Research paper on solar energy
Impact factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years. Sjr uses a similar algorithm as the google page rank; it provides a quantitative and a qualitative measure of the journal’s more on journal example article on lides are short, 5-minute presentations in which the author explains their paper in their own in brief authors co-submit and publish a data article in data in brief, it appears on sciencedirect linked to the original research article in this ctive plot example article on application lets readers explore data and other quantitative results submitted with the article, providing insights into and access to data that is otherwise buried in sx authors co-submit and publish a method article in methodsx, it appears on sciencedirect linked to the original research article in this hing your article with us has many benefits, such as having access to a personal dashboard: citation and usage data on your publications in one place. This free service is available to anyone who has published and whose publication is in downloaded solar energy most downloaded articles from solar energy in the last 90 photovoltaic electricity: current status and future prospects. G the cities – a review of reflective and green roof mitigation technologies to fight heat island and improve comfort in urban ment of solar radiation resources in saudi zell | sami gasim | stephen wilcox | suzan katamoura | thomas stoffel | husain shibli | jill engel-cox | madi al subie. Of the art of advanced solar control devices for ss in building-integrated solar thermal oph maurer | christoph cappel | tilmann e. Ed power cycles for concentrated solar ted values of the shockley–queisser limit for single junction solar electrolysis for production of hydrogen from renewable energy pment of organic-inorganic tin halide perovskites: a toshniwal | vipul atalytic water treatment: solar energy and light trapping in silicon thin film solar m müller | bernd rech | jiri springer | milan conservation and renewable technologies for buildings to face the impact of the climate change and minimize the use of mental characterisation of a fresnel lens photovoltaic concentrating wu | philip eames | tapas mallick | mohamed improved single phase transformerless inverter topology for grid connected pv system with reduce leakage current and reactive power ahmad | s. Tion and experimental performance analysis of a modified pv panel to a pvt los sakellariou | petros surfaces and shade trees to reduce energy use and improve air quality in urban areas. Akbari | m pomerantz | h ical assessment and applications of photovoltaic/thermal hybrid solar technology: a k brahim | abdelmajid : software tools and data for the estimation of solar radiation and photovoltaic module performance over large geographical es in central receivers for concentrating solar ent planar perovskite solar cells based on high-quality perovskite films with smooth surface and large crystal grains fabricated in ambient air zhang | xuezhen zhang | yang yu | xiaoxia xu | jie tang | xin he | jihuai wu | zhang ng-integrated heat pipe photovoltaic/thermal system for use in hong long | tin-tai chow | jie search returned over 400 essays for "solar energy". According to my research about solar energy i recommend that fpl develop more solar energy production facilities and assist individual homeowners in applying solar panels to their homes. One of the major factors for considering solar energy is that florida is almost always sunny. There are about 8 hours of sunlight for a normal day and it seems logical to harness the sun’s energy for our needs. When storing solar energy it makes more sense to connect to a utility grid and sell the excess power to a utility company because the batteries that store solar energy are very expensive and large.... Another resource is solar energy, which is now being widely used in a variety of ways. Panels and sun light are what is used to collect this type of energy efficiently. Conversion efficiency of active energy and solar energy solar technology already boasts a century of r&d, requires no toxic fuels and relatively little maintenance, is inexhaustible, and, with adequate financial support, is capable of becoming directly competitive with conventional technologies in many locations. These attributes make solar energy one of the most promising sources for many current and future energy needs. The average amount of solar energy arriving on top of the atmosphere is 1,330 watts per square meter.... If that were to run out, there must be an alternate way to get energy. I will look at the history of solar energy, cover the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy and then finally i will talk about the concept of solar energy (how it works) and ways that solar energy can be use... On the average sunny day the sun shines approximately 1,000 watts of energy per square meter, enough energy to power all of our electricity needs and excess(“how”). It is predicted that in 100-500 years our fossil fuels will be depleted: this means that alternative sources of energy will be a necessity (exxon). We consider solar power a renewable resource because it is conitinuosly supplied to us by the sun.... Solar ability to power our future abstract solar energy is the process of using the rays from the sun and transferring the energy into thermal or electric energy. The solar panels are found in a variety of locations, but mostly found on roofs of buildings or other large surfaces. The panels are devices used to capture the solar energy transferring it into electric or heat energy. There are many benefits of using green nanotechnologies as the new solution for energy in both their current availability and their current development.
