Research paper index
Of becoming ormational videos – -i: psychological assessment of conscious sions to use the cq-i © consciousness quotient inventory is free to use by researchers and for online testing on our website. For additional information regarding the cq-i usage and its applications check our research papers get a copy for educational or research purposes, please contact conscious you are? Of research index includes the articles, studies and research papers related to cq, published or presented on various conferences around the world. Preliminary development of the consciousness quotient inventory (cq-i): introducing the conscious experience as a research variable in psychological assessment. The consciousness quotient inventory (cq-i): introducing consciousness experience as a research variable in psychological assessment. Paper presented at the the 16th annual meeting of the association for the scientific study of consciousness, brighton, u. 2017 — consciousness quotient logy of becoming ormational videos – -i: psychological assessment of conscious sions to use the cq-i © consciousness quotient inventory is free to use by researchers and for online testing on our website. Categories » education and communications » articlewikihow to write an parts:preparing your indexformatting entries and subentriesediting your indexcommunity q& index is an alphabetical list of keywords contained in the text of a book or other lengthy writing project. The index can be found at the end of the work, and makes a longer nonfiction work more accessible for readers, since they can turn directly to the information they need. When you start working on your index, you may want to use printed proof pages, or work directly from the computer screen. A searchable pdf will help you find the words you're indexing without disturbing the text. If you index from a hard copy you'll have to transfer your work to a digital file. If the work is particularly long, try to work straight from the computer so you can skip this extra what needs to be indexed. Generally speaking, you'll want to index the entire text of your work, including the introduction and any footnotes or endnotes that expand on the content of the text. Footnotes or endnotes are merely source citations, they don't need to be included in the lly, you don't need to index glossaries, bibliographies, acknowledgements, or illustrative items such as charts and you're not sure whether something should be indexed, ask yourself if it contributes something substantial to the text. Some publishers may require you to index any authors cited, either in text or footnotes. This may require a separate index, or they may be included in your general index. Most cases, if you have a "works cited" section appearing at the end of your text you won't need to index authors. You would still include their names in the general index, however, if you discussed them in the text rather than simply citing their index cards for entries. Example, if you're writing a book on bicycle maintenance, you might have index cards for "gears," "wheels," and "chain. If you have entries that are similar to each other, you may want to use cross references in your index to link the similar entries. Before you start building your index, you need to know its maximum length and what style guide the publisher wants you to use. Example, an entry in the index of a political science book might read: "capitalism: 21st century, 164; american free trade, 112; backlash against, 654; expansion of, 42; russia, 7; and television, 3; treaties, 87. If you used the index card method, arrange your cards in alphabetical order and then type the list of main entries into a computer document. While generally you shouldn't capitalize the words in your index, you should capitalize a person's name or the name of a place or event. Check your style guide for the proper rule that applies to your index, and be e all page numbers for each entry or subentry. You'll copy the page numbers from your index cards, formatting them according to the rules laid out in your style guide. Cross references introduced by the words "see also" direct your reader to other entries in your index that may include related or similar information to that contained in the original entry. Then include the name of the similar entry you want to example, an entry in an index for a dessert cookbook might contain the following entry: "ice cream: chocolate, 4, 17, 24; strawberry, 9, 37; vanilla, 18, 25, 32-35. The point of your index is to make your work more readable and usable for your readers. Example, you might include an entry in a dessert cookbook index that read "ice cream, varieties of: chocolate, 54; strawberry, 55; vanilla, 32, 37, 56. You'll also want to look at the length of the index as a whole to make sure it fits the publisher's guidelines. If you decide it is necessary, see if you can include it as a subentry under a different example, suppose you are indexing a dessert cookbook, and it has ice cream on two pages and sorbet on one page. Check every page you have listed in your index and make sure the entry can be found there. May want to run searches again to make sure the index is comprehensive and includes as many pointers as possible to help guide your ead your entries. Go line by line through your index and make sure all words are spelled correctly and all punctuation is correct and consistent.
