Research papers on childhood obesity
Childhood obesity in america is a growing disease that has become an epidemic that has lasting psychological effects because of advertisement of fast food, lack of physical activities, and parental control has made food become a major health issue in many young teenagers’ lives today. This takes us to the focus of how childhood obesity has become an enormous issue today. For us to understand the impact of obesity and why we should prevent it, we will need to figure out the causes of obesity and what keeps people obese.... Schools and society are taking focussed actions aimed at increasing physical activity in children and helping lower the obesity rates that are becoming increasingly prevalent among young people. The focus of preventing obesity will be the two to six year old age group. The topic chosen is how parents’ socialization techniques and behaviors are contributing to childhood obesity. Based on a review of the literature, one thing learned was that the incidence of obesity from 1980 to 1999 has doubled in the united states (ogden, carroll & flegal, 2002 cited in o’dea & eriksen, 2010, pp.... Childhood obesity is a consequential medical condition that effects the youth and adolescence of society. Although childhood obesity is a world wide issue, the percentage of overweight children differs, especially throughout the united states. Many believe obesity shouldn’t even be considered a “disease” for a variety of reasons. Childhood obesity is a serious and common disease that is becoming more and more popular for children to be obese. With obesity in children being related to many health issues, it is important that we not only stop the rise in childhood obesity, but reverse it. Department of health and human services, “being overweight during childhood and adolescence increases the risk of developing high cholesterol, hypertension, respiratory ailments, orthopedic problems, depr... Percent of americans diagnosed with obesity in 2010, 17 percent of those were children between the ages of two and nineteen years old.... Childhood obesity is becoming more prevalent in the western world as statistics show that in australia, one quarter of children are either overweight or obese. Many people are starting to complain that the commercials and ads for these restaurants are the result of such an incline in obesity.
The nation’s obesity epidemic has become so bad that it has taken over tobacco as the leading cause of preventable diseases” (gaffney). Health care costs linked to obesity and resulting conditions such as diabetes and heart disease are greater than those related to smoking and excessive drinking (gaffney). Children age 6 to 11 -approximately one in six children are victims of obesity-related illnesses that threaten to shorten their lives. Childhood overweight and obesity are public concerns because unhealthy weight is rapidly becoming the most prevalent nutrition problem of k-12 school age group in united states and around the world.... Obesity in children table of contents title page aims 1 introduction 2 theory of change 2 defining weight and obesity 4 statistics 4 research and studies 5 obesity causes in childhood and solutions physically inactive 6 genetics 7 selecting food 7 finance and economic status 8 effects of obesity on children 8 preventing obesity 9 evaluation 10 references 11 aims • raise awareness about obesity and its adverse health consequences, through an informative talk with the help of the local council.... In the past few years obesity among children has increased and has now become a major issue in this nation. Obesity has become a burden to the united states economy and it is costing america $147 billion dollars a year. Obesity has been around for many years but has always been known to be an adult issue.... Introduction a very good indicator for the health of the nation is the national epidemic of childhood and adolescent obesity, currently a target objective for healthy people 2010 (dhhs). Million children between toddlers and school age who are obese, a prevalence of 17%, while children at risk for obesity have a prevalence of 16% (general). I narrowed the search down to obesity and the population i would like to focus on is the adolescents. Health people 2010 identified overweight and obesity as one of the top ten leading health indicators that needs serious attention. Obesity has reached epidemic levels globally; being a significant threat to our own nation’s health. Adolescent obesity rates have more than tripled, as the adult obesity rate has doubled since 1980’s (trust for america's health, 2011a).... Obesity has become an epidemic in our world, it has many contributing factors, affects learning abilities but there are preventive methods for it. Although little is being done about obesity, it's affecting the lives of many but mostly children and by a multitude of different factors.
