Research paper on mental health
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College with a mental health disorderbalancing work and schooltaking a leave of absence: what you need to knowsleep and the student - college concernsstressed or depressed? Fitness too far for the summerimplementing life on campusminority mental healthworkplace wellnesswork-life balancemental illness and worksupport an employeeworkplace bullying & violencesigns of a healthy workplaceclifford beers societysocial self-directed care programtake a screenmental health screening toolsmental health spanish screening toolsfind helpfind help for myselffind help for someone elsefind an affiliatemental health treatmentstypes of mental health professionalstherapyfinding therapyfind support groupsfinding other local servicesmedicationhospitalizationin patient careunderstanding clinical trialselectroconvulsive therapy (ect)psychiatric advance directives: taking charge of your caremy plan, my lifefrequently asked questionshow can i get information about medications? To overturn managed care treatment denialsworking with a providerchoosing a providerquestions to ask a provideryou and your provideryou're on the team: shared decision-makinghelp for providershelpful resourceshow shared-decision making workspreparing for appointmentsshared-decision making checklistshared-decision making for providerstalking to your doctorwhy providers should use sdmrecovery & supporttreatmenteducationhousingmanaging your moneyparentingpaying for caremeaningful work and recoverytaking good care of yourselfwellness planning and maintenancerecovery assistance programscare for your healthfor providersfor family & friendsperson-centered languagepsychiatric advance directivescreating a psychiatric advance directivefaqs about psychiatric advance directivespsychiatric advance directives glossary and resourcespsychiatric advance directives: meet the expertsdo moreshare what #mentalillnessfeelslikebecome an associate membervolunteerjoin the advocacy networkpartner with usdonate to mhaplanned givingclifford beers societymental health first aidlearn moreanxietybipolardepressionpost traumatic stress disorderpsychosisstaying mentally healthylive your life wellhow stress hurtsstress screenresourceswhen change is hardreferencesten toolsconnect with othersstay positiveget physically activehelp othersget enough sleepcreate joy and satisfactioneat welltake care of your spiritdeal better with hard timesget professional help if you need itcomplementary medicineacknowledgementsdisclaimerdownload cam analysisfor providerslist of cam treatmentsall other topics a-zdonatedonate nowmonthly giftlegacy giftclifford beers societyin memoryin honorother ways to givepolicycurrent legislationlegislative prioritiespolicy issuesposition statementsadvocacy networkthe state of mental health in americaaccess to care dataadult datadownload the printable reportglossary and citationsprevalence dataranking guidelinesranking the statesyouth dataregional policy councilresearch and reportsnews & eventsmha 2018 annual conferencenewspress releasesour blog: chiming inwhy the new mental health reform law passed, and what it means to meb4stage4 programinformation for journalistsevent are herehome » policy » research and health america periodically publishes research papers and reports to further important work in the field of mental health policy and the workplace: workplace wellness report, october support from the faas foundation, mental health america (mha) embarked on a two-year research project on workplace mental health with the launch of the work health survey in 2015. Mha analyzed over 17,000 employee surveys across 19 industries in the united states and published the first-ever 2017 workplace wellness report: mind the workplace the work health survey collected data on workplace culture, stress, employee engagement, and employee benefits to measure workplace stress levels and overall mental ork for action: addressing mental health and wellbeing through essa implementation, july every student succeeds act (essa) recognizes the need for schools to support the whole child and specifically acknowledges the importance of student health and wellness, including mental health. Thus, as states begin to implement essa, it is critical they do so in a way that supports health and wellness. This resource is a supplement to “state essa plans to support student health and wellness: a framework for action” and provides more detailed essa implementation recommendations for supporting mental health and health promotion to advance the conditions for learning in schools and early care and education, december working group on mental health promotion to advance the conditions for learning in schools and early care and education was convened by the national collaborative on education and health in 2016, and hosted by trust for america’s health, healthy schools campaign, and mental health america, with facilitation by resolve and support from the w. This final report includes findings on: the science behind mental health promotion, social and emotional learning (sel) and education; making the case for mental health promotion and sel in schools and early care and education to improve health and advance the conditions for learning; the current challenges and opportunities for communities, schools, early care and education and other stakeholders in mental health promotion and sel; and specic policy recommendations to promote mental health and the conditions for learning in schools and early care and ity inclusion from the perspective of caregivers, november recognition of national caregivers month (november), mental health america (mha) and the temple collaborative for community inclusion of people with psychiatric disabilities (tu collaborative) announced the release of their most recent project, entitled community inclusion from the perspective of caregivers. Reflecting caregivers’ frustration, fear, hope, and love for those they care for, this monograph highlights and expounds upon the views expressed in a 2016 survey of almost five-hundred caregivers of people with mental health conditions. Caregivers shared their perspectives in thousands of comments on topics such as access to treatment, services, and housing; employment and finances; education and supports; friendships and intimate relationships; religion and spiritually; recreation and community events; and health and wellness. They call on policy makers and legislators to address structural issues, such as poverty, lack of transportation, and entrenched discrimination, and they implore educators, employers and the general public to become more educated about mental health issues, and to be more supportive, understanding and state of mental health in america health america annual state of mental health report 2017, provides 2014 data on how many americans are not receiving the necessary treatments for mental health and substance use issues. The results show a country that is indeed more insured, but still falling dramatically short in meeting the needs of those with mental health concerns. Health care reform has reduced the rates of uninsured adults with mental health conditions—19 percent remain uninsured in states that did not expand medicaid, 13 percent remain uninsured in states that did expand medicaid. Over 40 million americans are dealing with a mental health concern—more than the populations of new york and florida combined. Million people currently residing in prisons and/or jails with a mental health condition and lack of access to mental health care is linked with higher rates of incarceration. Youth mental health problems are on the rise, and 6 out of 10 young people with major depression do not receive any mental health treatment. In states with the lowest workforce, there’s only 1 mental health