Research paper marijuana
Many assume that the usage of marijuana, or cannabis, is dangerous, but it can be the exact opposite. So why is the legalization of marijuana in the united states such a problem for many people today. Considered to be a gateway drug and the reason for the downfall of our youth nowadays, marijuana has developed a negative reputation. Lester grinspoon, a professor at harvard university, states, “few drugs in the united states have produced as much affective heat as marijuana, particularly during the last decade.... The use of marijuana for medicinal purposes has long been at the centre of much controversy. Some studies have shown results that the benefits of using marijuana for medicinal reasons far outweigh the negative health matters that may be associated with its use, and therefore should be an accepted method of treatment for some patients who are suffering with illnesses such as multiple sclerosis, cancer, aids, and eating disorders (okie, 2005). The purpose of my paper is to prove that marijuana effects teens and their mind. Marijuana is a tobacco-like substance produced by drying the leaves, stems, flower tops of the cannabis sativa (indian hemp) plant (fact sheet, 1). Medical marijuana should be legalized in north carolina, but should be regulated, because it has helped people with diseases such as glaucoma, cancer and any physical or emotional pain. All americans have their ideas on legalizing marijuana, yet they need to make sure they have done substantial research using past experiences the american people have already experienced from using this drug; also they need to take a good look into what the actual outcomes are of smoking marijuana, before making a final decision on whether or not to legalize marijuana for medical purposes or any other reason. Americans will look at health and social issues as well as review money matters concerning legalizing marijuana and realize it is not right for the united states .... Marijuana is a shredded mix of dry flowers, stems and the seeds of a plant called cannabis and people usually smoke it in the form of cigarettes for relaxation. Ever since marijuana hit mainstream america over 30 years ago, government prohibition of it has been the subject of an ongoing debate. Proponents of marijuana argue that there are numerous medical benefits and that the drug is not more harmful than tobacco or alcohol. Marijuana, a substance that was used frequently during the colonial times, has taken a social downfall in recent times. When chinese emperor shen nung wrote of the incredible euphoria he feels, and what he experiences after smoking marijuana (guither). According to an article by charles oliver, the harrison school district in colorado has barred a student from attending classes if he takes medicine to control his seizures, states that “the boy was prescribed a lozenge containing thc, the active ingredient in marijuana. If medicinal marijuana was legal, this wouldn’t have been an issue, and that is why marijuana should be legalized in the united states.... Marijuana brings millions of people relief from the pain they feel on a day-to-day basis. In the united states, marijuana is being categorized as a class a drug, but in reality marijuana has been known to help cure and fight many sicknesses and diseases. Marijuana is being criticized by people that never studied the drug or even know about the medicinal benefits from the drug. Over the years, marijuana has been called a gateway drug to harder narcotics, but this isn’t the case. Marijuana has many medicinal benefits that the media and government avoid releasing to the society but it's about time we come forward with the facts and truths about this herb called marijuana.... The government has made it seem like the marijuana plant is a drug that has no good use and is bad for the people. Unfortunately, many modern political leaders are not as enthusiastic as jefferson regarding the beneficial uses of hemp and marijuana.