Childhood obesity in america is a growing disease that has become an epidemic that has lasting psychological effects, because of advertisement of fast food, lack of physical activities, and parental control has made food become a major health issue in many young teenagers’ lives today. There are some that would argue to say that obesity is okay and that it is not that big of a deal, they are wrong.... No matter who is at fault, childhood obesity is very real and needs to be addressed. Childhood obesity is a health problem that is becoming increasingly prevalent in society’s youth. According to patricia anderson and kristin butcher, authors of childhood obesity: trends and potential causes, “ by 1999-2002, nearly 15 percent of u. Causing health-related issues such as diabetes and heart complications, the control of obesity is ever-relevant and needs to be addressed in a timely manner.... Obesity is medical condition where excess body fat accumulates to an extent that it becomes harmful to the body. Medical practitioners consider obesity a chronic and life-long disease like diabetes and high blood pressure. This paper will look at the analysis of diabetes in young children, obesity, health education strategies and communication strategies used in nursing care and control of diabetes (benjamin, 2011, 108).... According to the center of disease control and prevention, “childhood obesity has more than tripled in the past 30 years. Childhood obesity has more than tripled in the past 30 years” (adolescent and school health), this is according to a report from the centers for disease control. Obesity is having an excessive amount of body fat or a high bmi, body mass index, not just being overweight. In recent years, policymakers and medical experts have expressed alarm about the growing problem of childhood obesity in the united states. Since the fast food industry is targeting america’s youth, providing healthier options on children’s menus will reduce the rate of childhood obesity and allow for a healthy future. According to “burger battles” from the weekly reader, obesity is defined as a person whose weight is 20 percent higher than recommended for their height (burger battles 1). When this condition begins to affect children lives, it is then known as childhood obesity.
Childhood obesity may not seem like a serious problem, but it is a serious medical condition that can have major effects on a child. The lack of physical activity in children is a growing problem due to the percentage of kids who are affected by obesity, the sugary food diets, and the lack of participation in physical activity; however, children who are physically active tend to have better health, an easier time learning, and have a higher self confidence. Obesity is determined by a formula called bmi and is calculated by dividing body weight by height squared. Obesity has been identified as an epidemic that is plaguing our children in the united states. It has been proven that our children suffer from obesity, and “children who are overweight or obese as preschoolers are five times as likely as normal-weight children to be overweight or obese as adults” (“hope”).... Obesity is a huge growing problem in not just the united states but everywhere that needs to be controlled. Fast food and technology are some of the main reasons you usually think of when you think of causes of obesity, but did you ever think that parents and family members have a huge part in the cause of obesity.... This is a label that we are not proud of and each day more and more people are becoming aware of the new epidemic called obesity. In the article “childhood obesity in new york city elementary school students”, the author lorna e. Findings from the most recent national health and nutrition examination survey indicate that in 1999-2000, the prevalence of obesity among children aged six through eleven years was 15 percent” (thorpe et al.... Obesity in children and teenagers has become a major problem in the world’s society. Obesity was considered to be caused simply by eating too much, as a result of psychological problems with food: using food to deal with depression, anxiety problems, even happiness” (currie-mcghee 220). Initially, some people would say that there is someone to blame for childhood obesity, the parents. Obesity magnifies the risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and other ailments–already overtaking tobacco as the leading cause of chronic illness (brownell and horgen 4).... Obesity rates among children and adolescents have more than doubled in the last three decades. If it being looked deeper with or without we realizing, obesity has reached epidemic proportions globally, and all this evidence suggests that the situation is likely to get worse.
Childhood obesity has a lot of causes centering on an imbalance of energy taken in and the amount of energy used. Factors of childhood obesity include children having obese parents; low energy expenditure which is a low amount of physical activity is a factor and too much television which is a cause for low physical activity time. Obesity has become a burden to the united states economy and it is costing america “$147 billion” (holden, 2010) a year. Obesity is an abnormal accumulation of body fat, usually 20% or more over an individual’s ideal body weight, and morbidly obese is when the body fat is 40% or higher. More recent guidelines for obesity uses a measurement called bmi (body mass index), which is the individual’s weight, multiplied by 703 and then divided by twice the height in inches. Some doctors are even calling childhood obesity an epidemic because of the large percentage of children being diagnosed each year as either overweight or obese. Childhood obesity) there is only a small percentage, approximately one percent, of those children who are obese due to physical or health related issues; although, a condition that is this serious, like obesity, could have been prevented.... Children between the age of two and five have grown in obesity rate and adolescents aged twelve to nineteen have tripled in that rate. Obesity has not only grown over the span of fifteen years but has become an epidemic among young americans.... In order to impede the epidemic of childhood obesity, the actual causes of the problem need to be evaluated and dissected. Statistics indicate that the rate of obesity for boys and girls are similar, despite the marked increase in the number of overweight children from 1960 to 2002 (childhood overweight, 2005). Moreover, the prevalence of childhood obesity has almost tripled in the past two decades, from 6. Morbid or extreme obesity is no longer a health concern exclusive to the adult population.... However, in this day and age overeating and other health habits have given evidence to research that this generation has the highest rates of obesity in children. Because childhood obesity continuous increase at an alarming rate in america, pediatric nurses must work with mainstream society to promote healthy eating, help implement a free class for parent’s to teach their kids on healthier l... Causes, dangers, and answers to childhood obesity imagine you are at school and you do not go to the playground or participate in physical activities.