professional per 1,000 individuals—that includes psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, counselors and psychiatric nurses combined. New analysis by avalere and mental health america (mha) finds that significant barriers to quality care for individuals with major depressive disorder (mdd) exist, that insurance coverage does not necessarily equal access to care, and that patients often feel left out of their own treatment. Many people don’t seek treatment in the early stages of mental illnesses because of discrimination, stigma, and lack of awareness of warning signs. Because of this, many mental health conditions aren’t addressed in a timely infographic summarizes the results found in the white pins and needles: caregivers of adults with mental illness, february health america (mha), in conjunction with its partners at the national alliance for caregiving (nac) and the national alliance on mental illness (nami), is pleased to present an important national survey report: on pins and needles; caregivers of adults with mental ting the experiences, frustrations and perceptions that caregivers recount in accessing treatment and supports for the person cared for; this report also includes caregivers’ assessment of their own struggles, and support needs. The report contains strong policy recommendations, such as screening, and parity for a full range of integrated services and supports including peers supports and community tion and early intervention b4stage4: the state of mental health in america health america released its annual state of mental health report 2016, with last year's data of how many americans are not receiving the necessary treatments for mental health and substance use issues. Of particular concern is that even among our most severely depressed youth, 6 in 10 are not receiving any treatment for their mental health problems. Mha’s report also includes an issue spotlight which focuses this year on prevention and early intervention in mental health. The issue spotlight provides information on factors that are helpful or harmful to mental health throughout the early lifespan, provides programs and policies that address risk factors and increase protective factors in order to promote the papers and sion, safety, and rights, january or disparity: the state of mental health in america oral prescription drug and services coverage: a snapshot of exchange plans, november 2014. New age of advocacy, october b4stage4 mental health ial information & annual msabout mha ing to for peer ty mental rd beers self-directed care a screenmental health screening health spanish screening helpfind help for help for someone health ntly asked g with a atric advance moreshare what # an associate the advocacy health first traumatic stress g mentally mentary rd beers current ative state of mental health in al policy & eventsmha 2018 annual ation for journalists. Mha permits electronic copying and sharing of all portions of its public website and requests in return only the customary copyright acknowledgement, using "© copyright mental health america" and the date of the links on this page may contain document data that requires additional software to open:Adobe reader is required to download pdf search returned over 400 essays for "mental health". Introduction the following essay will begin by demonstrating what is understood by the concept of mental health.
It will attempt to identify different explanations for the underlying issues causing mental illnesses and it will then centre around a case study focusing specifically on one mental health problem. Forgiveness has been defined in many ways by psychologists and researchers with no one universal definition. Hill (as cited in maltby, day and mackaskill 2001) state that it is widely agreed that forgiveness involves a willingness to abandon resentment, negative judgement and indifferent behaviour towards the person who has hurt them although research is recent, from the last 15 years, it has helped develop our understanding of forgiveness . Research has shown that forgiveness gives positive mental health and prevents the development of mental disorders such as anxiety, depression and stress.... When we hear the word recession we automatically think money, unemployment, but what about the reality of the mental status of our generation that lived through the recession of 2008. What mental issues stem from the main issues of unemployment, and poverty due to the recession. They probably had good grades, popular, never in trouble, no health issues and socially and emotionally stable. Mental health issues can manifest at anytime with varying degrees of significance on the emotional stability of a person.... Introduction it is widely recognized that mental illness affects a significant proportion of the population; however, it is complicated to determine exact numbers. This problem can be attributed to such issues as the changing definitions of mental illness as well as difficulties in classifying, diagnosing, and reporting mental disorders. Limitations to adequate mental health services including social stigma, cultural incompatibility between patients and providers, language barriers, lack of insurance and logistical barriers.... Mental health equality people with serious socio-emotional and emotional disturbances are challenged in many aspects of life. Historically people of color with serious mental health related issues had little assistance and chances to having their needs met equally to whites. In order to properly or adequately address the emotional and mental wellbeing of everyone on an equal basis, the stigma association must be removed from people of color. Mental health perspective in order to function well mentally one is perceived to have a healthy mental perspective.... Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health related situations and events that impact a community (mckenzie, pinger, & kotecki, 2008). Currently in today’s society, coming out as gay is easier than admitting to a serious mental problem. Without better programs in schools to prevent and inform about mental disorders, the current taboo on them, the bullying of students suffering, and the romanticization of diseases will continue to increase the negative effect menta... By adding mental health state and low vision quality of life questionnaires during case history, a better quality of low vision rehabilitation can be offered to low vision patients. We report a 43-years old female who had tractional retinal detachment secondary to diabetic retinopathy and how low vision rehabilitation can be improved by adding simple steps incorporating mental health state and quality of life questionnaire which can be measured objectively during case history in low vision... Methodology the method that is being used to observe the impact of child abuse on mental health in older adults (aged 65 and older) is quantitative research . By using the quantitative research design, researchers are able to get a numeric answer to this research question. The researcher is trying to figure out how previous child abuse affects a person during this age group (65& up) and how it affects their mental health as well. Thorough research has been conducted on the impact of childhood abuse on younger adults, or adults younger than age 65 (sullivan, t.... The majority of older adults communicate that they have experienced some form of ageist behaviour, (allen, cherry & palmore, 2009), and for older adults living with addiction or mental health issues, this experience of stigma is compounded.... Basic agency information the alcohol drug and mental health board (adamh) of fairfield county at 108 w. Main street, suite a lancaster, ohio is a county level government body that promotes, funds, and monitors behavioral health services in fairfield county ohio.