Even if you use spell check, it's still important to go through the index yourself, since some mistakes may slip past spell checkers. The publisher will have page dimensions and margins to which your index should be set once all the proofreading and accuracy checking is complete. Entries begin on the first space of the line, with the subsequent lines of the same entry i need to include the title on the index page? More unanswered creating an index seems like too large of a task for you to complete on your own by the publisher's deadline, you may be able to hire a professional indexer to do the work for you. Look for someone who has some knowledge and understanding about the subject matter of your you're using a word processing app that has an indexing function, avoid relying on it too much. It will index all of the words in your text, which will be less than helpful to readers. Video explains how to build an index using microsoft word to write a craft to print an index sheet using the hp photosmart to write a table of to add a caption to a table in to write to write a to write a to write a research to write a thesis to write a research s and citations. Http:///misc/chicago/ed article categories: featured articles | research and review | ñol: hacer un índice, deutsch: erstell einen index für deine projekte, italiano: creare un indice, português: fazer um índice, français: construire un index, 中文: 编写索引, русский: написать алфавитный указатель. Of people told us that this article helped d articleshow to write a craft tutorialhow to print an index sheet using the hp photosmart 8150how to write a table of contentshow to add a caption to a table in text shared under a creative commons d by answer activitiesyearbook of international organizationsprint ational congress calendarprint/pdf opedia of world problemsredevelopment ations round ized data extractionsdata ationsreference worksyearbook of international ational congress informedworld of associations arters tics & surveysinternational meetings statistics on international meeting publicationsuia publications opedia of world problems and human escustomized data extractionsdata ising & sponsorshipround table on meetings ising in uia associations ising in uia resources for researchfraud ory scams fraud society we do for… meetings ics and tsactive projectsopen opedia of world ive master in international association shipassociate membershipcategories and membershipcurrent uiageneral e and rs and institutional 's relevance to…global meetings ics and of past research are currently in uia's online document archive. Paper for the academy of management conference on 'organization dimensions of global change: no limits to cooperation' case western reserve university, may 1995. Adaption of a paper presented to a seminar on state and society at the russian public policy center (moscow, 6-8 december 1994) under the auspices of the council of europe. Paper presented to a seminar on state and society at the russian public policy center (moscow, 6-8 december 1994) under the auspices of the council of europe. Paper prepared for cellule de prospective de la commission des communautés européennes, 15-16 june 1993, brussels. Paper prepared for the 13th world conference of the world futures studies federation (finland, august 1993). Presentation at the research institute for applied knowledge processing (university of ulm, germany, 20th october 1993). An ecology of spiritual traditions as articulated by a dynamic system of metaphors: paper for the world congress towards spiritual concord, alma-ata, october 1992 brussels, uia. Selected excerpts from a paper entitled 'research network on catalytic imagery for governance in impossible situations' prepared in connection with the june 1992 unced meeting in rio de janeiro. Conferencing: concepts, notes and papers, problems and possibilities on the new frontier of high-risk gatherings concerning social developemt brussels, uia, 218 p. Paper prepared for the conference on science and tradition: transdisciplinary perspectives on the way to the 21st century (paris, december 1991) organized by the union des ingénieurs et des techniciens utilisant la langue française with unesco. Paper for the development administration division of the united nations department of technical cooperation for development (un/dad/dtcd) to be presented at a seminar (and in a collection of papers) on "tools for critical choice by top decision makers". Paper presented to the 11th world conference of the world futures studies federation (budapest, may 1990). Paper prepared for: international symposium on "how to do things with metaphor" (brussels, march 1990); abridged version of a paper presented to the international conference on demography issues and sustainable development (new delhi, 1990). Paper prepared for the conference on social innovation in global management organized by the weatherhead school of management of case western reserve university (cleveland, november 1989). Paper prepared for an international workshop on collaborative policy for sustainable development convened by the commission on sustainable development of iucn-world conservation union, claremont ca 1989. Paper prepared for the 10th world conference of the world future studies federation (sept 1988, beijing) under the auspices of the china association for science and technology, group 8: changing political institutions. Paper prepared for the international symposium on models of meaning (bulgaria, september 1988) under the auspices of the institute of bulgarian language of the bulgarian academy of sciences. Paper submitted to geneva workshop, june 1987 of the project on eonomic apects of human development (eahd) of the regional and global studies division of the united nations university. Paper for project on information overlaod and information underuse (ioiu) of the global learning division of the united nations university (area 6: coding and the socio-cultural context of information). Project on economic aspects of human development (eahd) of the regional and global studies division of the united nations university: paper submitted informally to rome workshop, september 1986. Paper for a conference of the goals, processes and indicators of development project of the united nations university on early identification of imminent dangers in social life (warswa-jablonna, december 1981)1984patterns of conceptual integration brussels, uia, 296 p. Collection of papers presented at meetings of the goals, processes and indicators of development project of the united nations university (1978-1982). Collection of papers reprinted from the journal transnational associations in the light of experience in the goals, processes and indicators of development project of the united nations unversity (1978-1982) and as a contribution to future intercultural, interdisciplinary initiatives of that kind. Collection of papers mainly presented to the forms of presentation sub-project of the goals, processes and indicators of development project of the united nations university (1978-1982). Collection of papers prepared in response to the concerns of the networks sub-project of the goals, processes and indicators of development project of the united nations university (1978-1982). Also in: forms of presentation and the future of comprehension (collection of papers mainly presented to the forms of presentation sub-project of the goals, processes and indicators of development project of the united nations university, 1978-82). In: collection of papers presented at meetings of the goals, processes and indicators of development project of the united nations university, 1978-82.
