Research paper on cocaine
Lifelong health one pregnancy at a hespañolportuguêor login / al development virtual human documentation ingual illustrated or login / -to-use nmental › health articles › substance abuse › ch report series: cocaine abuse and : nida research report series: cocaine abuse and addiction, ation number 99-4342, may, 1999,Revised november 2004public of contents (toc). Percent in r, we now know more about where and how cocaine acts in the brain,Including how the drug produces its pleasurable effects and why it addictive. They can observe the different brain changes that a person experiences the “rush,” the “high,” and,Finally, the craving of cocaine. They can also identify parts of that become active when a cocaine addict sees or hears i that trigger the craving for cocaine. Because these types s pinpoint specific brain regions, they are critical to s for developing medications to treat cocaine of nida’s most important goals is to translate what from research, in order to help the public better understand and addiction, and to develop more effective strategies for tion and treatment. We hope that this compilation of ation on cocaine will help to inform readers about the s of cocaine abuse, and that it will assist in prevention al institute on drug r 1: what is cocaine? Cocaine was labeled the drug of the 1980s and ‘90s,Because of its extensive popularity and use during . Years, and coca leaves, the source of cocaine, ingested for thousands of cocaine was first extracted from the leaf of the erythroxylon , which grows primarily in peru and bolivia, in the mid-19th the early 1900s, it became the main stimulant drug used in most tonics/elixirs that were developed to treat a wide variety of , cocaine is a schedule ii drug, meaning that it has high abuse, but can be administered by a doctor for legitimate , such as local anesthesia for some eye, ear, and throat are basically two chemical forms of cocaine: the and the “freebase. The hydrochloride salt, or of cocaine, dissolves in water and, when abused, can be taken intravenously. Freebase refers to a has not been neutralized by an acid to make the hydrochloride freebase form of cocaine is e is generally sold on the street as a fine, white, , known as “coke,” “c,” “snow,” “flake,” or “blow. Is the street name given to a freebase form of has been processed from the powdered cocaine to a smokable substance. The term “crack” the crackling sound heard when the mixture is cocaine is processed with ammonia or sodium bicarbonate. The national survey use and health (nsduh) estimated the number of current crack be about 567,000 in r 3: what is the scope of cocaine use in the united states? Million americans could be dependent on or abusing cocaine in the past 12 months,According to the nsduh. 18 to 25 years old have a higher rate of current cocaine those in any other age group. Percent for 2003 monitoring the future survey, which s teen attitudes and recent drug use, crack cocaine use decreased among 30-day, annual, and lifetime use prevalence was the only statistically significant change e in any form. Percent,And this year’s decline brings it to from the drug abuse warning network (dawn) showed that ncy department visits increased 33 percent between 1995 and 2002,Rising from 58 to 78 mentions per 100,000 r 4: how is cocaine used? The slang these routes are, respectively, “chewing,” “snorting,” “mainlining” or “injecting,” and “smoking” (se and crack cocaine).
