Research based projects for computer science
Programadvisors & ng a cs icate programcourse of study / interdisciplinary tracks for non-engineering epartmental ndent work & thesesimportant steps and ines and useful raduate research ndent work ndent work seminar offerings - fall ndent work seminar offerings - spring independent work seminar involvedmailing lists and y of women in computer science (pwics). Cs & life outside te programadmissions te degrees reimbursement ed topics: recently scourse chresearch isciplinary raduate strative ncy action plan. All>computational biologycomputational markets / game theory / economicscomputer architecturegraphics / vision / human-computer interactionmachine learningprogramming languages / compilerssecurity / privacy / policysystems / networkstheory project name. Shape-based retrieval and goal is to investigate issues in shape-based retrieval and analysis of 3d models. The main research issues are to develop effective shape representations and query y and graduate students:David dobkin, thomas funkhouser, adam finkelstein, szymon cs / vision / human-computer internet censorship lab (iclab) is a research platform to enable researchers to study a broad class of online information controls (e. And graduate students:Security / privacy / data: anonymity, privacy, data: anonymity, privacy, y and graduate students:Security / privacy / ormatics & functional new era of large-scale experimental methods in molecular biology has transformed it into an information-based science, making bioinformatics an integral part of genomic research.
Academic projects for computer science
The research focus of the laboratory of bioinformatics and functional genomics is the development of integrated computational and experimental technologies for the study of gene function and regulation in biological systems through analysis, modeling, and visualization of heterogeneous biological data. The is is a joint laboratory with the department of computer science and the lewis-sigler institute for integrative y and graduate students:Computational n and n and y and graduate students:Security / privacy / : content-aware search project investigates how to build an efficient, high-quality content-based similarity search engine for feature-rich (non-text) data, which has dominated the increasing volume of digital information. The research topics include sketch construction, indexing for similarity search, distance functions for different feature-rich data types, integration with attribute-based search tools, content-addressable and searchable storage system, and memex systems. For a variety of example styles, we demonstrate high-quality user-constrained synthesized patterns that visually resemble the exemplars while exhibiting plausible structural y and graduate students:Graphics / vision / human-computer rise and data-center rise and data-center y and graduate students:Epigenome-wide association are currently developing methods for performing epigenome-wide scans for association of methylation status with phenotypes of y and graduate students:Computational e is a game to map the brain from seung lab at mit. It is a project led by georgia tech and the university of napoli federico ii to develop an openwrt-based platform for performing measurements of isp performance, as well as traffic inside the home. We hope imagenet will become a useful resource for researchers, educators, students and all of you who share our passion for y and graduate students:Graphics / vision / human-computer interaction, systems / et et y and graduate students:Faculty and graduate students:Interdisciplinary .
Landay: from on body to out of body user ton ai4all planning on the road: initiative on artificial intelligence and calendar and weinberg uses algorithmic mechanism design to keep websites credible, in spite of their et martonosi sketches a path for a new type of ston speaker - barbara sity of notre e of of the ment of computer science and er science course er engineering course ntly asked guide to the honor m objectives, outcomes, and n valley ation for graduate graduate studies te school academic y of degree graduate student orientation rad research ering research t cse login rad research ering research t projects(old). Biometric thms and software for problems in radiosurgery, radiation therapy, and other medical les mosquito comparative tic emotion ell: computational methods for simulation of biological - design and analysis of real-time intensive abstractions for high end biometric ing grids with machine learning ing ultra-dense computers with nting endangered c data-driven applications simulation (wiper). Energy/power efficient, real-time system computational discovery to privacy preservation in social, product, and health grammars for igent edge ous resource ges and systems for data intensive scientific : morphable computer architectures for highly energy-aware networks for machine : processing in ol: computational methods for simulation of : spontaneous information and resource le and reliable computation re engineering of scientific of the open source software ak: collaborative mobile ng the wandering rvised multilingual language ed biometric project is investigating various biometric sources (face, iris, hand, fingerprint, and gait) and sensors (2d, 3d, infra-red, ... Our research group is supporting the government programs on the gait challenge problem, the face recognition grand challenge, and the iris challenge y: bowyer, thms and software for problems in radiosurgery, radiation therapy, and other medical project is on the design, analysis, implementation, and experimentation of new algorithms and software for solving geometric optimization problems arising in radiosurgery, radiation therapy, and other related medical applications. Our goal is to incorporate our new algorithms and software into clinical radiation treatment planning systems for treating cancer y: les mosquito comparative september of 2008, the national human genome research institute (nhgri) and the national institute of allergy and infectious diseases (niaid) of the u. Gambiae species group and the larger set of species in relation to y: tic emotion goal of this project is to develop computer systems that automatically sense when a user is bored, confused, frustrated, etc.
