Research procedure in thesis
Of educationeducational and counselling psychology, and special lling development, learning, and ement, evaluation, and research westminster ubc counselling educational research and training free counselling faculty on job ications & g room es & ment of educational and counselling psychology, and special y of education » ecps home » internal » policies & procedures » ubc ma thesis and research ma thesis and research research early as possible in their program of study, students should identify a faculty member from the department who is willing to act as their research supervisor and work with them to develop a thesis proposal. The research supervisor need not be the student’s program the student has completed most of his/her coursework, and tentatively identified a research topic for the thesis, the research supervisor and the student will establish a thesis research committee. The research committee is chaired by the research supervisor and consists of a least one other faculty member. Under special circumstances approved by the graduate advisor and with permission of the dean of the faculty of graduate studies, the research committee may include a person who is not a member of the ubc faculty of graduate studies. Major part of the ma student’s work will consist of a thesis summarizing the results of original research. The ma thesis is intended to serve as a vehicle for developing the student’s research and scholarly capability. Ideally, the thesis involves the student in all the rigors of critical reading, evaluation and analysis of research and theoretical literature, problem definition, research design and analysis, and the written and oral presentation of findings and conclusions. The nature of research may be theoretical, empirical, historical, qualitative, ethnographic, or analytical, according to what is appropriate to the student’s area of behavioral sciences review committee of the university must approve the acceptability of all studies (including theses) that involve human subjects. This approval is required when any human being is subjected to experimental procedures or when an invasion of privacy may be involved (e. Information and all necessary forms for securing human subjects approval are available from the office of research services (ethics division). Human subjects (ethics) approval and approval of the research committee must be secured prior to embarking on a research development and supervision. Designated research or thesis supervisor and research committee will supervise development and completion of the ma thesis. The procedures for formation, membership, and changes in the research committee are as follows:Thesis or research least one faculty member, acting in the capacity of thesis supervisor will oversee the development and completion of the thesis. The thesis supervisor must be a member of the department, normally one affiliated with the student’s area of specialization, with relevant substantive knowledge in the student’s area of study. Frequently, the advisor can serve as the thesis is the responsibility of the student to approach relevant faculty members and discuss the possibility of service as thesis supervisor. Once a faculty member has agreed to serve as the student’s thesis supervisor, this agreement must be verified in writing to the department graduate office in a memo, which is signed by the student, and the thesis supervisor. Identification of the thesis supervisor must also be indicated on the student’s program of graduate studies (pgs). Is important that the student identifies and consults with his/her thesis supervisor when he/she is prepared to begin to work on a thesis, but prior to the development of a thesis consultation with the thesis supervisor, the student must also specify a research committee. Each student’s research committee consists of a minimum of one other faculty member (with a third person becoming involved at the time of the final oral examination). This person should be a faculty member with knowledge and expertise within the student’s chosen area of study and who can provide advice and assistance throughout the conduct of the thesis ly, the thesis supervisor serves as chair of the student’s research committee, but the chair must be a member of the department, and should be an individual with research and/or relevant substantive knowledge in the student’s program and thesis area. Other members of the research committee should be selected to supplement the expertise and experience of the chair. In particular, professors emeriti, honorary faculty, adjunct faculty and off-campus professionals who are academically qualified to advise graduate students may be members of the committee if approved by the dean of graduate student must notify the department graduate office, usually by a memo to the graduate advisor, of the research committee membership. The membership of the research committee must also be noted on the student’s program of graduate studies form.