Snorting is the process ng cocaine powder through the nostrils, where it ed into the bloodstream through the nasal ing releases the drug directly into the bloodstream,And heightens the intensity of its effects. Smoking inhalation of cocaine vapor or smoke into the lungs,Where absorption into the bloodstream is as rapid as ion. The drug also can be rubbed onto mucous users combine cocaine powder or crack with heroin e use ranges from occasional use to repeated or , with a variety of patterns between these than medical uses, there is no safe way to use route of administration can lead to absorption of s of cocaine, leading to acute cardiovascular or ncies that could result in sudden death. E use by any route of administration can produce other adverse health r 5: how does cocaine produce its effects? Amount of research has been devoted to understanding cocaine produces its pleasurable effects, and s it is so addictive. One neural system that appears to affected by cocaine originates in a region located deep within called the ventral tegmental area (vta). If cocaine is present,It attaches to the dopamine transporter and blocks the ing process, resulting in a buildup of dopamine in the synapse,Which contributes to the pleasurable effects of chers have discovered that, when a rewarding occurring, it is accompanied by a large increase amounts of dopamine released in the nucleus neurons originating in the vta. For example, scientists have cocaine blocks the removal of dopamine from the synapse,Resulting in an accumulation of dopamine. This dopamine causes continuous stimulation of s, which is associated with the euphoria ed by cocaine cocaine abuse continues, tolerance often means that higher doses and more frequent use e are required for the brain to register the of pleasure experienced during initial use. S have shown that, during periods of cocaine use, the memory of the euphoria cocaine use, or mere exposure to cues drug use, can trigger tremendous craving and drug use, even after long periods of r 6: what are the short-term effects of cocaine use? Single dose, and disappear within a few minutes or in small amounts (up to 100 mg), cocaine usually user feel euphoric, energetic, talkative, and , especially to the sensations of sight, sound, . Some users find that the drug helps them physical and intellectual tasks more quickly, experience the opposite duration of cocaine’s immediate euphoric effects depends route of administration. To 30 minutes, while that from smoking may last 5 to 10 short-term physiological effects of cocaine include vessels; dilated pupils; and increased temperature, heart rate,And blood pressure. In rare instances, can occur on the first use of cocaine or unexpectedly e-related deaths are often a result of cardiac arrest or ed by respiratory r 7: what are the long-term effects of cocaine use? Dopamine is released as the brain’s reward system, and is either indirectly involved in the addictive properties of appreciable tolerance to cocaine’s high may develop, with s reporting that they seek but fail to achieve as much they did from their first experience. This increased sensitivity may explain some deaths apparently low doses of of cocaine in a binge, during which the drug is taken at increasingly high doses, leads to a state of increasing irritability,Restlessness, and paranoia. This may result in a full-blown sis, in which the individual loses touch with reality and ry r 8: what are the medical complications of cocaine abuse? Cocaine has been found to trigger rhythms, called ventricular fibrillation; eat and breathing; and increase blood body temperature.
Physical symptoms may pain, nausea, blurred vision, fever, , convulsions, coma, and ent routes of cocaine administration can ent adverse effects. Regularly snorting cocaine,For example, can lead to loss of sense of smell,Nosebleeds, problems with swallowing, hoarseness,And an overall irritation of the nasal septum, lead to a chronically inflamed, runny nose. Intravenous may also experience an allergic reaction, either to the drug, or to ve in street cocaine, which can result, in severe cases, in death. E has a tendency to decrease food intake, many chronic cocaine their appetites and can experience significant weight loss and ch has revealed a potentially dangerous n cocaine and alcohol. Research needs to be done, it is the mixture of cocaine and alcohol is the two-drug combination that results in r 9: are cocaine abusers at risk for contracting hiv/aids and hepatitis b and c? Cocaine abusers, especially those who inject,Are at increased risk for infectious diseases as human (hiv/aids) and viral hepatitis. In fact, abuse of illicit drugs, including crack cocaine,Are major risk factors for new cases of hiv. Research has also shown that drug use ere with judge- ment about risk-taking behavior,And can potentially lead to reduced precautions behaviors, the sharing of needles and ernalia, and the trading of sex for drugs,By both men and onally, hepatitis c (hcv) has spread injection drug users; centers for disease prevention (cdc) estimates indicate of 50 to 80 percent in this population. The virus is highly transmissible via injection,And hcv testing is recommended for any has ever injected r 10: what is the effect of maternal cocaine use? Full extent of the effects of prenatal re on a child is not completely known, scientific studies have documented that to mothers who abuse cocaine during often prematurely delivered, have low birth smaller head circumferences, and are often ting the full extent of the consequences al drug abuse is difficult, and specific hazard of a particular drug to the is problematic for many reasons. Exposure to sexually-transmitted diseases—bute to the difficulty in determining of prenatal cocaine use on maternal, fetal,Many recall that “crack babies,” born to mothers who used crack cocaine nt, were at one time written off by many as. Using sophisticated technologies,Scientists are now finding that exposure to fetal development may lead to subtle, icant, later deficits in some children, ts in some aspects of cognitive performance,Information-processing, and attention to tasks— are important for success in r 11: what treatments are effective for cocaine abusers? Was an enormous increase in the number seeking treatment for cocaine addiction 1980s and 1990s. Treatment providers in of the country, except in the west and southwest,Report that cocaine is the most drug of abuse among their clients. Cocaine addiction is a complex problem involving s in the brain as well as a myriad of social,Familial, and environmental factors. Like any good treatment plan,Cocaine treatment strategies need to assess the psychobiological,Social, and pharmacological aspects of the patient’cological are no medications currently available cocaine addiction uently, nida is aggressively pursuing the testing of new cocaine tions. Several newly emerging compounds investigated to assess their safety and treating cocaine mate and modafanil,Two marketed medications, have shown promising potential cocaine treatment agents. Additionally,Baclofen, a gaba-b agonist, showed promise in a cocaine addicts with heavy use patterns.