Research paper on nuclear energy
Solar energy is a fast growing energy resource among the renewable energy resources in the market and potential for solar power is huge to contribute towards the power demand almost in all the countries. The solar irradiation and temperature are mainly depends on the output power produced from the pv conversion process. Another way to create electricity in pv is to concentrate energy from the sun to heat a fluid or make steam to power a generator. Brightsource energy’s, a solar, green power producer located in california, has the capability to power over 140,000 homes (wells, chediak, and goossens 1). Electricity is a huge part in today society; however, an increase in energy price has caused a spread of research for alternative methods to produce the necessity (storey 47). Solar energy is one of the many safe, environment friendly alternatives to fossil fuels that are expanding today (storey 48). The traditional, non renewable form energy is created by fossil fuels, such as coal, gas, and oil. The process begins at a power plant (primary energy source) where, heat exerted from burnin, are transformed into electrical energy. There the electrical energy or voltage is sent through a series of transformers, where various circuits until it reaches a building.... Here are some possible answers: if you invest properly in your solar power today and take advantage of any grants and tax incentives, even if your electric bill do not go up as they are forecast too, you will get your money back over time. In the valley of the sun, where cloudy days are few and far between, one would think rooftop solar is a great way to reduce or eliminate your utility bill. This paper will focus on three aspects of deploying rooftop solar: cost, efficiency, and permitting. For those thinking of pulling the trigger on this popular energy saving option please read on. Rooftop solar is comprised of solar panels, an inverter, and a meter connection to the electric grid. Solar panels are made from different types of silicon that produce direct current when exposed to sunlight.... With the continuous depletion of fossil fuels, there is an urgent need for alternate forms of energy, in particular technologies that are renewable, sustainable, and inexpensive. Solar cells have been considered a promising potential solution to this problem, but issues with conventional photovoltaic cells based on crystalline materials include high manufacturing cost, poor durability, and limited versatility. Of the united states electricity needs are met by solar energy; to contrast, coal provides almost 42% of the country’s electricity, despite the massive health and environmental effects associated with coal pow... Every day, the light of sun hits your roof's solar panels with photons (sunlight particles). The electrons flow out of the solar panel into an inverter and other electrical safety devices. Solar energy can be used in different ways during the construction of houses in order to conserve energy. Solar energy comes as a gift of nature and this makes it even more economical to use in our buildings. It is not only free but unlike other sources of energy; it also limits the amount of pollution caused to the environment. When building our houses the goal according to david johnston and scott gibson is to create a house that consumes at least fifty-two percent less energy than one built conventionally with a corresponding reduction in the heating and the cooling cost. Johnston, gibson 252)this can be done through use of solar panels, solar water systems and photovoltaic.... There is however a natural resource that is forever unlimited and that can supply us with almost the majority of our energy needs: the sun....