How would you feel when someone tells you that childhood obesity affects 31 percent of children in the united states. In an era when increasing obesity is threatening our nation, we are cutting the very programs that could help prevent childhood obesity. Since the 1960’s childhood obesity has increased by 54 percent in children ages six to eleven. Silberstein, 1) childhood obesity is so prevalent among these age groups that it has reached epidemic proportions. Obesity is not just a modern day problem, ancient egyptians are said to consider obesity as a disease, having been drawn in a wall of depicted illnesses.... There is an alarming rise in childhood obesity throughout the united states, making it an epidemic in our country. Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years. The rapid increase of obesity among children and adolescents in the united states is considered as a population threat. Daniel weintraub wrote an article in the sacramento bee exclaiming his concern for childhood obesity, criticizing the “blame game”, and whom he believes is not taking enough responsibility for this horrendous epidemic that is sweeping our nation. When one hears the word obesity thoughts that may come to mind are overweight, big, or even unhealthy. Obesity can happen to anyone for many reasons and it can be reversed many different ways. Childhood obesity in america is a growing disease that is slowly taking over the world because of the fast food industry, school lunch programs, and parental control. According to the author of the metamorphoses of fat- a history of obesity, one in five american kids and teens are overweight or obese; that is triple the rate in the 1960’s” (23).... Older people typically know what got them into this situation and how to deal with it, but children don't know what they should do with obesity.... The public health issue of obesity "the increased prevalence of overweight and obesity particularly among children and adolescents is a severe public health problem" (bray, 2005). Obesity has been associated with energy intake and expenditure imbalance, genetics, cultural, socioeconomic, behavioral, and situational factors all play a role in eating and weight control (bray, 2005)....
Obesity in our children introduction in today’s ever changing world is important to understand the statistics behind obesity. Greater attention, focus, and preventive measures should be placed on african american and hispanic children because they have the highest obesity rates. Children from poverty stricken families are also at greater risk for obesity than other socioeconomic groups (center for disease control and prevention, 2004).... The rate of obesity in america in 1990 was twelve percent (obesity in america); the average rate for obesity in 2013 was about twenty-seven percent (sharpe). Also, in the past thirty years, more than double of children in america have become obese, and the obesity rate in adolescents has tripled (adolescent and school health). Often, when children become obese during their childhood, they carry that weight on through their adult years.... Moreover, children are at risk of obesity because they do not eat enough fruits and vegetables and do not obtain enough physical activity. Also, children have a higher chance of developing health diseases related to obesity such as hypertension, high cholesterol, stroke, heart disease, diabetes and pulmonary disease. In addition, obesity in children from ages one to seventeen is an issue in texas, since children are not aware of the serious consequences of being obese.... Physicians and researchers did numerous studies on children’s habits and lifestyles as an important part of society. As a result, researchers have learned that healthy habits could have a profound impact on the future of every child and get a better understanding of how children perceive healthy eating. Researchers have proved and would like to emphasize that obesity has tripled in canadian children in recent decades. Political factors -government policies/legislations on health and fitness due to the important consequences that obesity has on a country’s economy it gains a lot of attention from the federal and the state government. The division of nutrition, physical and obesity (dnpao) invests a lot of resources on the fight to the obesity. It also supports the single states through partnership development, implementation and evaluation guidance, training, surveillance and applied research.... To diminish this concerning issue, schools should implement and execute policies to help combat and prevent childhood obesity in order to avoid future repercussions....
