Reducing childhood obesity through policy change
Ng childhood obesity through policy change: acting now to prevent n tr1, dietz w, collins information1centers for disease control and prevention (cdc), atlanta, georgia, usa.
Txf2@tractchildhood obesity is epidemic in the united states, and is expected to increase the rates of many chronic diseases.
Policy interventions that make healthy dietary and activity choices easier are likely to achieve the greatest benefits.
There is emerging evidence on how to address childhood obesity, but we must take action now to begin to reverse the : 20194973 doi: 10.
0039 [indexed for medline] sharemesh termsmesh termschilddietexercisehealth policy*health promotion/legislation & jurisprudence*health promotion/methodshumansnutrition assessmentobesity/prevention & control*organizational innovation*united stateslinkout - more resourcesfull text sourcesatypon - pdfmedicalobesity - genetic allianceobesity - medlineplus health informationobesity in children - medlineplus health informationpubmed commons home.