Even though it is the most difficult source of energy to channel, solar energy can provide great amounts of resources for the environment as well as market venture, if proven effective. The fact that solar energy comes from the sun, makes it the most desired source of energy. Without solar energy, oxygen and food would be rare to find; mostly from the fact that the sun brings forth all life on planet earth. The idea that the sun itself could be a cash cow has those from environmental engineers to scientists trying to find ways to harness its immense energy.... This energy is called solar energy, which is the energy i have chosen to research. According to lawrence berkeley national laboratory finds that houses with rooftop solar panels sell for higher prices than similar non-solar homes. In overall, that premium more than covers the cost of the panels themselves, with homeowners making a small profit on their solar investment.... The use of solar energy can also save the depleting fossil fuels and can be sustained for future generations. Of the world's land area to supply all of our electricity needs via solar power. Apart from all this solar energy is a renewable form of energy unlike fossil fuels, provides several job opportunities and boost the economy and lastly it’s free and can increase the value of your property. Solar energy reduces the emission of greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide, and also reduce the dependence on the fossil fuels.... Research suggests that the natural resources we currently use, such as coal and petroleum, could be fully depleted within the next 25 and 100 years respectively (byrd, 2012).... This alternative source does not rely on the incineration of carbon substances to produce energy in contrast to the commonly used fossil fuels and therefore, does not aggravate the air and water pollution issues that the world is currently facing. Solar energy also has only a few detrimental effects to society and these can be easily eradicated by modern technology and strict regulation. During the energy production process, solar factories release toxic chemicals; however, these chemicals do not pose a threat because there are already solutions that can remedy this situation.... Everyday life now requires the constant use of energy for everything humans do; from powering the lights, to running the dishwasher, and communicating with others through devices such as cell phones. With all of this technology the energy to power them currently comes mainly from fossil fuels such as natural gas, coal, and oil. But what would the impact be if solar energy was used to replace some of those fossil fuels. A look at how solar photovoltaic (pv) energy impacts purchased electrical energy costs, capital investment in energy generation and distribution, and pollution related to energy generation and distribution in the modern world will show that solar photovoltaic energy has a posi... In order to save the earth we need to look for alternative sources of energy in order to avoid the fossil fuels resources from being completely depleted. This means that fossil fuels, along with nuclear energy-a controversial, non-renewable energy source- are supplying 93% of the world’s energy resources. Thus, solar energy might be a good energy source in the context of nepal depending upon the cost, safety factor and type of the energy. Solar energy is an important source of energy in nepal but seeing the market condition the installation cost is little bit higher, even though in long run it appears to be cheap.... History of solar energy table of contents: the goal 2 selection of sources 4 application of information 5 achieving the goal 8 reflection on learning 9 the goal the topic of my personal project was the usefulness of solar energy over the period of humankind. I touched upon the basic uses of the sun for our environment, and also the ways that us humans have been manipulating the sun’s energy for reasons of luxury and survival. Solar energy and the energy crisis abstract the energy crisis is a major problem in the united states.
Enough solar panels to fulfill the energy needs of the entire united states would take up 27,347 km2 and cost almost 17 trillion dollars. Therefore, although there is enough space for all those solar panels, the economic cost is far too great. Solar energy would be most efficient here in el paso because a lot of solar energy could be stored here since most of the time the sun is always here. Some of the most modern things in the market today are powered by solar energy. The energy from the sun if properly enhanced through advanced technology can be a good source of energy. The increasing demand for clean efficient energy and the limited available supply is a major problem among all other related world issues. Solar energy the world consumes larger numbers of energy every year and it is growing. Current limited energy resources used in world are coming from oil, natural coalmine and liquid gas. In today's energy requirement for industrial boom and awareness to environmental concern, investigation for alternative use of non-renewable and polluting fossil fuels require. History of solar energy even though most people think solar energy is a recent invention, it has been around for centuries, even in ancient times. Efforts to design and construct devices for supplying renewable energy began 100 years before the height of the industrial revolution. Most of the environmental visionaries realized that the potential rewards of solar power outweighed the technical barriers.... However, electricity production is becoming more and more problematic because the biggest part of energy for electricity is produced by natural resources, which are neither infinite nor renewable. It means that one day mineral reserves can run out, and, as a result, there will be risk of possible energy crisis.... The solar radiation can be used directly to produce electricity utilizing photovoltaic (pv) collectors or to get thermal energy as well as operating electrical power by heat engine. There are a few solar thermal systems that can be used to manufacture electrical power via thermal power plants; such as solar towers, parabolic dish collector (pdc) and parabolic trough solar collector (ptsc). Al-sulaiman [exergy modeling of a new solar driven trigeneration system] have used exergy modeling in order to evaluate the exergetic performance of a novel-trigeneration system utilizing paraboli... Nearly all energy in one form or another can be traced back to solar energy, and it is harness in many different ways. Solar cells are the most direct way to convert incident solar radiation into electricity, this process is also known as photovoltaics. Solar cells produce no pollution, noise, and do not contain any moving parts, allowing them to be tough, reliable, and long lasting. The natural light that we enjoy from the sun and see every day is only a fraction of the total energy emitted by the sun incident on the earth.... What if i answer you that, we can merely use the power from the sun to power up our entire planet without the use of harmful energy sources, which affect our atmosphere. Solar power is the energy that comes from the sun as light and heat energy, and then it is later converted into electrical energy through solar panels (nelson, 2008).... Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be changed from one form to another”, these were the words stated by an ingenious man, named einstein, in his theorem on conservation of energy. One of the most available forms of energy that can be found here on earth at any given time is solar energy. This energy can be harnessed and processed using the technologies that is available to exploit it into renewable green energy with zero emission....
