Research paper on work life balance
Life balance, a research paperuploaded by jatin_saikiarelated interestswork–life balancequality of lifeemploymentpsychology & cognitive sciencebehavioural sciencesrating and stats2. 4)document actionsdownloadshare or embed documentsharing optionsshare on facebook, opens a new windowshare on twitter, opens a new windowshare on linkedinshare by email, opens mail clientembedview morecopyright: attribution non-commercial (by-nc)download as doc, pdf, txt or read online from scribdflag for inappropriate contenttitle of the paper: astudy of the work- life balance among the academics of higher education institutions: a case study of golaghat district, assam. Study of the work life balance among the academics of higher education institutions: a case study of golaghat district, assam. Jatindra nath uction: work –life balance is about people having a measure of control over when, how they work. It is achieved when an individual’s right to a fulfilled life inside and outside paid work is accepted and respected as the norm, to the mutual benefit of the individual, business and society. Work life balance has always been a concern of those interested in the quality of working life and its relation to broader quality of life (guest, 2002).
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The articulation of work and life, cast as work-life balance, has become a key feature of much current government, practitioner and academic debate (eikhob, warhurt & haunschild, 2007). It is believed that balancing a successful career with a personal or family life can be challenging and impact on a person’s satisfaction in their work and personal life’s roles (broers, 2005). Dundas(2008) argues that work life balance is about effectively managing the juggling act between paid work and all other activities that important to people such as family community activities, voluntary works, personal development and leisure and recreation. The ability to balance between workplace’s needs and personal life’s need is perceived as an important issue among workers globally and academics in higher education institutions were not excluded (mohd noor, stanton & young, 2009). Effectiveness and efficiency of these persons depend upon the balance of their work life and family and personal life. In this paper an endeavour has been made to discuss about how the balance of the work life and family life of the academics working in the higher education institutions in golaghat district of assam can help to be effective and efficient in their performance.
Review of literature relating to work-life balance: work-life balance has important consequences for employee attitudes towards their organizations as well as for the lives of employees (scholaris & marks, 2004). Guest (2002) believes that it is possible to investigate the trend of work-life balance and its developments which influence the well-being and job outcomes of employees at work. The issues relating to maintaining and obtaining a work-life balance have received substantial attention over (deery, 2008) but less attention, however, has been given to find the reality of work-life balance satisfaction in the higher educational sector (doherty & manfredi, 2006; mohd noor & amat, 2010; mohd noor, stanton & young, 2009). Defining the concept of wlb is a complex task, as it can be viewed from the meaning of ‘work’, ‘life’ and ‘balance’ (deery, 2008). Dundas (2008) argues that work-life balance is about effectively managing the juggling act between paid work and all other activities that are important to people such as family, community activities, voluntary work, personal development and leisure and recreation. Greenhaus, collins and shaw (2003) define work-life balance as the extent to which an individual is equally engaged in – and equally satisfied with – his or her work role and family role.
Thus, employees who experience high work-life balance are those who exhibit similar investment of time and commitment, to work and non-work domains (virick, lily & casper, 2007). Numerous studies have been done on searching the association between work-life balance and attitudinal job outcomes such as job satisfaction and organizational commitment (see doherty and manfredi 2006; kinnie, hutchinson, purcell, rayton and swart 2005; scholarios & marks, 2004; virick, lily & casper, 2007; youngcourt, 2005; zin, 2006). 2007)’s study on layoff survivors in a high tech company found that work-life balance is positively related to job satisfaction. Howard, donofrio and boles (2004) in a study among police personnel concluded that work-family conflict which reflects work-life balance issue is significantly related to satisfaction with job. Furthermore, the authors found that there is some evidence that company efforts to help employees achieve a balance between work and home life is linked to the commitment of all groups of employees. The extant literature on the subject of work-life balance tends to make numbers of assumptions and one of those is that improving an organization’s work-life balance leads not only to greater productivity but to greater company loyalty and low level of intent to leave the organization (moore, 2007).
Noor and maad (2008) in their study among marketing executives found that work-life conflict have a significant positive relationship with turnover intentions. Objective of the paper: the main objective of the paper is to analyze the impact of work-life balance of the academics of higher education institutions of golaghat district of assam. Using a simple random sampling technique, the researcher has drawn a sample of 76 from the estimated 305 academics working in the eight colleges. Table no-2 number of days engaged in official works in a week no of days 5 days 6 days 7 days total no of academics 06 68 02 76 percentage 7. Table no-3 number of hours worked in a of works no of academics percentage 4-5 hours 18 23. Total 76 100 the above table shows that majority of the academics has to work for 6 to 7 hours in a day, which is very much normal hours in a workplace.