Board, 2013) it consists of a fourteen member volunteer board which is appointed by the fairfield county commissioners and the ohio department of mental health and addiction services (omhas). Background of the study mental health is defined as “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully and is able to make a contribution to his or her community”. Also mental health is an expression of our emotions and signifies a successful adaptation to a range of demands. It describes either a level of cognitive or emotional well-being or an absence of a mental disorder.... In today’s society, there is substantial variation in the number of incidences of mental health disorders between individuals within a population. Even though most individuals with mental health problems do not seek professional help, the rehabilitation and treatment of those who do, does not decrease the number of psychological problems in a population. It is therefore crucial to practice and use preventative approaches to control and possibly eliminate biological, psychological and social stressors that are detrimental to one’s psychological health.... The primary purpose of this paper is to attest that the dual roles that mental health experts assume as both a therapist for the client and as a forensic expert in court proceedings are not compatible. The paper also focuses on arguments which confirm the incompatibility of these roles and analyzes past researches that would support the claim. Specifically, the paper discusses points that explain the incompatibility, such as the goals, the client, and attitudes towards the client. The paper further indicates that mental health experts must refrain from assuming dual roles that do not ethically coincide.... Mental health should be a priority to combat the cyclical nature of poverty, drug addiction, and mental illness. Due to the affordable care act, states are in a position to expand medicaid and thus mental healthcare to those that need it most. Without the support of state legislatures though, many of the poorest americans are not afforded amenities and remain in poverty, deprived of healthcare.... Case study mental illness has a broad spectrum in the definition of mental illness; any of various psychiatric conditions, usually characterized by impairment of an individual’s normal cognitive, emotional, or behavioral functioning, and caused by physiological or psychosocial factors. The broad definition also includes that a mental illness is dependent upon a society’s norm and whether corresponding behaviors go against these norms and whether corresponding behaviors considered ad either deviance or even as a mental illness.... As highlighted in the previous section of this paper, earlier interventions have the ability to establish better mental health outcomes for young foster children, specifically under the age of six. As previously discussed, maltreatment and mental health are linked, thus their program has the ability to prevent mental health problems for younger children as well as diminish the exacerbation of mental health issues among those in foster care.... A vision for change details a comprehensive model of mental health service provision for ireland. It describes a framework for building and fostering positive mental health across the entire community and for providing accessible, community based specialist services for people with mental illness (hse, 2012). Close to six million canadians live with mental illness; let alone the thousands that are undiagnosed. The people suffering from mental illness have been faced with discrimination a caused by a stigma towards them. Mental illness can be caused by many different factors whether they are psychological or environmental. Although only twenty percent of canadians personally experience mental illness in their lifetime, it affects everyone in their lives.... Depression is a medical, mental disorder that causes a constant feeling of sadness, hopelessness, worthlessness. Becoming a mental health nurse would be a good choice because it pays very well.... Department of health and human services’ definition of mental illness as “health conditions that are characterized by alterations in thinking, mood, or behavior (or some combination thereof) associated with distress and/or impaired functioning” (2011).
