Research papers on talent management
Impact factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years. This free service is available to anyone who has published and whose publication is in for papers: talent management: quo vadis? Answer to requests and various expressions of interest, the deadline of this call for papers has been extended as follows:Call for papers for a special management: quo vadis? Deadline: october 31st, l j morley, university of limerick, valverde, universitat rovira i virgili, farndale, penn state university, usa / tilburg university, the is a significant and ongoing dialogue about talent management in the academic and practitioner literature. Effective talent management is proposed as one of the critical capabilities that will distinguish successful global firms (garavan, 2012) and viewed as consequential for our ability to deliver on the potential of the knowledge economy (tolich, 2005). Calls have been made for the development of a talent science (boudreau and ramstad, 2005) to underpin and buttress what has been characterised as the dominant human capital topic of the 21st century (cascio and aguinis, 2008).
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Talent management research papers
The literature on talent management has been growing continuously, though to some in a somewhat haphazard way (cappelli and keller, 2014). Sparrow and makram (2015: 249) have recently concluded that because such “different values, assumptions, allegiances and philosophies are being surfaced” in the evolving field of talent management, “answering questions about value” is the core challenge that must now be addressed for the field to develop ental definitional challenges lie at the heart of many of the contestations that have arisen to date. Although by now the definition by collings and mellahi (2009) is among the most widely accepted in terms of establishing the boundaries of the phenomenon and field, talent management has not yet fully shed its foundational quality. This has brought about commentaries suggesting that it may involve elements of re-branding which will run their course as a management fashion. Additionally, as a portmanteau term, talent management is employed in such a diversity of studies with the result that, though employing the same label, they may not necessarily be studying the same phenomenon. This is something which can be expected to increase as a challenge in the time ahead and may act as a constraint on the coalescing of the field as the umbrella term becomes the chosen point of departure for an increasingly diverse, loosely connected, range of studies of various individual and systems phenomena in different organizations and g from the definitional challenge is an underlying conceptual ambiguity which may partly be accounted for by the lack of a “stable theoretical foundation” (thunnissen, 2016) and “overlooked talent philosophies” (meyers and van woerkom, 2014).
There is little doubt that, from a conceptual perspective, progress identifying levels and lenses through which the phenomenon can be observed, assessed and evaluated has been made over the past decade (collings and mellahi, 2009; farndale et al, 2010; farndale et al, 2014; gallardo-gallardo et al, 2013; sparrow and makram, 2015; tarique and schuler, 2010), but few would disagree with the premise that more fundamental theoretical scaffolding is merited in order to fully appraise its place in the lexicon of management scholarship. In addition, there have been calls for a more critical perspective on talent management, something which could pay dividend in terms of markedly improving “the quality of talent conversations in organizations” (lewis and heckman, 2006, p. Is also argued that it is a field that is maturing as a result of significant debates about its breadth and focus (sparrow and markam, 2015) and it is precisely this growth and development that now provides the opportunity to reflect on the implicit value claims and to take stock of what has been achieved in a critical manner in order to move the field ial t the backdrop of these on-going debates, we invite manuscripts for this special issue which critically reflect on what has been accomplished in talent management. In particular, we are interested in manuscripts that offer deeper insights on appropriate theoretical lenses that unearth the conceptual utility of talent management, along with empirical contributions that clarify and evaluate the operationalisation and the impact of talent management practices, processes and systems in a range of contexts and on different stakeholders. Potential questions that manuscripts for this special issue might address could include, but are not limited to, the following:What is the conceptual utility of talent management and what is the evidence regarding the establishment of the boundaries of the phenomenon? Theoretical lenses offer explanatory power in explicating the mechanisms governing talent management approaches and systems?
Has the body of work on talent management furthered our understanding of the contemporary employment relationship at micro, meso and macro levels? Specifically does the adoption of talent management within the organizational setting entail and how has it been witnessed? Have constructs and research designs been employed to capture talent management practices and their consequences? Empirical work support practitioner claims about the value of talent management as a practice-led phenomenon? A globalised hr architecture distinguish the contribution of the talent management function and enhance alignment in talent management systems? Has empirically been established about the unintended consequences of talent management systems and how have they been resolved?
The work on talent management served to advance previously generated insights from proximal fields such as strategic human resource planning and competency based management? Is the cumulative evidence arising from evaluation studies with respect to the impact of the adoption of talent management on performance? Talentship and the new paradigm for human resource management: from professional practices to strategic talent decision science. Global talent management in science based firms: an exploratory investigation of the pharmaceutical industry during the global downturn. The influence of underlying philosophies on talent management: theory, implications for practice, and research agenda. Ctive contributors are welcome to contact the guest editors via email at any point over the duration of this call to communicate their intention to submit and to dialogue about the fit and scope of the manuscript they are preparing for consideration in the special l morley @ valverde de@ farndale euf3@ business research quarterly is the official journal of acede (spanish academy of management).
Founded in 1998 as cuadernos de economía y dirección de la empresa (cede), it soon became the leading management publication in spanish thanks to its strong academic reputation. The journal was indexed in the scci in 2008, and it is published in english under the new title business research quarterly since the very outset, brq has sought to provide widespread coverage of high quality research in a broad range of topics such as human resource management, organization theory, strategic management, corporate governance, managerial economics, marketing, finance, accounting and operations management. Our main concern is that articles have strong theoretical foundations, meet the highest analytical standards, and provide new insights that contribute to the better understanding of managerial ss research quarterly is indexed in scopus and jcr/social science citation index (current if: 0. You must disable the application while logging in with your system management evidence and management evidence and have the objective of being a centre of excellence and beacon of best practice on talent management by bringing together ideas from both within the nhs, together with those from other support the spread of knowledge about talent and talent management, we have developed a series of talent management insights which cover a range of topics within the talent management agenda. In addition to this section, we will include relevant research papers and articles relating to talent ping a talent strategy (631 kb). Management hubtalent management guidestalent in practice – case resources talent management hub talent management evidence and mmesthe edward jenner mary seacole elizabeth garrett anderson nye bevan ng chief executive -appointed chief executive director stepping up programme for aspiring bame ready now programme for senior bame ethical mentoring to work graduate management training european exchange and care leaders clinical executive fast track ceshealthcare leadership ion, equality and ning levels of wellbeing in bme populations in ng and management sational patients, carers and leadership tion of our ibilitysitemapterms & conditionsprivacyhow we use our @ght © nhs leadership academy 2015.
All rights management evidence and management evidence and have the objective of being a centre of excellence and beacon of best practice on talent management by bringing together ideas from both within the nhs, together with those from other support the spread of knowledge about talent and talent management, we have developed a series of talent management insights which cover a range of topics within the talent management agenda.