Research papers on marijuana
But what seems to be very popular when the word drug comes up is the controversial ongoing debate on whether or not marijuana should be legalized. Marijuana’s legalization could earn billions of dollars for the government that could be used to lower the national debt, improve schools, or other major projects that need funding. In the long run marijuana usage has a very high effect on the person’s body. Also, it’s known for a fact that marijuana has a high rate for addiction.... Medical marijuana: weed warfare as i sat listening silently outside the hospital room, there lay an elderly man, clad in his hospital gown, crying in pain as he battles his severe kidney cancer. His daughter nervously paces around the room, as she is faced with a decision of whether to go with the doctor’s choice of giving her father the prescription of medical marijuana for treatment. The chinese, egyptian, indian, roman, as well as the ancient greece cultures became extremely interested in marijuana’s healing properties when they realized that the drug helped treat people suffering from glaucoma, gout, cramped joints, violent pain, earaches, inflammation, leprosy, edema, and other diseases affecting the body (deitch). The idea of using marijuana as a healer became popular all around the world and by the 1900s, it was being used in south asia to treat asthma, bronchitis, and the loss of appetite (“a note on marijuana”).... Marijuana can also help control the abuse on pills and other prescription medicine which are addictive and potentially fatal. Although many have made malicious remarks about it in the past, and even still in the present, the truth and beneficial facts of marijuana are finally resurfacing. Unfortunately, our society has become a very critical crowd towards the legalization of marijuana due to the stereotypical view of the kind of people who are considered “pot smokers”. This contorted perception of a lazy and unmotivated america is the logic behind keeping marijuana unattainable to our citizens.... Stories like rios’ are one of many reasons for the split of america’s citizens on one major controversy: the legalization of marijuana. In canada marijuana can be used in the treatment of a wide variety of medical issues. These regulations define the circumstances and the manner in which you may access medicinal marijuana. Last of all is part three, which is the access to supply marijuana seeds, and dried marijuana.... Marijuana was classified as an illegal drug in 1970, because it can be abused very easily (“infoplease”). Marijuana should be legalized because it is naturally grown and can be used to help cancer patients, relieve stress, and be used daily. Cannabis or typically referred to as marijuana is a drug that contains many other chemicals some are like a penicillin.... For over thirty years, it has been debated whether the use of medical marijuana should be allowed for medical purposes. Marijuana can be used as a treatment for nausea and vomiting, as well as a pain reliever from other medical treatments such as chemotherapy. Therefore, medical marijuana should be strictly limited for medical use and monitored to meet the needs of the patient.... One of the primary focuses of america's war on drugs is the controversial drug marijuana. According to the united nations office on drugs and crime from the world drug report 2004 an estimation of about 4 percent of the world’s adult population (162 million) consume marijuana annually (156). Our country is facing a huge dilemma with respect to criminal charges for marijuana possessions.
The country is divided into two factions - one being the freedom demanding, marijuana legalizing while the other being the anti-drug, let us crush all the drugs and drug takers. The first law that regarded marijuana in america required farmers to grow hemp in the year 1619 for clothing, rope, and other materials, but “as early as 1840, doctors recognized the medical applications of marijuana, and the drug was freely sold in pharmacies for over a century. In 1937, the use and possession of marijuana was made illegal, but “before 1937 marijuana was freely bought, sold, grown, and used. In 1970 the congress decided to classify marijuana as a schedule one drug, which has made the legalization more difficult, “schedule one drugs are considered dangerous, addictive, and have no medical benefits. I will be exploring two papers, the first is prohibition works: keeping marijuana illegal, the second is legalization of marijuana. In the paper prohibition works the author discusses numerous reasons marijuana should be kept illegal, and the second paper legalization of marijuana the author makes many valid points on why marijuana should be legalized for medical use. Michigan now joins 15 other states that have passed laws for consumption of marijuana for medical purposes.... Ever since marijuana’s introduction to the united states of america in 1611, controversy of the use and legalization of the claimed-to-be schedule i drug spread around the nation. While few selective states currently allow marijuana’s production and distribution, the remaining states still skepticize the harmlessness and usefulness of this particular drug; therefore, it remains illegal in the majority of the nation. Introduction the legalization of marijuana is considered a controversial issue, something that can benefit people for medical purposes, but what about recreationally. Marijuana has been illegal since 1937, but there’s never been a bigger push for legalization. The purpose of this paper is to educate, theorize, and discuss various aspects of marijuana, such as its history, development, and the advantages and disadvantages of marijuana legalization.... Marijuana is a drug that is prepared from the bloom head (flower) of cannabis plant and it is utilized as a medication in some conditions, such as, glaucoma and so forth. An enormous debate has started, in numerous countries should consumption of marijuana should to be legalized or not.... Although marijuana is currently illegal and can also bring some harm to the body, it isn't any more harmful than alcohol or tobacco. Legalizing marijuana may not get the us out of dept, but with marijuana popularity growing, there is no reason the federal government shouldn't legalize, tax an regulate the sell of marijuana for recreational use.... One of the most hotly debated topics in america today is the legalization of cannabis, commonly known as marijuana. With states like colorado and washington fully legalizing recreational and medical usage of marijuana, it rightfully deserves to be greatly debated among americans. Proponents of weed argue that marijuana has been around for ages and that it is no worse than alcohol, while opponents state that although it was used by ancient cultures, marijuana presents a completely unfamiliar set of medical and social issues.... Surveys done by the us government’s substance abuse and mental health data archive showed that 95 million americans have used marijuana. The purpose of this paper is to carefully examine each opposing side and try to find some way to come to a compromise.... We, as north carolina citizens, should take in consideration that legalizing marijuana has legal issues and cost for the justice system, cost for our local, state, and federal government, and positive use of medical marijuana.... Puff, puff, pass the legalization of marijuana many people crave the moment where they can just sit down, relax, and enjoy some free time. However, a large sum of people nationwide chooses to participate in a certain recreational activity to find their relaxation: smoking marijuana. In fact, “washington and colorado are the first to allow adults to use the drug for recreational purposes” (legalizing marijuana, par 1)....
How long does it have to take for indiana to recognize that marijuana is the furture of medicine. For years marijuana has been referred to as a bad drug but just recently people are now understanding that marijuana has so many uses towards medicine. Medical marijuana should be legalized in the state of indiana: it has proven to kill a portion of cancer, indiana could charge tax on it, and marijuana is safer than alcohol and tobacco combined together.... More specifically, we are seeing a change in the attitude toward marijuana and whether or not it should be legalized.... Washington was once of the first states to enact medical marijuana laws, but over time has allowed it laws to become stagnant and not accomplish what its original intent was, to increase the quality of life of its patients. The house and senate are reviewing the medical marijuana laws, but citizens need to vocalize there support for these initiatives not only at the state level but at there respective local government. Many people may be worried about the expanding coverage of medical marijuana laws but through proper regulation the end result will provide for a safer environment for patients, citizens, and law enforcement, while weeding out the criminal element with ties to drug trafficking... If you child suffered daily from hundreds of seizures and marijuana happened to alleviate her pain, would you allow her to use it. If your mother had stage 4 cancer and marijuana was the only thing that relieved her nausea, would you look at her differently for using it. Medical marijuana would have been helpful to my family-if it had been legalized in the state of nebraska. Why is marijuana not legal in the state of nebraska if it has been proven to help others in other states. Marijuana has been proven to help conditions such as cancer, seizures and attention deficit hyperactive disorder (a. The social construction of the criminalization of marijuana on august 2nd, 1937, united states president franklin d. Marijuana is also known to be a gateway drug because it can lead people to do more serious drugs. Marijuana is a dried plant often smoked like a cigarette or in a bong or pipe. Although some will claim marijuana should not be legalized for medicinal purposes because it has harmful effects and is a gateway drug, i feel that it should be legalized.... This law seems simple, but a huge curveball has been thrown the government’s way: medical marijuana. The federal government should legalize the use of medical marijuana because it does not inflict the harm critics claim, it possesses known medical qualities, and it can generate billions of dollars for the economy.... It has been vilified, heralded as a miracle drug by supporters, branded a gateway drug by opponents and proposed as paper, rope and a myriad of other possibilities. Yet for all the support both for and against it marijuana still remains illegal, widely used, fiercely prosecuted and barely studied. Legalized marijuana in the united states can be controlled and profitable industry by using low taxes, regulation and mirroring alcohol legislation.... There are a growing number of people who think marijuana is safe and think it should be legalized in small quantities for recreational use. Increasing use of medical marijuana problem/solution in this paper i am writing about the increasing use of medical marijuana. The research is based on the states of washington and rhode island petitioning the federal government on reclassifying marijuana as a drug that is accepted with medical uses, saying they want to regulate this distribution without putting any type of risk for federal persecution.... Medical marijuana is a growing legalization movement throughout the united states consisting of 16 states and the washington d.