The united states department of housing and urban development reported “twenty-five percent of the sheltered homeless report a severe mental illness (as cited in allender, rector and warner 2014 p.... This happens all the time to victims of mental illness, but with the added burden of shame. Considering the shocking statistic that one in four will experience some kind of mental health problem in the course of a year in the uk , why is it that we hardly hear of people suffering from mental illness.... This research paper provides the history, demographics, epidemiological information about older immigrants` mental health problem in australia, analysis of the key health issue within a country and gives clearly answer for how those problems could be improved. This research identifies the predictors of psychological distress in newly arrived older immigrants to australia. As observed previously, health is a product of influence between individuals and their environments (mcmurray. The line between normal functioning or coping with the realities of life and psychiatric illness appears to blur further with every new addition of the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (dsm) from the american psychiatric association (apa).... When relating mental health policies and children living in poverty, the availability of financial coverage for mental health illness is usually a barrier to care. Studies have proven that poor family access to mental health care is because of health policies that do not support access. He pointed out that, although it is easier to participate in medicaid than ssi due to eligibility criteria, it has been well documented that as welfare caseloads decline, so does enrollment in medicaid, which in consequent means that many people are losing health i... Drug misuse is usually considered as a crime while most individuals overlook it as a mental health issue. This school health education programme can only be successful if partners from the health, education and social services sector are actively involved.... There are many other mental illnesses out there that can plague a teen, bi-polar, and schizophrenia are just a few others. Physical health is the body’s ability to function depending on the state of your body and how it is treated. Although it is not considered by many people, the two factors is just as important as much physical health. Some hypothesize that moderate levels of exercise will decrease the symptoms of mental health conditions (blumenthal et al. 2007; diaz & motta, 2008; motta, kuligowski, & marino, 2010; rosenbaum, nguyen, lenehan, tiedemann, van der ploeg, & sherrington, 2011) and therefore be used as an alternative or complimentary treatment option for mental health (libby, pilver, & desai, 2012). The world health organization reflected this right as the utmost achievable standard of health in its constitution of 1946. In 1991, the united nations general assembly in its resolution embraced the “principles for the protection of persons with mental illness and for the improvement of mental health care”. This doctrine constituted the foundation of devising mental health strategies around the world including australia. When someone mentions the word “health,” the first thing that generally comes to mind is physical health. Good physical health is part of the foundation of being a happy person and living an enjoyable life. Typically for teenagers, eating healthy and getting enough sleep are weaknesses and i am one of those people with those weaknesses. Evidenced-based practice in mental health in 2003, leaders in north carolina’s healthcare field realized they needed to bring about changes to the services they provided in their community’s mental healthcare programs (mclaughlin & mclauglin, 2008). The north carolina science to service project (ncs2s) was implemented to bring more coordinated, quality healthcare services to their mental health patients (mclaughlin & mclauglin, 2008). The goals of the project were to better match healthcare services to their mental healthcare patient population, apply evidenced-based practice guidelines in their mental health practice, ensure proper resources were allocated for the services, and begin sta... Health and social care- unit fourth teen: mental health – ao3 introduction within this essay i will look at how my case study mary doe from ao2 uses different coping and preventing strategist to deal with the symptoms and effects from suffering with generalized anxiety disorder, and suggesting other way of coping and preventing these effects/symptoms.
Also i will be looking into the health and social care professionals that help and support mary doe and the different ways in which they do this, therefore more i will be looking into other health and social professional which if her illness develops she might want to consider getting referred to.... Mental health treatment among juvenile is a subject that has been ignored by society for far too long. In the mental health profession of counseling, therapy, psychology, psychiatric and social services ethical dilemmas are faced primarily on a daily basis. Being that mental health professionals are working with clients who are often fragile and vulnerable, they must develop an intense awareness of ethical issues. On the other hand, mental health professionals would never intentionally harm their clients, students or colleagues and others whom they work with. Unfortunately, good intentions are not enough to ensure that wrong doings will not occur and mental health professionals have no choice but to make ethically determined decisions.... Psychiatric and mental health nursing is a unique specialty of nursing that strives to promote the mental health of clients. Psychiatric mental health nurses work in partnership with their clients to manage their mental illness. In canada psychiatric mental health nursing is guided by seven standards of practice, which provide guidance for nursing practice to ensure that safe, competent, and ethical services are delivered to the clients (canadian federation of mental health nurses [cfmhn], 2006).... The mental health seminar course that was taught for the master’s in social work program had excellent topics that required sophisticated conversations in regards to the current trends in the mental health. The recovery model provided a unique approach that was culturally sensitive and empowering for many participants in the mental health field. Substance abuse complicates almost every aspect of care for the person with a mental disorder. Diagnosis for a treatment is difficult because it takes time to disengage the interacting effects of substance abuse and the mental illness.... Mental health as pilgrim (2005) stated is used positively to indicate a state of psychological wellbeing and negatively to indicate its opposite, or euphemistically to indicate facilities used by, or imposed upon, people with mental problems (pg 3) although richards (2002) argued the concept of sanity and insanity are relative and may vary according to individual and social perspectives, and illustrated that an acceptable behaviour at an arts festival may not be perceived similar in a private home and that there are times when every one of us could be considered to be in an abnormal state of mind (pg 13-15) and in that regard dispensed the term ‘madness’ which could have emotive meaning, is... Mr hon peter dutton mp minister for health australian government department of health sirius building, furzer street, woden town centre canberra act 2601, australia dear mr dutton: thank you for taking time to read my letter. In this letter i want to illustrate 3 main social determinants of health that impact indigenous australian health which i found and analysed during my recently study.... Beginning with sigmund freud, much of the mental health field at most acknowledges faith as a delusion that causes individuals to avoid reality. Although, some progression has been made since freud’s time, not much of the mental health field recognizes the importance of understanding a patient’s faith and the benefits it can bring to certain individuals. Clinical reflection paper my experience in mental health clinical was very different from any other clinical i had before. In a mental health clinical setting, i am not only treating client’s mental illnesses, i am also treating their medical problems such as copd, diabetes, chronic renal failure, etc. In this mental health clinical, i learned that the importance of checking on my clients and making sure that they are doing fine by performing a quick head-to toes assessment at the beginning of my shift.... If society would only pay as much attention to mental health, they would be better off in the long run. Think about an athlete playing a sport, they certainly understand how important physical health is. Most teenagers do not realize that the many things like stress or eating disorders are coming from a poor mental state.... Mental health paper at some point, everyone has a problem with their own flaws when they look in the mirror. Body dysmorphic disorder is a mental disorder that makes a person think and feel like their flaws are completely out of control.... In my letter, i establish a logical argument indicating that studies done by researchers show that at least one out of five students in the united states experience or suffer from mental health disorder or illness.