Students must also notify the department graduate office regarding any changes that occur in the membership of his/her research committee, usually through a memo to the graduate of the work of the research committee is typically accomplished by means of informal meetings between the candidate and members of his/her research committee. Other meetings or working sessions of the research committee may, of course, be held at the discretion of those ation of the t performance on the ma thesis is formally examined on two occasions: the defense of the proposal or thesis proposal hearing and the final oral examination or defense of the completed proposal ines and procedures for the thesis proposal hearing are described thesis proposal is viewed as a “letter of agreement” between the student and his/her research committee. As such, it is to be a written document containing a clear statement of the intended thesis topic, justification of the intended topic by reference to and critical evaluation of related research and theory, and careful description of the procedures intended for use in the exposition of the thesis project. Often, students choose to develop a proposal that will serve, with very little modification, as the initial three chapters of their thesis, but this is not a formal requirement. The format of presentation of the proposal will vary, depending on the problem, the student’s style, and the character of the research committee, although proposals should follow apa (american psychological association) style. Completed thesis proposal should be submitted to the student’s thesis committee at least 3 weeks prior to the proposal hearing. The proposal is then formally presented and defended at a meeting of the research committee to which others may be invited if the student and his/her committee deem it desirable. The student defends his/her selection of a problem and his/her intended procedures for evaluating this problem empirically. Collecting the thesis data, or otherwise proceeding with subsequent steps in the production of a thesis, is contingent upon the acceptance of the thesis proposal by the research committee. Thus, students must not proceed with their proposed research project until after their thesis proposal has been successfully defended and ly, all other degree requirements must be completed prior to the proposal cover sheet of the thesis proposal should contain space for the signatures of the student and the committee members, signifying that all parties concerned have agreed to the terms of reference for the thesis as outlined in the thesis proposal. It is acknowledged here that changes (especially in the ‘procedures’ aspect) often are introduced during the operational phases and thus the proposal is not binding in any strict sense. Signatures of the student and the research committee members, however, do indicate that all parties have agreed in good faith to the problem and the general procedures described in the thesis proposal. Any subsequent changes are to be negotiated as the need arises between the student and the research committee. Copy of the signed proposal cover sheet is to be filed by the student in the student’s file in the department graduate office following a successful thesis proposal ening work may be, and often is accomplished by means of informal meetings between the student and members of his/her research committee. Other meetings—work sessions—of the research committee may, of course, be held at the discretion of those oral to the presentation of the completed thesis and the final oral examination, the candidate’s research committee must be satisfied that the thesis has been satisfactorily completed. At this time, the research committee selects an appropriate departmental or extra-departmental examiner to serve on the thesis examining committee and determines a date for the final oral examination. The committee responsible for evaluating the thesis must include a minimum of two people: the thesis supervisor or designate, and a person who is not involved in advising the student in his or her research. The final oral examination is an open examination and is advertised at least two weeks prior to the defense, at which time a copy of the thesis is made available for review in the department graduate office. Following the final oral examination, some revisions to the thesis may be required and in some cases the thesis may need to be guidelines and procedures for the final oral examination are described below. Student’s thesis must be prepared according to the procedures and in the form described in the leaflet entitled, “instructions for preparation of graduate theses, and should also conform to apa (american psychological association) style departmental or extra-departmental examiner should be from within the ubc academic community and will be appointed by the research supervisor to join the examination committee, based on recommendations from the candidate’s research committee. The examiner will be a selected for his/her general expertise in the area of the thesis topic and related thesis supervisor arranges for a time and date for the final oral examination through the department graduate office. At this time and 2 weeks prior the proposed final oral examination the candidate must provide one copy of the thesis as accepted by his/her committee the department graduate least four weeks before the final oral examination the candidate must supply enough copies of the approved form of the thesis for delivery to each member of the candidate’s examination candidate is to make arrangements for any audio-visual needs for the final oral at least one week before the final oral final oral examination is open to all members of the university. Notice of the examination will be given in the form of a printed program announcing the title of the candidate’s thesis, date and place of the examination and the members of the examination committee.
