Research paper assignment high school
The research paper part 1: introducing the research paper and preparing students for the are three things every teacher should do their students to the computer lab to research information for their research papers: teach ence between reliable and non reliable sources, check to make sure t has a self-generated research question, and help prepare students phrases and words to er i begin teaching the research paper, i uce the story of how i wrote my master's research paper to my . I don't do this to students feel like their research assignment is petty and small. I do that i can explain the process of research to them and so that they know once in their how exactly do you write a 50 page research paper 50 unique, credible sources? One source at a teaching the research paper to my secondary ts, i first teach them about research and credible sources. Those are both free data bases that students can use to find i feel my students have a firm understanding about s they will be looking at, we then dive into the research topic and ts select their own topics related to the main of the key parts of teaching the research paper ts is having them come up with their own self-generated on. There is also a graphic organizer in ch paper writing resource that is especially helpful during this students have a self-generated question, it is time students to think about key words and phrases they will use in their sources. Taking half a class to discuss key words and students tremendously and it even speeds up the research process ts are able to find credible sources a lot easier. I tell them that they must think of the ant words directly related to their help students think about key words and phrases they can use in the search engine, have them think about hashtags for their research topic. This fun, easy, and engaging strategy will get students thinking about what to research and what is related specifically to their blog post is the first post in a series about teaching students about research you are interested in teaching the research paper to your students, check out my research paper writing lesson. This lesson includes an editable powerpoint presentation, a research paper assignment, and everything you will need to work through the entire research paper writing process with your secondary more about research in the classroom with part 2 which covers research paper topics and part 3 which covers using google apps for daring english thisblogthis! To participating ipating school tions and al advisory ishing new curricular curriculum units written in seminars led by yale curriculum resources from national initiative curriculum units written by teachers from each participating curricular resources from league teachers s and -new haven teachers institute®.
Research paper assignment sheet high school
Leave a general comment about our web site, please click this page with your english students in atlanta public schools are required to complete a senior research paper. Washington high school has assigned a "career paper," which ends up reading like a fifth grade career report. While very appropriate for a communication skills or business technology class, the career paper is out of place in british and world literature, and its lack of literary focus does little to prepare students for english "101" in college. I have tried to find a way to make the assignment a real research paper by having students examine a controversy within their chosen career, but my students find it hard to make the connections needed for higher level thinking. When completing the career assignment the student never really utilizes all facets of bloom's taxonomy. I wish to make the research paper more interesting while still addressing bloom's dimensions and, more importantly, to create a paper more appropriate for seniors preparing to enter of the most heartbreaking moments of my teaching career occurred when one of my graduated seniors emailed me from college to tell me she had failed her research paper in english "101". She said that she was very upset because she had worked hard in my class on her research paper and had received a high b from me. Her professor told her that her paper was very superficial and didn't show any insight into the topic. The powers that be at washington high mandate that seniors complete a research paper, which makes up 10% of their final grade. A high school senior who aspires to become a doctor is not well served when he finds out later that he needs 4-5 units of science and upper level math classes just to be considered for a premed program. In addition to being "too little, too late," the career paper is not remotely like the research papers assigned in college level english classes.
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It involves no powers of interpretation and no great depth of research; the lion's share of information needed to complete the project can be found on one website, the bureau of labor and statistics online. While research skills are used, a works cited page does not a research paper lamenting the plight of our students once they reach college, i received permission from our department chair and principal to rework the senior paper. While the ap students were doing a full-on literary research paper, they were still having great difficulty, and i knew my "regular" kids would need a transitional assignment to teach them the fundamentals of expounding on literary works. I still want my students to do the basic research needed for their future science and history classes, but i want them to be able to analyze a piece of literature with the ability the author intended for his or her readers to bring to bear. Study of folk stories from various cultures around the world is extremely appropriate for world literature, and when the syllabus is structured regionally instead of chronologically, the six to eight weeks spent on the research paper are continually relevant. With a description such as this it is not surprising that the trickster is a high school senior's favorite character. My school's culture reveres the con artist or anyone who can get one over on "the man". It therefore seems obvious to me that combining the trickster with my—and their—least favorite assignment, the dreaded research paper, could be a way to sugar-coat the ters appear in folktales from almost all cultures. With some having slave ancestors, my students really enjoy discussing the tradition of oral tales and the passing on of stories to preserve trickster lends himself so well to the research project because he is everywhere in a rich literature. If we have time we will culminate our study with a film depicting a modern confidence man, as in matchstick order for the research paper to address relevant standards, the structure will be the same for each student. The first part of the paper will address the trickster and trickster tale in general.
Because washington has a very weak media center, i inevitably spend two or three weekends at the downtown atlanta public library helping students do their research. When several students can share the research materials, i find they stay at the library longer and find the assignment less ts will research and compose an original research project which will prepare them for freshman level english at a four year ts will compose an original literature-based research paper utilizing the modern language association citation format. Students will research the background of the trickster and the culture(s) from which he comes; they will then make connections with the piece of literature they have ts will present findings to the class utilizing all public speaking conventions. While we are examining the ashanti culture and going through the research paper process, students will be reading and taking notes on their literary pieces. They will be identifying trickster characters in the pieces and doing research on the author. Basically, as a class we will complete the first part of the research paper together. Also, since it is not necessary to pass the previous year's english class before being promoted to senior english, many students have never acquired even the basic, fundamental research skills needed to complete a complex 8-9 page to the very wide range of skill levels in each of my classes, some students will regurgitate what we discuss in class in their paper. At least they have gone through the motions of writing a research paper for any future schooling they may choose. I am usually fully aware of which of my students are headed to college because of information about them in surveys, prior writing assignments and many letters of recommendation. While i don't feel i can fairly require these students to research a different culture than that which we study in class, i will strongly encourage them to explore a different culture. When we have done similar assignments in the past, the students have enjoyed rereading their letters after they have finished the books and seeing what assumptions were correct or off base and which predictions came to saturdays during this period of time will be spent at the auburn avenue library of african american studies in downtown atlanta.