I was more than shocked to find that only 20% of american youth with diagnosable mental disorders receive mental health care and i intentionally emphasized this point in my letter. An introduction to mental health in the workplace increasingly, good mental health in the workplace is an issue being raised. There is a lot of information available about how to promote good mental health in the workplace but perhaps insufficient initiatives actually being used. Providing employees with information promoting good mental health alerts them to the problems but may not achieve the solutions.... The rising issue of mental health problems is climbing the ladder as more and more students are being accustomed to it.... The breakdown of mental health and stability progress has always been an essential component in modern society. It seems that as each new day passes, something new is discovered about the brain, whether it be a new mental or physiological brain condition, or merely a link and clue to one of the vast number of questions... Mental health education introduction mental health is the simple maintenance of all mental activities put together with the ability of the mind to adapt and cope with any kind of stress. It involves the health of the mind in which an individual uses his emotional capabilities. Mental health education is the dissemination of reliable information about the health of the mind. This kind of education aims at improving the mental states and health of various people in the society. Disaster mental health based on the scenario, local law enforcement agencies would already be aware of the situation. Introduction a study on the child’s mental health involves the mental functioning and the way a child behaves and responds to some instances of life. There are two processes in a child’s development that needs the attention of the parents; physical and the mental development. This is the time that the parent can be able to determine a child’s with mental or physical challenge.... As a result of this, less effort has been put into helping mentally ill inmates. About 75-80 million people in the united states are mentally ill to some extent (for the mentally ill, finding treatment grows harder). Many people are unaware of the treatments for the mentally ill and how few resources are available. There is still more knowledge to be uncovered to ensure the united states gives the mentally ill care equal to what the united states gives the physically ill.... The cause of mental illness and that of homelessness will also be explored using different academic literature. The relationship between mental illness and homelessness will also be exploited using academic research materials to answer the question “is a relationship between mental health and homelessness? Analyzing and understanding the links between these two subjects demands for a person to go in to depth in the fields of criminology, sociology, psychology, and psychiatry, because there are many points of view on whether or not a person’s criminal behavior is due to their mental health. Some believe that an unstable mental state of mind can highly influence a person’s decision of committing criminal actions. Others believe that mental health and crime are not related and that linking them together is a form of discrimination because it insinuates that those in our society that suffer from poor mental health are most l... I have a friend who is pervasive enough to know she needs professional help with a form of mental illness. She feels if she has to take medications for the rest of her life, or worse, have a long term stay at a behavioral health facility where they might over medicate her if she is oppositional to the treatments that her life and freedom to choose will be over. Everyone may know someone with mental illness, whether they have a psychotic disorder including schizophrenia and its four classifications, schizoid effective, bi-polar mania, the autism spectrum, tourette’s syndrome, depres...
The substance abuse and mental health services administration estimated that 20-25% of our nations homeless suffer from mental illness (national coalition for the homeless, 2009). Many people with mental illness end up in prison without proper care and supportive housing (nami, 2011). Without proper care, people with severe mental illness cannot function as productive members of society (hch clinician’s network, 2000). Proper housing, care, and professionals to guide them, the quality of life for people with severe mental illness is poor.... The mental health of individuals in the lgbt (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered) community is something that is a serious problem. This constant fear of discovery and the pressure that one feels on oneself when “in the closet” can lead to major mental distress. Research has shown that people who identify as lgbt are twice as likely to develop lifetime mood and anxiety disorders (bostwick 468).... In order to explain the experience of mental health, its complexity needs to be both understood and appreciated. There are diverse perspectives in mental health that are used for assessment, diagnosis and treatment. This essay will use the k272 holistic model to illustrate a framework that can help explain the experience of mental health. Alongside this model are the experiences of hilary, a case study used within the course materials whose physical, psychological, emotional, social and spiritual/personal meaning dimensions reveal the factors that may have contributed to her mental distress (the open university, 2010, p. Positive mental health is the presence of mental strength, not just the lack of problems (spratt, 2006; weare, 2004). During the course of this year one in four people will experience a mental health problem. There is a lot of confusion over what mental health is and the best ways to help those who are in need. With reference to social policy provision this essay will analyse, what provisions are made for those people who suffer from mental health, and explore if there is a direct link between mental health and poverty, what is meant by mental health, what are the mental health policies and what are the relevant aspects in today’s human right frameworks.... The mental health stigma has become a prevalent issue in the world of medical care. The way we can try and diminish the severity of the stigma is to create transparency and openness about mental illness.... There are many benefits of exercise on the human body, not only physical, but mental. Research has proved that exercise can benefit your mental health and your ability to learn. Exercise has many positive effects on patients suffering from a mental health disorder, such as depression or anxiety. Mental health myths and facts our mental health is very important, just like our physical health. Despite of above mentioned importance of mental health, it is notable that mental health is neglected field generally across the world and in third world countries especially in pakistan.... Mental health disparities in rural america mental healthcare has a long and murky past in the united states. In the last 20 years, mental health advocacy groups and legislators have made gains in bringing attention to the disparity between physical and mental health programs.... It is generally accepted within healthcare that to understand mental health we must adopt the biopsychosocial model. This model assumes that an interdependent relationship exists between biological, psychological and social factors which are involved in all aspects of mental health (toates, 2010, p. To be true to the model research must be holistic and not investigate the factors in isolation.