Mood changes experienced during the early cocaine abstinence, antidepressant drugs shown to be of some benefit. In addition problems of treating addiction, cocaine s in many deaths every year, and medical being developed to deal with the acute ing from excessive cocaine oral behavioral treatments have been found to ive for cocaine addiction, including both outpatient approaches. Disulfiram (a has been used to treat alcoholism), in behavioral treatment, has been shown, in s, to be effective in reducing cocaine is important that patients receive services all of their treatment needs. Some contingency management a voucher-based system to give positive staying in treatment and remaining cocaine on drug-free urine tests, the patients , which can be exchanged for items that y living, such as joining a gym, or going ive-behavioral therapy, or “tion,” is another approach. Ent, for example, is a focused approach g cocaine-addicted individuals abstain— abstinent—from cocaine and other underlying assumption is that learning an important role in the development and cocaine abuse and dependence. Recognize the situations in are most likely to use cocaine, avoid ions when appropriate, and cope more a range of problems and problematic ated with drug abuse. This therapy is rthy because of its compatibility with a other treatments patients may receive, such eutic communities (tcs), or residential planned lengths of stay of 6 to 12 months, r alternative to those in need of cocaine addiction. Tcs focus on the individual to society, and can include onal rehabilitation and other supportive course, there is variation in the types of ses offered in ion: a chronic, relapsing disease, characterized by compulsive drug-seeking and use and by neurochemical and molecular changes in the etic: an agent that causes insensitivity to pressants: a group of drugs used in treating depressive hylene: potent stimulant created when cocaine and alcohol are used : the plant, erythroxylon, from which cocaine is derived. I chose cocaine because it is what effects people my age most e was first used in the late 1800’s as a local anesthetic during surgeries. Cocaine can also be smoked by which it is inhaled into the lungs then into the bloodstream. Crack is processed with ammonia or baking soda and water; it is then heated to a smoke able ing to office of national drug control policy (ondcp) in 2002 there were an estimated 1,059,000 new cocaine users in the united states. The numbers are sad and shocking but amazingly continue to increase throughout the health factors and risks arise with the use of cocaine. Physical effects of cocaine use include constricted blood vessels and increased temperature, heart rate, dilated pupils, increased energy and increased blood pressure. Some of the signs of possible cocaine use are, nosebleeds, lose of appetite, stealing from loved ones for money, and lying. A cocaine user, once dependant, will experience stomach cramps, increased heart rate and random cold sweats. Some other long-term effects of the use of cocaine are paranoia, irritability, restlessness, auditory hallucinations, mood disturbances and many others. People who inhale the drug may suffer from acute respiratory problems including coughing, shortness of breath, and severe chest pains with lung trauma and to cite this e verus crack cocaine essay. In 1855 the active ingredient in cocaine was isolated from the leaves, and in 1880 it was used as a local anesthetic (nunes,2006).