Papers arising from work in connection with the goals, processes and indicators of development project of the united nations university, 1978-1982). Paper for a meeting of integrative group b of the goals, processes and indicato('rs of development project of the united nations university (athens, 1982). Paper prepared for group b of the project on goals, processes and indicators of development of the human and social development programme of the united nations university (tokyo, august 1981). Paper for unesco-sponsored conference on conceptual and terminological analysis in the social sciences, bielefeld, may 19811981beyond method: engaging opposition in psycho-social organization brussels, uia, 41 p. Paper for meeting on methodology of the goals, processes and indicators of development project of the united nations university, organized by the division of system studies of the university of bucuresti (bucharest, december 1981). Papers arising from the workshop on human needs of the gpid project of the united nations university, berlin, 1978. Report on an experiment at the conference of the society for general systems research, london, 1979. Paper submitted for the "conference volume" of the first global conference on the future, toronto 1980. Paper for a meeting on forms of presentation meeting of the un university gpid project, geneva, 1980 in: collection of papers presented at meetings of the goals, processes and indicators of development project of the united nations university, 1978-82 1980, 10 p. Collection of papers presented at meetings of the goals, processes and indicators of development project of the united nations university, 1978-82. Paper for integrative group b of the un university gpid project, tokyo, 1980) in (collection of papers presented at meetings of the goals, processes and indicators of development project of the united nations university, 1978-82). Paper presented at the 20th annual international convention of the international studies association, toronto, march 1979. Also in: from networking to tensegrity organization (collection of papers prepared in response to the concerns of the networks sub-project of the goals, processes and indicators of development project of the united nations university, 1978-82). Improving the human condition; quality and stability in social systems washington dc, society for general systems research, pp. And in from networking to tensegrity organization (collection of papers prepared in response to the concerns of the networks sub-project of the goals, processes and indicators of development project of the united nations university, 1978-82). Paper prepared for the international conference of the society for general systems research, london 1979; presented to a workshop on alternative organizations of the european institute for advanced studies in management, brussels, june 1979. Paper prepared for the internationale konferenz bedingungen des lebens in der zukunft und ihre folgen fr die erziehung, berlin, november 1978. Paper prepared for the 2nd planning meeting of the global processes and indicators for development project of the united nations university human and social development programme. Working paper for the goals processes and indicators of development project of the united nations university human and social development programme. Also in: from networking to tensegrity organization (collection of papers prepared in response to the concerns of the networks sub-project of the goals, processes and indicators of development project of the united nations university, 1978-82); brussels, uia, 1984. Paper to a panel on evaluating and extending public participation in international organizations, at the 18th annual meeting of the international studies association, 16-20 march 1977, st louis (usa). Paper presented to the european workshop on lifestyles and social change of the association internationale futuribles, arc-et-senans, september 1977. Problem networks as perceived by international organization networks in: general systems theorizing: an assessment and aspects for the future washington dc, society for general systems research, pp. Background paper for a unesco/unitar expert meeting on the role of international organizations in the contemporary world, geneva. On the un secretary-general's unofficial draft report on improving coordination and liaison with nongovernmental organizations paper prepared for the preparatory conference of experts on the role of non-governmental organizations, fredensborg, 1974, 3 p. Network of research- and service communities: a proposal for an organizational hybrid brussels, uia, 21 p. Association networks: selected list of research topics on international nongovernmental organizations in: international associations 24, october, pp. Paper submitted to a session of the international studies association, 13th annual convention, dallas, march 1972. Paper presented to a symposium on value and knowledge requirements for peace of the american association for the advancement of science, philadelphia, december 1971. Paper presented to the workshop on international organization data, jointly sponsored by international studies association, union of international associations and united nations institute for training and research, puerto rico, march 1971. Revised version of a paper entitled: the impact of the computer/communication/information revolution on nongovernmental organizations