Schools all over the united states have begun to switch their energy means to solar energy. In what could become the largest solar power project of its kind in the nation, “the department of education is proposing to install photovoltaic panels on every public school in hawaii over the next five years in a bid to cut electricity costs and move the state closer to its renewable energy goals” (vorsino). The australian government as part of its commitment to the kyoto protocol implemented the renewable energy target (ret) scheme that would see a minimum 20 per cent of australia’s electricity supply being delivered through renewable sources by the year 2020 (australian government: department of climate change and energy efficiency 2012).... One of the issues that has a significant influence on sustainable economic and social development is energy. The utilization of energy results in climate change owing to its impact on environment by greenhouse gas emissions. The national strategy of china is to reduce this pollution by replacing fossil fuels with alternative energy such as wind, nuclear, geothermal, hydropower or solar energy.... Solar energy in uae the topic of energy has become the preoccupation for all developed and developing countries in the recent decades for environmental and financial concerns. The united arab emirates used to rely extremely on fossil fuels for its energy, but for the current time, many projects are running out to use solar power as a way to produce electricity and many projects are planned to be implemented in the future.... The sun shines almost every day, therefore providing photons to power the solar panels for as long as the sun still shines. Did you know that scientists at the german fraunhofer institute broke the world record for the most efficient solar cell. Energy throughout a single day energy is consumed in many different ways as we perform our daily activities. Every day we use energy to get ready in the morning, prepare meals, utilize transportation and heat or cool our homes. The resources we rely on to provide the energy we need primarily come from non-renewable sources like coal, oil, petroleum, natural gas and uranium. It is because of this that new alternative sources of energy like solar and wind have been identified and are being utilized.... Solar energy is not a solution to america’s energy crisis with the growing cost of fuel for cars and the rolling blackouts of last summer, the need for an alternative, cost-effective, environment friendly energy source is escalating. Many possible solutions have been presented, such as nuclear power, wind power, and hydrogen fuel cells; prevalent among these is solar power. One of the energy meanings is power utilized from physical or chemical resources to move machine or provide light and heat. While the renewable energy meaning is energy from a source that did not depleted when used. Mostly, it is an energy came from nature which can be restore to normal level or condition at human timescale such as sun, wind and rain. On one hand, wind power is clean energy that reduces greenhouse emissions, water pollution, and water use from power facilities. The extent to which solar energy is a viable alternative energy for oil in saudi arabia. The diversification in terms of sustainable energy and the utilization renewable energy options in various practical uses have become one of the most significant factors as a substitutable source for oil and gas. 2009) believe that the effective solution for environmental degradation, resulted from the use of fossil fuels which caused some dangerous problems such as acid rain, green house effect and ozone layer depletion, is to increase in renewable energy options uses.... Currently this process if only 18% efficient because only 2/3 of photons contain enough energy to free electrons in the solar cell.... I am between a rock and a hard place when it comes to solar power,” states ted hilmes, ceo of kamo power. I love the idea of a clean source of energy that does not deplete the earth’s non-renewable resources, but i hate the fact that if solar power were to take over the electric game, kamo would have to reevaluate how we make our income.