Overweight and obesity in childhood are known to have significant impact on both physical and psychological health. The mechanism of obesity development is not fully understood and it is believed to be a disorder with multiple causes. Environmental factors, lifestyle preferences, and cultural environment play pivotal roles in the rising prevalence of obesity worldwide. In general, overweight and obesity are assumed to be the results of an increase in caloric and fat intake. On the other hand, there are supporting evidence that excessive sugar intake by soft drink, increased portion size, and steady decline in physical activity have been playing major roles in the rising rates of obesity all around the world. Consequently, both over-consumption of calories and reduced physical activity are involved in childhood all researchers agree that prevention could be the key strategy for controlling the current epidemic of obesity. Prevention may include primary prevention of overweight or obesity, secondary prevention or prevention of weight regains following weight loss, and avoidance of more weight increase in obese persons unable to lose weight. It seems, however, that these strategies have had little impact on the growing increase of the obesity epidemic. All in all, there is an urgent need to initiate prevention and treatment of obesity in uctionchildhood obesity has reached epidemic levels in developed countries. In some european countries such as the scandinavian countries the prevalence of childhood obesity is lower as compared with mediterranean countries, nonetheless, the proportion of obese children is rising in both cases [4]. The highest prevalence rates of childhood obesity have been observed in developed countries, however, its prevalence is increasing in developing countries as well. The prevalence of childhood obesity is high in the middle east, central and eastern europe [5]. For instance, in 1998, the world health organization project monitoring of cardiovascular diseases (monica) reported iran as one of the seven countries with the highest prevalence of childhood obesity. Kg/yr, twofold increase in prevalence of obesity1971–19746–19nhanes i [68]relatively stable1976–19806–19nhanes ii [68]relatively stable1988–19946–19nhanes iii [68]doubled to 11%1999–20006–19nhanes iv [68]increased by 4%. And obesity in childhood have significant impact on both physical and psychological health; for example, overweight and obesity are associated with hyperlipidaemia, hypertension, abnormal glucose tolerance, and infertility. Overweight children followed up for 40 [11] and 55 years [12] were more likely to have cardiovascular and digestive diseases, and die from any cause as compared with those who were tion of childhood obesityalthough definition of obesity and overweight has changed over time [13, 14], it can be defined as an excess of body fat (bf).
There is no consensus on a cutoff point for excess fatness of overweight or obesity in children and adolescents. European researchers classified overweight as at or above 85th percentile and obesity as at or above 95th percentile of bmi [18]. In research, techniques include underwater weighing (densitometry), multi-frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis (bia) and magnetic resonance imaging (mri). Although, these methods are less accurate than research methods, they are satisfactory to identify risk. In addition, bmi fails to distinguish between fat and fat-free mass (muscle and bone) and may exaggerate obesity in large muscular children. While health consequences of obesity are related to excess fatness, the ideal method of classification should be based on direct measurement of fatness. Although methods such as densitometry can be used in research practice, they are not feasible for clinical settings. Waist circumference, as a surrogate marker of visceral obesity, has been added to refine the measure of obesity related risks [25]. Waist circumference seems to be more accurate for children because it targets central obesity, which is a risk factor for type ii diabetes and coronary heart disease. To the best of our knowledge there is no publication on specific cut off points for waist circumference, but there are some ongoing of obesityalthough the mechanism of obesity development is not fully understood, it is confirmed that obesity occurs when energy intake exceeds energy expenditure. There are multiple etiologies for this imbalance, hence, and the rising prevalence of obesity cannot be addressed by a single etiology. However, environmental factors, lifestyle preferences, and cultural environment seem to play major roles in the rising prevalence of obesity worldwide [26–29]. In a small number of cases, childhood obesity is due to genes such as leptin deficiency or medical causes such as hypothyroidism and growth hormone deficiency or side effects due to drugs (e. Overweight and obesity are mostly assumed to be results of increase in caloric intake, there is not enough supporting evidence for such phenomenon. However, a small caloric imbalance (within the margin of error of estimation methods) is sufficient over a long period of time to lead to obesity. With concurrent rise in childhood obesity prevalence in the usa, the national health and nutrition examination survey (nhanes) noted only subtle change in calorie intake among us children from the 1970s to 1988–1994.