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The research supervisor is to forward the program information to the department graduate office at least two weeks prior to the examining committee will consist of a quorum of the candidate’s research committee, including the thesis supervisor, and the external candidate will be required to make a 20- to 30-minute oral presentation summarizing the research completed. Following the presentation, members of the examination committee may ask questions of the candidate with reference to the thesis or to areas related to the thesis topic. After completion of this questioning, the candidate and visitors will be asked to leave the examination room so that the committee may decide upon acceptance and percentage grade to be assigned to the thesis. After deliberations are completed, the candidate will be invited to meet the title page of an accepted thesis is to be signed by at least two members of the examination committee. In the instance of a pass with major or minor revision decisions, the signature of the chairperson of the candidate’s research committee is withheld until final corrections are made. The chairperson must also sign the abstract of the receipt of a copy of the signed thesis by the special collections division of the library, the candidate will have completed all ma degree requirements. Copies of the special collections division receipt and a copy of the approved thesis are to be filed, by the candidate, with department graduate and procedure library. Higher degree by research thesis examination and procedure tions degree by research thesis examination procedure print version * procedure overview1 purpose2 scope3 procedure overview4 procedures4. Thesis with creative works examination5 references6 schedules7 procedure information1 purpose to establish the process and requirements for examination of higher degree by research (hdr) theses at the university. 2 scope this procedure applies to all students and employees involved in the examination of a hdr thesis. 3 procedure overview this procedure establishes the examination process, criteria and grading of a hdr thesis. Theses must be submitted for examination either as a: standard thesis; thesis by publication; thesis with creative works component. 1 examiner nomination students intending to submit their thesis for examination should advise their principal hdr supervisor a minimum of 20 university business days prior to submission. The principal hdr supervisor should confirm with the prospective examiners their willingness and availability to examine the thesis within the required timeframe. The nomination of examiners form must be supported by the relevant associate dean (research and research training) and approved by the director (research training and development). Nomination of examiners should occur a minimum of 10 university business days prior to intended submission of the thesis for examination. 2 preparation of thesis for examination students must complete the statement by hdr student form when ready to submit a thesis for examination. This form is required to confirm willingness to be examined and to certify that the thesis is the student's own, original work that has not been previously submitted for assessment. The principal hdr supervisor is responsible for ensuring that the thesis is suitable for examination and that it conforms to the hdr thesis presentation schedule. If the principal hdr supervisor withholds approval for examination via the statement by hdr supervisor form, the student may request that the thesis be examined without the principal hdr supervisor's approval via the statement by hdr student form. The relevant associate dean (research and research training) will consider the student's request and may seek further information from the hdr supervisory team, the student or other parties, in order to decide if the thesis can be sent for examination without the principal hdr supervisor's approval. The relevant associate dean (research and research training) will inform the student of the outcome. If the thesis is not approved for examination, then the student may seek to identify grounds to appeal this decision by following the process outlined in the university student complaint and appeal policy and the academic appeal procedure.
The student must provide both statement by hdr student form and statement by hdr supervisor form with an examinable copy of the thesis to the relevant faculty research office for associate dean (research and research training) for approval prior to the thesis submission due date. Examiners are requested to return their reports within 30 university business days of receipt of the thesis. Once approved by the associate dean (research and research training), the thesis and relevant forms will be sent to the office of research graduate studies (orgs) for approval of examiners and despatch of the thesis. 3 submission of thesis to the examiners a student's candidature ends when the thesis is submitted for examination. This does not officially occur until the thesis has been sent for examination by the orgs and the student has been notified. In cases of significant discrepancies between examiners, the thesis will be sent to a third examiner. Normally the thesis will be examined using an electronic copy although the hdr supervisory team, student or examiner may request that the examination be undertaken using printed copies. Should an examiner wish to contact another examiner, a request in writing explaining the reasons for the interaction must be provided for consideration by the orgs for decision by the director (research training and development). 4 thesis examination criteria the thesis will be examined according to the following criteria: the extent to which the candidate has demonstrated: originality; critical insight; and capacity to carry out independent research. 5 grading of thesis each examiner will award the thesis one of five grades listed below. Pass - the student satisfies the requirements of the academic program with only typographical and similar corrections to be completed where indicated to the satisfaction of the hdr supervisory team and associate dean (research and research training). Pass subject to minor revisions - the student satisfies the requirements of the academic program subject to the specified minor revisions being completed to the satisfaction of the hdr supervisory team and associate dean (research and research training). Pass subject to major revisions - the student satisfies the requirements of the academic program subject to the specified major revisions being completed to the satisfaction of an associate dean (research and research training) appointed review panel. Resubmit to the examiners following rewriting - the student be required to revise the thesis substantially and resubmit the thesis for examination, normally by the original examiners. Fail - the thesis be failed as it does not satisfy the requirements of the academic program and the student not be permitted to resubmit the thesis for re-examination. Once all reports are returned, they will be collated and sent to the relevant faculty research office for the associate dean (research and research training) recommendation of the overall grade for the thesis. This overall grade will be approved by the director (research training and development) prior to student notification. 8 notification of outcome the orgs will provide notice to the student on the outcome of the thesis examination process and the nature and due date of any required revisions. 9 revisions and re-examination students may be required to undertake revisions to the thesis following examination. Students must demonstrate that they have engaged clearly and thoroughly with the feedback provided by each examiner and prepare a summary document that specifically details how the thesis has been revised to address the feedback of the examiners. Students may elect to defend or amend certain sections of the thesis based on comments from examiners. Students are required to complete the revisions and forward the revised thesis and summary document to the relevant faculty research office by the date nominated by the orgs. The associate dean (research and research training) will review the revisions and the summary document to ensure they have been completed satisfactorily.
