Raw data for analysis
Methods & data tical methods & data tical software at emu or tical software data tics advanced recommended data "the purpose of is to increase public access to high value, machine readable datasets generated by the executive branch of the federal government. Offers numerous free data sets in a searchable keyword searches to find statistics from the united nations on many topics including "agriculture, crime, education, employment, energy, environment, health, hiv/aids, human development, industry, information and communication technology, national accounts, population, refugees, tourism, trade, as well as the millennium development goals public data visualizations of public data using this tool from google. Includes many large datasets from national governments and numerous datasets related to economic a free platform with hundreds of free data sets from "central banks, exchanges, brokerages, governments, statistical agencies, think-tanks, academics, research firms and more. Emu does not have access to the premium data on this site, but there are many free data sets. A portal for statistical science, the discipline of statistics" offers a long list of links to data sets for teaching, as well as other resources on data and story library - dasl at statlib. Dasl (pronounced "dazzle") is an online library of datafiles and stories that illustrate the use of basic statistics methods. We hope to provide data from a wide variety of topics so that statistics teachers can find real-world examples that will be interesting to their students. Datasets can be browsed by topic or searched by collections arranged by statistical tical data sets - university or massachusetts es data sets appropriate for analysis of variance or covariance (anova), cluster analysis, contingency table analysis, correlation analysis, descriptive statistics, discriminant analysis, factor analysis, nonparametric analysis, regression (multiple, nonlinear, or logistic), survival analysis, and time series s by method - data and story list of data methods linked to data stories with data tandable statistics data publisher of this textbook provides some data sets organized by data type/uses, such as:*data for multiple linear regression*single variable for large or samples*paired data for t-tests*data for one-way or two-way anova* time series data, sity of florida statistics professor's miscellaneous larry winner, university of florida department of statistics, provides links to a long list of data sets organized by statistical : since the list is so long, it can help to use ctrl+f to search the page by sources of data sets on the an national election studies (anes). Serve the research needs of social scientists, teachers, students, policy makers and journalists, the anes produces high quality data from its own surveys on voting, public opinion, and political damodaran is a professor of finance at the stern school of business at new york university. His research interests lie in valuation, portfolio management and applied corporate finance, and the data available here reflect those is a social network for data. People who sign up can search for, copy, analyze, and download data ts, instruments and tools for analysis - childcare & early education research for datasets or instruments used in early ed research. You can also use a tool at the site to analyse usitc interactive tariff and trade dataweb provides u. Tariff preference information, as well as international trade data for years 1989- ion data analysis tool (edat) - national center for education statistics. The education data analysis tool (edat) allows you to download nces survey datasets to your computer. Includes data from several longitudinal surveys on education information types of detailed energy statistics (u.
Contains solicitation and award notices for federal contracts for the years l reserve economic data (fred). Offers over 148,000 us and international time series from 59 ly standardized cities database - lincoln institute of land studies. The fiscally standardized cities (fisc) database makes it possible to compare local government finances for 112 of the largest u. Project - time-series data sets include: historical workstation sales, photolightography, breweries, and l social survey. This website’s aim is to inform economic researchers and policy makers about new and innovative data sources and analytic tools that have the potential to improve understanding of the dynamics of u. Useful for projections, the usda's international macroeconomic data set "provides data from 1969 through 2030 for real (adjusted for inflation) gross domestic product (gdp), population, real exchange rates, and other variables for the 190 countries and 34 regions that are most important for u. Also, data on debt, direct investment, commodities, government finance, exports, exchange rates, center marketing the public databases are availble to students. These include grocery store sales data, household purchasing data, scanner panel data, ed by two economics professors, this site offers calculators and data sets related to measures of worth over long time periods. Meps is the most complete source of data on the cost and use of health care and health insurance coverage. Climatic data center - t and historical data sets on weather and al longitudinal surveys (u. For more than 3 decades, nls data have served as an important tool for economists, sociologists, and other researchers. Includes macro data, industry data, international trade data, individual data, demographic and vital statistics, patent data, and world in data (owid). For each topic the quality of the data is discussed and, by pointing the visitor to the sources, this website is also a database of study of income dynamics (psid). Following the same families and individuals since 1968, the psid collects data on economic, health, and social behavior. Is a database with information on relative levels of income, output, input and productivity, covering 182 countries between 1950 and 2014.
