Research paper on cloud computing in ieee
Within your ieee transactions on cloud computing (tcc) is a scholarly journal dedicated to the multidisciplinary field of cloud computing. Reinforcement learning-based mixed job scheduler scheme for grid or iaas nov 14 00:00:00 est 2017 tue nov 14 00:00:00 est ing performance guarantees for cloud-deployed nov 10 00:00:00 est 2017 fri nov 10 00:00:00 est -sensitive multicast in inter-datacenter wan using compressive latency nov 07 00:00:00 est 2017 tue nov 07 00:00:00 est ing secure and efficient dynamic searchable symmetric encryption over medical cloud nov 03 00:00:00 edt 2017 fri nov 03 00:00:00 edt ent proofs of retrievability with public verifiability for dynamic cloud oct 30 00:00:00 edt 2017 mon oct 30 00:00:00 edt all latest -trust—a security assessment model for infrastructure as a service (iaas) sep 01 00:00:00 edt 2017 fri sep 01 00:00:00 edt -based approaches for intelligent intercloud resource nov 14 00:00:00 est 2016 mon nov 14 00:00:00 est -based interactions and economic encounters in an intelligent sep 01 00:00:00 edt 2015 tue sep 01 00:00:00 edt tic memory control of multiple virtual machines on a consolidated may 20 00:00:00 edt 2017 sat may 20 00:00:00 edt le data access control based on trust and reputation in cloud sios v. Sep 01 00:00:00 edt 2017 fri sep 01 00:00:00 edt all popular sion author digital your wn heights, ny about this pervasive transactions on mobile internet in with personal account required for -trust—a security assessment model for infrastructure as a service (iaas) ation year: 2017, page(s):523 - vulnerability of cloud computing systems (ccss) to advanced persistent threats (apts) is a significant concern to government and industry. We present a cloud architecture reference model that incorporates a wide range of security controls and best practices, and a cloud security assessment model-cloud-trust-that estimates high level security metrics to quantify the degree of confidentiality an... Based approaches for intelligent intercloud resource ation year: 2016, page(s):Whereas an intercloud is an interconnected global “cloud of clouds” that enables each cloud to tap into resources of other clouds, interactions among intercloud stakeholders are complex because intercloud resources are distributed and controlled by different clouds. Based interactions and economic encounters in an intelligent ation year: 2015, page(s):358 - intercloud is an interconnected global “cloud of clouds” that enables each cloud to tap into resources of other clouds. This is the earliest work to devise an agent-based intercloud economic model for analyzing consumer-to-cloud and cloud-to-cloud interactions. While economic encounters between consumers and cloud providers are modeled as a many-to-many negotiation, economic encou... Ation year: 2017, page(s):485 - computing offers a new way of services and has become a popular service platform. Storing user data at a cloud data center greatly releases storage burden of user devices and brings access convenience. Due to distrust in cloud service providers, users generally store their crucial data in an encrypted form. Secure cloud computing based framework for big data information management of smart ation year: 2015, page(s):233 - grid is a technological innovation that improves efficiency, reliability, economics, and sustainability of electricity services. The design and implementation of an integrated security architecture for cloud with improved ation year: 2017, page(s):375 - this paper, we propose an integrated security architecture which combines policy based access control with intrusion detection techniques and trusted computing technologies for securing distributed applications running on virtualised systems. The performance and potential of cloud computing for scientific ús hernández pais pitta de lacerda ation year: 2017, page(s):358 - cial clouds bring a great opportunity to the scientific computing area. Scientific applications usually require significant resources, however not all scientists have access to sufficient high-end computing systems. Cloud computing has gained the attention of scientists as a competitive resource to run hpc applications at a potentially lower cost. Of the suitability of fog computing in the context of internet of ation year: 2015, page(s):This work performs a rigorous, comparative analysis of the fog computing paradigm and the conventional cloud computing paradigm in the context of the internet of things (iot), by mathematically formulating the parameters and characteristics of fog computing – one of the first attempts of its kind.