Key terms will be defined and a review of the research in the literature will be performed to assess the extent to which it adheres to the biopsychosocial model.... In considering the violence and aggression in mental health units, the larger issue of violence and aggression in mainstream culture must not be ignored. It has been observed that physical attack in a mental health unit setting appear to be happening more frequently while the attacks include patient-to patient and patient-to-staff aggressive behavior. Most commonly, reporting of aggressive behavior toward healthcare staff is noted; however, it cannot be completely explained by patient characteristics or staff member behaviors (foster, bowers, & nijman, 2006).... In the us only 2 in 10 adults with common health problems receive care from a mental health specialist in any given year” (patel et al. This referenced article also suggests that mental health care should be integrated into routine heath care platforms, because this is the only feasible way to deal with the treatment gaps for mental disorders (patel et al. Health disparity topic selection and analysis: mental health of the asian-american elderly mental health of the asian-american elderly asian-americans constitute an important racial/ethnic minority in the us. Pmcid: pmc3645145mental health research in ghana: a literature reviewu m read1 and v ck doku21department of anthropology, university college london, 14 taviton st, london, uk, wc1h 0bw2p o box 060, institute of psychiatry, king's college london, denmark hill, london, se5 8afcorresponding author: dr ursula m. Read email:@daeralusru conflict of interest: none declaredauthor information ► copyright and license information ►copyright © ghana medical association 2012this article has been cited by other articles in ycontext/backgroundmental health is a neglected area in health care in ghana. With few clinicians and trained researchers in the field, research has been limited both in quantity and a search of the available literature revealed 98 articles published between 1955 and 2009. Much of the research was small in scale and thus largely speculative in its conclusions. There are very few studies of clinical practice in mental sionsthe existing literature suggests several important areas for future research to inform the development of targeted and effective interventions in mental health care in ds: mental health, psychiatry, mental disorders, ghana, research, epidemiologyintroductionpsychiatry in ghana is neglected in health care and research. Nearly 40 years later the research record has expanded, but accurate data on epidemiology, treatment and outcomes is still sorely needed. In the absence of reliable evidence, the gaps are filled by data extrapolated from international research, “guesstimates”, and anecdotal first study of mental illness in the then gold coast was commissioned by the colonial office to study ‘the forms of neurosis and psychosis among west africans’. Four hundred cases of mental disorder were identified with the help of census enumerators and chiefs. This was followed in the 1950s by ethnographic research of people with mental disorder attending rural shrines. Following independence and the training of ghanaian psychiatrists, local psychiatrists began to publish clinically-based research. However with limited resources and research expertise, the studies were small and output was limited. The majority of research in mental health has been undertaken by the country's few psychiatrists, occasionally assisted by expatriate researchers or clinicians and has remained small in ly a new impetus for mental health in ghana has seen the establishment of mental health ngos, the drafting of a new mental health bill, increased training for psychiatrists and psychiatric nurses, proposals for training new cadres of primary health care specialists in mental health, and increased media attention. There has also been an increase in the number of research projects and publications on mental health from a diversity of disciplines including psychology, sociology and kintampo health research centre has supported studies of risk factors for psychosis, mental disorders among older people, an ethnography of psychosis,4,5 and an epidemiology of postnatal depression. The mental health and poverty project, which conducted research on mental health policy in four african countries including ghana,6 has produced several publications in indexed journals. 8,9,10,11the pubmed indexing of the african journal of psychiatry and the online publication of the ghana medical journal (gmj) present new opportunities for mental health research in ghana to provide a much-needed contribution to regional and international research on african mental health. This paper aims to provide an overview of the current state of research on mental health in ghana, and a critical review of published research papers. The findings of these papers are synthesised to highlight priority areas for mental health research in ghana which should be of value to both clinicians and researchers in the sa literature search was conducted of social science and medical journals in ghana and the uk. The authors conducted an on-line search of pubmed using mesh terms ‘psychiatry and ghana’, ‘mental disorders and ghana’ ‘mental health services and ghana’, ‘mental health and ghana’, ‘self-injurious behaviour and ghana’, in addition to a manual search of the libraries of korle-bu teaching hospital (kbth), the institute of psychiatry, uk, and the london school of hygiene and tropical medicine (lshtm). Articles were grouped under the most relevant topics however there was overlap in some papers (see table 2). 1papers excluded from the reviewtable 2reviewed papers by topicepidemiologyearly researchers and clinicians predicted an increase in mental disorders in ghana as a result of the presumed stresses of industrialisation and ‘acculturation’.