The main issue behind medical marijuana results mainly from an ethical standpoint, yet this essay will refrain from discussing any morality and will strictly be structured through factual information. Arizona recently passed proposition 203, also known as arizona medical marijuana act (amma), on november 2, 2010 as an initial measure to decriminalize marijuana for those with chronic and debilitating illnesses as defined in the act.... Researchers have tried to answer these questions with studies and they have shown how positive medical marijuana can be. Medical use of marijuana should be legal all across the united states because of all the good it can do for a person’s overall health and the fact that everyone deserves all possible methods of treatment when they ar... Legalization of marijuana in uruguay "someone has to be the first" said josé mujica, president of uruguay (“uruguay”). After a long debate, uruguay became the first country to legalize selling and harvesting marijuana (reyes). One of the biggest arguments in the country at this moment is about legalizing marijuana, and whether or not it should be sanctioned in the medical field. The minorities of the ill hospital patients have a lack of appetite and nausea problems, so doctors have proposed using medical marijuana as a treatment.... There are many names for it, marijuana, weed, pot, hash, maryjane, but the politically correct term is cannabis and it is illegal in the united states. However, there are currently twenty states that have overruled the federal government to legalize medical, or medicinal, marijuana (“procon”). The legalization of marijuana is a smoldering topic that sparks a debate anytime someone brings up the controversial subject. People consuming marijuana overtime can develop a dependency towards the drug, creating a severe distraction in their personal lives.... Weed, bud, ganja, chronic, dro, herbs, grass, trees, pot, reefer; these are all names of the one drug that causes so much dispute, marijuana. Is there any real medical purpose for marijuana, or is it just a gateway drug for kids. Medical marijuana is a natural medicine of great value which is in danger of being banned from medical use in the united states. Marijuana or cannabis is produced from the hemp plants, and contains a chemical known as thc. This chemical plant gets you “high” when you smoke or ingest it properly, but there is so much more to marijuana than what meets the eye.... His parents curb his seizures by giving him a liquid form of marijuana by mouth 3 times a week. I think people that don’t know how to control or don’t have control over marijuana the weed program the development of the biological control of marijuana program/system, an advisory group was established at the request of biological control researchers who were seeking. It legalizing the use of marijuana as a social catalyst and as a tool with which prior physicians can know about the marijuana controversy, what are the benefits and hazards of medical marijuana. Marijuana is the worst thing you can ever get involve in, it messes up your brain cells and etc.... Legalizing marijuana would not only generate higher tax revenues, it would also eliminate the tremendous costs of enforcing innumerable federal and state laws which prohibit the purchase, sale and use of marijuana.... Since the legalization of marijuana for medical use, eight out of ten states caused a decreased in teenage cannabis use. Currently in the nation there are several states that allow the use of marijuana for medical purposes. According to judge young, “marijuana has been accepted as capable of relieving the distress of great numbers of very ill people” (“top ten”).