In 1855, coca cola was a soda beverage that contained sixty milligrams of cocaine for every eight ounces of the beverage.... Cocaine blue cocaine true eugene richards has had a long and celebrated career of documenting the perils of humanity. In his latest book titled cocaine true cocaine blue (1994), richards goes into three of the most drug plagued, and crime ridden areas of america: east new york; north philadelphia; and the red hook housing project in brookl... Effects of cocaine physical effects of cocaine use include constricted peripheral blood vessels, dilated pupils, and increased temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure. The duration of cocaine’s immediate euphoric effects, which include hyper-stimulation and mental clarity, is dependent on the route of administration. The faster the cocaine is absorbed, the more intense the high and the shorter the duration of action. Cocaine is a powerful central nervous system (cns) stimulant that heightens alertness, inhibits appetite and the need for sleep, and provides intense feelings of pleasure. Cocaine when you reach into the refrigerator for a coca-cola, do you ever wonder where it got its name. Scientists today know that cocaine is among the strongest stimulants known, and trying the drug even one time can cause heart attack, stroke, and even death. Cocaine first of all this research paper will examine the history of cocaine, answer exactly who used it, effects of the drug and its addictive nature. People choose to write about cocaine so that others can clearly see and understand its historical origins and dangerous properties. The more people that become knowledgeable about cocaine, the more they can protect themselves from seriously endangering themselves.... I also have included where cocaine comes from to help understand exactly what we’re talking about, and to clear up any misunderstanding about the drug. Outside of south america it is generally used in it’s more refined and extracted forms, either powder cocaine, or freebase cocaine and makes a much stronger effect than chewing the leaves.... Cocaine cocaine is a drug derived from the leaf of the erytroxylon cocoa bush, which grows primarily in peru and bolivia. Cocaine also known as coke, c, snow, flake, nose candy, blow, or crack is generally sold on the street as a hydrochloride salt( a water-soluble salt). Cocaine is a fine, white crystalline powder often diluted with similar-looking substances such as talcum powder, sugar, or amphetamines. Cocaine early on in his career, eric clapton seemed to have a difficult time sticking to one band.
When death occurs due to cocaine use most often the person goes into cardiac arrest or seizes and then goes into respiratory arrest causing sudden treatment process for a cocaine addict is a long strenuous process. Beginning the cocaine treatment process with a medical detox has proved to be the most effective first step in recovery (src). Cocaine is best described as an addiction that must be treated from the inside many years of a family member using cocaine and various other drugs it was difficult to accept that person back into our lives. Initially the treatment process is one that must be done alone and at will but ultimately the process becomes easier for the addict if they are supported by the foundations of a personal point of view and experience with a cocaine addict, cocaine recovery is a life long process. The recovery and treatment for cocaine is not only a process for the addict but for their families as well. Cocaine and the nervous system all drugs have a negative effect on the nervous system, but few can match the dramatic impact of cocaine. Cocaine is one of the most potent, addictive, and unpredictable recreational drugs, and thus can cause the most profound and irreversible damage to the nervous system. The high risk associated with cocaine remains the same regardless of whether the drug is snorted, smoked, or injected into the user¡¯s bloodstream. In addition to the intense damage cocaine can cause to the liver, intestines, heart, and lungs, even casual use of the drug will impair the brain and cause serious damage to the central nervous system.... The purpose of this research paper is to inform my audience of three primary sections based on biological aspect of the addictive substance cocaine, and its addictive properties. Specific purpose: to inform my audience on the history of cocaine, current prevalence rates and health effects among other issues. Attention material: cocaine is mostly known as an illegal drug, but very few truly acknowledge it for its medical purposes and fully understand its history in the country. Cocaine is a tropane ester alkaloid ,which is extracted from the leaves of the coca (erythroxylon coca) plant (clayton, 1996). In a study conducted in 2010, it was found that over 1,500,000 people in the united states used cocaine, third in drugs after psychotherapeutic drugs, and marijuana. The number of cocaine users in the united states seems to be slowly shrinking, but the number is still uncomfortably large. Cocaine comes from the erythroxylum coca bush leaves, which was originally found in the andes region in south america 3,000 years before the birth of christ. Goldberg) crack cocaine is what is commonly known as “crack” or “rock” on the streets; it is made by a chemical process that leaves cocaine in its freebase form which a user can smoke. Goldberg) cocaine has many different effects on the user depending on the method of delivery....