Research paper on cloud computing in education
User security guarantees in public infrastructure ation year: 2017, page(s):405 - infrastructure cloud (iaas) service model offers improved resource flexibility and availability, where tenants - insulated from the minutiae of hardware maintenance - rent computing resources to deploy and operate complex systems. Migration research: a systematic ation year: 2013, page(s):142 - ound--by leveraging cloud services, organizations can deploy their software systems over a pool of resources. Lightweight secure data sharing scheme for mobile cloud ation year: 2017, page(s):With the popularity of cloud computing, mobile devices can store/retrieve personal data from anywhere at any time. Consequently, the data security problem in mobile cloud becomes more and more severe and prevents further development of mobile cloud. Initiative data prefetching in distributed file systems for cloud ation year: 2017, page(s):550 - paper presents an initiative data prefetching scheme on the storage servers in distributed file systems for cloud computing. Privacy-preserving storage and retrieval in multiple cinzia ation year: 2017, page(s):499 - computing is growing exponentially, whereby there are now hundreds of cloud service providers (csps) of various sizes. While the cloud consumers may enjoy cheaper data storage and computation offered in this multi-cloud environment, they are also in face of more complicated reliability issues and privacy preservation problems of their outsourced data. Workflow task execution time in the cloud using a two-stage machine learning ation year: 2017, page(s):Many techniques such as scheduling and resource provisioning rely on performance prediction of workflow tasks for varying input data. This paper introduces a novel two-stage machine learning approach for predicting workflow task execution times for varying input data in the cloud. Reasoning about cloud security using service level ation year: 2017, page(s):457 - the economic and technological advantages of cloud computing are apparent, its overall uptake has been limited, in part, due to the lack of security assurance and transparency on the cloud service provider (csp). Outsourcing of virtual ation year: 2017, page(s):390 - ation outsourcing using virtual appliance is getting prevalent in cloud computing. However, with both hardware and software being controlled by potentially curious or even malicious cloud operators, it is no surprise to see frequent reports of security accidents, like data leakages or abuses. Bulk data transfers across geo-distributed ation year: 2017, page(s):112 - it has become the norm for cloud providers to host multiple datacenters around the globe, significant demands exist for inter-datacenter data transfers in large volumes, e. Similarly, many research communities use workflow environments and tools such as taverna and galaxy to model the execution of tasks to support and expedite the reenactment of complex processes, and ultimately support the repeatability of science. Model of cloud services is emerging whereby a few trusted providers manage the underlying hardware and communications whereas many companies build on this infrastructure to offer higher level, cloud-hosted paas services and/or saas applications. From the start, strong isolation between cloud tenants was seen to be of paramount importance, provided first by virtual machines (vm) and later by cont... Cloudlet network: a sustainable platform for mobile cloud ation year: 2017, page(s):In the green cloudlet network (gcn) architecture, each user equipment (ue) is associated with an avatar (which is considered as a private virtual machine for executing its ue's offloaded tasks) in a cloudlet, which is located at the network edge.
