Research paper on classroom management
It’s natural to feel personally and professionally challenged—as i have, too many times to good news is that there are some research-based strategies called kernels that you can add to your classroom management a 2008 paper published in clinical child and family psychology, dennis embry and anthony biglan describe kernels as “fundamental units of behavioral influence”—bite-size strategies that are validated by mountains of empirical evidence and teacher experience. Barry parsonson’s “evidence-based classroom behavior management strategies” offers another deep dive into the research. At the beginning of the year, before you’ve had a chance to develop deeper relationships with your students, kernels can offer useful approaches to classroom management. Classroom management veteran teachers may read the annotated list of kernels as common knowledge, their ubiquity is an advantage. Timeouts: hundreds of studies support the timeout strategy, which is now considered an indispensable component of many evidence-based behavior management systems. Unlike the dunce cap punishment, which intentionally shames and stigmatizes students, a timeout is now used in progressive classrooms to provide an emotional breather in a less socially charged area of the room. Notes of praise: a private note left on a student’s desk praising improved classroom effort is a powerful reinforcement, especially when the note is heartfelt. Overwhelming number of studies recommend that classroom instructors systematically teach self-regulation, relationship management, and responsible decision making at the beginning of the school year, so implement these kernels finley blogger and assistant editor (contractor) @finleyt. Principles of outstanding classroom article explores a variety of classroom management strategies teachers use to create safe, respectful classroom environments. Common classroom management techniques are provided such as setting clear expectations and consistently enforcing rules and expectations. Furthermore, more robust classroom management theories are highlighted including choice theory, congruent communication, class meetings, and respectful ds behavior contract; choice theory; class meeting; congruent communication; cooperative learning; differentiated instructional methodologies; ng methods: classroom oom management techniques refer to the strategies that teachers employ to effectively create safe, respectful classroom environments that reinforce positive behaviors and eliminate behaviors that negatively impact learning opportunities. Management strategies range from specific "rules of thumb" recommended by educators such as ensuring expectations are clearly identified and responses are consistent to more comprehensive theories that emphasize human relationships and respect for diversity such as choice theory (glasser, 1998). There are common classroom management techniques used in most classrooms to create optimal learning opportunities for students, teachers often develop their own management systems from a variety of techniques that work well for their particular grade level or school population. Teachers need to be acutely aware of the needs of different student matter what techniques teachers employ, the behaviors they must respond to in the classroom setting generally are the same across grade levels and among different student demographics. When developing classroom management systems, teachers who recognize behavior as form of communication, respect diversity, and value human connections and relationships, find the most success in responding to common behavioral common behavior k & brown (1972) conducted a study to identify the most common behavior problems that teachers face in the classroom setting. Their research pinpointed ten challenges including acting out, aggression, hyperactivity, poor social relationships, defiance, immaturity, poor academic achievement, poor attention span, and inadequate self concept (wilhite et al. Although this study was conducted nearly half a century ago, the challenges identified continue to pose problems for teachers & chiu (1998) approached research on common behavioral challenges from a different perspective by surveying a group of sixth grade students to identify the top discipline problems experienced in class. Although these are the most common responses, they are ineffective at managing classroom behavior and they create disrespectful and unsafe classroom challenges described above as well as the common responses teachers employ are representative of what occurs in many classrooms across the nation from kindergarten through grade 12. Order to successfully address these issues, teachers need to ensure they have a strong classroom management system in place that appropriately responds to behavioral challenges and creates a safe, respectful classroom environment. Although behavioral issues differ from school to school and even classroom to classroom, effective management techniques ensure that challenges are minimal and learning opportunities are izing r teachers develop an eclectic collection of classroom management techniques or subscribe to a specific management theory, one common thread runs through all management systems - acknowledgement of and respect for diversity. In addition, mills & keddie found that, across many parts of the world, at the same time that the student population is becoming increasingly diverse, bringing to classrooms divergent racial, ethnic, cultural, and socioeconomic experiences, the teacher population is becoming more homogeneous, primarily white and middle class (mills & keddie, 2012). When students misbehave, become distracted, have difficulty handing in assignments on time, or experience any other common difficulty in the classroom, they communicate to teachers that some element of the experience is not working for them. Teachers must be acutely aware of the diverse backgrounds and needs that students bring to the classroom and must develop management strategies that are responsive and respectful of these differences. Second common thread that runs through all classroom management systems and all classroom experiences, in general, is the critical importance of human relationships. No classroom can operate effectively unless teachers and students develop relationships and understand the unique qualities that each individual brings to the partnership. Holliday (2005) emphasizes that in order to effectively manage a classroom, teachers must build the human connection first, sometimes one student at a time. Holliday (2005) further highlights that in order for students to connect to curriculum and become engaged in learning, teachers must create classroom environments that communicate their love and passion for the material and reasons it is important for students to learn the material. Most important, teachers must do everything possible to communicate that they will help every student noted, no "cookie cutter" classroom management system exists. Effective classroom management strategies come from years of experience working with students and years of research related to the types of responses most effective at eliminating undesirable behaviors in