Due to political propaganda, greed, and rumors marijuana has been classified in the highest category of "illicit" drugs in the u. Marijuana in general has always been frowned upon in the united states for quite some time now. The benefits of medical marijuana imagine that your elderly grandmother was suffering from an illness like arthritis, cancer, or alzheimer’s disease to the point where she was in so much pain that it hurt her to even walk or leave the house. Pot, grass, wacky ‘baccy, devil’s grass, peace tobacco, or hippie’s lettuce are some of the many names for marijuana, but with all jokes aside, should marijuana be legalized for medical purposes. Medical marijuana has a great amount of benefits and may be better than other alternative medicines, but does have some risk factors.... According to the cdc, center of disease control and prevention, there are zero deaths related to the overdosing of marijuana each year; however, there are approximately 450,000 deaths caused by alcohol and drug overdoses on pharmaceuticals, narcotics, and caffeine (). These statistics are staggering, and should be taken into account when the legalization of marijuana argument arises. In the 1930s, marijuana was linked publicly in several research studies, and was seen in the film “reefer madness”.... The issue of legalizing marijuana has been prominent in news headlines recently with washington and colorado’s new laws on using marijuana for recreational use. The supporters of legalizing marijuana argue that the police resources that are being used for trying to prosecute users of marijuana could be better used for violent crimes such as murder and rape. According to grinspoon (2005) marijuana, may have been a crop farmed as many as 10,000 years ago. Even queen victoria had a physician recommend that she use marijuana as medicine for ailments such as “insomnia, migraines, menstrual cramps, and muscle spasms” (guterman, 2000, p.... America’s controversial debate over whether marijuana should be legalized has been baffling many communities and citizens for some time now. Marijuana has been used pharmaceutically tracing back all the way to ancient times and is legal to use for medical purposes in the united states. Marijuana’s medical uses should be enough to have the plant considered a legal substance. Marijuana usage for the purpose of medical treatment has been a debated issue in many states and countries around the world. The united kingdom and canada have both adopted laws that are directed at protecting patients and doctors from prosecution due to possession and usage of marijuana for medical purposes. Australia has passed laws, but has not put them into effect, and the united states has not made any allowances, leaving marijuana in the same category with other illegal drugs and allowing for prosecution if a person is found to be growing, possessing or using marijuana, regardless of the reasons.... Medical marijuana why keep those pricey bottles and boxes of drugs in our medicine cabinets which are worthless. Marijuana is a natural herbal plant which is often called pot, weed, mmj, cannabis, bubble gum, green goddess and there are several other names that follows.... Indeed, any one person, without studying the facts, can determine marijuana should be illegal for it, at most, generates no medical gain. Likewise, there is a common consensus of bias that marijuana legalization would promote zero gain in any category and legalization of marijuana would be all destructive to our society.... Hemp or marijuana is a plant, also called “weed”,”grass”, “herb”, “dope” ,“reefer”, and many other names, hat have been a major part in the united states history. Then there is the aids patient who cannot eat, as they are so nauseated from the hiv medications that they are taking; these patients have just some of the disease scenarios that medicinal marijuana can help.... Our free enter the title keyword:Marijuana research paper essay length limit gigabit ethernet essays for elementary students nyc essay for competitive exams 2014 science coursework b 2014 titles science coursework b 2014 titles edge coupon 2013 for sale.
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In july 2015, revised in august program(s): hc medical marijuana patients report using marijuana to alleviate chronic pain from musculoskeletal problems and other sources. If marijuana is used as a substitute for powerful and addictive pain relievers in medical marijuana states, a potential overlooked positive impact of medical marijuana laws may be a reduction in harms associated with opioid pain relievers, a far more addictive and potentially deadly substance. To assess this issue, we study the impact of medical marijuana laws on problematic opioid use. Using both standard differences-in-differences models as well as synthetic control models, we find that states permitting medical marijuana dispensaries experience a relative decrease in both opioid addictions and opioid overdose deaths compared to states that do not. We find no impact of medical marijuana laws more broadly; the mitigating effect of medical marijuana laws is specific to states that permit dispensaries. Our findings suggest that providing broader access to medical marijuana may have the potential benefit of reducing abuse of highly addictive may purchase this paper on-line in . Domain name,Or a resident of nearly ping country or transition you usually get free papers at work/university but do not at home,Connect to your work vpn or proxy (if any) or elect to have a link to the d to your work email address below. The effect of medical marijuana laws on marijuana, alcohol, and hard drug , powell, heaton, and sevigny. Assessing the effects of medical marijuana laws on marijuana and alcohol use: the devil is in the on, hansen, and rees.
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