Provided through the center for international comparisons at the university of research center for the people & the press data data from pew surveys is posted here six months after the survey results are published. Tables are downloadable in large number of data series -- uk, europe, and international nations statistical databases. Free sources include data from the demographic yearbook system, joint oil data inititiative, millennium indicators database, national accounts main aggregates database (time series 1970- ), social indicators, population databases, and more. Note additional links to statistical information in the left m data wolfram data repository is a public resource that hosts an expanding collection of computable datasets, curated and structured for immediate use in computation, visualization, and bank data pment data, climate change data, gdp data, world bank finance data, and resources resources institute (wri) is a global research organization that spans more than 50 countries, with offices in brazil, china, europe, india, indonesia, and the united states. 2445 during open -person: options for drop-in or 24/7 via ask a librarian:Gsu library research g, collecting, analyzing, & citing tics and data: finding, collecting, analyzing, & citing -stop-shopping for statistics and raw data in social science disease or , national, state & care administration g, collecting, analyzing, & citing finding the exact statistics you are looking for? Resources highlighted on this page will enable you to find raw data (or "datasets") to do your own data analysis! 1, freq = 17957; m = 2, freq = 11747; nr = 3, freq = tics are generated from data by processing, organizing, analyzing, interpreting, and representing the data in a meaningful gsu enrollment by sex for the spring 2011 semester is 17,957 (60. School attendance boundary information system (sabins) provides, free of charge, aggregate census data and gis-compatible boundary files for school attendance areas, or school catchment areas, for selected areas in the united states for the 2009-10, 2010-11 and 2011-12 school (inter-university consortium for political and social research) seeks to advance and expand social and behavioral research by providing training in data access, curation, and methods of analysis for the social science research community as well a a data archive social science ation of religion data ational ational data resource center (idrc). An effort to meet the growing demands for international data, the inter-university consortium for political and social research (icpsr) has created the international data resource center (idrc). The idrc acts as a clearinghouse for international data housed at united nations statistics division (unsd) of the department of economic and social affairs (desa) has launched a new internet-based data service for the global user community. It brings un statistical databases within easy reach of users through a single entry point from which users can now search and download a variety of statistical resources of the un world values survey (wvs) is a global network of social scientists studying changing values and their impact on social and political life. The wvs is the largest non-commercial, cross-national, time series investigation of human beliefs and values ever executed, currently including interviews with almost 400,000 a research data d at the federal reserve bank of atlanta, the atlanta research data center (ardc) seeks to provide qualified researchers in atlanta, and around the southeast, with the opportunity to perform statistical analysis on non-public census world bank's open data initiative is intended to provide all users with access to world bank data, according to the open data terms of t download | pew research pew research center for the people & the press offers free access (with registration) to its data archive. Datasets are currently available dating back to january ts | annenberg public policy datasets provided by the annenberg (inter-university consortium for political and social research) seeks to advance and expand social and behavioral research by providing training in data access, curation, and methods of analysis for the social science research community as well a a data archive social science york times linked open data. Justice al archive of criminal justice facilitates research in criminal justice and criminology through the preservation, enhancement, and sharing of computerized data dataset observation network for earth (dataone). Is a collaboration among many partner organizations, and is funded by the us national science foundation (nsf) under a cooperative of data repositories for "open data".
