Research paper on economics of renewable energy
Paper investigates the adverse effects of oil price volatility on economic activity and the extent to which countries can hedge against such effects by using renewable energy. The paper finds that the sensitivity to oil price volatility varies widely across countries and discusses various factors which may determine the level of sensitivity (such as sectoral composition and the energy mix).
Research paper on health economics
Simulations of volatility shocks in hypothetical energy mixes (with increased renewable shares) illustrate the potential economic benefits resulting from efforts to disconnect the macroeconomy from volatile commodity markets. It is concluded that expanding renewable energy can in principle reduce an economy's vulnerability to oil price volatility, but a country-specific analysis would be necessary to identify concrete policy measures.
Overall, the paper provides an additional rationale for reducing exposure and vulnerability to oil price volatility for the sake of economic research working asia and pacific;. Price volatility, economic growth and the hedging role of renewable e effects, alternative energies, approach, availability, balance, bilateral trade, business investments, climate, climate change, climate policies, coal, ity, commodity markets, commodity price, consumer price, consumer price indices, crude oil, crude oil imports, crude oil price, currency, demand for oil, developing countries, domestic exchange, domestic inflation, domestic oil, domestic oil consumption, domestic oil production, domestic production, economic activity, economic benefits, economic growth, economic indicators, economic structures, economic uncertainty, emerging economies, employment, energy demand, energy economics, energy investments, energy markets, energy mix, energy needs, energy policy, energy portfolio, energy prices, energy source, energy sources, exchange rate, exchange rate fluctuations, exogenous supply, exposure, external markets, factor price, federal reserve, federal reserve bank, financial analysis, fiscal policies, fiscal policy, fossil, fossil fuel, fossil fuels, fuel, fuel production, future price, gas, geothermal power, global economy, global market, global markets, global oil markets, hydropower, inflation, input prices, international markets, international trading, investment decisions, labor market, lower price, market fluctuations, market price, market prices, market regulation, market returns, market volatility, monetary economics, monetary policy, natural gas, net oil, nuclear energy, nuclear power, oil, oil exporter, oil exporters, oil exports, oil importer, oil imports, oil markets, oil price, oil prices, oil producing, oil producing countries, oil shocks, output, petroleum, petroleum imports, petroleum industry, policy makers, political economy, portfolios, power, price change, price changes, price decreases, price fluctuations, price increase, price increases, price index, price movements, price of oil, price stability, price uncertainty, price volatility, prices of coal, production costs, renewable energies, renewable energy, renewable power, risk management, scenarios, source of energy, spot market, stock market, substitute, supply shocks, surplus, sustainable development, sustainable energy, tax, trading activities, uncertainties, volatile prices, world economy, world conomics and economic growth;.
2011 the world bank group, all rights & corruption ts & price volatility, economic growth and the hedging role of renewable energy (english). Impact factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years.
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And energy economics publishes theoretical and empirical papers, firmly grounded in economic theory, that advance our understanding of and provide novel insights into environmental and natural resource problems and policies broadly defined, as well as analyses of energy use and markets that link resource and environmental issues to energy. Contributions may address any problem involving economic and environmental linkages, including, but not limited to, utilization and development of the earth's natural resources (renewable and non-renewable); international trade and global environmental problems; non-market valuation methodology and novel applications of valuation techniques; experimental economics pertaining to environmental and natural resources; and choice and impact of environmental policy instruments.
Also of interest are energy-related papers addressing regional or global pollution as well as the relationships between renewable and non-renewable energy sources and markets. We are most interested in research that advances theoretical and/or empirical understanding of natural resource and environmental economics.
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Most cited articles published since 2012, extracted from ng or lock-in: optimal technology policies to support ble energy subsidies: second-best policy or fatal aberration for mitigation? Open access latest open access articles published in resource and energy dly rational consumers, energy and investment literacy, and the display of information on household nable agreements on stochastic river s of unit-based pricing on household waste collection demand: a meta-regression guidelines for research s submitting their research article to this journal are encouraged to deposit research data in a relevant data repository and cite and link to this dataset in their article.
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Partner journals provide authors with an easy route to transfer their research to l issues published in resource and energy l section - essays on resource economics in honor of gerard l section: sustainable resource use and economic s & the environment: essays in honor of thomas d. Go here to learn more about plumx , bureaucracies, and blackouts: towards understanding how corruption at the firm level impacts electricity reliability bribes, bureaucracies, and blackouts: towards understanding how corruption at the firm level impacts electricity ics of forest carbon storage and the additionality principle economics of forest carbon storage and the additionality ation in watershed management: a field experiment on location, trust, and enforcement cooperation in watershed management: a field experiment on location, trust, and enforcement.