi-cultural projects, the chapter explores the effects munication in real-life projects by discussing 5 different projects around . The importance of communication processes in sational phenomena (such as organizational it implementation projects) ng individual cognition of change such that it is accepted and riately (lewis et al, 1998). Adequate interaction, especially face-to-face is minimum requirement for it projects, especially as project team members g with colleagues from various locations without physically seeing that low amounts of interaction is rated very highly in regards to it e, it’s adequate that it remains or it should be a central to rmore, vann, (2004) argues that “clashing grammars”, or different by technical and project management specialists making up it ment teams and that used by user groups affected by the entation, is implicated in many of the many behaviours typically described ance. Given this, it follows that project managers need a deep appreciation tanding of information processes, as well as skills in the practical art n sharma msc project management. Shannon and weaver major understanding of a communication process within projects arrives “shannon and weaver, (1949)” model. In terms of project management, this would be a message to conduct te a task. On to project management, the project manager may ask the team members m a certain task, however, as the information gets past along the get changed slightly, which could in the long-run cause the project major harm. Model goes onto examine the process of information flow within a project or sation and recently the model has been going changes to add a “feedback”. Galle’s model of the context of project management, galle’s model of communication r insights into communication within project management. His theory, adapted here to the framework of project management,Suggests that in order to arrive at the final outcome or conclusion of an it project of both delivery of a product and business value, the key processes production and interpretation of ideas amongst key stakeholders, supported riate artefacts, which in the case of project management are the project s and project ing on, the language game or method is vital in success of a it project, ates to the fact that the project team members and external parties distribute or deliver information in their own manner in order to make them table, which is explained by wittgenstein, (1967). It is vital that project s work around this and build bonds in order to have effective the project. However, when ‘thrown together’ for the purpose enting innovative it systems for instance, dialogue between and groups may become more complex, misinterpretations and occur, as participants fail to realize others may be relying on different n sharma msc project management. Function model of aside from project management solely, the process of information and ry also assists in bringing in organizational change, which has long-term organizational projects. And communication of data, which plays a big part in controlling the ridder, (2003) states that communication has two roles to help in ve organizational change, from which the one of the roles is to convey to ees about their roles with the organization and project, alongside d or upcoming polies and the second role is to produce a means ation process that brings together community, allowing information to one another. 2 multi-cultural -cultural projects are becoming much more common nowadays and the construction industry as many firms are trying to pick global talent to competitive in todays market. Many studies have shown the positive effect multi-cultural teams, such as, earley and mosakowski (2000) stated ultural teams are used as they have the ability to out-perform , especially when the requirement is of multiple skills and r, its not all well and good with multi-cultural project teams, as due to read locations of the team, it can become really problematic to ively and efficiently due to cultural ethical working differences. The supported by rijamampianina and carmichael, (2005) who research about resource management firm in south africa, stating how the organisation take into account cultural differences, which meant that employees in sation had various ways of working. The company had offices spread out the african continent and due to that weekly meetings could only be h skype, which caused anxiety between staff members, as when tasks weren’ completed, they couldn’t physically demonstrate the method to other s in the organisation due to location relations to the above, due to globalisation, many projects around the world being dealt through technology rather than physically. Globalisation has led ts being conducted internationally with various kinds of people and due , it projects are flourishing. In regards to it projects, many firms are saving such as traveling and physically meeting, however, it projects have had in the recent years. The major issues those have occurred in it projects,Especially overseas it projects are uncertainty, unknown identity ependence as talked about by lewis, (2006), which translates to indecisions, allowing them to not distribute efficient information as they about their work, leading to incorrect decisions being made. These come into play due to the failure of integrating effective flow of these n sharma msc project management. Rmore, the geographical location of multi-cultural project teams, posses own challenges in regards to delivery of information and data. Emmitt (2007) has studied that many communicational issues have been multi-cultural project teams, such as telecommunications where the usage and skype allows project teams to communicate with one another s parts of the world, however some communicational issues such as ry of speech and signals remain unresolved. This consequently will lead to major implications in achieving and confidence within multicultural project teams, it can also ely difficult to manage or even supervise multicultural project teams -to-face contact.