Hilmes shares this opinion with a substantial amount of other energy companies that utilize fossil fuels in order to carry out their day-to-day activities; however, the popularity of solar power is on the rise—whether electric companies are on board with the trend or not.... The power of solar energy in today’s world, the growth of energy demands is exploding. Many of the energy sources that supply society with power currently run on non-renewable resources such as oil and coal. It is important to investigate alternative resources of energy as the current forms and output will not sustain the world at the current increase in societal demands.... If we are to thrive and survive as a planet, we must look to other methods and resources of energy to utilize in our daily lives.... Given all the resources we have for the production of energy, fossil fuels has been the leader in our energy needs. These sources have been researched and analyzed for many years, yet, they have yet to become our primary source for our energy. The cost for both non-renewable and renewable resources are competitive, and some industries have applied solar or wind to help their needs in electricity and heating; however, to power large cities with just the use of solar energy and wind power may still be a process in the works for some time to come and we may be looking at the utilization of fossil fuels for our primar... Introduction most of the people in our modern day society are beginning to realize that fossil fuels are becoming more rare and are damage our planet, this creates the need for a more sustainable form of energy. Solar energy is one of them and is becoming more and more important and will hopefully soon replace this obsolete technology. There exist several technologies for solar cells; a dye-sensitized solar cell is one of them. In 1972 the first dye-sensitized solar cell was demonstrated, it appeared that illuminated organic dyes could generate electricity at oxide electrodes.... They are the only ones that power their house with solar energy and own hybrid cars. The couple knows that fossil fuels make the air quality bad and want to make the effort to soon make the air quality better using alternative energy. History of solar energy many of us assume that the nation's first serious push to develop renewable fuels was spawned while angry americans waited in gas lines during the "energy crisis" of the 1970s. But efforts to design and construct devices for supplying renewable energy actually began some 100 years before that turbulent time--ironically, at the very height of the industrial revolution, which was largely founded on the promi... A solar thermal heating system can cost upwards of $7,000 to install and it most likely won't even save you too much money. This is why many people debate over whether they should use a solar thermal water heating system, because they think they are saving money, or an inexpensive traditional water heating system. A solar thermal heating system uses the energy from the sun, hence “solar”, and it turns that energy into hot water to either heat a home or to provide domestic hot water.... Solar energy since the beginning of humanity, people have relied on the sun for their daily needs. It was not until people started to get the idea of managing this energy source, that people were able to fully take advantage of the sun. In 1767, a swiss scientist discovered a practical way to harness the energy of the sun. Horace de saussure invented the “solar hot box,” the first devise to attract and capture the energy capabilities of the sun.... Solar energy ~some history, types, and facts~ in this modern fast paced world that we live in, there are many issues that are looked over, energy is one of these. There are four completely renewable sources of energy around us that should be used and developed, they are: wind, growing plants, flowing water, and the sun. These sources of energy are the ones we should be tapping, because they are reliable and renewable....