The emotion detection systems will be integrated into computer interfaces in an attempt to provide more effective, user-friendly, and naturalistic interactions. Several projects focusing on either adapting existing emotion detection systems or investigating new modalities for emotion detection are y: d'ell: computational methods for simulation of biological are creating a model that includes how genetics at the subcellular level interacts with biophysics at the cellular level to orchestrate the development of organisms. We also work with biologists, physicists, and mathematicians in the development and validation of simulations of chicken limb development as part of a national science foundation biocomplexity y: - design and analysis of real-time -time embedded systems can be found in many applications such as communication devices, transportation machines, entertainment appliances, and medical instruments. This research targets at two important problems in real-time system design: performance analysis and scheduling algorithm design. We are building and deploying tools that explain failures in computing grids of thousands of y: chawla, ing ultra-dense computers with m: most projections of cmos technologies perceive an ultimate limit of about 0. The qca solution: utilize a new technology termed quantum cellular automata (qca) to build real computers orders of magnitude denser than the limits of cmos from molecularly sized devices where information is moved by coulombic interactions rather than current y: nting endangered logies for large-scale data collection and automatic transcription and word alignment in endangered and unwritten languages.
Project is developing an integrated wireless phone based emergency response system (wiper) that is capable of real-time monitoring of normal social and geographical communication and activity patterns of millions of wireless phone users, recognizing unusual human agglomerations, potential emergencies and traffic jams. Wiper will select from these massive data streams high-resolution information in the physical vicinity of a communication or traffic anomaly, and dynamically inject it into an agent-based simulation system to classify and predict the unfolding of the emergency in real time. The agent-based simulation system will dynamically steer local data collection in the vicinity of the anomaly. It employs recent advances in agent-based simulation, web-based deployment of scientific applications, a collaboratory for sharing simulations and data, and scalable web-based database management systems to improve the reliability of the stochastic simulations and to facilitate analysis of the resulting large datasets using datamining y: s - energy/power efficient, real-time system scheduling. Collaborative research that aims at developing scheduling algorithms to minimize the energy/power consumption of real-time embedded systems. Based on the 2014 jhu workshop on meaning representations in language and speech y: igent edge this research, we design and implement prototypes of intelligent network edge devices such as routers, modems, or wireless base stations.
This work is driven by the insight that careless (non-cooperative) adaptation of multiple resource or multiple communicating devices can lead to sub-optimal savings in resource utilization or degraded application performance; effects which are often difficult to capture with theoretical models alone, thereby requiring extensive experimental y: ges and systems for data intensive scientific problems in science and engineering can only be solved by harnessing large collections of computers called cluster, clouds, or grids. To address this, our lab is designing new languages and systems that allow end users to easily specify and execute workloads that run on hundreds of y: : morphable computer architectures for highly energy-aware an energy gear to high performance embedded y: brockman, networks for machine and algorithms for translation and language modeling using neural y: : processing in the current trend of rapidly increasing cpu speeds and ballooning ram capacities, the bottleneck between the processor and main memory is becoming more and more costly. This project is funded by the national science y: : spontaneous information and resource objective of this project is to overcome the limitations of mobile wireless devices by allowing them to spontaneously request access to resources (such as storage, cpus, network bandwidths) and information (e. The project addresses the resource-efficient and reliable discovery and access of such resources and y: le are creating a series of cloud-enabled bioinformatics tools through biocompute, which is a web-based tool that leverages grid-computing resources for solving large bioinformatics problems. Biocompute divides large bioinformatics jobs into hundreds of smaller jobs that are sent to either a large collection of personal computers or an external cloud. Biocompute is maintained by the cooperative computing lab and is supported by the bioinformatics core facility at the university of notre y: emrich, and reliable computation project allows resource-constrained devices (limited in their battery life or computational capabilities) to use external computing resources such as supercomputers or grids to carry out their extensive computational tasks in a secure and reliable way.