This then hinders chances of building client relationships, affect the project as whole in a negative earley and mosakowski (2000) mention earlier that project teams have a e, they discuss how distribution of information is used to build that stimulation of effective information and data encourages a strong e in a project, although individuals have various different perceptions of communicating and this can cause conflicts in the long run. Price (2010) illustrate how many individuals are resistant to change and of communication can cause them to retaliate as they may be told icate and work in a manner in which they are nit suited to or table with, this can break a team moral and hinder more damage on a project,Especially large scale projects. 3 communication issues in ch illustrates that in extreme scenarios, misinterpretation of information in projects in general has such a catastrophic affect as researched by hass. Ns how many of these projects were missing a loop of management; where of information would travel across projects or even organizations as r in the study by galle’s model of communication (1999). The reason being that, due to the high levels of risk uction projects, face-to-face communication narrows down the chance of g to misinterpretation of dialogue, which could lead to catastrophe uction projects. This interlinks with limaye and victor (1991) stating how it’ completely opposite for middle eastern firms, which doesn’t allow ment loop to build and have a steady flow of information when working -cultural projects. Project africa – project management, the process of delivering information and knowledge coincides with culture as the approach of delivering information is ing to the culture of the project or the project team members. 2003) talks about a couple of projects in the african continent those had issues communication from cultural differences. 2003) mentions is the “cut-flower project” in uganda, where the project was to it being poorly capitalised and having weak management. The scope of t was very poorly delivered within the project team members even though ss plan and structure was designed to a very good level. The project owners in this case were very reluctant to discuss ives and aims of the project with the co-members, as they feared for loss l of the project. Hence, the high power distance is very much a cultural n sharma msc project management. The african culture, which has caused poor levels of delivery within the leads it to be poorly conclusion of the “cut-flower project” was that it was completed, however, done very poorly and ndiritu & lynn (2003) says that the project owners y implemented ideas beyond the scope of the project, henceforth r that the scope of the project was not fully clarified to the co-members to the fear of loss of power in regards to the culture of the owners, issues distributed or even distributed around the project. Project africa – rly, ndiritu & lynn (2003) also discusses the icdc project in kenya, which of an internal organisational project, rather than a singular project. The for “the industrial and commercial development corporation”, here the trying to separate management from ownership and trying to ses for further business development, which can aid the company in results. Ndiritu & lynn (2003) speaks about the issues those occurred in that this project had to be organisation had owners, who also came under management and due to levels of power distance hofstede, (1984) in the african culture, they didn’te tasks as much, which led to the interaction levels between ment and staff being low and poor. Due to the lack of interaction between and staff, the firm then decided to split the management from ownership, way managers/project managers can interconnect more often with their co-. Mentioned earlier in the study, that it projects are the ones that have in relation to delivering precise information within them as they ement of teams from around the globe. Carvalho & laurindo (2008) a study that he conducted on an organisation that has a turnover of r$ n, with 2,500 employees and carries out large size projects on a regular one of the projects that the firm carried out, had particularly major to transferring of data, as the project was done globally, which involved s from around the globe. Carvalho & laurindo (2008) doesn’t give in s as to what major implications were caused due to communication, other fact that the project was not as efficient and the international clients were pleased with the performance of the project team members, which caused a lot in ho & laurindo (2008) states that the reason for project failure came about three major reasons, which the organisation recognised after the project, to an end. The three reasons were, that there was difference in n systems and business, which led to a difference in perception and due their was a lot of misunderstanding of tasks during the project. The firm realised that they didn’t plan for project delivery, when they believe , as there was over 80% of co-operating with clients the end carvalho & laurindo (2008) illustrates some of the points that y is setting out, which can help them perform much better in future projects. Conclude the project, ruuska and vartiainen (2003) state that “a project as x work system in which human elements, organizations, procedures ques are integrated with communication”. The statement relates with project, as the project should have integrated all the tasks with ction, which would have allowed the project to be performed much better. Construction projects, face-to-face interaction is more essential than re else as there is a much higher risk proportion involved and uses of ces. The project itself s from various parts of china and as the hotel was preparing to ers from various parts of the world, its project managers were liaising hotels around the globe to build a author states that the chinese followed “one-way communication” process,Where they would only pay attention to their contractor, who was in charge ing