Research paper on merger and acquisition
Information:-for journalsejournalsbackfilesfor booksfor case ces:licensing d on social > emerald journals > management research > call for study research in mergers and l issue call for papers from management researchguest zations and strategies in emerging of management, xi'an jiaotong university, xi'an, shaanxi, people's republic of ational management,School of management, xi'an jiaotong university, xi'an, shaanxi, people's republic of op of the theme. Special issue of the management research journal will focus on the most under examined temporal issue in the literature, that is, case study research in mergers and call for papers is open to all streams in management as well as all regions and continentals in the term, merger or acquisition, is defined, evaluated and used differently in different disciplines. For instance, economic researchers postulated that merger is the form of market for corporate control that arises due to economic, regulatory, or technology shocks. Likewise, finance scholars exhibited that acquisition is a choice of investment and accounting professionals described that merger is a combination or amalgamation of two or more balance sheets. While, strategy scholars defined that merger/acquisition (m&a) is an inorganic growth and aggressive strategic alternative, which helps a business enterprise in achieving accelerated growth than that of reaching organic growth. At the same time, management scholars have paid less attention to qualitative research in m&a stream. 2009) found that only three per cent of articles have used case method in m&a research out of 167 articles published during 1992-2007 the other hand, case study research is the modest qualitative method in social sciences.
Mergers and acquisitions research papers
Thus, case studies, case surveys, analytical cases, research cases and longitudinal cases are defined as qualitative case research design, which is a powerful ideographic tool for conducting non-empirical research, yet largely under practiced in m&a stream (bengtsson and larsson, 2012; reddy, 2015; stake, 1995). Case researchers use case method to answer “why and how” as well as to build new theory and suggest testable propositions based on in-depth case analysis that subject to single case or multiple cases (eisenhardt, 1989; hoon, 2013). Special edition welcomes original submissions from all management streams that should be conducting in-depth case analysis or case research, with theory testing/ development in m&a subject. Further, case researchers are suggested to pursue and present important elements in case research design include data technique, sampling cases, sampling place, sampling period, triangulation, case study protocol, and quality and rigor (yin, 1994; hoon, 2013; poulis et al. This note, guest editors wish to invite papers, but are not restricted to the following research themes:Characteristics of acquirer and target s of local vs. Unsuccessful deals in local and overseas first international acquisition acquisition experience in deal -before-marriage: alliance-merger alliance/joint venture and ational diversification through merger/er battle – target firm, acquirer vs. Rival e equity funding and successful -merger integration – change resource role in the post-acquisition ing integration after merger/ reaction to complete vs.
Incomplete deals in local and overseas ified business groups and acquisition or multiple case udinal case study and testing; and theory building /industry-specific case study and ed/extended version of teaching cases with sion and publication sion of first draft via online system: 29 february, l decision: within 10 days from the submission round review comments returned to authors: 10 may ission of first round selected papers: 10 july decision: 20 august of papers: 4 to 6 ed publication: first issue of sion papers should discuss research and practical implications within the special issue theme. Prospective authors should submit their papers in a structured format that includes abstract, introduction, literature review, research design, discussions and conclusions. While, authors are suggested to present their abstract in the emerald style headings – purpose, design/method, findings, research limitations, practical implications, originality/value and keywords, and citation and feel free to contact us for any queries relating to manuscript preparation, submission and review son, l. 2012), “researching mergers & acquisitions with the case study method: idiographic understanding of longitudinal integration processes”, in: y. 2011), “from a distance and generalizable to up close and grounded: reclaiming a place for qualitative methods in international business research”, journal of international business studies, vol. 2012), “opposing positions in m&a research: culture, integration and performance”, cross cultural management: an international journal, vol. 2013), “managerial risk-taking in international acquisitions in the brewery industry: institutional and ownership influences compared”, british journal of management, vol.
2009), “taking stock of what we know about mergers and acquisitions: a review and research agenda”, journal of management, vol. 2009), “the case study as disciplinary convention: evidence from international business journals”, organizational research methods, vol. Build theory from emerging markets phenomenon and the emergence of case study research–a “test-tube” typology”, cogent business & management, vol. 2012), “mergers and acquisitions process: the use of corporate culture analysis”, cross cultural management: an international journal, vol. Copyright 2017 emerald publishing t information:-for journalsejournalsbackfilesfor booksfor case ces:licensing d on social > emerald journals > management research > call for study research in mergers and l issue call for papers from management researchguest zations and strategies in emerging of management, xi'an jiaotong university, xi'an, shaanxi, people's republic of ational management,School of management, xi'an jiaotong university, xi'an, shaanxi, people's republic of op of the theme. Mergers and acquisitions are common and in some cases necessary for a business to survive in the current global economy. There are a number of factors involved in mergers and acquisitions and they often require the involvement of various advisors, such as investment bankers, lawyers, accountants, and deal managers.
Mergers and acquisitions can have far-reaching affects on the business community, the companies involved, and the companies’ employees, investors, and consumers. This article provides an overview of various factors involved in mergers and acquisitions and includes a discussion of the pros and cons of m&a ds acquisition; advisors; consolidation; contingent liabilities; due diligence; junk bonds; leveraged buyout; merger; private equity; sarbanes-oxley; yield s and acquisitions are a common strategy for growing a business. A merger occurs when two companies combine to form one entity, while an acquisition results from one business taking over and absorbing another. An acquisition can either be friendly where both parties want the deal to happen or can result in what is commonly known as a hostile takeover. Kkr) use their own money in addition to debt to finance the merger or acquisition of other companies. In short, private equity buyers with vast financial resources have a major influence on merger ry r factor influencing m&a activity is the general trend toward consolidation in certain industries, such as the frenzy surrounding technology companies during the boom of the 1990s. Consolidations are slightly different from mergers in that the resulting company is a new entity" (ojala, 2005, p.
Of note, there were three mergers in 2006 that accounted for $50 billion in deal value: capital one's acquisition of north fork bank; wachovia's acquisition of golden west, and the regions financial acquisition of amsouth bancorp (mccune, 2006). According to the independent research firm wall street access corporation, large oil companies such as marathon oil and hess can potentially make large gains in takeovers and will likely see lots of m&a activity. And acquisitions can have far-reaching effects on a business sector as well as on the investors and shareholders of companies in a particular sector. There are a number of ways that mergers and acquisitions can create value for shareholders. If a buyer uncovers onerous information about a target that was not provided by the seller, a potential merger transaction can quickly unravel (parr, 2006). While the merger might make sense in terms of products, technologies, and numbers, companies that do not share the same values ultimately will be not be able to survive a merger. This requires that a buyer avoid the "negotiating frenzy" that sometimes arises in a competitive merger market and this ultimately rests on a buyer having performed sufficient due diligence (welch, 2006).
Further, advisors have knowledge of various dynamics affecting a particular merger market, and they are familiar with techniques that contribute to structuring the finance and determining the correct price of a transaction (holliday, 2006). Companies like the blackstone group and kkr act as private equity buyers in some merger transactions,... Politics: the military industrial breath becomes s & article focuses on mergers and acquisitions (m&a).