In general the affected areas during or after cocaine use have been identified subsequently providing research into the physiological aspects of cocaine use. Research to determine drug-seeking and relapse is imperative due to the prevalence of cocaine use and the rehabilitative qualities a medicinal cure could provide.... Cocaine can be traced back thousands of years, but its presence wasn’t widely known in north america until the late 1800’s and once it hit, there was an epidemic (gootenberg 191-192). Cocaine was found to be highly addictive, forming a strong physiological and psychological dependence due to its direct effect on the brain’s central nervous system, specifically the reward pathway. Cocaine comes from the leaves of two specific coca plants that are primarily grown in south america. The leaves contain the specific cocaine alkaloid that is needed to make cocaine hydrochloride (rhodium).... Cocaine is a drug, both used medically and illegally, primarily known for its euphoric effects. Cocaine can be a dangerous drug to play with, and the influence of it changes lives. The use of cocaine is potentially taken to receive a “high” effect, which can last for up to fifteen minutes. Cocaine empowers the body to be mentally alert after a single dose, but misuse or abuse of cocaine, or any other drug, can lead to fatal and serious effects.... The cali cartel had reaches as far as russia when laundered cocaine cash was found. Psychological indications include the following: excessive thoughts over buying crack cocaine, regular craving for crack, determined etc and physical signs are as follows: insomnia, widen pupils, loss of appetite (“crack abuse signs…”).... The usage of cocaine is immoral in the chapter against the legalization of drugs by james q. Wilson, he states that “tobacco shortens one’s life, cocaine debases it” (lafollette, 2010: 333) as a result cocaine, as opposed to tobacco is morally wrong. Throughout this paper i will be discussing the many different effects and experiences of using illicit drugs. Adhd children and cocaine in disguise according to the center for disease control and prevention, approximately five million children between the ages of three and seventeen were diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactive disorder as of 2008. Behind crack cocaine cocaine is a widely known drug derived from the leaves of coca plants which acts as a psychostimulant. Julien, advokat, and comaty (2011) explain how when processed, cocaine can be made into cocaine hydrochloride, known as powdered cocaine, or into crack cocaine, another form of cocaine created by mixing powder cocaine with a weak base.
Its composition changes into rock form with a lower melting point than that of regular powder cocaine, therefore, allowing the drug to be inhaled or smoked when heated.... Cocaine in the brain "cocaine delivers an intensity of pleasure - and despair - beyond the bounds of normal human experience. The illegality of cocaine as i was skimming through the casebooks in current issues and enduring questions, i stumbled upon a story by james q. Wilson called “back to the future” in which he proceeded to tell that cocaine harms an unburned baby and can lead to physical deformities or neurological damage. This sparked my curiosity into wanting to know more about the effects of cocaine on the body and an unborn child. Cocaine comes from the leaves of the erythroxylon coca tree which are native to peru and bolivia (gg 300).... The topic of this statement is fueled by the growing abuse of cocaine in the mid 1980s. I shall discuss the effects of the crack cocaine epidemic of the mid 1980s from a cultural and social stand point because on that decade this country moved to the rhythms and the pace of this uncanny drug. Cocaine took its told on american society by in the 1980s; it ravaged with every social group, race, class, etc.... Background here is some information that could help you to understand the background of cocaine use during pregnancy. Throughout the early months of pregnancy, women who use cocaine may increase the high risk of miscarriage. Furthermore, women who also used cocaine during their pregnancy are twice as likely to have a premature baby as other women who have cases of premature baby. The effects of cocaine are not only to the body, but our main control center, the central nervous system. Whether snorted or smoked cocaine’s psychoactive effects are known to be euphoric causing a spike in energy, alertness, and allowing the abuser to become more talkative.... Some of these drugs include marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and prescription pills that are abused by people to whom they are not prescribed. Although it appears that legalization of all drugs on the market seems like a valid movement, in reality, all hard drugs such as cocaine and prescription pills should remain illegal because they are detrimental to society and have a tend for users to develop a physical dependency on these drugs.... In “the ascent” ron rash introduces us to a child who is brought up by cocaine addicts name jared. Lee give their readers insight into cocaine trafficking, the effects of cocaine on the andes, and what has been done to lower the amount of cocaine produced and exported.