all the construction, installation and design services. Furthermore, the then collaborating with businesses that they didn’t need to liaise with, which end caused the project to be delayed and also run over budget, as the scope project was not clear from the outset. The firm then ended all ties with firms liaising with that had to profit towards this project, which ended up costing sation much more than anticipated and led to the project being well r, pheng, l. 2000) talks about having a ‘two-way communication’, project managers would interact with their partners and build the scope of t around that, which would assist the project staff to gain better insight is exactly what apc–yrtsb hotel did by paying more attention to their rs, in order to complete future construction projects on time. Chinese partners would help the hotel execute their project and build the will be suitable for all foreign customers. Persian gulf construction mentioned earlier in research, a construction project in the persian gulf had enced issues in inter-cultural interaction, as uk construction companies looking to operate in persia could grasp effective flow of information . The author here makes is that during the late 1990’s, the uk construction industry was in decline were not many construction projects available. The opportunity arose for uction firms to seek out projects in the gulf of persia, as this was a with major opportunities to ore & muslmani (1999) illustrates that even though the uk firms ts in the persian gulf, those projects still weren’t as successful as they expected them to be. The main reasons for those project encountering issues with inter-cultural collaboration, as the arabic clients have certain working, this caused many tasks in the projects to be delayed. The author’s mention that these factors are not very much used in n world, hence alliance issues will occur when doing businesses with projects in the end had been delayed due to the flow of information being late. This then caused a lot of objectives to be held back as there were cts within the projects teams from the uk and the persian gulf, while n sharma msc project management. In the end the projects, just as the earlier ones mentioned in tation, ran over time, which ended up costing the firm a lot more ed and this caused the project to go over budget, as stated by loosemore &. The projects were completed, however, due to , some uk firms had withdrawn businesses from the persian clients, amount of foreign projects in persia, which has led the nation to conduct its domestic projects and work with arabic the other hand, loosemore & muslmani (1999) suggests that gaining trust is way to work in cross-cultural construction projects as this will then lead to n project team members to correspond much more effectively and s the success of the project. The trust factor will allow the project interact in the same way as the culture tells them to depending on which type they are dealing t management culture is based on the team ethics and workmanship, creates the path for success in a project and allows the project manager future hurdles. Kerzner, h (2013) talks about a research project pment materials that was being conducted by the “american ational”. In 2002 the organisation won the chance to deliver this project d to use the matrix approach to conduct this project and in the proposal the project, the project manager decided to hold a meeting, which will look y customer requirements and delegate tasks to each management member the project from the proposal stage to the planning and execution project was already half completed and so far it was a great success, with all and objectives being met and also the budget being controlled. In the of the project, the current project manager had to leave the project due al circumstances, which mean that a new project manager was assigned. Was still working at a good pace and effectively, however, the new r liked to work at his own pace and during a meeting, the project asked the project manager for the project report and the project manager to produce it. Therefore, this would lead to many conflicts erstanding between the project sponsor and manager in the latter stages rmore, meetings were cancelled in the project as due to laid back attitude new project manager and this led to project staff not interconnecting their project manager and as the project was going from the controlling the closing stage, this would cause many implication. Kerzner, h (2013) how the project went into the closing stage and all tasks those were tion, still had much work left to do and due to less co-ordination t team members, more and more work was being the end, the project did reach its completion stage eventually and what like a perfectly stable and efficient project, in the end turned out to be er, as some of the aims weren’t met such as client satisfaction, as the dealing with many electronic firms and those firms were very disappointed project looked to be successful but then had a major downfall. Due to this t staff had left the project, as they didn’t want to work under the new r to due to working cultural differences. The project manager was go off and “american electronics international” failed to secure another large-. Kerzner, h (2013) mentions how the t manager failed to even interconnect with its staff through emails, which end led to the project culture being very conservative and leading the project to. Ication issues and to name them all would be impossible, therefore es some of the major ones that do have an adverse impact on a begin with cervone, (2014) lays out and describes 3 major implications from efficient interaction during a project life cycle: not differentiating stakeholder needs – during a project life cycle, the come across various different stakeholders and they won’t all have thic way of thinking. Subsequently, project to consider different ways and forms of co-operating, which will ive on different stakeholders.