and their members during the second un development decade (1970-1980) and in the foreseeable future. Of trans-disciplinary conceptual aids: simple techniques for education, research, pre-crisis management, and program administration highlighting patterns of information transaction and sub-system interdependence brussels, uia, 13 p. Improvement of communication within the world-system: research uses, applications and possibilities of a computer-based information centre on national and international organizations and related entities brussels, union of international associations, 196 p. Background paper for a symposium of the task force on systems education at the annual meeting of the society for general systems research, boston, december 1969. G papersin-depth studies for working paper series (wps) disseminates economic research relevant to the various tasks and functions of the ecb, and provides a conceptual and empirical basis for policy-making. They are addressed to experts, so readers should be knowledgeable in bility: ecb working papers are available online only, get updated on latest working paper releases by rss news .
Mathematical and quantitative methods→econometric modeling→model construction and estimationc53 : mathematical and quantitative methods→econometric modeling→forecasting and prediction methods, simulation methodsq02 : agricultural and natural resource economics, environmental and ecological economics→general→global commodity this paper we extract latent factors from a large cross-section of commodity prices, including fuel and non-fuel commodities. Financial economics→financial institutions and services→banks, depository institutions, micro finance institutions, mortgagesg28 : financial economics→financial institutions and services→government policy and regulationh81 : public economics→miscellaneous issues→governmental loans, loan guarantees, credits, grants, this paper, we construct a structural model to determine the costs of a bank rescue considering bail-outs and bail-ins. Macroeconomics and monetary economics→consumption, saving, production, investment, labor markets, and informal economy→employment, unemployment, wages, intergenerational income distribution, aggregate human capitale30 : macroeconomics and monetary economics→prices, business fluctuations, and cycles→generalf00 : international economics→general→ng upon a behavioural equilibrium exchange rate (beer) model, estimated at a quarterly frequency since 1999 on a broad sample of 57 countries, this paper assesses whether both the size and the persistence of real effective exchange rate misalignments from the levels implied by economic fundamentals are affected by the adoption of a single currency. 21077 november 2017on collateral: implications for financial stability and monetary policycorradin, stefano, heider, florian, hoerova, mariediscussion papers abstractjel classification. Macroeconomics and monetary economics→monetary policy, central banking, and the supply of money and credit→othere44 : macroeconomics and monetary economics→money and interest rates→financial markets and the macroeconomyg18 : financial economics→general financial markets→government policy and paper examines the role of collateral in the financial system, with special emphasis on the implications for financial stability and the conduct of monetary policy. These data are particularly useful for this paper given the firm-level information on the change in economic conditions and collective pay agreements. Macroeconomics and monetary economics→consumption, saving, production, investment, labor markets, and informal economy→capital, investment, capacityf34 : international economics→international finance→international lending and debt problemsg31 : financial economics→corporate finance and governance→capital budgeting, fixed investment and inventory studies, capacityg32 : financial economics→corporate finance and governance→financing policy, financial risk and risk management, capital and ownership structure, value of firms, paper investigates the link between corporate debt and investment for a group of five peripheral euro area countries. 20978 september 2017firm heterogeneity and aggregate business services exports: micro evidence from belgium, france, germany and spainariu, andrea, biewen, elena, blank, sven, gaulier, guillaume, gonzález, maría jesus, meinen, philipp, mirza, daniel , martín, cesar , tello, patrycompetitiveness research network abstractjel classification. International economics→trade→empirical studies of paper uses detailed micro data on service exports at the firm-destination-service level to analyse the role of firm heterogeneity in shaping aggregate service exports in belgium, france, germany and spain from 2003 to 2007. 209625 august 2017home, safe home: cross-country monitoring framework for vulnerabilities in the residential real estate sectorbengtsson, elias, grothe, magdalena, lepers, etienne paper proposes a framework for monitoring vulnerabilities related to the residential real estate sector in a cross-country context. Mathematical and quantitative methods→econometric and statistical methods and methodology: general→bayesian analysis: generalc32 : mathematical and quantitative methods→multiple or simultaneous equation models, multiple variables→time-series models, dynamic quantile regressions, dynamic treatment effect models, diffusion processese52 : macroeconomics and monetary economics→monetary policy, central banking, and the supply of money and credit→monetary policyf42 : international economics→macroeconomic aspects of international trade and finance→international policy coordination and paper is the first to comprehensively assess the impact of the euro area’s non-standard monetary policy measures on south-eastern europe. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the mechanics of such a tax, its macroeconomic implications as well as its global spillovers using a fully structural global multi-country model. An empirical analysis using bayesian model averagingosbat, chiara, benkovskis, konstantins, bluhm, benjamin, bobeica, elena, zeugner, stefancompetitiveness research network abstractjel classification. We use bayesian model averaging in a panel setting to investigate the drivers of export market shares of 25 eu countries, considering a wide range of traditional indicators along with novel ones developed within the compnet competitiveness research network. In this paper, we investigate a specific type of externality that originates from those borrowers that obtain liquidity from more than one bank. This paper focuses on one of the factors that have been put forward in the literature within the secular stagnation view: adverse demographic developments. Public economics→taxation, subsidies, and revenue→personal income and other nonbusiness taxes and subsidiesh31 : public economics→fiscal policies and behavior of economic agents→householdd14 : microeconomics→household behavior and family economics→household saving; personal paper presents new evidence on the impact of the preferential treatment of owner-occupied housing in europe. 208021 june 2017communication of monetary policy in unconventional timescoenen, günter, ehrmann, michael, gaballo, gaetano, hoffmann, peter, nakov, anton, nardelli, stefano, persson, eric, strasser, georgdiscussion papers abstractjel classification. Financial economics→general→financial crisesg21 : financial economics→financial institutions and services→banks, depository institutions, micro finance institutions, mortgagesg28 : financial economics→financial institutions and services→government policy and paper addresses the tradeoff between additional loss-absorbing capacity and potentially higher bank risk-taking associated with the introduction of the basel iii leverage ratio. Mathematical and quantitative methods→single equation models, single variables→panel data models, spatio-temporal modelsd70 : microeconomics→analysis of collective decision-making→generald72 : microeconomics→analysis of collective decision-making→political processes: rent-seeking, lobbying, elections, legislatures, and voting behaviorp11 : economic systems→capitalist systems→planning, coordination, and reformp16 : economic systems→capitalist systems→political objective of this paper is to investigate which factors macroeconomic, policy‐related or institutional ‐ foster the implementation of structural reforms. The main findings of the paper are as follows: i) impulse-response analysis shows that in response to a shock to bank capital, banks boost capital ratios by reducing their relative exposure to riskier assets and by adjusting lending to a larger extent than they increase the level of capital and reserves per se; ii) historical shock decomposition analysis shows that bank capital shocks have contributed to increasing capital ratios since the crisis, impairing bank lending growth and contributing to widen bank lending spreads; and iii) counterfactual analysis shows that higher capital ratios pre-crisis would have helped dampening the euro area credit and business cycle. Mathematical and quantitative methods→multiple or simultaneous equation models, multiple variables→time-series models, dynamic quantile regressions, dynamic treatment effect models, diffusion processese44 : macroeconomics and monetary economics→money and interest rates→financial markets and the macroeconomye52 : macroeconomics and monetary economics→monetary policy, central banking, and the supply of money and credit→monetary policye58 : macroeconomics and monetary economics→monetary policy, central banking, and the supply of money and credit→central banks and their paper provides empirical evidence on the macroeconomic impact of the expanded asset purchase programme app) announced by the european central bank (ecb) in january 2015. Microeconomics→analysis of collective decision-making→political processes: rent-seeking, lobbying, elections, legislatures, and voting behaviord78 : microeconomics→analysis of collective decision-making→positive analysis of policy formulation and implementationo38 : economic development, technological change, and growth→technological change, research and development, intellectual property rights→government ng can provide policy makers with important sector-specific information and thereby facilitating informed decisions. Mathematical and quantitative methods→mathematical methods, programming models, mathematical and simulation modeling→computational techniques, simulation modelingg21 : financial economics→financial institutions and services→banks, depository institutions, micro finance institutions, mortgagesl21 : industrial organization→firm objectives, organization, and behavior→business objectives of the firml25 : industrial organization→firm objectives, organization, and behavior→firm performance: size, diversification, and paper identifies the business models followed by banks in the euro area utilising a proprietary dataset collected in the context of the supervisory reporting of the single supervisory mechanism. Other special topics→cultural economics, economic sociology, economic anthropologyd12 : microeconomics→household behavior and family economics→consumer economics: empirical analysise21 : macroeconomics and monetary economics→consumption, saving, production, investment, labor markets, and informal economy→consumption, saving, wealthd91 : microeconomics→intertemporal choice→intertemporal household choice, life cycle models and paper examines the role of culture in households saving decisions. Financial economics→general→financial crisesg18 : financial economics→general financial markets→government policy and regulationh63 : public economics→national budget, deficit, and debt→debt, debt management, sovereign paper studies the effects of government guarantees on the interconnection between banking and sovereign debt crises in a framework where both the banks and the government are fragile and the credibility and feasibility of the guarantees are determined endogenously. International economics→international factor movements and international business→international investment, long-term capital movementsf23 : international economics→international factor movements and international business→multinational firms, international businessl51 : industrial organization→regulation and