Prevalence rates drawn from such data are below expected rates from international comparative studies and in the absence of data from population-based epidemiological studies are likely to be an psychiatric hospitals are the most easily accessible research sites, particularly for hard-pressed clinicians, a number of studies have been undertaken drawing on records at accra psychiatric hospital (aph). 16,17,18 epidemiological in kumasi 194 participants were interviewed using the mental state examination (mse) and the self-reporting questionnaire (srq). Noting the popularity of prayer camps and shrines in the treatment of mental disorders, turkson suggests that epidemiological studies of mental illness in ghana should include these. 22 in the only identified study of mentally disordered offenders at aph, most had been diagnosed with psychotic illness including 31% with schizophrenia, 20. Address the lack of cross-cultural data on depression in the early 1980s the world health organization sponsored a study utilising the standardized assessment for depressive disorders (sadd). Like field, osei suggests that guilt feelings arising from depression might prompt women to confess to research raises interesting issues for the study of mental illness within the context of widespread belief in witchcraft and other supernatural phenomena in n and dua hypothesise on a link between socioeconomic status and depression, however without a control group and with inadequate numbers they could provide little substantive evidence. 31 whilst this study did not set out specifically to research mental disorders, almost three quarters of the women interviewed described ‘thinking too much’ or ‘worrying too much’. Importantly, such symptoms were more prominent in women's accounts of their health than physical health participants complained of stresses arising from multiple responsibilities in the arenas of family and work, as well as financial hardship. A similar link between such experiences of poverty and possible symptoms of mental illness such as excessive thinking, worry and anxiety, as well as persistent physical symptoms such as headaches, has been made in a study of migrant squatters in accra. In a study of the comparative validity of screening scales for post-natal common mental disorders weobong provides evidence for the cross-cultural validity and reliability of a twi version of the patient health questionnaire (phq-9). The study showed that a mixture of somatic and cognitive symptoms best discriminated between cases and non-cases for all scales the high birth rate in ghana, weobong's study of post-natal depression will provide much-needed data on a condition which has been little researched. The author observed that few cases were referred to the psychiatric hospital and queried whether post-partum mental disorders were being recognised within antenatal wards. It has been suggested that when men become acutely mentally unwell they may be more difficult to manage at home, and so are more likely to be brought to the psychiatric hospitals for treatment. 37 women in ghana appear to be underserved by mental health services and the majority of women suffering from mental disorders, particularly depression, remain untreated or under the care of churches and shrines. Research at facilities such as polyclinics, shrines and churches may provide a more accurate picture of the numbers of women with mental disorders and their clinical e and self-harmthere is very little research on self-harm in ghana. Is one recent study on anorexia nervosa among female secondary school students in north east ghana, a condition which has been considered rare in non-western researchers completed a clinical examination of physical and mental health, two standard measures of eating behaviour and attitudes, and a depression screen. As suggested by the role of somatic symptoms in the presentation of depression in ghana, this study has important implications regarding the limitations of standardised psychiatric diagnoses and the need to recognise cultural influences on the presentation of mental nce misuseit is notable that the highest number of published papers in this review concerns substance abuse. 45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53 this may reflect more on the interests of researchers than the severity of the problem. A study of substance abusers admitted to a private clinic in accra excluded those with co-morbid mental illness. Importantly only two papers were identified which were primarily concerned with alcohol misuse, one of which is a social history of alcohol use in ghana. The link between substance misuse and mental disorders may be exaggerated in the public imagination and the media and there is a tendency to make speculative assertions based on limited evidence. Affinnih for example quotes a minister of health as saying that ‘drugs are responsible for 70% of the cases in local psychiatric hospitals’ (p. More research is needed in this area from a specifically mental health -seekingthe popularity of traditional healers in the treatment of mental illness has been noted since the earliest studies of mental illness in ghana and continues to the present day. 36though data is limited, two papers suggest a change in the pattern of help-seeking over the last thirty years, with a greater role for christian healers. There also appeared to be more use of medical facilities in the treatment of mental illness. Research has been conducted on beliefs and attitudes towards mental illness in ghana which may influence help-seeking behaviour, though there is much speculation on the spiritual attribution of mental illness amongst the general population. Women who perceived the cause of psychosis to be natural or stress-related were more likely to seek help from mental hospitals than those who identified supernatural causation.