The affects of this idea revolutionary, results of solar power could lead to a more modernized society and efficient economy. Solar energy is a term that usually means the direct use of sunlight to produce heat or electric power.... Solar energy solar energy is the most ancient kind of energy found on earth, for it is as old as the sun. The earth is only one of the many planets which is bathed in the sun's overflowing energy. It has the potential to satisfy all our energy needs forever without ever having to use the pollutive fossil fuels ever again.... The solar panels or photovoltaics will pay for themselves in a given amount of time depending on the system implemented. It is an annotated bibliography plan: i want to look into solar energy and assess how likely it is to change american energy usage through the 21st century. This type of energy has worked well in germany and should be greatly considered in the us. I think widespread usage of solar energy can prove a large step in solving our current energy crisis and assist in the current climate crisis at the same time. I think that renewable energy is definitely an option for south africa in the near future. There are many different forms of renewable energy and i’ll talk about the forms of renewable energy which would be most suited in south africa. Solar power would probably be the most successful form of renewable energy in south africa. Renewable energy is generally defined as energy that comes from resources which are naturally replenished on a human timescale. My own definition of renewable energy is energy that can be used over and over again without dying off. Hydropower functions by using energy from water, making it fall down a certain distance and that then turns a turbine which collects the energy and turns it into electrical energy.... Solar energy is not universal because different areas of the world get different amounts of sunlight. Solar energy may not offer the best solution: there distractions, they have high environmental costs and they have a large outlay of cash. Solar energy may save the earth abstract: the current energy situation with fossil fuels as the main source of the world’s energy has two main flaws: fossil fuels contribute to global warming via the greenhouse effect and they are limited in the quantity that remains. Solar power solves both of these problems and can be captured by utilizing photovoltaic cells. Some would argue that the scientific discovery of facts such as these has reduced mankindâs relationship with the sun to mere attempts at obtaining solar data, rather than the continuation of developing scientific discoveries into useful development practices.... Solar energy is covered under epp 10 of the oil, gas and energy nkea, where solar power is expected to contribute a minimum of 1250mw by 2020. Aside from solar energy, malaysia’s agricultural sector also provides for biomass means of energy. Biomass energy is highly popular in malaysia in the industrial sector where biomass technologies convert the biomass into solid fuels such as briquettes and charcoal.... There are also many types of renewable energy sources such as: solar power, geothermal energy, wind power and hydropower.... They have been the most used energy source since the industrial boom in the early eighteenth century. For the past two centuries, fossil fuels have dominated the energy business, providing for nearly all of the worlds energy; however, they are a limited resource that can cause irreversible harm to the environment.
The current use of fossil fuels as our main energy source has two drawbacks: their inevitable depletion and the pollution associated with combustion. These two drawbacks in addition to the growing concern of global warming has pushed for the development of more sustainable sources of energy, namely solar energy and its derivatives (i. Solar energy is appealing for its potential to meet all our demands, while proving to be a pollution free resource. In a recent time, one of the biggest problems in the world is becoming shortage of sufficient energy. For about forty years after the end of second world war, the mineral raw materials provided almost all energy for humanity; as a result, people consumed it in big amounts. From the beginning of the twenty first century, the world power is based on non-renewable energy sources. Our free enter the title keyword:The future of solar study considers only the two widely recognized classes of technologies for converting solar energy into electricity — photovoltaics (pv) and concentrated solar power (csp), sometimes called solar thermal) — in their current and plausible future forms. Because energy supply facilities typically last several decades, technologies in these classes will dominate solar-powered generation between now and 2050, and we do not attempt to look beyond that date. First, expanding the solar industry dramatically from its relatively tiny current scale may produce changes we do not pretend to be able to foresee today. Second, we recognize that future solar deployment will depend heavily on uncertain future market conditions and public policies — including but not limited to policies aimed at mitigating global climate in other studies in this series, our primary aim is to inform decision-makers in the developed world, particularly the united states. We concentrate on the use of grid-connected solar-powered generators to replace conventional sources of electricity. In addition, in some developing nations it may be economic to use solar generation to reduce reliance on imported oil, particularly