Research paper on cloud computing architecture
In order to reduce the operational expenditure for maintaining the distributed cloudlets, each cloudlet is powered by green energy and uses on-gri... A tool for acquiring and preserving reliable data in cloud live ation year: 2017, page(s):443 - forensics is an important technique in cloud security but is facing the challenge of reliability. Most of the live forensic tools in cloud computing run either in the target operating system (os), or as an extra hypervisor. Toward efficient cloud data analysis service for large-scale social ation year: 2017, page(s):563 - network analysis is used to extract features of human communities and proves to be very instrumental in a variety of scientific domains. The dataset of a social network is often so large that a cloud data analysis service, in which the computation is performed on a parallel platform in the could, becomes a good choice for researchers not experienced in parallel programming. Hyper-heuristic scheduling algorithm for ation year: 2014, page(s):236 - -based scheduling algorithms have been widely used on many cloud computing systems because they are simple and easy to implement. As such, this paper presents a novel heuristic scheduling algorithm, called hyper-heuristic scheduling algorithm (hhsa), to find better schedul... This leads to unnecessarily long and energy-intensive chical stochastic models for performance, availability, and power consumption analysis of iaas ation year: 2017, page(s):Infrastructure as a service (iaas) is one of the most significant and fastest growing fields in cloud computing. To efficiently use the resources of an iaas cloud, several important factors such as performance, availability, and power consumption need to be considered and evaluated carefully. Centric resource allocation in multi-tier cloud ka nath ad firoj ation year: 2017, page(s):576 - it service delivery and support, the cloud paradigm has introduced the problem of resource over-provisioning through rapid automation (or orchestration) of manual it operations. Due to the elastic nature of cloud computing, this shortcoming ends up significantly reducing the real benefit, viz. Intelligent economic approach for dynamic resource allocation in cloud ation year: 2015, page(s):275 - inter-cloud, distributed cloud and open cloud exchange (ocx) emerging, a comprehensive resource allocation approach is fundamental to highly competitive cloud market. Reversible privacy region protection for cloud video ation year: 2017, page(s):510 - y becomes one of the major concerns of cloud-based multimedia applications such as cloud video surveillance. Privacy protection of surveillance videos aims to protect privacy information without hampering normal processing tasks of the cloud. Privacy region protection only protects the privacy region while keeping the non-privacy region visually intact to facilitate processing in the cloud. A framework to facilitate selection of cloud service ation year: 2015, page(s):66 - rapid technological advancements, cloud marketplace witnessed frequent emergence of new service providers with similar offerings. An efficient search scheme over encrypted data on mobile ation year: 2017, page(s):126 - storage provides a convenient, massive, and scalable storage at low cost, but data privacy is a major concern that prevents users from storing files on the cloud trustingly.
Research paper on cloud computing ppt
One way of enhancing privacy from data owner point of view is to encrypt the files before outsourcing them onto the cloud and decrypt the files after downloading them. Risk assessment framework for cloud ation year: 2016, page(s):265 - service providers offer access to their resources through formal service level agreements (sla), and need well-balanced infrastructures so that they can maximise the quality of service (qos) they offer and minimise the number of sla violations. This paper focuses on a specific aspect of risk assessment as applied in cloud computing: methods within a framework that can be used by cloud servic... Time tasks oriented energy-aware scheduling in virtualized ation year: 2014, page(s):168 - conservation is a major concern in cloud computing systems because it can bring several important benefits such as reducing operating costs, increasing system reliability, and prompting environmental protection. Data center network dimensioning under time-of-use ation year: 2016, page(s):402 - the cloud era, data centers consume tremendous power due to their huge computing and storage requirements. Furthermore, allocation and release of resources by numerous cloud customers leads to significant energy consumption at the data centers, which in turn, increases the operational expenditures (opex) of the operators. Proof pricing for cloud service ation year: 2016, page(s):363 - on-demand provisions of cloud services create a service market, where users can dynamically select services based on such attractive criteria as price and quality. Prediction using arima model and its impact on cloud applications’ ation year: 2015, page(s):449 - companies shift from desktop applications to cloud-based software as a service (saas) applications deployed on public clouds, the competition for end-users by cloud providers offering similar services grows. In order to survive in such a competitive market, cloud-based companies must achieve good quality of service (qos) for their users, or risk losing their customers to competitors. Aware load balancing and application scaling for the cloud ation year: 2017, page(s):15 - this paper, we introduce an energy-aware operation model used for load balancing and application scaling on a cloud. Combinatorial auction-based mechanism for dynamic vm provisioning and allocation in ation year: 2013, page(s):129 - computing providers provision their resources into different types of virtual machine (vm) instances that are then allocated to the users for specific periods of time. The allocation of vm instances to users is usually determined through fixed-price allocation mechanisms that cannot guarantee an economically efficient allocation and the maximization of cloud provider's revenue. In this paper, we conduct a theoretical analysis of the impact of transient failures on the ... Effect of compliance, network, and security on the critical success factors in the implementation of cloud ation year: 2016, page(s):440 - a highly competitive business environment, cloud based enterprise resource planning (erp) plays a crucial role for small and medium enterprises (smes) to operate their business in a cost effect manner and yet deliver performance. The ability of a company to implement cloud erp can be viewed as both strategic as well as tactical achievements. Based resource provisioningand scheduling algorithm for scientific workflows on alejandra ation year: 2014, page(s):222 - computing is the latest distributed computing paradigm and it offers tremendous opportunities to solve large-scale scientific problems. Although the workflow scheduling problem has been widely studied, there are very few initiatives tailored for cloud environments....