industrial policy→economics of regulationo43 : economic development, technological change, and growth→economic growth and aggregate productivity→institutions and paper investigates the role of economic structures as determinants of fdi inows. Macroeconomics and monetary economics→prices, business fluctuations, and cycles→generale32 : macroeconomics and monetary economics→prices, business fluctuations, and cycles→business fluctuations, cyclesf44 : international economics→macroeconomic aspects of international trade and finance→international business cyclesf62 : international economics→economic impacts of globalization→macroeconomic paper studies the role of global input-output linkages in transmitting economic disturbances in the international economy. Mathematical and quantitative methods→econometric modeling→quantitative policy modelingg01 : financial economics→general→financial crisesg15 : financial economics→general financial markets→international financial paper predicts phases of the financial cycle by combining a continuous financial stress measure in a markov switching framework. Financial economics→general financial markets→portfolio choice, investment decisionsg12 : financial economics→general financial markets→asset pricing, trading volume, bond interest ratesg14 : financial economics→general financial markets→information and market efficiency, event studies, insider tradingg18 : financial economics→general financial markets→government policy and r research has shown that euro area primary public debt markets affect secondary markets. Mathematical and quantitative methods→multiple or simultaneous equation models, multiple variablesg2 : financial economics→financial institutions and paper studies spillovers among us and european sovereign yields. 20513 may 2017wage bargaining regimes and firms' adjustments to the great recessionronchi, maddalena, di mauro, filippocompetitiveness research network abstractjel classification. Paper aims at investigating to what extent wage negotiation setups have shaped up firms’ response to the great recession, taking a firm-level cross-country perspective. The paper shows that, in line with the theoretical predictions, centralized bargaining systems – as opposed to decentralized/firm level based ones – were accompanied by stronger downward wage rigidity, as well as cuts in employment and hno. International economics→international financef4 : international economics→macroeconomic aspects of international trade and paper studies the international spillovers of us monetary policy shocks on a number of macroeconomic and financial variables in 36 advanced and emerging economies. International economics→international finance→current account adjustment, short-term capital movementsf33 : international economics→international finance→international monetary arrangements and institutionsf41 : international economics→macroeconomic aspects of international trade and finance→open economy macroeconomicsf45 : international economics→macroeconomic aspects of international trade and paper studies export adjustment to negative shocks in currency unions.
204821 april 2017firm growth in europe: an overview based on the compnet labour modulefernandez, cristina, garcía, roberto, lopez-garcia, paloma, marzinotto, benedicta, serafini, roberta, vanhala, juuso, wintr, ladislavcompetitiveness research network abstractjel classification. Labor and demographic economics→demand and supply of labor→labor demandl11 : industrial organization→market structure, firm strategy, and market performance→production, pricing, and market structure, size distribution of firmsl25 : industrial organization→firm objectives, organization, and behavior→firm performance: size, diversification, and paper illustrates the main features of the labour module of the compnet dataset which provides indicators of firm growth over the period 1995-2012 across 17 eu (13 euro area) countries and 9 macro-sectors. The paper shows that during the great recession the share of shrinking firms sharply increased in countries under stress, while firm growth slowed down in non-stressed countries. The paper extends current literature by demonstrating and analysing the variation in the bias across europe. International economics→international financef4 : international economics→macroeconomic aspects of international trade and financef16 : international economics→trade→trade and labor market interactionsg1 : financial economics→general financial paper examines volatility spillovers from changes in the size of the balance sheets of the federal reserve fed) and european central bank (ecb) to emerging market economies (emes) from 2003 to 2014. Mathematical and quantitative methods→single equation models, single variables→panel data models, spatio-temporal modelsc24 : mathematical and quantitative methods→single equation models, single variables→truncated and censored models, switching regression modelsj63 : labor and demographic economics→mobility, unemployment, vacancies, and immigrant workers→turnover, vacancies, layoffsj64 : labor and demographic economics→mobility, unemployment, vacancies, and immigrant workers→unemployment: models, duration, incidence, and job searchj65 : labor and demographic economics→mobility, unemployment, vacancies, and immigrant workers→unemployment insurance, severance pay, plant this paper we analyse to what extent the outward shift in the portuguese beveridge curvesince 2007 has been due to structural or cyclical factors and how likely the outward shift do this by empirically estimating the beveridge curve in a markov-switching panel settingwith time-varying transition probabilities for the us, portugal and spain using monthly data forthe period 1986m1-2014m12. Financial economics→general→financial crisese32 : macroeconomics and monetary economics→prices, business fluctuations, and cycles→business fluctuations, cyclese44 : macroeconomics and monetary economics→money and interest rates→financial markets and the paper develops a theory of the credit cycle to account for recent evidence that capitalis increasingly allocated to inefficiently risky projects over the course of the boom. Public economics→national