Is a list of repositories and databases for open ry of research data services & support @ georgia state university university library’s research data services team supports research and learning across multiple disciplines involving quantitative, qualitative, business, and spatial/gis this page for more information about our data services, and browse our calendar for drop-in assistance hours and workshops offerings. Also feel free to contact mandy swygart-hobaugh, the leader of the research data services team, and she’ll connect you to the right person for (inter-university consortium for political and social research) - database of ing for datasets? Icpsr (inter-university consortium for political and social research) database has over 9,000 datasets available spanning various social science disciplines and topics. The datasets in icpsr are primarily quantitative, but it also includes some qualitative ing icpsr data: check out this page for all the ins and outs of accessing icpsr ing tips: you can keyword search for datasets, but using the browsing options is sometimes more efficient. For about 76% of their datasets they also have variable-level/question-level search resources: check out some of icpsr's youtube videos for searching ~ u. Sociological and attitudinal trend data, 1972 - general social survey (gss) "takes the pulse of america" on a vast number of topics, with national-level data collected beginning in 1972 to present. Identify variables for the entire dataset and/or specific years:Browse the entire gss codebook (downloads the 3,000+ pages pdf), /browse variables with sda 4. Video do data online analysis with no need for downloading or special software:Use the sda 4. Spss, sas, stata, r):You can also download the entire dataset, pre-constructed subsets, or create customized subsets of the data using sda 4. 1972 - 2014 data available for analysis as of 4/6/er research data, including data studies, data sets from a wide range of international data repositories and connect them with the scientific literature to track data (inter-university consortium for political and social research) seeks to advance and expand social and behavioral research by providing training in data access, curation, and methods of analysis for the social science research community as well a a data archive social science asbarometer atlanta campus only. It is the premier source for detailed information about the american people and a research data d at the federal reserve bank of atlanta, the atlanta research data center (ardc) seeks to provide qualified researchers in atlanta, and around the southeast, with the opportunity to perform statistical analysis on non-public census sharing for demographic research (dsdr). Provides resources to demographic data producers and users, including confidentiality and disclosure review, restricted data contract development and data dissemination, a searchable index of important demography and population study data, and a catalogue of publications using data mpc is one of the world's leading developers of demographic data resources. All mpc data are available free over the al longitudinal red by the bureau of labor statistics, the national longitudinal surveys (nls) are a family of surveys dedicated to tracking the labor market and other life experiences of american men and seven nls cohorts are: (1) national longitudinal survey of youth 1997 (nlsy97); (2) national longitudinal survey of youth 1979 (nlsy79); (3) nlsy79 child and young adult; (4) older men; (5) mature women; (6) young men; and (7) young partners - demographic partners is a collaboration of u. Government agencies, public health organizations and health sciences and science a research data d at the federal reserve bank of atlanta, the atlanta research data center (ardc) seeks to provide qualified researchers in atlanta, and around the southeast, with the opportunity to perform statistical analysis on non-public census oral risk factor surveillance system (brfss). Behavioral risk factor surveillance system (brfss) is the nation's premier system of health-related telephone surveys that collect state data about u.
Residents regarding their health-related risk behaviors, chronic health conditions, and use of preventive mission of biolincc is to facilitate access to, and maximize the scientific value of, the biorepository and data repository and promote the availability and use of other nhlbi funded population-based biospecimen and data national center for health national center for health statistics (nchs) is a rich source of data for researchers, teachers, and students who want to perform data analysis. This page compiles key sources of information found on the nchs website for those who are interested in analysis of nchs data as well as documentation and methodology of nchs data -ranging online data for epidemiologic research - access statistical research data published by cdc, as well as reference materials, reports and guidelines on health-related health annual county health rankings measure vital health factors, including high school graduation rates, obesity, smoking, unemployment, access to healthy foods, the quality of air and water, income, and teen births in nearly every county in er research data, including data studies, data sets from a wide range of international data repositories and connect them with the scientific literature to track data aphic and health surveys (dhs) on fertility, family planning, maternal and child health, gender, hiv/aids, malaria, and nutrition. Heart studyfriends of the fhs | consent forms | directory of igators seeking fhs data that is not available through dbgap or biolincc or seeking biological specimens may submit a proposal through the fhs web-based research health observatory data global health observatory is who's gateway to health-related statistics for more than 1000 indicators for its 194 member and medical care preserves and disseminates data collected by research projects funded by the robert wood johnson foundation, the nation's largest philanthropy devoted exclusively to improving the health and health care of all data from 2000 health-related data sets services and