the classroom. The following discussion highlights some of the most common classroom management techniques that teachers employ as well as more specific management theories such as choice theory (glasser, 1998), congruent communication (ginott, 1972), class meetings (glasser, 1969), and respectful classrooms (wessler, 2003; miller & pedro, 2006). Students need to know the parameters and boundaries that exist in a classroom and must have a clear understanding of the consequences that will occur should they cross a boundary. Rules and expectations are the foundation of any classroom management system and must be concise and fair to ensure that students internalize standards for (2006) asserts that once rules and expectations are clearly established and communicated, teachers need to be consistent and fair when enforcing rules. The quickest way to undermine any classroom management system is to enforce expectations for one situation and not the next. When this happens, students become confused and often misinterpret when certain behaviors are acceptable and others are r common classroom management technique involves establishing clearly defined routines (babkie, 2006). Of the largest challenges that teachers face in the classroom is knowing where students are in their processing of content. The mass tical methods for n the world and search returned over 400 essays for "classroom management". Wong defined classroom management as, “the practises and procedures that allow teachers to teach and students to learn” (starr, 2005).
Classroom management research paper
Wong also describes that classroom managements is something that refers to all of the necessary things that a teacher does to organize students, space, time, and materials so that learning can occur efficiently. This management includes fostering students’ full participation, plus their overall commitment and contribution in the productive classroom activities that are being carried out in the active working environment.... Theoretical introduction my philosophy of classroom management is that the management of elementary classrooms require several things. A well-managed classroom did not get well-managed without a teacher who planned, had a flexible vision and was determined. Any new teacher, who is asked, will say they want a classroom with as few behavioral problems as possible as well as one that is easily manageable. But any experienced teacher, who is asked, will tell those new teachers that classrooms do not come "well managed". Theoretical introduction philosophy of classroom management my philosophy on classroom management is a very simple one, first and most important, each teacher creates the weather in the classroom. Descriptive statement the purpose of this document is to give a sample of my beliefs about classroom management and how i would use my beliefs in my ideal classroom someday. The beliefs i have on classroom management have developed over a period of classroom observations and also from my classroom management course at manchester college. In this document i have laid out what my personal beliefs are with classroom management, my top ten beliefs on classroom management, the routines and procedures to be implemented into my classroom, how i plan on implementing my management plan, and also a parent letter.... My philosophy of classroom management is to allow students to be responsible for their own behavior at all times. Students should be included in the planning of classroom rules, room arrangement, and communication should flow smoothly between teacher and student.... Theoretical introduction philosophy of classroom management i believe a classroom should be a collaborative environment. With investment coming from the teacher and the students, management has a much better chance for “success. If an environment is created with thought, depth and diversity in mind, classroom management is residual.... Theoretical introduction philosophy of classroom management my philosophy of classroom management is characterized by a teacher-centered approach. I believe that the teacher is the leader of the classroom and should determine the learning needs of the students. To have an effective classroom management, i would begin the school year by dedicating some time in educating my students on the class rules, expectations, and consequences. Although a thorough understanding of mathematics and the learning of mathematics are very important to a successful math classroom, one of the most important aspects that creates a good learning environment is classroom management. This is why i believe that it is imperative that a teacher begins a classroom with a well thought out management plan. I think that this plan should just provide a base for the classroom, and should be structured around prevention, respect and consistency.... Philosophy of classroom management my philosophy of classroom management can be compared, in many respects, to the construction of a building. The effectiveness of my classroom throughout the school year will depend upon the early establishment of a strong “foundation. First, it is essential that expectations and classroom rules be established with considerable student input during the first days of the year. Children begin their training for participation in the classroom environment from age five or sooner. By the time they reach high school they have not only expectations of what their classroom environment should be like but also of the teachers and how they and other students behave. Philosophy of classroom management my philosophy of classroom management is that it should be used to meet both the students’ and the teacher’s needs. An effective classroom management plan will enable the students and the teacher to respect each other. Classroom management plan v theoretical introduction philosophy of classroom management creating a well managed classroom involves deliberate planning and thought. Like the study of science, each part of the classroom scheme builds upon others and the classroom becomes an intertwined community of interdependent parts. Classroom management plan building a strong, successful and caring relationship with my students is the backbone of my classroom management plan. Therefore, by building this rapport with them, i prevent management problems and create a more pleasant environment for me and them.... Classroom management plan ※ theoretical introduction philosophy of classroom management developing an ideal classroom that is well-managed does not require any special power. One of the key components of becoming a successful and ultimately great teacher is how you manage the classroom. Teachers play the quarterback role and game day, with the offense and defense out on the field, is the classroom of students.... Classroom management plan theoretical introduction philosophy of classroom management central to managing a classroom is offering the students compelling, diverse and challenging lessons that tap into their interests and create a community of learners. The more time and thought i put into developing lessons and utilizing a variety of teaching methods, the more likely i will have a classroom where attention is close to 100 percent.