if that oil must be moved by truck to remote generator sites. A companion working paper discusses both these valuable roles for solar energy in the developing d joint program on the science and policy of global change; sloan school of ir bulović. Engineering & computer energy ment of physics, joint program on the science and policy of global change; sloan school of gstar professor of ment of physics, ment of electrical engineering and computer science, ate director, mit energy initiative; executive director, solar energy s o' energy school of ignacio sor, institute for research in technology comillas pontifical university; visiting professor, engineering systems division, energy director for science and energy ctoral energy energy ment of chemical engineering, ering systems division, ering systems division, ment of materials science and engineering, ctoral c and nanostructure electronics ctoral ering systems division, ment of applied physics, ute for research in technology comillas pontifical ering systems division, ctoral ment of chemical engineering, ment of political science, a ute for data, systems, and als science and ts and research future of solar heating for residential and industrial to fuels conversion future of solar energy: a summary and recommendations for photovoltaic ing for large-scale solar ational journal of renewable energy readers for authors for ational journal of renewable energy research (ijrer). International journal of renewable energy research (ijrer) seeks to promote and disseminate knowledge of the various topics and technologies of renewable (green) energy resources. The journal aims to present to the international community important results of work in the fields of renewable energy research, development, application or design. To keep up with new developments in theory and applications and to provide alternative energy solutions to current issues such as the greenhouse effect, sustainable and clean energy issues. The international journal of renewable energy research is a quarterly published, open source journal and operates an online submission with the peer review system allowing authors to submit articles online and track their progress via its web interface. The coverage of ijrer includes the following areas, but not limited to: green (renewable) energy sources and systems (gesss) as wind power,hydropower, solar energy, biomass, biofuel, geothermal energy, wave energy, tidal energy, hydrogen & fuel cells, li-ion batteries, capacitorsnew trends and technologies for gessspolicies and strategies for gesssproduction of energy using green energy sourcesapplications for gesssenergy transformation from green energy system to gridnovel energy conversion studies for gesssdriving circuits for green energy systemscontrol techniques for green energy systemsgrid interactive systems used in hybrid green energy systemsperformance analysis of renewable energy systemshybrid gesssrenewable energy research and applications for industriesgesss for electrical vehicles and componentsartificial intelligence studies in renewable energy systemscomputational methods for gesssmachine learning for renewable energy applicationsgess designenergy savingssustainable and clean energy issuespublic awareness and education for renewable energyfuture directions for issn: 1309-0127ijrer is cited in scopus, ebsco, web of science (thomson reuters). Citation in e language in source (three-letter iso language codes)2014 citescore2014 sjr2014 snip2015 citescore2015 sjr2015 snip2016 citescore2016 sjr2016 download of my paper that is just is in the thomson reuters, emerging sources citation index on web of science. 7, no 3 (2017): analysis of braking energy regeneration in electric ic analysis of biomass gasification-solid oxide fuel cell-gas turbine hybrid ali ozgoli, hossein ghadamian, mohammad entation of wind powered switched reluctance generator system. Jayapragash, c mental study of a flat plate solar collector equipped with ssoun zakaria, aliane khaled, henaoui and analysis of dual output flyback converter for standalone pv/battery . Review on optimal inclination angles for solar h jain, mahendra philic biogas digester for efficient biogas production from cooked waste and cow dung and some field study. Comparative study between the nearest three vectors and two-level hexagons based space vector modulation algorithms for three-level npc ra ben mahmoud, mahmoud hamouda, adel hensive assessment and mitigation of harmonic resonance in smart distribution grid with solar kumar bhatt, s. Tion of horizontal hourly global solar radiation from exogenous variables using an artificial neural network in fes (morocco). Loutfi, ahmed bernatchou, rachid and implementation of improved fractional open circuit voltage based maximum power point tracking algorithm for photovoltaic h k r, eenisha optimization of a photovoltaic pumping system: implementation and -frequency controlled in virtual synchronous converter for low-voltage microgrid-inverter ruhul amin, shamsul aizam of heating rate on the slow pyrolysis behaviour and its kinetic parameters of oil-palm surahmanto, harwin saptoadi, hary sulistyo, tri agung is of the feasibility of combined concentrating solar power with multi effect desalination for algerian ed laissaoui, driss nehari, djamel ct sliding mode power control associated to virtual resistor based active damping method for llcl-filter-based grid-connected ben said, wissem naouar, ilhem slama-belkhodja, eric combustion in a diesel engine using oxygenated fuels and various operating parameters – a a srinivasu goteti, selvan.