budget, deficit, and debt→generale62 : macroeconomics and monetary economics→macroeconomic policy, macroeconomic aspects of public finance, and general outlook→fiscal policyf41 : international economics→macroeconomic aspects of international trade and finance→open economy macroeconomicsc33 : mathematical and quantitative methods→multiple or simultaneous equation models, multiple variables→panel data models, spatio-temporal paper estimates a fiscal reaction function (frf) framework for euro area countries and derives a novel approach to measure fiscal fatigue. Novel concepts such as maturity races, information sensitivity, risk-intolerant debt and induced runs reinforce the liquidity risk externality associated with banking, and have significant implications for research on credit cycles as well as for prudential hno. Following recent bis research, we use a state-space representation of an hp filter augmented with a measure of the credit gap to estimate finance-adjusted output gaps. Macroeconomics and monetary economics→money and interest rates→financial markets and the macroeconomyg17 : financial economics→general financial markets→financial forecasting and this paper we construct model-free and model-based indicators for the inflation risk premium in the us and the euro area. This paper shows that adrian and liang'salternative assumptions are hardly realistic: they exceed existing empirical estimates by morethan 11, 13, and 40 standard errors. Financial economics→financial institutions and services→banks, depository institutions, micro finance institutions, mortgagesg17 : financial economics→general financial markets→financial forecasting and simulationg01 : financial economics→general→financial paper uses panel econometric techniques to estimate a macro- nancial model for fee and commission income over total assets for a broad sample of euro area banks. Financial economics→financial institutions and services→generalg22 : financial economics→financial institutions and services→insurance, insurance companies, actuarial studiesg23 : financial economics→financial institutions and services→non-bank financial institutions, financial instruments, institutional this paper, we develop an analytical framework for conducting forward-looking assessments of profitability and solvency of the main euro area insurance sectors. Paper shows that a central bank can more efficiently mitigate economic crises when it broadens eligibility for its discount facility to any safe asset or solvent agent. 202624 february 2017a panel var analysis of macro-financial imbalances in the eucomunale, mariarosariacompetitiveness research network abstractjel classification. Macroeconomics and monetary economics→prices, business fluctuations, and cycles→price level, inflation, deflatione52 : macroeconomics and monetary economics→monetary policy, central banking, and the supply of money and credit→monetary policyf42 : international economics→macroeconomic aspects of international trade and finance→international policy coordination and paper studies the role of global factors in causing common movements in consumer price inflation, with particular focus on the food, housing and energy sub-indices. Macroeconomics and monetary economics→prices, business fluctuations, and cycles→price level, inflation, deflatione43 : macroeconomics and monetary economics→money and interest rates→interest rates: determination, term structure, and effectse52 : macroeconomics and monetary economics→monetary policy, central banking, and the supply of money and credit→monetary policye62 : macroeconomics and monetary economics→macroeconomic policy, macroeconomic aspects of public finance, and general outlook→fiscal policye63 : macroeconomics and monetary economics→macroeconomic policy, macroeconomic aspects of public finance, and general outlook→comparative or joint analysis of fiscal and monetary policy, stabilization, treasury paper uses two established dsge models (quest iii and smets-wouters) to assess the impact of fiscal spending cuts on output and, in particular, also on inflation in the euro area under alternative settings for monetary policy. In this paper, we further expand the set of models to include taylor rule fundamentals, yield curve factors, and incorporate shadow rates and risk and liquidity factors. Macroeconomics and monetary economics→money and interest rates→monetary systems, standards, regimes, government and the monetary system, payment systemse32 : macroeconomics and monetary economics→prices, business fluctuations, and cycles→business fluctuations, cyclesf42 : international economics→macroeconomic aspects of international trade and finance→international policy coordination and transmissionf45 : international economics→macroeconomic aspects of international trade and paper presents a model-based assessment of fiscal multipliers operating in the euro area during the period 2011-2014. Applying those multipliers to the amount of austerity measures implemented in years 2011-14, the paper evaluates their possible fallouts and shows that the output effects of the recent fiscal consolidations were largely determined by two key factors: financial hno. Mathematical and quantitative methods→econometric modeling→forecasting and prediction methods, simulation methodse37 : macroeconomics and monetary economics→prices, business fluctuations, and cycles→forecasting and simulation: models and applicationse41 : macroeconomics and monetary economics→money and interest rates→demand for moneye51 : macroeconomics and monetary economics→monetary policy, central banking, and the supply of money and credit→money supply, credit, money multiplierse58 : macroeconomics and monetary economics→monetary policy, central banking, and the supply of money and credit→central banks and their paper sheds new light on the information content of monetary and credit aggregates for future price developments in the euro area. 20146 february 2017the drivers of revenue productivity: a new decomposition analysis with firm-level datadi mauro, filippo, mion, giordano, stöhlker, danielcompetitiveness research network abstractjel classification. Macroeconomics and monetary