Theoretical introduction i believe in a progressive classroom where management and learning is student centered. A classroom environment needs to be supportive and must be able to meet a student’s basic needs in order for learning to take place. The foundation of a good management plan must be built on the following essential elements: positivity, consistency, and most important of all, respect.... Classroom management plan there are many educational theorists that claim to have every teacher’s answer to classroom management; alifie kohn in a theorist that has a unique approach to classroom management, “student’s must be taught how to be respectful and responsible” most attractive. It seems very logical that a well-managed classroom must have an engaging curriculum, develop a caring community and provide students latitude in making choices. Theoretical introduction classroom management should be a uniform understanding of what is expected by every student that is in my classroom. These rules will not be used to restrict the students from expressing their own individuality, but they will serve to assist the positive flow of the classroom.... Classroom management plan theoretical introduction: classroom empowerment classroom management has garnered a negative connotation over the years. Although the term “management” accurately reflects the systematic, intentional, and multi-faceted elements of maintaining a successful classroom, another word that might supplant it is “empowerment. Many of us tend to equate classroom management with discipline (and for that matter, to equate discipline with punishment, but that's another story). I see classroom management as the processes and procedures that are in place to mitigate the need for punishment, leaving discipline to cleave to its roots of "to follow. Theoretical introduction philosophy of classroom management my personal philosophy for managing a room is not so much as management but rather a way for both my students and i to enjoy time together learning and performing fun lessons. Yet i believe that at any time you have to have a management plan it should be one of mutual respect and understanding, with these two ideas working together the classroom will run itself. A classroom management plan is essential in order for a teacher to affect student learning. Classroom management plan theoretical introduction philosophy of classroom management my personal belief is that teaching is not just the profession of spitting out information to students that they in turn regurgitate to me. They include the following factors: classroom environment, expectations and procedures, student-teacher relationships, and active learning.... Theoretical introduction philosophy of classroom management my philosophy of classroom management is based on the individual relationships i form with each student, on the relationships they form with each other, and on the expectations i place on myself in relationship to my capabilities as a teacher. Just as with adults living together in our global world, i believe that as a teacher, it is my responsibility to recognize the individual differences inherent to every child “living together” in the classroom, and to implement an environment of mutual respect and support of social camaraderie with an ambition towards education.... After carefully considering the various theories regarding classroom management and addressing individual thoughts and concerns i have decided that my philosophy of classroom management will be a combination of medium and high control. I have chosen these styles of management because i can identify with the reasoning behind these levels of control. I believe that classroom management should be creative, will keep my students safe and be based on trust not fear.... Effective classroom management is found in classrooms where the teacher and student relationships are strong. To create a healthy classroom community, i will be professional, model behavior, and be both consistent and flexible. The philosophy that i am developing behind my classroom management plan is one that is based on clear communication with my students. I believe that it is important to value relationships with students because that is the starting point of creating a classroom climate that is positive and consistent. It is my goal to cultivate self-directed students so that the behavior management is not taking up lots of valuable class time. Although school seems competitive in its nature because we use grades as the form of evaluation, it is my thought that competition in the classroom should be limited because this will increase better behavior and achievement in a... Philosophy of classroom management ideally, classroom management should be a common understanding between the teacher and the students. In order for classroom management to work effectively, it is extremely important that the teacher and the students agree upon a standard set of rules and consequences that apply to everyone; including the teacher. It is my belief that the only way to effectively manage a classroom is by establishing what the appropriate and accepted behaviors are from day one.... Classroom management plan theoretical introduction * philosophy of classroom management: when i think of classroom management i often picture a classroom in which students learning is being carried out with minimum interruption. A description of a good classroom management for some teachers or administrators or even parents may be focused or aimed at the physical order of how the classrooms should look like in terms of students sitting at their seats or teacher pointing at a student to answer her... Classroom management, the scariest aspect of teaching in the eyes of many teachers; yet i feel prepared and excited to embark on this journey and test my theories in a real classroom. Classroom managements means the way in which a classroom is set up; including, but not limited to, the physical set-up, the rules and guidelines, the teacher personality, and the consequences of rule breaking or misbehavior. In my opinion, the classroom is meant to be fun but have very specific strong guidelines that have consequences when those lines are crossed.... Classroom management plan theoretical introduction my philosophy of classroom management is that of eliciting student responsibility for their own behavior. I will as much as it is possible always include students in setting classrooms rules and consequences.