For many years it has been claimed that the increase in pediatric obesity has happened because of an increase in high fat intake, contradictory results have been obtained by cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. The main objection to the notion that dietary fat is responsible for the accelerated pediatric obesity epidemic is the fact that at the same time the prevalence of childhood obesity was increasing, the consumption of dietary fat in different populations was decreasing. Although fat eaten in excess leads to obesity, there is not strong enough evidence that fat intake is the chief reason for the ascending trend of childhood dietary is a growing body of evidence suggesting that increasing dairy intake by about two servings per day could reduce the risk of overweight by up to 70% [43]. There are few data reporting the relation between calcium or dairy intake and obesity among n 1970 and 1997, the united state department of agriculture (usda) surveys indicated an increase of 118% of per capita consumption of carbonated drinks, and a decline of 23% for beverage milk [47]. Soft drink intake has been associated with the epidemic of obesity [48] and type ii diabetes [49] among children. Physical has been hypothesized that a steady decline in physical activity among all age groups has heavily contributed to rising rates of obesity all around the world. Numerous studies have shown that sedentary behaviors like watching television and playing computer games are associated with increased prevalence of obesity [51, 52]. In addition, increased proportions of children who are being driven to school and low participation rates in sports and physical education, particularly among adolescent girls [51], are also associated with increased obesity prevalence. In response to the significant impact that the cultural environment of a child has on his/her daily choices, promoting a more active lifestyle has wide ranging health benefits and minimal risk, making it a promising public health tionalmost all public health researchers and clinicians agree that prevention could be the key strategy for controlling the current epidemic of obesity [55]. Prevention may include primary prevention of overweight or obesity itself, secondary prevention or avoidance of weight regains following weight loss, and prevention of further weight increases in obese individuals unable to lose weight. Until now, most approaches have focused on changing the behavior of individuals on diet and exercise and it seems that these strategies have had little impact on the growing increase of the obesity age group is the priority for starting prevention? Therefore it would be more sensible to initiate prevention and treatment of obesity during childhood. Of all aspects of behavior in the home environment, however, television viewing has been researched in greatest detail [57–59]. Of dietary pattern and tv appears that gains can be made in obesity prevention through restricting television viewing. Recent efforts in preventing obesity include the initiative of using school report cards to make the parents aware of their children's weight problem. Summary of prevention and intervention strategies is presented in table sionobesity is a chronic disorder that has multiple causes.
It is believed that both over-consumption of calories and reduced physical activity are mainly involved in childhood ntly, primary or secondary prevention could be the key plan for controlling the current epidemic of obesity and these strategies seem to be more effective in children than in adults. However, further research needs to examine the most effective strategies of intervention, prevention, and treatment of obesity. These strategies should be culture specific, ethnical, and consider the socio-economical aspects of the targeting al health and nutrition examination ational monitoring of trends and determinants in cardiovascular ctrical impedance ic resonance state department of ledgementswe would like to thank claire vayalumkal for her helpful comments and careful reading of the final s' contributionsall authors had equal contribution in writing this s’ affiliations(1)population health research institute, mcmaster university(2)school of nursing and department of clinical epidemiology and biostatistics, mcmaster university(3)department of clinical epidemiology and biostatistics, and population health research institute, mcmaster ncesnicklas ta, t. 2001, 20: articlepubmedgoogle scholarparsons tj, power c, logan s, summerbell cd: childhood predictors of adult obesity: a systematic review. 1999, 23: google scholarwhitaker rc, wright ja, pepe ms, seidel kd, dietz wh: predicting obesity in young adulthood from childhood and parental obesity. Articlepubmedgoogle scholarkelishadi r, pour mh, sarraf-zadegan n, sadry gh, ansari r, alikhassy h, bashardoust n: obesity and associated modifiable environmental factors in iranian adolescents: isfahan healthy heart program - heart health promotion from childhood. Articlepubmedgoogle scholaralnuaim ar, bamgboye ea, alherbish a: the pattern of growth and obesity in saudi arabian male school children. 1996, 20: scholarmccarthy hd, ellis sm, cole tj: central overweight and obesity in british youth aged 11-16 years: cross sectional surveys of waist circumference. 1992, 327: articlepubmedgoogle scholarflegal km, carroll md, ogden cl, johnson cl: prevalence and trends in obesity among us adults, 1999-2000. 1994, 59: google scholarflodmark ce, lissau i, moreno la, pietrobelli a, widhalm k: new insights into the field of children and adolescents' obesity: the european perspective (vol 28, pg 1189, 2004). 1990, 44: google scholardeurenberg p, pieters jj, hautvast jg: the assessment of the body fat percentage by skinfold thickness measurements in childhood and young adolescence. S0899-9007(96) articlepubmedgoogle scholareckel rh, krauss rm: american heart association call to action: obesity as a major risk factor for coronary heart disease. 1998, 67: google scholarlink k, moell c, garwicz s, cavallin-stahl e, bjork j, thilen u, ahren b, erfurth em: growth hormone deficiency predicts cardiovascular risk in young adults treated for acute lymphoblastic leukemia in childhood. 1995, 311: articlepubmedpubmed centralgoogle scholarbellisle f, rolland-cachera mf, deheeger m, guilloud-bataille m: obesity and food intake in children: evidence for a role of metabolic and/or behavioral daily rhythms. 2002, 21: articlepubmedgoogle scholarpereira ma, jacobs drj, van horn l, slattery ml, kartashov ai, ludwig ds: dairy consumption, obesity, and the insulin resistance syndrome in young adults: the cardia study. Food and consumers economics division, economic research service, us department of agriculturegoogle scholarludwig ds, peterson ke, gortmaker sl: relation between consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks and childhood obesity: a prospective, observational analysis.