Together the authors paint a picture that the cocaine trade is here to stay and that it has not fundamentally changed since the 1980s.... The actions of cocaine in the brain cocaine’s mode of action has been shown to involve the dopamine receptors. This paper will discuss how cocaine affects dopamine receptors, the mode of addiction, how cocaine affects the frontal brain metabolic activities, as well as the role of excitatory amino acids in cocaine’s mechanism. I will also discuss how cocaine affects another system through its mechanism on the brain—the renin angiotensin system. Cocaine and the brain: the neurobiology of addiction in the eyes of the public, the word addict stirs up a negative image: a person of low moral character who willfully chooses to engage in questionable behavior. Cocaine and crack are among the most addictive substances known to modern science, and they have already ruined the lives of millions of americans" (morganthau and miller, 208). Though pleasurable effects can be obtained from these drugs, the use of crack and cocaine cannot be worth the actual consequences that are inflicted on mind and body. Because crack and cocaine are so closely related, it is important to have a firm understanding of both drugs.... The coca and the cocaine war the current “war on drugs” involves skirmishes in an arena with two fronts: the consumer and the manufacturer. When it comes to cocaine, the problem of punishing the whole instead of the individual is hard to define. The only way to win the “war on drugs” is to focus war efforts on fighting the manufacturer of the finished cocaine product.... It has been estimated by the national institute on drug abuse that every year 40,000 babies are born to mothers who have used cocaine during their pregnancy. The levels of deficiencies in children vary in accordance with the mother’s consumption of cocaine.... Psychostimulant research is quite pertinent considering that the number of new cocaine uses has more than doubled in the last decade. Paul czoty’s lab looks at monkey models in order to better understand the neurological mechanisms underlying cocaine abuse. Czoty outlined the advantages to animal models and discussed the biological and environmental factors that were shown to affect cocaine sensitivity in macaques. Cartel and the cocaine industry the drug cartel based in cali, colombia, was one of the largest players in the multi-billion dollar worldwide cocaine industry. Once the cocaine reaches the united states, cali has makes use of its distribution network to deliver the drugs wholesale to the retailers, typically ethnic crime gangs....