Research paper on cloud computing doc
Building hadoop on a mobile network enables the devices to run data intensive computing applications witho... Decentralized attribute based access control for mobile ation year: 2017, page(s):Fine grained access control is a requirement for data stored in untrusted servers like clouds. Characters ieee transactions on cloud computing (tcc) is a scholarly journal dedicated to the multidisciplinary field of cloud wn heights, ny your about this ieee transactions on cloud computing (tcc) is a scholarly journal dedicated to the multidisciplinary field of cloud computing. It publishes peer-reviewed articles that present innovative research ideas and application results of cloud computing, focusing on key technical issues related to theory, algorithms, systems, applications, and performance. The transactions will specifically consider submissions in the areas of virtualization and container technologies, resource management and optimization in the cloud, software-defined systems, cloud-based big data management and analytics, cloud programming models and tools, cloud security and privacy, cloud interoperability and integration, energy management in cloud datacenters, datacenter networking, mobile cloud computing, service lifecycle management, cloud performance and dependability, business support and operational support systems, cloud computing regulations and compliance, and cloud economics. Not-for-profit organization, ieee is the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. Within your cloud computing is committed to the timely publication of peer-reviewed articles that provide innovative research ideas, applications results, and case studies in all areas of cloud ap: a novel middleware support for high availability in multicloud oct 12 00:00:00 edt 2017 thu oct 12 00:00:00 edt the design of resilient multicloud oct 12 00:00:00 edt 2017 thu oct 12 00:00:00 edt ization policy federation in heterogeneous multicloud oct 12 00:00:00 edt 2017 thu oct 12 00:00:00 edt 2017. Middleware for mobile edge oct 12 00:00:00 edt 2017 thu oct 12 00:00:00 edt rics in the cloud: challenges and research -kwang raymond oct 12 00:00:00 edt 2017 thu oct 12 00:00:00 edt all latest ners and cloud: from lxc to docker to feb 10 00:00:00 est 2015 tue feb 10 00:00:00 est hain standards for compliance and oct 12 00:00:00 edt 2017 thu oct 12 00:00:00 edt quest for privacy in the internet of sios v. May 25 00:00:00 edt 2016 wed may 25 00:00:00 edt ty-aware application scheduling in fog apr 26 00:00:00 edt 2017 wed apr 26 00:00:00 edt nerization and the paas jul 15 00:00:00 edt 2015 wed jul 15 00:00:00 edt all popular sion your about this annals of the history of ing in science & transactions on cloud in with personal account required for ners and cloud: from lxc to docker to ation year: 2014, page(s):81 - issue's "cloud tidbit" focuses on container technology and how it's emerging as an important part of the cloud computing infrastructure. Aware application scheduling in fog ation year: 2017, page(s):26 - computing provides a distributed infrastructure at the edges of the network, resulting in low-latency access and faster response to application requests when compared to centralized clouds. With this new level of computing capacity introduced between users and the data center-based clouds, new forms of resource allocation and management can be developed to take advantage of the fog infrastruct... Apart from exhibiting benefits over traditional virtual machines in the cloud, containers are especially relevant for platform-as-a-service (paas) clouds to manage and orchestrate applications through containers as an application packaging mechanism. Fog and cloud ation year: 2017, page(s):18 - is a perfect storm of the use of cloud computing, and the growth of internet of things (iot). Iot is about processing data that comes from devices in some way that's meaningful, and cloud computing is about leveraging data from centralized computing and storage. Years after writing enterprise application integration, data integration is still an afterthought when it comes to the cloud deployments i see. Enterprises moving to cloud tend to focus on the move itself, and not as much on what they need when they get there. And forensics in the cloud: challenges and future research -kwang raymond ation year: 2017, page(s):14 - l investigation in the cloud is challenging, but there's also opportunities for innovations in digital forensic solutions (such as remote forensic collection of evidential data from cloud servers client devices and the underlying supporting infrastructure such as distributed file systems).