I follow the adage, “there is a time and place for everything,” and in my classroom, there will be a time to learn and a time to play. If i set the boundaries in my classroom early on, with reasonable expectations for the abilities and behavior of the children in my class, then the children will behave properly and be ready for learning. As a teacher managing problem behavior in your classroom can be one of the most challenging tasks. A study done by the justice center and the public policy research institute found that six out of ten students suffered from an “emotional disturbance” and were expelled or suspended between seventh and twelfth grade (firke, 2011).... Creating and maintaining an efficient classroom environment for students can be a difficult task to accomplish. This paper will look at boys’ behaviour in an elementary school classroom from an education professional standpoint. Classroom management plan establishing a well-organized plan for classroom management, at the beginning of the year, is essential for a peaceful and calm classroom that is conducive to instruction and learning for students with a variety of academic, social, and behavior needs. Room arrangement, classroom rules, routine and transition, as well as positive reinforcement rewards/success of task should be evaluated and adapted to encourage positive behavior.... In student centered classrooms the students are more motivated and interested in their own learning. Implications of classroom management there are many things that a teacher must think about when creating their classroom management plan. I have reviewed several articles related to this subject, and will give a brief overview of each of them as well as tell how they will make a difference in the way that i manage my own classroom. Philosophy of classroom management being a male going into the elementary school education profession, i feel that i can be a postitive male role model for students who might lack that kind of male role model leadership needs. One of the first things that i will convey to my students is my philosophy on classroom management. My personal philosophy of classroom management focuses on creating an environment where children feel safe and where they feel like they belong. Glasser believed that the teacher’s roll in the classroom is that of a leader rather than a boss.... Behavior problems will unavoidably arise in the classroom no matter how much planning i do to prevent problems. I cannot prepare for all the misbehaviors that can and will arise in my classroom throughout the school year. As a matter of fact, it’s so difficult that, “many beginning teachers struggle with classroom management and it’s a major reason many new teachers leave the profession” (kauchak & eggen, 2014, p. It takes a lot of hard work, effort, and persistence for a teacher to solely manage a classroom of twenty to thirty students at a time, but it’s not impossible.... Purpose classroom management plays an important role in effective teaching by providing a desirable environment which promotes better learning and student growth. The most important effect that classroom management has on student behavior is that it promotes better learning because students can better focus when their environment is free from distraction and conflict. Therefore, how the lesson progress, classroom seating methods, infinite distance, span, and materials all included in the classroom environment. It also focuses on the effectiveness the teacher has in his or her classroom or the ineffectiveness the teacher has in his or her classroom. Therefore, how the lesson progress, classroom seating methods, infinite distance, span, and materials these are all included in the classroom environment. The field of classroom climate and environment has been heavily studied for the past thirty to forty years. Bourke, rudolf moos, barry fraser and urie bronfenbrenner have contributed significantly to the evolution of our understanding of how significantly a classroom environment can affect students. However, many teachers are not aware that their classroom environment and climate are negative, nor are they aware of the effects that a negative classroom environment can have on their students.... Classroom management is a key element to establish a successful learning environment in any classroom. The ensuing classroom management plan details every aspect of my philosophy, rules, procedures, consequences, positive reinforcements, and classroom design for my 8th grade english class. As dinsmore states (2003) classroom management is much more than a discipline plan, it encompasses the teacher's beliefs and values, as they relate to discipline, but also how they intertwine with various other underlying aspects of the class' structure.... As a teacher in training, i have very limited in-classroom experience and depend heavily on the expertise of professors as well as a variety of books and articles published on education. Over the past two years of teaching, i have integrated the classroom behavioral management approaches of humanist tradition, applied behavior analysis, and classroom management tradition in my classroom. Each approach provided a unique benefit and definitely aided in the success of my classroom instruction. Introduction it is important for all students to be able to learn in a safe and productive classroom but student misbehavior can be disruptive to that environment. Disruptive misbehavior can be mild and not impact student achievement or it can be serious and affect the entire classroom. A classroom management plan will address johnny’s individual needs and those of the class. The back wall of the classroom will consist of another large white board with corkboards on both sides.