Similarly, a study of the effect of social change on causal beliefs of mental disorders and treatment preferences among teachers in accra found that rather than emphasising spiritual causation for mental illness in ghana, respondents attributed multiple causal factors to mental illness drawn from biological, social and spiritual authors attributed this in part to ‘acculturation’ but cautioned that participants may have wished to present themselves as educated and therefore have been less willing to disclose supernatural also hypothesised that such beliefs may only come into play as an ‘indirect attribution’. Using semi-structured interviews with 80 relatives of people with mental illness, and 10 service providers, quinn explored beliefs about mental illness in accra and kumasi, and two rural areas in the ashanti and northern regions and how these influenced family responses to mental line with the urban ‘acculturation’ thesis,2,17 quinn reported that in urban areas most respondents attributed mental illness to ‘natural’ causes such as work stress. This may be a reflection of more complex aetiological beliefs and uncertainty around the cause of mental illness than reflected in a binary spiritual/natural schema, as earlier studies have suggested. 59quinn's study claims that there was greater reliance on traditional healing in the north due to beliefs in a spiritual origin of mental illness; however it does not explore these issues in sufficient depth to support this assertion. The study also reports that respondents in the northern region described greater acceptance of people with mental illness by families and communities with little evidence of stigma, echoing earlier reports. Of these studies allow for in-depth exploration of possible influences on help-seeking behaviour for mental illness. However they suggest some interesting hypotheses regarding the reputation of traditional healers in treating mental illness, the stigma attached to mental illness and psychiatric hospitals, and the scarcity of psychiatric common with other mental health researchers and professionals in africa, these studies recommend collaboration with traditional and faith healers in the treatment of mental illness, such as training healers in recognising severe mental illness, and referring patients to psychiatric services. Most authors highlight the role of traditional healers in addressing the psychosocial aspects of mental illness and their resonance with cultural beliefs. 56, 61,62,63whilst some present a rather idealised picture,61 others note the inhumane treatment of people with mental illness by traditional healers. 36,62 one paper points to the role of the family in caring for patients within traditional shrines and churches, and shows how this model was replicated within psychiatric facilities by enabling family members to stay with the patient in hospital. Further research is needed on the practices of traditional and faith healers to inform interventions to address the maltreatment of people with mental illness, and ensure that those with mental illness receive the best quality treatment from both psychiatric facilities and informal sionthis review shows that mental health research in ghana remains limited in both quantity and quality. In the absence of comprehensive research, much is assumed based on scant evidence, and services are heavily influenced by the results of research conducted elsewhere, most often in high-income settings. Whilst researchers have used their findings to argue for more resources for mental health, such pleas would be more forcefully made were there more accurate epidemiological data. It is difficult to estimate the true prevalence of mental disorder and plan effectively for mental health promotion and treatment without more rigorous, large-scale population-based studies. However the published research on mental disorders such as psychosis, depression, substance misuse and self-harm provides insights for future research on the cultural context of these disorders in ghana, including risk factors, with important implications for clinical intervention and mental health promotion. Given the scarcity of psychosocial interventions, psychotropic medication is the mainstay of treatment and has been the topic of four papers. 66,67 one study reports that adherence to medication is poor among many patients68 suggesting the need for further research into the reasons for this, and methods by which to improve both access and research in ghana has been conducted by psychiatrists and there is very little published research by psychologists, psychiatric nurses and social workers. The only published study identified on counselling argued for consideration of notions of self-identity, as well as the influence of the multi-lingual post-colonial environment when importing talking therapies,69 a topic which would benefit from further research. Multidisciplinary research is also needed on the particular social and psychological factors which play an important part in the aetiology and course of mental disorders within ghana and how these might be ch on beliefs and attitudes towards mental illness suggests that these influence not only help-seeking behaviour but also stigma, care-giving and social inclusion. Research in this area may not only point to the roots of stigma, social exclusion and human rights abuse, but also to potential resources for the support and social integration of those with mental disorders. Most importantly research on mental health in ghana needs to focus on experiences of the mentally ill and their caregivers. Existing research suggests a high social, financial and psychological burden for patients and carers,4,30,31,60 and further research in this area could provide a powerful tool to argue for greater attention to mental illness as a neglected public health sionthe studies reviewed have been small in scale and of limited generalizability. Nonetheless, they provide important insights into the development of mental health care in ghana, and suggest directions for future research. Based on this review we suggest the following priorities for mental health research in ghana: population-based epidemiological studies of mental disorders - including attention to shrines and ch on mental disorders, in particular psychosis, substance use, depression, somatisation, and self-harm including risk factors, clinical picture, course and e studies of interventions within psychiatric services, primary care and other service providers e. Ngosexperiences of people with mental illness and their family members, including the psychosocial and financial impact, help-seeking and treatment practices of traditional and religious healers and potential for tly these topics call for both quantitative and qualitative methodologies across disciplines in both medicine and social science. However an remains as to who will conduct this research given the pressures on clinicians and the limited research expertise. For too long mental health research has been dominated by experts in high-income countries with the consequent risk of cultural remains a need for capacity building among clinicians across all disciplines to conduct clinically-based research, and for researchers trained in psychiatric epidemiological methods.
Collaboration with mental health researchers in africa and elsewhere, including the ghanaian diaspora is one suggestion. Given the burden of mental illness suggested by existing research in ghana and elsewhere in the region, there is a strong case for international funding for mental health research to provide an evidence-based foundation for targeted and culturally relevant nces1. Local suffering and the global discourse of mental health and human rights: an ethnographic study of responses to mental illness in rural ghana. Whether you like it or not people with mental problems are going to go to them’: a qualitative exploration into the widespread use of traditional and faith healers in the provision of mental health care in ghana. You just look at our work and see if you have any freedom on earth”: ghanaian women's accounts of their work and their health. We women worry a lot about our husbands”: ghanaian women talking about their health and their relationships with men. A preliminary study of drug abuse and its mental health and health consequences among addicts in greater accra, ghana. The effect of social change on causal beliefs of mental disorders and treatment preferences in ghana.