Research paper on cloud computing in healthcare
This column describes the challenges and opportunities in cloud trating bigdata analysis ios ation year: 2017, page(s):20 - analytics has become not only an essential part of day-to-day decision making, but also reinforces long-term strategic decisions. Design and architecture of ation year: 2016, page(s):76 - ervices are sweeping through cloud design architectures, at once embodying new trends and making use of previous paradigms. This column explores the basis for these trends in both modern and historical standards, and sets out a direction for the future of microservices ty and privacy in cloud computing: vision, trends, and a s. Ation year: 2015, page(s):30 - computing offers cost-effective solutions via a variety of flexible services. However, security concerns related to managing data, applications, and interactions hamper the rapid deployment of cloud-based services on a large scale. Of connecting edge and cloud computing: a security and forensic -kwang raymond ation year: 2017, page(s):13 - 17. Key benefit of connecting edge and cloud computing is the capability to achieve high-throughput under high concurrent accesses, mobility support, real-time processing guarantees, and data persistency. For example, the elastic provisioning and storage capabilities provided by cloud computing allow us to cope with scalability, persistency and reliability requirements and to adapt the infrastructur... Ation year: 2016, page(s):28 - computing plays an important role in supporting data storage, processing, and management in the internet of things (iot). To preserve cloud data confidentiality and user privacy, cloud data are often stored in an encrypted form. However, duplicated data that are encrypted under different encryption schemes could be stored in the cloud, which greatly decreases the utilization rate of storage ... In the cloud: challenges and research -kwang raymond ation year: 2017, page(s):12 - y is one of several key concerns in the current “cloudification” trend, such as ensuring the privacy of user data and transactions during the outsourcing of data, applications, and infrastructure to the cloud. Docker or not to docker: a security ation year: 2016, page(s):54 - need for ever-shorter development cycles, continuous delivery, and cost savings in cloud-based infrastructures led to the rise of containers, which are more flexible than virtual machines and provide near-native performance. Of things and edge cloud computing roadmap for ios prakash ation year: 2016, page(s):66 - manufacturing industry is exploring the use of internet of things and cloud computing to enhance the efficiency of manufacturing plant operations, improve product quality, increase manufacturers' ability to respond to changing customer demands, and expand to new markets. Data sharing and searching at the edge of cloud-assisted internet of ad baqer ation year: 2017, page(s):34 - the last few years, smart devices are able to communicate with each other and with internet/cloud from short to long range. However, by utilizing cloud computing, resource limited iot smart devices can get various benefits like offload data storage and processing burden at cloud. Issues in scheduling microservices in the ation year: 2016, page(s):81 - article discusses the main advantages and challenges of adopting microservices in cloud computing.