The study found that the respondents have to travel a few hours only in order to reach their work place and home from the workplace. The table shown below gives a picture of no-6 how often you worry about work when you are not at ons never think about work rarely sometimes often always total no of academics 06 02 26 14 28 76 percentage 7. When asked whether the respondents miss out quality time from families because of work their responses have been found to be no-7 do you miss out quality time from families because of ses never rarely sometimes often always total no of respondents 12 08 40 10 06 76 percentage 15. In order to manage stress of works and other affairs the respondents resort to various methods and these are given in the following -8 how do you manage your ty yoga and meditation entertainment music others (sports etc. Table given below gives an idea about the aspects which help them in balancing work and -9 aspects help in balancing work –s flexible starting hours flexible finishing hours flexible hours in general no of respondents 06 06 26 percentage 7. Ys and paid time offs job sharing time off for family engagement two tables given below have shown some items and aspects help and hinder the work life and family commitment of the academics covered by the no-10 items & aspects help in balancing the work & family & aspects working from home technology like cell phones and laptops being able to bring children to work on occasion support from colleagues at work support from family members total no of academics 22 04 04 22 24 76 percentage 28.
No-11 items & aspects hinder in balancing the work & family commitments items & aspects technology such as mobile & laptops frequently travelling away from home negative attitude from peer &colleagues at work negative attitudes of the principals negative attitudes of family members not applicable total no of respondents 14 14 06 10 06 26 76 percentage 18. The above analysis it is clear that the academics have to work for a normal working hours which is neither long nor short. The academics do not have to work either in the evening shift or night shift. They also do not have to travel a long hours in order to reach their work place and to their residence from place. It is noteworthy that a large number of the respondents do not feel depressed for work and a few fell depressed rarely and the equal number of respondents feels depressed and tired sometime only. There is not a single respondent found who feel depressed and tired out of works regularly.
The above discussion reveals that the academics covered by our study have a balanced work-life. Because of their balance work life their efficiency has increased and consequently the colleges have been able to show very good results in all aspects –both scholastic and non-scholastic. More than 50% colleges of golaghat district is expected to obtain a grade from the national assessment and accreditation council (naac) this sion: just as other sector the work-life balance for the people working in the education very much important. If the people working in education sector do not have a balance work-life, it may be harmful for all the sectors. Efficiency of the knowledge workers is very much important for the development of a country. The knowledge workers having work-life balance can show wonderful results which can be shared by everybody and every section of the nces and bibliography:Ahmad, rh 1998, educational development and reformation in malaysia: past, present and future, journal of educational administration, vol.
Baron, rm & kenny, da 1986, the moderator-mediator variable distinction in social psychological research: conceptual, strategic and statistical considerations, journal of personality and social psychology, vol. Burke, rj, burgess, z, & oberrlaid, f 2004, do male psychologists benefit from organisational values supporting work-personal life balance? Deery, m 2008, talent management, work-life balance and retention strategies, international journal of contemporary hospitality management, vol. Deery, m & jago, l 2009, a framework for work – life balance practices: addressing the needs of the tourism industry, tourism and hospitality research, vol. Doherty, l & manfredi, s 2006, action research to develop work-life balance in a uk university, women in management review, vol. 2007, the organisational pay-offs for perceived work–life balance support, asia pacific journal of human resources 45; 113, vol.
Greenhaus, jh, collins, km & shaw, jd 2003, the relation between work-family balance and quality of life, journal of vocational behavior, vol. Noor, k & amat, mi 2010, keseimbangan kerja dan kehidupan dan kepuasan kerja ahli akademik di institusi pengajian tinggi malaysia, paper presented to leadership and management seminar, nilai, negeri sembilan. Mohd noor, k, stanton, p & young, s 2009, work-life balance and job satisfaction: a study among academics in malaysian higher education institutions, paper presented to the 14th asia pacific management conference 2009, surabaya, indonesia. Noor, s & maad, n 2008, examining the relationship between work life conflict, stress and turnover intentions. Recommended documentsdocuments similar to work life balance, a research paperskip carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextwork life balance thesis pptwork life balancea study on work life balance among women employees with special reference to (1)work life balance in india-indiawork life balance of women employeesproject on worklife balancework life balance_projectsatisfaction and work-life balancework life balancework life balance reportwork life balancepresentation on work-life balancework life balancework life balanceresarch proposalwork life balanceruchita udani - work life balanceproject report on work life balance in dual career couplework life balancework-life balance in a syrian contextwork life balance questionnairework life balance of the employeesquestionnaire of work life balancework life balance mba project reportwork life balance questionnairework life balance questionnairequestionnaire on work life balance of women employeework life balanceworklifebalance_final reportdevelopment of a psychometric instrument to measure work life balancedocuments about work–life balanceskip carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextfamilies and flexibilityreal family valueswhat every company can learn from the 2013 best companies to work for listjohn boucher v. Work-life balance in americaresults of the 2015 florida bar young leaders division survey on women in the legal professioncross generational engagement using social mediawork-life policies for the twenty-first century anie heller_hackathon keynotestate magazine, october 2012profiles in diversity journal | march/april 2012diversity journal | re-evaluating work/life balance strategies - may/june 2011senate hearing, 111th congress - work-life programsobama worklifemore from jatin_saikiaskip carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextprofile of dr.
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