Overlooking cultural differences – as mentioned earlier that t groups work differently and due to projects having teams from the globe, not all working styles will be the same. Hence, a solely plans on interacting with its team through blogs or emails may acceptable in other working cultures, which will in the long-run lead arising and affecting the project in a large-scale manner. Not recognizing the need to change communication over time – during t life cycle, the levels of interaction changes depending on what project is in. During the start of the project, what was said may not ented in the correct manner as aims and objectives may have d. In regards to this, if there is no feedback mechanism and flow ation is similar to how it was at the start of the project, then or efficient flow of information will be passed around in the it to be a ing on, cervone, (2014) talks about two strategies, which can be order to have effective collaboration in a project. The first strategy it states is engagement of all stakeholders throughout the project; in this manner older is being informed throughout the project as well as engaging in t. This is the long-run helps build a communication loop, which is a the feedback mechanism mentioned earlier in the thesis and allows the n sharma msc project management. However, ication, telephones, video conferences or even presentation will olders to engage more in a project and eventually producing their best the welfare of the project. Communication relation to the above about sufficient distribution of information or gies by cervone, (2014) the author wellman, (2012) states that effective dialogue assists a project to thrive under difficult circumstances and one of ways to have an effective dialogue in projects those are struggling, is to “icate”. This aids the project teams to immediately respond to change sful projects are usually those, which respond to change. On, johannessen, & olsen (2011) draw upon a framework, which types of communications, which interlink and this requirement in ment is essential to implement a successful project. Feedback communication”, as the project manager must define the boundaries the project, resources being used in the project and then gains the in regards to whether or not the project is being constructed in the manner it was communicated. Secondly, ‘management communication’ is a of co-operation, where the project manager must focus and deliver detail and the correct allocation of resources. This helps gain control of t, which assists the economic/technical communication to give y, ‘cultural communication’ plays an integral part in project s. This type of delivery sets a system in the project, which enables the and project managers to adapt to unseen change; those can hinder t as cultural communication moulds the surroundings into the system. Here the role ication is to remain effective through stability and change, therefore,Promoting innovation, dynamism and creativity in the project. Social ates with all the other three types of communication as it looks at the communication is projects as a whole (johannessen & olsen, 2011). Beginning from the issues of delivery ation to the interaction with overseas clients, all issues relate ication, which is a huge factor in project success and failure. The theme research was to highlight the issues within communication in ment, which is very significant as many projects fail or are unsuccessful these issues as explained earlier by exploring various projects around the as the persian gulf construction project researched by loosemore & n sharma msc project management. Similarly, this issue also caused the aei project to be le and ineffective as kerzner, h (2013) explained how not enough onnection occurred in the project, which meant many meetings and cancelled, leading the project to be study tries to explain this by listing various reasons as to why to so many issued within project management. The research study er many descriptions by authors such as earley and mosakowski (2000) about cultural issues being the main cause of problems in projects ication, as projects now contain members that have different working how that can cause conflicts as it builds form anxiety from not being able trate something to one another. The author also mentions research that due to the lack of face-to-face interaction, the stimulation of t weakens, causing it to be ineffective, as many project staff will not have research has a huge a part in illustrating the means of information ction by discussing communication theories. Following on, galle’s model also discusses ance of having a effective flow of information, however this model side of stakeholders by highlighting there importance in the project and ation should be distributed differently to different stakeholder depending each stakeholder receives and interprets n sharma msc project management. Tely, the goal of the study is explain to the issues of communication, multi-cultural projects as all projects in the future will be multi-cultural and ance of the discussion is that communication comes in various forms and will be plenty of communicating in multi-cultural projects, future projects be aware of the negative effects that communication have on them. Communication” in academia and then moves on to discussing various forms ication in multi-cultural projects and how then can be real issues. The moves onto illustrating the effects of poor communication by exploring real ts in 5 case studies, the study then breaks down into explaining how can be dealt with by examining some important points by cervone, (2014) project life cycle and johannessen, & olsen (2011) on how to build ication framework to work n sharma msc project management. It is skilled at determining relationships between ts, which in this case will be used on project management journal articles as business management articles, which relate to the topic of “communication”. The type of research that has been taken to conduct ular study is “interpretivism” as mentioned earlier and interpretivism can ied as the social constructionism in the field of management ing to this philosophical approach research give importance to their value to give sufficient explanation for a research problem (cooper, 2006). In this approach, researchers use ng and evaluate them in detail to understand the views of large people (n sharma msc project management. Research is solely based on qualitative research and research of theories s authors on the research topic, which in this case is “communication” on to project management over the past two decades. 