This model isn't new, but, applied in cloud systems, it increases datacenter scalability and reliability. Ddos attacks in the cloud: requirements, trends, and future rishnan ation year: 2017, page(s):22 - buted denial of service (ddos) attacks targeted to cloud services, show serious attack consequences like heavy downtime, economic losses and both short term and long-term business and reputation losses. We present an overview of these attacks and their variants in consonance to cloud infrastructure and explain the attack dynamics. Wary of the economics of "serverless" cloud ation year: 2017, page(s):6 - of the latest developments in cloud computing is usually called "serverless" computing, despite the fact that servers are still where processing takes place. The economic benefits of serverless computing heavily depend on the execution behavior and volumes of the application workload. Computing: a new paradigm for edge/cloud ation year: 2016, page(s):76 - c computing is a new paradigm to support the efficient execution of internet of things (iot) services and applications at the network edge. Data analytics for cloud-integrated internet of things tif ation year: 2016, page(s):46 - -integrated internet of things (iot) is emerging as the next-generation service platform that enables smart functionality worldwide. Iot applications such as smart grid and power systems, e-health, and body monitoring applications along with large-scale environmental and industrial monitoring are increasingly generating large amounts of data that can conveniently be analyzed through cloud ser... Site virtual network in cloud and fog ation year: 2017, page(s):46 - interconnection of the different geographically dispersed cloud and fog infrastructures is a key issue for the development of the fog technology. Although most existing cloud providers and platforms offer some kind of connectivity services to allow the interconnection with external networks, these services exhibit many limitations and they are not suitable for fog computing environments. Middleware for mobile edge ation year: 2017, page(s):26 - m operators have recently started to deploy massive computing and storage resources at the very edge of their access networks, hence evolving their infrastructures into large, distributed, and capillary computing environments, capable of placing applications very close to users and terminals and well-suited to effectively fulfill the challenging requirements for delay-sensitive applications.... Transparent and trustworthy ation year: 2017, page(s):40 - e its immense benefits in terms of flexibility, resource consumption, and simplified management, cloud computing raises several concerns due to lack of trust and transparency. Like all computing paradigms based on outsourcing, the use of cloud computing is largely a matter of trust. There is an increasing pressure by cloud customers for solutions that would increase their confidence that a c... And privacy in cloud ation year: 2014, page(s):54 - icant research and development efforts in both industry and academia aim to improve the cloud's security and privacy. The author discusses related challenges, opportunities, and care-related data in the cloud: challenges and -kwang raymond ation year: 2016, page(s):10 - 14. With the trend toward cloud computing use in the healthcare industry continuing to grow (for example, using cloud platforms to digitally manage hea...
Limits to cloud price ation year: 2017, page(s):8 - gh public clouds benefit from economies of scale from massive and centralized data centers with high utilization, and continuous improvements in cost per unit of processing capacity from moore's law, they're unlikely to be able to drop prices more than 15 percent annually over the long haul, barring some massive technology discontinuity such as free electric power or disruptive new computing... Big data security with collaborative intrusion ation year: 2014, page(s):27 - data, often stored in cloud networks, is changing our business models and applications. Ation year: 2017, page(s):36 - computing is an emerging paradigm, suitable to serve the particular needs of iot networks. This article examines key technical and legal issues and requirements supporting the use of cloud of things for managing water source-related data prior to discussing potential economics of ation year: 2016, page(s):16 - ervices address the problem of efficiently building and managing complex software systems. In delivering software in the cloud as -kwang raymond ation year: 2016, page(s):10 - ervices can be broadly defined as the design of service-oriented software using a set of small services. Flow: osmotic computing + iot ation year: 2017, page(s):68 - rapid evolution of internet of things (iot) devices (e. Trends in energy-efficient cloud ation year: 2015, page(s):40 - every online user directly or indirectly uses cloud computing, which is the most promising information and communication technology (ict) paradigm. However, cloud computing's ultrascale size requires large datacenters comprising thousands of servers and other supporting equipment. Use of microservices in moving workloads to the ation year: 2016, page(s):6 - enterprises believe the cloud will become the new home for applications; however, not all applications are ready for the cloud. For engineering iot cloud ation year: 2015, page(s):68 - ering internet of things (iot) and cloud services to provide a coherent software layer for continuous deployment, provision, and execution of applications for various domains is complex. The authors consider whether iot cloud systems could provide a uniform layer to enable continuous execution of complex applications consisting of diverse types of software components, although these systems ... Year: 2017, page(s):18 - services brokers, or csbs, are important to the cloud computing mix. They sit between those that are looking to consume a cloud service, and the service itself. This layer provides many features such as locating the best value cloud services, and can work across multiple cloud. Cryptographic access control for cloud-based ehr tif ation year: 2016, page(s):58 - -based electronic health record (ehr) systems are next-generation big data systems for facilitating efficient and scalable storage and fostering collaborative care, clinical research, and development. Public verification of data integrity for cloud storage ation year: 2016, page(s):44 - storage services allow users to outsource their data to cloud servers to save on local data storage costs. However, unlike using local storage devices, users don't physically own the data stored on cloud servers and can't be certain about the integrity of the cloud-stored data.