sciences research resources (hsrr). Of research datasets, instruments, and software in the areas of health services research, behavioral and social sciences, and public the cdc wonder (inter-university consortium for political and social research) seeks to advance and expand social and behavioral research by providing training in data access, curation, and methods of analysis for the social science research community as well a a data archive social science provides u. Note: gsu users can access the download data sets, many of which are available in spss ated health interview ized data and documentation for the u. National health interview survey (nhis) - annual data from the 1960s to the atlas, policy surveillance as is the central, authoritative place for systematically collecting, measuring and displaying re current beneficiary survey (mcbs). Medicare current beneficiary survey (mcbs) is a continuous, multipurpose survey of a nationally representative sample of the medicare population, conducted by the office of enterprise data and analytics (oeda) of the centers for medicare & medicaid services (cms) through a contract with norc at the university of al cancer institute - seer. Program of studies designed to assess the health and nutritional status of adults and children in the united al health interview national health interview survey (nhis) is the principal source of information on the health of the civilian noninstitutionalized population of the united states and is one of the major data collection programs of the national center for health statistics which is part of the centers for disease control and al immunization al immunization surveys are conducted annually and used to obtain national, state, and selected local area estimates of vaccination coverage rates for u. National institute for cardiovascular outcomes research) is part of the national centre for cardiovascular preventions and outcomes, which sits within the institute of cardiovascular science at university college al institute for occupational safety and health (niosh) data and statistics es centralized access to niosh public-use research payments data cms. Interactive, online database that provides fatal and nonfatal injury, violent death, and cost of injury data from a variety of trusted sources. From off health statistics & statistics & data: datasets/raw al & int'l & local tics by population tics by health ey mortality database. This database contains life tables for national populations and, whenever available, the raw data used in constructing these tables. Note: the bmd has been replaced by the human mortality database (see below for link). Hmd data are superior for most purposes, however some items within the bmd are not yet available within the hmd or health and development studies (chds). You can find federal, state and local data, tools, and resources to conduct research, build apps, design data visualizations, and es data from local, state and international governments and organizations.
Datasets are customizable, allowing you to select variables of interest such as age, gender, and race. Data can be exported into statistical software such as excel and easy access to over 5,550 data sets from over 65 source providers and 16 subject categories, including banking, criminal justice, education,energy, food and agriculture, government, health, housing and construction,industry and commerce, labor and employment, natural resources and environment, income, cost of living, stocks, transportation, and more. Allows for customization of the data by selecting subjects, and the ability to view your data in side-by-side tables, charts and maps. Also available to search using a ready reference resource center for child & adolescent es national and state-level data on hundreds of child health indicators from the national survey of children’s health, national health interview survey child component, survey of pathways to diagnosis and services, and national survey of children with special health care and medical care ts of data collections in the following areas: health care providers, cost/access to health care, substance abuse and health, chronic health conditions, and more. Data available in sas and spss formats among and retirement is a longitudinal study that surveys thousands of americans over the age of 50 every two years. Data products are freely available online to registered mortality hmd was created to provide detailed mortality and population data. A companion project is the human life-table database, which contains data for 40 -university consortium for political and social research (icpsr). The "related literature" link for a given data set on the search results page or at the top of each study description will take you to a bibliography of publications based on that data, with links to online reports, when download access to data sets requires the creation of a personal account. For more information on this process, please consult the icpsr get help page or schedule an appointment with the library data mpc provides demographic/population data, including ipums-_usa_ and ipums-international, to researchers, policymakers, teachers, and students. All mpc data are available free over the internet spss, sas, and stata are hawaiian and pacific islander national health interview 3000 households with containing one or more nhpi were surveyed using the national health interview survey. Collection of more than 600 health and social science data sets covering a range of topics including aids, the disabled, the american family, aging, maternal drug use, child poverty, and alternative medicine. Also includes several teaching modules intended to demonstrate social science theories, concepts and hypothesis nce abuse and mental health data archive (us dhhs). Provides public-use data files, file documentation, and access to restricted-use data files from numerous series on substance abuse and mental health in the us. Datasets are available via links provided in each series/llance, epidemiology, and end results (seer) program (national cancer institute). It operates as a part of the new uc berkeley's social science data lab (d-lab).