Mances of pv systems in tunisia: establishment of new ahmadi, tahar khir, nabil khalifa, ammar ben clean development mechanism as a means to assess the kyoto protocol in o alexander duque tion on cooling effect on solar pv power output using laminar h2o surface i sukarno, abd hamid ag sufiyan, halim razali, jedol ing and optimization the best parameters of rice husk drying and carbonization using taguchi method with multi response signal to noise ikhah musabbikhah, harwin saptoadi, subarmono subarmono, muhammad arif igation of symmetrical optimum pi controller based on plant and feedback linearization in grid-tie inverter setiawan, mochammad facta, ardyono priyadi, mauridhi hery tion of daily global solar radiation using neural networks with improved gain factors and rbf networks. Control strategy of dfig based wind turbines combined the active and passive kr el makrini, yassir el karkri, youness boukhriss, hassane elmarkhi, hassan el impact of active distribution network cell (adnc) on power system alawasa, hend alawasa,An overview on state-of-art energy harvesting techniques and choice criteria: a wsn node for goods transport and storage powered by a smart solar- based eh visconti, patrizio primiceri, roberto ferri, mario pucciarelli, eugenio icity access improvement using renewable energy and energy efficiency: a case of urban poor area of dhaka, fahrin karim, m s hossain lipu, md. The strategies for the diffusion of evs: comparison between norway and viola, michela tion and experimental validation of multicarrier pwm techniques for three-phase five-level cascaded h-bridge with fpga pe schettino, salvatore benanti, concettina buccella, massimo caruso, vincenzo castiglia, carlo cecati, antonino oscar di tommaso, rosario miceli, pietro romano, fabio of the energy performance of a pem fuel cell mebarki, boumediène allaoua, belkacem draoui, djamel ity diagnostic for new fpga based controller of renewable energy power i morimoto, yuichiro shibata, yudai shirakura, hidenori maruta, masaharu tanaka, fujio ature and catalyst variations for optimal biodiesel oil production from callophyllum inophyllum using esterification and transesterification (estrans) r dewang, bannu abdul samad, diana diana, eka sri lestari, wira bahari ed modeling of csp plants with sensible heat storage: instantaneous effects of solar mostajeran goortani, hossein making for generation expansion planning by means of portfolio theory; case study of adabi, babak mozafari, ali mohammad ranjbar, soodabeh ve neuro-fuzzy inference system ( anfis ) based direct torque control of pmsm driven centrifugal pump. Ment of solar water heating in cyprus: utility, development and a olorunfemi bamisile, akinola a. Adeyinka babatunde, mustafa dagbasi, ifeoluwa approach to establish a clear sky global solar irradiance model. Comparative study of energy control strategies for a standalone pv/wt/fc hybrid renewable allahvirdizadeh, mustafa mohamadian, mahmoud-reza effect of using hot and cold water separator plates in evacuated tubes of a solar water jalali, jamshid tion of well-being criteria in presence of electric vehicles consumption increase and load shifting on different load ad naseh hassanzadeh, abdol-baset of energy control strategies for a standalone pv/fc/uc microgrid in a allahvirdizadeh, mustafa mohamadian, mahmoud-reza ational journal of renewable energy readers for authors for ational journal of renewable energy research (ijrer). Comparative study of energy control strategies for a standalone pv/wt/fc hybrid renewable allahvirdizadeh, mustafa mohamadian, mahmoud-reza effect of using hot and cold water separator plates in evacuated tubes of a solar water jalali, jamshid tion of well-being criteria in presence of electric vehicles consumption increase and load shifting on different load ad naseh hassanzadeh, abdol-baset of energy control strategies for a standalone pv/fc/uc microgrid in a allahvirdizadeh, mustafa mohamadian, mahmoud-reza haghifam.