We also are trying to build self-adaptive programs that can choose the best algorithms and parameters for particular problems at run y: of the open source software research project seeks to understand the free/open source software (f/oss) phenomenon and to predict the pattern of growth exhibited by f/oss projects over time. A number of short and long-term projects that focus on eye tracking and other methods to detect mind wandering are y: d'rvised multilingual language and algorithms for translation, word alignment, and bilingual lexicon induction from parallel and non-parallel texts. Vectorbase is a well-known bioinformatics resource in the arthropod research community and also interacts closely with a number of other bioinformatics efforts, most notably with ebi, gmod, go, refseq, ucsc and the other niaid-supported brcs. Further, vectorbase will be responsible for providing bioinformatics support of four included "driving biological projects," which will generate cutting-edge experimental data for both graduate students and staff to y: collins, emrich, department of computer science and engineering at the university of notre dame. Mail: cse@itation bachelor’s degree programs in aerospace, chemical, civil, computer, electrical, and mechanical engineering are accredited by the engineering accreditation commission of abet, inc. The bachelor’s degree program in computer science is accredited by the computing accreditation commission of abet, ibility ourcing taxonomy goal is to break down large projects into work that can be done in parallel microtasks.
For example, given 100 travel tips, we can create a taxonomy that shows what the popular topics are, what topics are missing, and let's users navigate the data more ible goal crossing accessible goal crossing project is funded by the national science foundation as an effort to create user interfaces more suited to people with motor impairments by using goal crossing instead of pointing-and-clicking, which is difficult for many people. Although goal crossing has been investigated on pen and tablet computers for use by able-bodied users, it presents substantially different challenges when used on the desktop with cursor control devices by people with motor control ty-based prototyping of ubicomp tystudio is a suite of tools for prototyping and testing ubiquitous computing applications. We have created design guidelines for developing technology to support new parents in record-keeping and implemented novel technologies to support better record-keeping and decision-making about developmental is a group of faculty and students at the university of washington exploring how technology can improve the lives of under-served populations in low-income oom presenter is a tablet pc-based interaction system that supports the sharing of digital ink on slides between instructors and students. Classroom presenter is widely used as both a presentation tool for delivering lectures and as a classroom interaction system to support computer-based active icative practices in virtual communicative practices in virtual workspaces (cpvw) lab in the department of human centered design & engineering investigates emergent uses of digital technologies to coordinate work activities. Adopting and extending ideas from human-computer interaction, technical communication, and related fields, the lab uses varied methods to explore communicative practices in virtual encexp is a shared-source platform for simple, flexible, and extensible conferencing and collaboration. It helps researchers and educators develop innovative applications and solutions that feature broadcast-quality audio and video in support of real-time distributed collaboration and distance learning environments.