Introduction i have chosen to research the classroom behavior and management theories of judicious discipline and love and logic: taking control of the classroom,. I will discuss how these two models influence and agree with, or contradict my own behavior management beliefs. Furthermore, i address how these strategies can be used in the classroom and offer my suggestions on the usefulness or uselessness of these theories regarding my own personal philosophy of classroom and behavior management.... Many people think of a school classroom in utter chaos: students socializing during work time, projectiles flying across the room, a fight breaking out in the corner, and a helpless teacher wondering, “where did i go wrong? I am very excited to teach in a classroom someday, but confess my concern that students will not behave or listen.... Blueprints of my classroom and management some people know what they want to do all their lives, others work an entire life before they realize what it is they enjoy doing and some know what they would enjoy doing, but are too stubborn to admit it. Abstract my classroom management philosophy is a constant work in progress, but based off of personal experiences and major management theorists i have developed a basic philosophy to guide me through student teaching and the early years as a teacher. The core principles of my philosophy are rooted in establishing a classroom community and mutual respect between students and the teacher. The following essay outlines the theorists that have impacted my philosophy as well as ways i plan to implement my management philosophy.... No matter the reason, there always seems to be a problem in the classroom; the teacher will be lecturing while only a few students are responding. In nunn's (1996) observational study of participation in college classrooms, on average less than 6 percent of class time involved student interaction.... I have heard that for many beginning teachers, classroom management can be one of the most challenging aspects of their new career. Knowing this, i decided to experiment with many classroom management approaches during my student teaching to find one that fit both my students and myself. Based on these experiences, i designed a classroom management plan that i will implement in my classroom as a beginning teacher. It is important to note, however, that my classroom management philosophy will be evolving as necessary as i gain more experience and insight into the field of teaching. Also, my classroom management plan may need to be altered to fit my specific group of students.... Discipline and management are two terms that are used in regards to teachers and classrooms in schools today. The answers to these questions can have a huge impact on the success of a teacher in the classroom. Picture the following: in classroom a, the students are all quietly working in small groups as the teacher walks between the groups lending support when needed.... In light of my school experience (se), i will be analysing, discussing and evaluating an aspect of classroom practice. Behaviour management plays a key role within the classroom and there are a number of techniques used by teachers on a day to day basis. I will look at these techniques in detail, analysing and evaluating them with the work of behaviour management authors and also taking into account my se observations. Having a good classroom environment in which to teach gives the pupil the best possible chance of learning effectively.... Introduction: structure, praise, humor, firmness, patience, and high expectations: welcome to the wonderful world of the classroom atmosphere. Imagine yourself in a classroom where your teacher is there for you, both academically and emotionally. In other words, regardless of what medium a teacher will use to manage a classroom, there are several main objectives that must be met. Both teacher and student success can often be traced back to the ability of the teacher to effectively manage the classroom. Research shows that effective classroom management and organization during the first few weeks of class are crucial in determining expectations, behavior patterns, and procedures that will set the tone for the rest of the year. You want students’ to develop an understanding of mutual respect by making expectations clear, and providing written ideas of how the classroom should be managed.... The purpose of this paper is to identify my personal teaching philosophies and describe how those principles fit into the learning theory that i recognize as an accurate way to approach learning and teaching. Throughout the paper, however, i will discuss examples where the learning theory of constructivism has proved to accurately portray how i best learn new information and also how it will be an appropriate theory to guide me in teaching high school... Therefore, a well-equipped teacher should have adequate knowledge in classroom management and understand different approaches in solving discipline problems.... Classroom management plan for day one of class (for grades 7-12) classroom procedures entering the classroom students will come into the classroom quietly and in an orderly fashion without running. End of class dismissal students will be allowed to leave the classroom only when the teacher says so. The students will leave the classroom quietly and in an orderly fashion without running or shoving.... By assessing the students' needs, i will be able to provide a curriculum and classroom environment that will hopefully motivate their learning. A classroom behavior problem can interfere with academic performance; likewise, poor academic achievement can influence classroom conduct, precipitating inappropriate social behaviors.
The implementation of a behavior management contract is an effective strategy designed to alter behavior.... Classroom discipline and management for the beginning teacher affective teaching from a beginning teachers view deals with a lot of different concerns. Beginning teachers deal with room discipline, motivating students, accommodating differences among students, evaluating students work, dealing with parents as the most serious challenges, and classroom management or maintaining classroom discipline” (education, 2001, p.