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In cases of major revision or resubmission the student will be required to complete the revisions to the satisfaction of a review panel appointed by the associate dean (research and research training). The associate dean (research and research training) will make a recommendation in writing to the orgs. In the event of the student being required to resubmit, examiners will be invited by the principal hdr supervisor to re-examine the thesis. 10 completion of examination once a thesis has been examined and the student has made suitable revisions to the satisfaction of the relevant associate dean (research and research training), the associate dean (research and research training) will recommend provisional awarding of the degree. This recommendation will then be forwarded to the director (research training and development) for approval and the student will be notified of successfully completing the examination process. 11 offering of an alternative award in those cases where the thesis does not satisfy the requirements of a doctoral academic program, a student may be offered, on the recommendation of the examiners, one of the following: accepted for a research masters degree - the student satisfies the requirements of a research masters degree with only typographical and similar corrections to be made where indicated to the satisfaction of the hdr supervisory team and associate dean (research and research training). Accepted for a research masters degree subject to minor revisions - the student satisfies the requirements of a research masters degree subject to the specified minor revisions being completed to the satisfaction of the hdr supervisory team and associate dean (research and research training). Unacceptable for a research masters degree - the work has failed to satisfy the requirements of the degree and the student not be permitted to submit for re-examination for any hdr award at the university. Thesis by publication examination students may elect to present their thesis in the form of research papers published or presented for publication in peer-reviewed journals. The examination for a thesis by publication will follow the processes as outlined above in section 4. Thesis with creative works examination the examination process for a thesis with creative works will follow the processes as outlined above in section 4. Thesis examination process, with the following additional considerations: the student is normally required to provide an electronic copy of the creative component. Where examiners are required to attend an exhibition, the exegesis and an electronic copy of the creative works should be submitted to the orgs at least 30 university business days prior to the visit by the examiners unless prior arrangements have been approved by the relevant associate dean (research and research training) and the director (research training and development). 6 schedules this procedure must be read in conjunction with its subordinate schedules as provided in the table below. 7 procedure information subordinate schedules higher degree by research thesis presentation schedule higher degree by research thesis submission schedule accountable officer deputy vice-chancellor (research and innovation) policy type university procedure approved date 10/11/2016 effective date 10/11/2016 review date 10/11/2019 relevant legislation electronic transactions act 1999 higher education standards framework (threshold standards) 2015 higher education support act 2003 related policies academic programs and courses policy assessment policy award eligibility and graduation policy code of conduct policy handling personal student information policy and procedure privacy policy records management governance policy and procedure research code of conduct policy student complaint and appeal policy related procedures academic appeal procedure academic standing, progression and exclusion procedure assessment procedure employee conflict of interest procedure formal examinations procedure related forms, publications and websites hdr forms universities australia definitions terms defined in the definitions dictionary academic programan approved higher education award of the university, consisting of a combination of courses the successful completion of an offering of which, together with any credit transfers and exemptions in accordance with the relevant requirements, will fulfil the prescribed requirements for that particular award.... Higher degree by research (hdr)a research doctorate or research masters program for which at least two-thirds of the student load for the program is required as research work.... Research doctorate or research masters program for which at least two-thirds of the student load for the program is required as research work. Thesisalso known as a standard thesis, is the material outcomes of a program of research. Thesis by publicationa thesis where some chapters are in the form of research papers published in, or submitted to, peer-reviewed journals.... Thesis where some chapters are in the form of research papers published in, or submitted to, peer-reviewed journals. Thesis with creative worksa thesis with creative works includes original work such as multimedia, film, exhibition, performance, musical composition, novel, play or other faculty approved production, in addition to an exegesis.... Thesis with creative works includes original work such as multimedia, film, exhibition, performance, musical composition, novel, play or other faculty approved production, in addition to an exegesis. Definitions that relate to this procedure only keywords phd, dissertation, thesis, doctoral record no 15/e to comply with this policy or policy instrument may be considered as misconduct and the provisions of the relevant policy or procedure applied.