S0140-6736(00) articlepubmedgoogle scholargittelsohn j, wolever tm, harris sb, harris-giraldo r, hanley aj, zinman b: specific patterns of food consumption and preparation are associated with diabetes and obesity in a native canadian community. Articlepubmedgoogle scholartremblay ms, willms jd: is the canadian childhood obesity epidemic related to physical inactivity?. 2003, statistics canadagoogle scholarmuller mj, mast m, asbeck i, langnase k, grund a: prevention of obesity--is it possible?. Articlepubmedgoogle scholargortmaker sl, peterson k, wiecha j, sobol am, dixit s, fox mk, laird n: reducing obesity via a school-based interdisciplinary intervention among youth: planet health. Articlepubmedgoogle scholarzametkin aj, zoon ck, klein hw, munson s: psychiatric aspects of child and adolescent obesity: a review of the past 10 years. S0929-693x(01) articlepubmedgoogle scholarge k, t t, c t, t k: prevalence and trends in overweight and obesity among children and adolescents in thessaloniki, greece. Use cookies to improve your experience with our information about our cookie ood obesity ood obesity research collection 2017elsevier and the editors of the following nutrition and health science journals would like to make these specially selected research papers on childhood obesity available free through october 15th, l of the academy of nutrition and dieteticssugar restriction leads to increased ad libitum sugar intake by overweight adolescents in an experimental test meal settingtribally affiliated child-care center environment and obesogenic behaviors in young l of nutrition education and behaviorfollowing suit: using conversation cards for priority setting in pediatric weight managementan exploration of how family dinners are served and how service style is associated with dietary and weight outcomes in ionlate-night overeating is associated with smaller breakfast, breakfast skipping, and obesity in children: the healthy growth studyweight following birth and childhood dietary intake: a prospective cohort studyassociation of the dopamine d2 receptor rs1800497 polymorphism and eating behavior in chilean ion, metabolism & cardiovascular diseasesrelationship between sleep duration and childhood obesity: systematic review including the potential underlying mechanismsideal cardiovascular health and inflammation in european adolescents: the helena studyrelationship between high white blood cell count and insulin resistance (homa-ir) in korean children and adolescents: korean national health and nutrition examination survey 2008– journal of nutritional biochemistryprenatal nutrition and the risk of adult obesity: long-term effects of nutrition on epigenetic mechanisms regulating gene expressionobesity alters the ovarian glucidic homeostasis disrupting the reproductive outcome of female ratsobesity and malnutrition similarly alters the renin-angiotensin system and inflammation in mice and human tematernal feeding practices and children's eating behaviours: a comparison of mothers with healthy weight versus overweight/obesitythe mediating role of child self-regulation of eating in the relationship between parental use of food as a reward and child emotional science & medicinethe more the heavier? Family size and childhood obesity in the ating political priority for regulatory interventions targeting obesity prevention: an australian case al nutritiona priori and a posteriori derived dietary patterns in infancy and cardiometabolic health in childhood: the role of body compositiona simple method for identification of misreporting of energy intake from infancy to school age: results from a longitudinal a paper to submit?