3 research dissertation is observing the role of communication research within ment, with the use of project management journals from 1999-2010, use other business journals which relate to communication in organisations communication journals those illustrate general understanding of the concept ication. The discussions were about the researched topic of communication much of an influence it has on the projects that are conducted within the rmore, another firm observed is “the authentic food company”, which is n sharma msc project management. The discussions firm were also with various project team members from various department influential and important communication is, when carrying out ts. The study will look at the difference between the communication importance between these two firms, in order to evaluate the research topic ication in finding out its importance in project management in practice. Will interview 9 project managers from the two firms combined, and it will questions from a questionnaire built to gain relevant data for this study ch. Case study study contains slight bit of case study research, as it does look at case construction projects from various parts of the world, in order to give a general insight into how communication affected these projects and were taken to improve communication in these projects. However, due entiality issues, not many projects could be researched, which allowed ch to study three different international projects from the time span of 1999-. Hence, the study mentions a slight bit of case study methodology was adopted to give only a t about construction projects and their issues with n sharma msc project management. 2010) explanation ative research being able to be researched through a various of methods to this particular dissertation is by this study using various journals from ment to general business journals, as well as books and other article y interviews with a couple of companies. All of these methods lead to s being interlinked with one another to form a dissertation research. As the researched is based on communication and project management,Various journals on these two topics have been researched throughout this the intent is to only use journals based solely on these two topics. International journal of project international project management association (ipma) publishes this is a non-profit project management firm and it embodies over 50 ment associates from all over the globe, including the uk’s very ation of project management (apm). This ation published any journals, which talk about the project ses that are happening around the world, various projects, further new practises and it even has a forum from which project managers the globe can discuss and share their skills. Also, business r provided from the university has numerous numbers of journals to in any particular topic and the search engine in business source premier searcher to refine its search, so any journal on any specific topic can n sharma msc project management. G at international journal of project management, it is fair to say that sionals use these journals across the globe and its safe to say that it’s g journal for any research in project management. This outlines that ch conducted in this study from these journals is reliable and critical ing any topic in relation to project management. The dissertation also used “google scholar”, which is also a very trust worthy location to gain , however, the only downside to google scholar is that sometimes cher doesn’t get the journals it wants due to the broadness of the . Altogether, the research tries to gain as many journals as possible to study as strong as possible, nevertheless, due to the time frame in which has to completed, its not possible to analyse every single project even communication journal. Therefore, the dissertation went simply for the l, as it’s the leading journal in project management and helped gain this information it needs. 7 research time dissertation study had a submission date of 8th of september and tation began on the 8th of june.
As the study wasn’t conducted over a vast period of n sharma msc project management. The chapter has many parts in which it explains, the open/, it then illustrates journal coding as well as the project management done for the collection of the data for this research and it then condenses ls to communication journals and displays the coding for those journal chapter then draws out coding for articles chosen to input information in ch, then a model of communication shows expresses each topic used to get final research question, in order to try and answer it. The ented in this dissertation study for open coding is paragraph analysis, to locate any well-used term in relation to communication in project management. There was a contextual analysis of the journals done by searching for , themes or phrases of communication in management terms. This resulted study picking in 39 journal articles were coded as “communication articles” ment, the rest of the references used were books and online ing on from that, there were 12 journals categorized as “project ls”, which meant that there was 22 journals were categorized as just plain “communication journals”. Furthermore, that leaves only 5 journals, “non-communication” articles, however, they were used because they of communication in management study. In terms of all of the articles used 6 were from “business source premier” from the online library of olitan university and the rest were from “google