Provides access to a broad range of computerized social science data to faculty, staff, and students at uc rnia health interview largest state health survey in the united states. It is a telephone survey conducted every two years on public health topics and access to health web site contains the questionnaires, data files, and askchis, an online data query system. Office of statewide health planning and data available for viewing and downloading such as hospital annual financial data, hospital quarterly financial data, utilization data, long-term care facility financial data, patient discharge data, rnia schedule ii-iv drug acquisition, prescription and dispensation public es statistical tables that reflect the acquisition, prescription, and dispensation aggregate data of the dispensation information reported to ca doj pursuant to health and safety code section 11165(d). Tobacco survey s inlcude representative statewide data on cigarette smoking behavior, attitudes towards smoking, media exposure to smoking, and use of tobacco products other than cigarettes, from adults and teenagers living in california. The centralized data repository allows the public & researchers to find, use, and repackage the volumes of data generated by the state. The data is provided in variety of formats including csv, xls, kml, txt, and ational ey mortality database. Hmd data are superior for most purposes, however some items within the bmd are not yet available within the hmd or provides an easy way to find, access and reuse public datasets from the australian es data from local, state and international governments and organizations. Also available to search using a ready reference aphic and health surveys dhs program produces many different types of datasets, which vary by individual survey, but are based upon the types of data collected and the file formats used for dataset distribution. Dataset types are organized into three distribution categories: survey data, hiv test results, and geographic nmental data explorer (un). Display them as maps, graphs, tables or download the health data health data available for data on hiv/aids, tb, malaria, socio-economic indicators, and more by country. Global health facts is comprised of more than 100 indicators and provides users with the ability to map, rank, and download the data for custom analyses. An option for raw data downloads is available in the mortality hmd was created to provide detailed mortality and population data. 12, 2016 @ 02:42 data: 33 brilliant and free data sources for ns expressed by forbes contributors are their is ubiquitous — but sometimes it can be hard to see the forest for the trees, as it were. Many companies of various sizes believe they have to collect their own data to see benefits from big data analytics, but it’s simply not are hundreds (if not thousands) of free data sets available, ready to be used and analyzed by anyone willing to look for them. Below is a list of 35 of the most globally interesting i’ve come across, but there are many, many more in many different http:// the us government pledged last year to make all government data available freely online.
This site is the first stage and acts as a portal to all sorts of amazing information on everything from climate to census bureau http:/// a wealth of information on the lives of us citizens covering population data, geographic data and a is another interesting place to explore government-related data, with some visualisation tools an union open data portal http:///en/data/ as the above, but based on data from european union http:/// data from the uk government, including the british national bibliography – metadata on all uk books and publications since open data is a pilot project with many government and geospatial cia world factbook https:///library/publications/the-world-factbook/ information on history, population, economy, government, infrastructure and military of 267 data sources for 2016 (source shutterstock). Https:/// 125 years of us healthcare data including claim-level medicare data, epidemiology and population health and social care information centre http:///home health data sets from the uk national health offers statistics on the situation of women and children health organization offers world hunger, health, and disease statistics. S database of satellite imagery of makes some of the data from its courses market is a place to check out data related to economics, healthcare, food and agriculture, and the automotive public data explorer includes data from world development indicators, oecd, and human development indicators, mostly related to economics data and the is a data scraping service that also includes data ta is a social data sharing service that allows you to upload your own data and connect with others who are uploading their al climatic data center http:///data-access/quick-links#loc-clim huge collection of environmental, meteorological and climate data sets from the us national climatic data center. The world’s largest archive of weather machine learning repository is a dataset specifically pre-processed for machine ial data finder at osu offers a large catalog of financial data research center offers its raw data from its fascinating research into american broad institute offers a number of cancer-related is really just the tip of the iceberg. Many websites, apps, and companies that offer an api provide access to the data they collect through that d-thinking companies that may not have the resources to begin collecting their own data right away can access this publically available data and begin asking the right questions and getting answers right would you put publically available data to use in your business or niche? I’d be interested to hear your thoughts and ideas in the comments d marr is a best-selling author & keynote speaker on business, technology and big data. To read his future posts simply join his network l datasets are subject to the u. Statistics by zip aphic statistics broken down by zip eny county / city of pittsburgh / western pa regional data center —. Study provides detailed tabulations of individual income tax return data at the state and zip code level. Are complaints we’ve received about financial products and - 2001 to dataset reflects reported incidents of crime (with the exception of murders where data exists for each victim) that occurred in the city of chicago from 2001 to... Dataset includes data on adult's diet, physical activity, and weight status from behavioral risk factor surveillance system. Housing affordability data system (hads) is a set of files derived from the 1985 and later national american housing survey (ahs) and the 2002 and later metro... National student loan data system (nslds) is the national database of information about loans and grants awarded to students under title iv of the higher... Precipitation data (hpd) is digital data set dsi-3240, archived at the national climatic data center (ncdc). Is a tiled collection of the 3d elevation program (3dep) and is one meter 3dep data holdings serve as the elevation layer of the national map,...
Report that provides national trade data including imports, exports, and balance of payments for goods and services.