The uw center for collaborative technologies is currently continuing development and deployment support for goal of the deaf and hard of hearing cyber-community in the stem (dhh cyber-community) project is to use existing cyber infrastructure connections between universities to advance deaf and hard of hearing students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (stem). However, automatic information extraction systems produce errors and are not tolerated by users, whereas user contributions incentives and management to control aces that make us advent of computers has made many things much easier in our lives. It then queries the online music libraries of the speakers to choose songs appropriate for that -lifespan information system project focuses on the design of information systems to support the solution of problems that are unlikely to be solved within a single human lifespan — structurally, problems that are tied to limitations of the human psyche, limitations of the structure of society, or to slow-moving natural time -computer explore the feasibility of muscle-computer interfaces: an interaction methodology that directly senses and decodes human muscular activity rather than relying on physical device actuation or user actions that are externally visible or audible. As a first step towards realizing the muscle-computer interface concept, we conducted an experiment to explore the potential of exploiting muscular sensing and processing technologies for muscle-computer interfaces. Our research focusses on evaluating the effect on behavior of providing such tools, on improving the tools and adding new functionality, and on integrating them with mobility applications for blind and deaf-blind ality & persuasive a variety of persuasive health applications have been designed with a preventive standpoint toward diseases, many have been designed largely for a general audience. Our goal for this research was to explore the relationship between personality and persuasive technologies in the context of health-promoting mobile are designing an information system to help people with breast cancer manage their health information.
One example of what prefab enables is better hci research: prefab can be used by hci researchers to test many of their ideas using existing applications, rather than implementing a toy prototype within an isolated goal of this project is to create novel computer-based devices enhance the quality of life for people with cognitive disabilities. Reform lets end users put a new face on webpages, without subjecting them to the whims of a webmaster, and without learning to program e is a research application that was developed by the university of washington and intel labs seattle for android-based mobile phones. It is a multidisciplinary project with researchers and practitioners from uw's department of computer science and engineering, access technology lab, and do-it. Based on an earlier ethnographic study, we have analyzed web site design practice and developed a system to support the practices used by designers during the early phases of information on-enhanced applications make use of the location of people, places, and things to provide useful services. We are carrying out this work in the context of transportation, energy, and water im is a software-based simulation model for integrated planning and analysis of urban development, incorporating the interactions among land use, transportation, and public policy. This device will enable individuals with motor impairments to use vocal parameters to control objects on a computer screen (buttons, sliders, etc.
Since no mouse, keyboard or stylus is required, it can be used by people with various forms of motor impairments to express themselves the voicepen project, we seek to explore ways in which a digital stylus input can be augmented with voice input to provide added expressivity and control in various pen-based tasks, such as drawing and manipulation of animation webinsight project includes is a collection of projects designed to make the web more accessible to blind web data kit (odk) is a free and open-source set of tools that help organizations author, field, and manage mobile data collection solutions. Of 2015's hottest topics in computer science ns expressed by forbes contributors are their question originally appeared on quora: what are currently the hot topics in computer science research? By igor markov, michigan eecs prof - currently at google, on are several major closed-form challenges in computer science, such p versus np problem,Finding better algorithms for matrix multiplication and fourier transform,Building quantum computers that can quickly factorize numbers into primes (shor's algorithm), or at least explaining why we are still so far from this r, the hottest topics are broad and intentionally defined with some vagueness, to encourage out-of-the-box thinking. For such topics, zooming in on the right questions often marks significant progress in 's my list for nt-data applications, algorithms, and architectures are a meta-topic that includes research avenues such as data mining (quickly finding relatively simple patterns in massive amounts of loosely structured data, evaluating and labeling data, etc), machine learning (building mathematical models that represent structure and statistical trends in data, with good predictive properties), hardware architectures to process more data than is possible cial intelligence and robotics - broadly, figuring out how to formalize human capabilities, which currently appear beyond the reach of computers and robots, then make computers and robots more efficient at it. In the past, once good model were found for something (such as computer-aided design of electronic circuits), this research moves into a different field - the design of efficient algorithms, statistical models, computing hardware, -informatics and other uses of cs in biology, biomedical engineering, and medicine, including systems biology (modeling interactions of multiple systems in a living organism, including immune systems and cancer development), computational biophysics (modeling and understanding mechanical, electrical, and molecular-level interactions inside an organism), computational neurobiology (understanding how organisms process incoming information and react to it, control their bodies, store information, and think). There is a very large gap between what is known about brain structure and the functional capabilities of a living brain - closing this gap is one of the grand challenged in modern science and engineering.
Biomedical engineering is another major area of growth, where microprocessor-based systems can monitor vital signs, and even administer life-saving medications without waiting for a doctor.