scholar” and “ls of management”. Project management journal t management journals were used to make analysis on the ment side of the research as 12 journals were used from an analysis of t management journals. The 12 journals chosen were coded because they and information about “communication” on project management, which tly with the research. From which 2 were used as those included “communication articles” rly for 2005 where 6 journals were analysed and 2 were picked as they with “communication in project management”. Also as the research is about sational project as well as construction projects, the years in which only l was used, only they had data about communication in construction that’s what was required in the dissertation. The chosen ls on communication also includes the 3 case studies used in the construction projects. Meaning that a total of 27 journal articles were used,Separate to the project management journal articles. There was no time horizon these particular journal articles as communication as whole topic in being searched and due to the study being qualitative, there was also a need theories from past authors, which led to journals being searched from 1970 n sharma msc project management. As be, more articles were analysed than picked and one of the reasons ng the articles those were chosen was because they contained ing communication in either general projects or organisational projects. The table shows rity of topics within the topic of communication, illustrating the most for topics in the dissertation study. The table also illustrates ment topics used in relation to communication, presenting a n sharma msc project management. The topics are the main topics of the articles used in the research and not all of are listed as it been topic-coding table outlines very clearly that most of the articles have been cover the communication management topic, which is the topic that outlines ance of communication and its influence on projects. Furthermore, ment is also a topic that has had many articles used on it, as it’s also a of the dissertation study and all the other topics have an almost similar on them for data collection, as they are important but not 2. Topic themes open ication management sational communication t communication uction case studies ive communication -communication articles 2. The beginning are just on communication as whole, which then links into the ment side of things, furthermore, the project management side of out into various communication topics, which fulfil the literature ication in project management. All the topics then come to one stating the importance of communication and its influence on ment, which tries to answer the dissertation research n sharma msc project management. 3 interview data collection/ting interviews was a large part of this dissertation study and there iews conducted between two major firms as those firms had experienced ied project managers. There was a questionnaire use in all the interviews, which is attached onto the appendix of the ication and n sharma msc project management. Reasoning behind choosing adobe was because; research showed that out many project on a daily basis and this could be the scope for sational projects, for this study. The advantage here was that, there was in gaining permission to interview the project managers as my uncle was t manager himself, which allowed the study to interview not just the r but the project team members as well. The reasoning behind firm was because; this firm has 3 project managers and all 3 in ment, which would be very useful for this research study, as most of y projects are based in europe, which requires the project managers icate heavily with foreign again, as my father is a development chef in the firm, it wasn’t an issue to sion to interview the project managers in the firm and before picking this be interviewed, there was research conducted via gaining insight information how many projects the firm has and how strong is the firms base on ment. Once there was enough evidence that the firm has strong bonds t management practises and it communicated with foreign clients, it was this firm was perfect for this dissertation study. Ular firm was not interviewed as non of the project managers were able to have a professional interview before the 21st of september, due to ments. There was also an attempt to try and get the project managers the designed questionnaire in their spare time, however that wasn’t and so the only data collection possible on construction projects was h case studies in the n sharma msc project management. Adobe interview/focus interview at adobe was more of a focus group as 5 project team members iewed together, with the project manager as well, altogether 6 iewed. The response was very similar, through the analyses questions answered, most if not all the candidates believed that ication was the most effective and considered communication a vital part t management in practise. The differentiation was that all 6 candidates electronic communication was important but only for large-scale projects smaller to medium sized projects, all types of communication are essential verbal communication as the hierarchy levels in small to medium sized very flat and communication verbally can be reached far out easily. Similar also collected in this firm as like adobe, as all 3-project managers agreed ication was the most vital part of project management, especially are conducted abroad. On the other hand,Only one candidate chose face-to-face communication as he worked in he claimed that for him its face-to-face communication, which seems the other hand, all three project managers did state that ication is at its most effective in large-scale projects due to the on a large scale. Furthermore, in small to medium sized projects, it’s ial which communication is effective as they all are. Total of 9 candidates were interviewed, from which 8 agreed on ication being the core of project management success, however, all 9 that its only most effective