Acquiring a library card is a homework assignment the first week of school, so all children will have access to this fantastic resource. In a perfect world the students could look up the books they need online prior to our saturdays; however, internet is limited in my room and with temperamental computers it is easier to go through the research process at the actual library. I fax a copy of the assignment sheet and rubric to the librarian ahead of time so that students who work there on saturdays get quality help. Since several students will not study african tricksters or pieces of literature, we will split our time between auburn and the main downtown library, which also has an extensive reference all of this research is going on outside of class we will be preparing the thesis statement, bibliography cards, note cards, and outlines in class. We will have a mini-lesson on commonly confused words and a fun spell check lesson similar to the one passed around through a class, we will read the first page of several sample research papers from all subjects and writing levels, and the students will identify the thesis statements. Students will learn that in a research paper the thesis statement may take up several sentences. We will look at several research papers, written in various ways, that still convey relevant is very important that the lesson on note cards immediately follow that on bibliography cards; otherwise students run the risk of misnumbering the cards. Students group their cards in the order assigned in the assignment sheet (parts one, two and three) and then in the subdivisions that make sense to them. They are only required to use 15 of their cards in the actual paper, and the outline process is usually the point at which they make their decisions on which to use. Once they have found a series of ideas that makes sense to them (and me, since i am making the rounds), students transfer the ideas to a sheet of paper under the proper numeral or letter. If we have time, i will make loose roman numerals, numbers, and lower case letters that they can manipulate along with their students will then begin on their research paper, following their outlines.
The questions they need to answer in their paper are already answered in their properly ordered note cards. The paper will consist of three main parts: the trickster background, the specific cultural background of the trickster, and the literary analysis of a piece of literature featuring a trickster. All of this information is given to the students in the intial assignment sheet; therefore, they know what to research. Second part of the paper will be the breakdown of one particular culture's trickster mythology and folklore. This portion of the paper should cover two to three third portion of the paper will include a two to three page literary analysis of a character from the student's selected work. This last part of the paper serves as preparation for college literary will be 8-10 pages in length and only 12 point, times new roman will be accepted. Neatness will be a rubric dimension, so papers should be in a transparent presentation ts are informed of the paper due date on their syllabus. The students sign a contract when the project is first introduced informing them (it is also on their syllabus) of the 10% weight towards their final grade and the fact that their papers will, under no circumstances, be accepted late. Absence from school is not an excuse and only a death in the family, with proof, or a hospitalization, again with proof, will gain the child a parameters may seem harsh for high school students, but i find stringent deadlines help prepare them for the "real world" where excuses are rarely taken into consideration and you are almost never given a second chance at a job. Before i required them to sign contracts, i would receive over half of the papers late. When the highest score is usually a high b and most average in the c or d range, the median score would then be in the 50s.
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This is what works for completing the papers, students will present their masterpieces to the rest of the class. Students will place key points on note cards (to avoid merely reading their papers aloud) and present to their classmates. All domains of bloom's taxonomy will have been addressed after the presentations, and lessons will really be driven home when students present their research to the others in the class. This activity is designed to help the researcher remember his/her research and serves as an overview of cultures, tricksters, and literary works for the rest of the mental the research paper, after the introduction and bibliography card/note card/outline process, is an outside assignment, various tie-ins can keep the students interested and focused in the classroom. To share their found stories with the rest of class, groups will perform the stories using paper bag characters. The puppet show is a great decompression activity after the length and weight of the research paper. Sample library als: a library, blank note ive: students will utilize a library to research their various cultures and to do a literary search on their chosen piece of classes do their library research on saturdays, so preparation may be different if you have a school library to use. Prior to arriving, students know to bring all supplies with them (so i don't have to); we also go over appropriate library behavior, including the librarian's role in their research. I send the reference librarian a copy of the assignment sheet and book lists when we begin the paper so she can help students who can't make it on a weekend. The students are used to this type of research and don't need the same kind of individual instruction as with literary research. Prior to my weekend trips, atlanta public schools brought the entire senior class to the library at once.
Since a good portion of the paper will contain common research, the students who work together can knock out this portion of the research in one o and other online references are available to the kids through our media center's website, so we learn how to search those in the classroom. Students are discouraged from doing their internet research during library time, as it can be done at school. They give an opportunity for me to get to know the kids outside of school and for them to see me in a relaxed setting, and this eases some of the stress of the research paper. It also gives the students a "real life" sample of college life, as they are doing exactly what they will have to do for a college research paper (minus the teacher). I have found that the students who spend the time with me in the library do not plagiarize, write better papers, and have greater understanding than those who do not original trickster als: paper lunch sacks, various decorative notions, glue, scissors, a "stage" (a table with a sheet over it works for us), microphone (a cheap radio shack version plugged into a tape player works well). On day one students are placed in groups according to the region they studied in their research paper. After the scripts are completed, students will make puppets of their characters out of paper lunch sacks (socks, paint stirring sticks, and milk cartons also work well). When it is timed so that this is the last assignment before finals, the kids really go all out. Basic primer on bloom's writing the research paper:A great resource for students and a good refresher for teachers teaching the research paper for the first or 200th time. Fun picture book about a noisy t research paper book ace to be g hawk sneve, trickster and the in the dreamweaver's feast of the kingston, grass, running good story, that one. London: routledge, a davila silva (memorial high school, san antonio, tx)subject taught: british literaturechair of english and reading departmentgreat ideas for getting students to write.
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