The cocaine kids: the inside story of a teenage drug ring is an intriguing narrative of the experiences terry williams witnessed first hand while observing the lives of “the kids” and their involvement in the cocaine trade. This paper will explore how such criminological theories are associated with how and why individuals are introduced into the world of drug selling, as well as, why they leave it.... Adolescent black males and their entanglement with crack cocaine this research proposal will explore the dependent factors that determine why impoverished adolescent black males turn to crack cocaine as a means of survival. Generally, black adolescent males engage themselves in crack cocaine by way of dealing or trafficking. This study is important because there are many underlying factors that are not studied in regard to why this population turns to crack cocaine as a means of survival.... This research proposal will explore the dependent factors that determine why impoverished adolescent black men turn to crack cocaine as a means of survival. Generally black adolescent men engage themselves in crack cocaine by way of dealing or trafficking. Cocaine: the molding of american culture, 1860- 1914 cocaine had slowly risen into american popular culture, starting with an appeal to the elite class and ending with the harrison act of 1914. Early physicians would prescribe cocaine to treat everything from morphine addiction to the common cold. Crack is usually made by mixing two parts of cocaine hydrochloride with one part baking soda in about 20 ml of water. The cocaine production in columbia is different than the rest of the andean countries because it is grown on plots of land that are gigantic, whereas in peru and bolivia coca is grown on small plots of land. Battles are fought every day between the government and farmers over thousands of acres that produce the raw material for cocaine.... The team showed that the epilepsy drug gamma vinyl-gaba, or gvg, blocked cocaine's effect in the brains of primates, including the process that causes a "high" feeling in humans.... The original beverage contained cocaine and was used both as an intoxicating beverage and a medically useful tonic. 1] cocaine has a long history which also involves the once condoned use for medicinal purposes in the 1890's to being one of the most widespread abused drug today.... George became one of the largest if not the largest cocaine trafficker in the united states, because of the trafficking of pablo escobar`s cocaine, it changed the face of america in the 1970s. Being business partners with pablo escobar, george was never in short supply of the cocaine he was trafficking. There are thousands of people in the united states that are addicted to cocaine and are left untreated.
I am conducting this research paper to compare and contrast the differences between the effectiveness of drug courts and cognitive behavioral therapy for cocaine addicts. Many researchers study prevalence and risk factors but what are the reasons for people to use drugs and which drugs are used first. The researchers attempted to find the relationship between certain characteristics, the risk behaviors at initiation, and future drug-using trajectories. The drugs that were found to be the most common were ketamine, cocaine, methamphetamine, and heroin.... These drugs include cannabis, cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine which are widely known and used every day. Crack-cocaine addiction at it’s best in quite a few lower-class communities, phrases like “your mom is a crack head,” or “shut up crack baby” are said jokingly to make fun of someone during what we call a “rip session. Seeing how easy it is obtained in lower class and poverty stricken neighborhoods, many find themselves falling victim to the powerful substance, crack cocaine.... Meth, marijuana, cocaine, and heroin are among the top drugs that many people use and utilized as money making tactics. A profile of cocaine and it's effects on two lives greek mythology tells of a young god, morpheus, god of dreams. The players in the cocaine game: an investigative look at the dealers, suppliers, and enforcers from the third world of many south american countries, to the third street projects in the inner-city, to the third floor of a downtown luxury loft, cocaine is prevalent and being used. Mexico, peru, and colombia are some of the countries in central and south america that are profiting and manufacturing cocaine.... This paper will be an updated version of my last paper which talked about a portion of barry gordy's background, diana ross and the supremes, the four tops, smokey robinson and the miracles, the temptations and their start at motown. The process of obtaining crack is done by separating the hydrochloride salt from the cocaine base which forms a hard rock like substance which is known as crack. When it pertains to freebasing, the street cocaine is mixed with a highly inflammable chemical known as ether. Colombian cocaine trade cocaine is produced from the coca plants usually found in the mountain climates of colombia. Cocaine was first used in the 1880’s as an anesthetic in eye, nose, and throat surgeries because of its capability to provide anesthesia as well as to constrict blood vessels and limit bleeding. The spreading abuse of phencyclidine (pcp), cocaine, and cocaine's potent form "crack," added to the more well-known addictive narcotics such as heroin, has intensified concerns about the implications of maternal drug use for unborn children. Cocaine use, for example, increases risk of hemorrhage and premature delivery, threatening the lives of mother and child....
Popular opinion seemed to indicate that the introduction of crack cocaine has led to increases in central-city crime and accelerated trends toward overall inner-city decay in america.. This manuscript will established (1) briefly what crack cocaine is (2) when it was introduced (3) if there is a direct link between the introduction of crack cocaine and an increase decadence in the social and economic life of the american community (4) and why this drug had such a significant influence....