in large-scale projects and in small/medium n sharma msc project management. Following on, only 6% of case studies were used, which was to cover uction projects side of the research and only a few books were analysed of the data required would have come from journals and not books. To conclude,17% of data collection was interviews as 9 candidates were interviewed to gain data,Still meaning that the large chunk of the research was virtuously gained from n sharma msc project management. Penultimate chapter of this dissertation study will look to summarise and findings of this particular study, presented in the previous chapter and how ates with the literature presented on this topic in chapter 2. The chapter r illustrate the implications in the literature of the research before drawing final chapter of this study, which is the conclusion of the results of this study were achieved in two different manners in that highlighted via researching communication and project management articles,Which were then analysed through the open coding methodology. Communication capabilities framework” by above johannessen & olsen (2011) identifies all the capabilities required in various types of communication, for it in success in project management. One of the most interesting factors about the model it doesn’t look at the communication capabilities from a project fully, it looks at communication in general management within projects, the long-run can be used to inter-link with project management as identified essen & olsen (2011). The reason being that the “communication ork” doesn’t fully look at the project management side of things is because ng to teach course - linkedin ng techniques: creating multimedia course - linkedin ng future-ready course - linkedin ng, monitoring and measuring management projects - msc and machine learning demystified by carol smith at midwest ux 2017. The reason being that the “communication ork” doesn’t fully look at the project management side of things is because aesthetics for course - linkedin ng management systems (lms) quick course - linkedin ng powerpoint course - linkedin ng, monitoring and measuring management projects - msc and machine learning demystified by carol smith at midwest ux 2017. Blog from gradhacker and matrix: the center for humane arts, letters and social sciences project management approaches to tame your applying principles of project management can help keep dissertation work on one finishes a stem dissertation by doing just 100% research all day every day; you have many other tasks including classes, writing manuscripts, attending journal clubs, teaching obligations, seminars, lab meetings, public presentations of your work, and the need for sleep and a healthy body. Once you do that, research effort is really about 50% of what you are doing (although this can vary quite a bit depending on your particular project and field). These are a lot of tasks and obligations to keep track of and can easily derail your research progress, which will be the determining factor of when you actually get to how do you proactively manage a dissertation project so that you can accomplish all the other tasks involved in getting a phd while staying productive in your research? A dissertation at its most basic level (if there is such a thing) is simply a complicated task that will take up the next 4+ years of your life. Using the traditional approach, project managers divvy up a major undertaking into 5 steps that you can use to manage your dissertation project so that you can make progress in your research and all of the other activities that make up a phd today:1.
Definition and planning: once you understand the basics of your research project, it’s time to define the scope of your project with your advisor. Ideally, you will have more than one research goal at a time, so that if one does not work or takes significantly longer than you planned, you will have an additional, worthwhile project to focus your efforts on once you phase culminates with a formalized process known as the comprehensive exam, where you submit a written proposal outlining your planned dissertation research. This will act as a guideline for the rest of your dissertation work, so put in the effort to make a strong proposal as it will help you down the line when determining which experiments to run, how to interpret your data, and where gaps in the field exist that you can fill in with point of planning is not about making a plan that you will follow to the letter no matter what happens. Rather, it is about getting all of your information together so that you know what needs to get done to complete your dissertation. Substitute “a dissertation” for “battle” in the eisenhower quote below and you get the idea:“in preparing for battle, i have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable. Project performance/control: this is where you compare your actual progress to the experiments and workload that you have outlined in your proposal. Project close, aka graduation: once your advisor and committee have signed off on your research you’re ready to write it up and finish. A thesis defense is like a rather stressful project debrief with your committee: you’ve completed the work, wrapped up the loose ends, and now you just need to answer a few final questions to put the project behind you. Note: your dissertation project will likely go in an unplanned direction at some point as research can be notoriously non-linear. In reality this sequence has a loop from performance control back to definition and planning, especially if issues occur during project performance. Smaller transitions also occur between project control and execution and sometimes timelines need to be altered due to uncontrollable circumstances (like mice that just won’t breed). This project management approach is not unique or limited to giant projects like a dissertation. You can apply these tools to smaller projects like writing a journal articles as well. 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