economics→prices, business fluctuations, and cycles→business fluctuations, cycleso47 : economic development, technological change, and growth→economic growth and aggregate productivity→measurement of economic growth, aggregate productivity, cross-country output convergenced24 : microeconomics→production and organizations→production, cost, capital, capital, total factor, and multifactor productivity, paper aims to derive a methodology to decompose aggregate revenue tfp changes over time into four different hno. Mathematical and quantitative methods→econometric and statistical methods and methodology: general→bayesian analysis: generalg01 : financial economics→general→financial crisese58 : macroeconomics and monetary economics→monetary policy, central banking, and the supply of money and credit→central banks and their this paper, we study the dynamics and drivers of sovereign bond yields in euro area countries using a factor model with time-varying loading coefficients and stochastic volatility, which allows for capturing changes in the pricing mechanism of bond yields. Mathematical and quantitative methods→single equation models, single variables→discrete regression and qualitative choice models, discrete regressors, proportionsg24 : financial economics→financial institutions and services→investment banking, venture capital, brokerage, ratings and ratings agenciesh63 : public economics→national budget, deficit, and debt→debt, debt management, sovereign debth68 : public economics→national budget, deficit, and debt→forecasts of budgets, deficits, and paper investigates the link between sovereign ratings and macroeconomic fundamentals for a group of euro area countries which recorded rating downgrades amid the euro area sovereign debt crisis. This paper employs a bayesian var to quantify the contribution of a set of structural shocks, identified by means of sign restrictions, to inflation and economic activity. Macroeconomics and monetary economics→prices, business fluctuations, and cycles→price level, inflation, deflationf3 : international economics→international financef41 : international economics→macroeconomic aspects of international trade and finance→open economy this paper we analyse the exchange rate pass-through (erpt) in the euro area as a whole and for four euro area members - germany, france, italy and spain. Macroeconomics and monetary economics→prices, business fluctuations, and cycles→price level, inflation, deflationd21 : microeconomics→production and organizations→firm behavior: theoryd40 : microeconomics→market structure and pricing→generall11 : industrial organization→market structure, firm strategy, and market performance→production, pricing, and market structure, size distribution of paper examines the process of adjustment of prices in italy to determine whether nominal flexibility, measured by the frequency of price changes, has increased in the recent years of protracted stagnation and double-dip recession. The analysis is based on a large micro-level dataset of individual prices collected monthly by istat from 2006 to 2013 for the consumer price index. Macroeconomics and monetary economics→prices, business fluctuations, and cycles→price level, inflation, deflatione58 : macroeconomics and monetary economics→monetary policy, central banking, and the supply of money and credit→central banks and their paper analyses the distribution of long-term inflation expectations in the euro area using individual density forecasts from the ecb survey of professional forecasters. This paper is the first time-varying event study to investigate the reaction of inflation-linked swap (ils) hno. This paper investigates their effects on the anchoring of long-term inflation expectations, a key dimension of ump that has been largely overlooked. Macroeconomics and monetary economics→prices, business fluctuations, and cycles→price level, inflation, deflatione37 : macroeconomics and monetary economics→prices, business fluctuations, and cycles→forecasting and simulation: models and applicationse58 : macroeconomics and monetary economics→monetary policy, central banking, and the supply of money and credit→central banks and their policiesd83 : microeconomics→information, knowledge, and uncertainty→search, learning, information and knowledge, communication, paper studies how a prolonged period of subdued price developments may induce a de-anchoring of inflation expectations from the central bank's objective. International economics→tradef3 : international economics→international financef41 : international economics→macroeconomic aspects of international trade and finance→open economy macroeconomicsf44 : international economics→macroeconomic aspects of international trade and finance→international business this paper we investigate how income growth rates in one country are affected by growth rates in partner countries, testing for the importance of pairwise country links as well as characteristics of the receiving country (trade and financial openness, exchange rate regime, fiscal variables). Mathematical and quantitative methods→econometric and statistical methods and methodology: general→estimation: generale43 : macroeconomics and monetary economics→money and interest rates→interest rates: determination, term structure, and effectsg12 : financial economics→general financial markets→asset pricing, trading volume, bond interest paper investigates the joint dynamics of nominal bond yields, real bond yields and dividend yields from the 80s up to the aftermath of the financial crisis by mapping them on a set of macro factors.
Financial economics→financial institutions and services→banks, depository institutions, micro finance institutions, mortgagesg28 : financial economics→financial institutions and services→government policy and regulationd14 : microeconomics→household behavior and family economics→household saving; personal paper studies the determinants of being unbanked in the euro area and the united states as well as the effects of being unbanked on wealth accumulation. This paper investigates whether there is evidence for imer: please keep in mind that the papers are published in the name of the author(s).