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An eldercare living lab for sensor-based health assessment and physical bazan ation year: 2017, page(s):30 - is an increasing demand to develop innovations in eldercare technologies that can be delivered as 'apps' at a cloud-scale to facilitate proactive monitoring and targeted care coordination. World experience with a multicloud ation year: 2017, page(s):6 - the past decade, cloud service provider offerings and customer awareness of how to use them have evolved significantly. One of the major developments has been the evolution of customers from using a single service from a single provider to using multiple clouds in a true, integrated multicloud. The design of resilient multicloud ation year: 2017, page(s):74 - uce is a popular distributed data-processing system for analyzing big data in cloud environments. Unfortunately, there is accumulating evidence of severe problems - including arbitrary faults and cloud outages - affecting the services that run atop cloud services. The need to process distributed big data sets across multiple datacenters arises from the new breed of internet of things (iot) ization policy federation in heterogeneous multicloud ation year: 2017, page(s):38 - t infrastructure as a service (iaas) cloud platforms have their own authorisation system, containing different access control policies and models. Clients with accounts in multiple cloud providers struggle to manage their rules in order to provide a homogeneous access control experience to users. Ation year: 2016, page(s):54 - tous computing paradigms, empowered by the fifth-generation networking and emerging smart ambient intelligence environments, could play a crucial role in creating better living environments for activity-challenged individuals, such as disabled or elderly people requiring constant care. Cloud computing has been an empowering force for this endeavor, although it raises several ethical, securit... Characters cloud computing is committed to the timely publication of peer-reviewed articles that provide innovative research ideas, applications results, and case studies in all areas of cloud your about this cloud computing is committed to the timely publication of peer-reviewed articles that provide innovative research ideas, applications results, and case studies in all areas of cloud computing. More specifically: cloud software, cloud security, trade-offs between privacy and utility of cloud, cloud in the business environment, cloud economics, cloud governance, migrating to the cloud, cloud standards, development tools, backup and recovery, interoperability, applications management, data analytics, communications protocols, mobile cloud, private clouds, liability issues for data loss on clouds, data integration, big data, cloud education, cloud skill sets, cloud energy consumption, the architecture of cloud computing, applications in commerce, education, and industry, infrastructure as a service (iaas), platform as a service (paas), software as a service (saas), business process as a service (bpaas). Use of this web site signifies your agreement to the terms and xplore digital ieee cloud magazine join ieee cloud publications on cloud computing and big ieee cloud computing initiative is supporting the development of an integrated cloud computing publications suite consisting of transactions, magazines, and letters publications formats. The new cloud computing initiative publications initiatives aim to provide central publications foci for cloud related cloud computing transactions on cloud submit your manuscript, please use the scholarone manuscripts submission ieee tcc on facebook! Transactions on big -link is a special area of the cloud computing initiative web portal that focuses on one area of cloud computing. For each issue, our enthusiastic editorial panel selects recently published ieee journal and magazine articles within an exciting field of cloud to help you, the reader, learn more about cloud computing. Cloud-link is a joint collaboration between the ieee cloud computing initiative and the ieee computer society special technical community on cloud computing. Published every two months, our cloudscape enewsletter features upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, notable articles, and more.
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