A free copy of acrobat reader may be obtained from who are unable to access information in pdf should email policy@ to obtain this information in an alternative and procedure library. A free copy of acrobat reader may be obtained from who are unable to access information in pdf should email policy@ to obtain this information in an alternative degrees by research thesis submission and examination - degrees by research thesis submission and examination - es and vice-chancellor (research and innovation). Office of ght - managerial policyhigher degrees by research - academic policyhigher degrees by research candidature - procedureshigher degrees by research supervision - proceduresintellectual property - governing policyresearch authorship - proceduresresearch centres and research institutes - academic policyresearch data and materials - proceduresresearch misconduct - governing policyresearch misconduct allegations and investigation - proceduresstudent academic integrity - governing policystudent conduct - governing degrees by research - d legislation / education support act 2003australian code for the responsible conduct of research (2007)australian qualifications refer to the university’s glossary of terms for policies and procedures. Terms and definitions identified below are specific to these procedures and are critical to its effectiveness:Candidate means a person admitted to a higher degree research course at the ature means duration of enrolment in a higher degree by research program. A research student is considered to be a “candidate” for the higher degree by research program in which they are enrolled. All research and related work towards fulfilment of the requirements for a higher degree by research must be completed during enrolled ve work means an original product designed, created or constructed by a candidate during candidature derived from one or more of the creative arts including graphical and new media is means a scholarly, critical commentary on the original creative work in dialogue with, and informing that original work or collection of works, resulting from research undertaken and produced during. The exegesis also includes explicit reference to the research methodologies employed in the creation of the original creative degree by research (hdr) means a supervised research program that requires original research in an pal supervisor means a usc academic staff member who meets the criteria for and has been approved for registration as a usc principal hdr supervisor. Refer to the hdr supervision – procedures for a principal supervisor’s roles and icant research component means a substantial research project undertaken with appropriate research means an original substantial piece of scholarly writing resulting from research undertaken by a candidate and produced during candidature to meet the requirements of the degree. Purpose of procedures provide the framework for hdr thesis submission and examination at the should be read in conjunction with the higher degrees by research - academic policy, and the following associated procedures and guidelines:Higher degree by research candidature – degree by research supervision – degree by research admission and enrolment – degree by research confirmation of candidature – degree by research thesis presentation – degree by research thesis review – degree by research examiners – guidelines. Thesis section should be read in conjunction with the ‘higher degree by research thesis presentation – guidelines’, the ‘higher degree by research thesis review – guidelines’. 1 for an award of a phd, the thesis must represent an original and significant contribution to knowledge of the subject. 2 the research described must have been completed during the period of enrolment for the degree. 3 the thesis must consist of an account of the candidate's own research and may include research publications. All research performed conjointly with other persons must be fully acknowledged and include a statement of the candidate's contribution to the conjoint research. Recipients of a usc research training program scholarship are required to include specific acknowledgement of the “australian government research training program scholarship”. 5 the candidate must prepare and present their thesis in accordance with ‘higher degree by research thesis presentation – guidelines’. 6 where an exegesis is required, the candidate must prepare and present their exegesis in accordance with ‘higher degrees by research thesis presentation – guidelines’. 7 candidates have ownership of intellectual property directly related to their research project or creative work, unless other arrangements have been mutually agreed in advance by the candidate and the university. 8 the candidate must not submit as part of the thesis any work or material that the candidate has previously been submitted for a university degree or other similar award as the main content of the thesis. 9 the principal supervisor must arrange for:(a) the thesis to be run through text matching software to support the avoidance of plagiarism, and. B) an independent edit check of the thesis in sufficient time to enable the candidate to adapt the thesis in response to feedback as appropriate. C) a review of the thesis by one of the other supervisors or an independent peer reviewer prior to submission for external to the ‘higher degrees by research thesis review – guidelines’ for further information on conducting the edit check. The principal supervisor will be required to sign a declaration at thesis submission to demonstrate that these checks have taken place.
1 a candidate is required to present their research at a faculty organised seminar prior to submitting their thesis. To ensure sufficient time to respond to feedback, the presentation should occur ideally six months, and no later than two months prior to the due date for thesis submission. This thesis presentation is a thirty minute presentation, and should be made to a faculty audience allowing additional time for questions and feedback. Presentation at external conference(s) is not sufficient grounds for exemption from the thesis presentation seminar; however, all candidates will be encouraged to present their research to appropriate external audiences. 2 the relevant school arranges the time for the thesis presentation seminar, facilitates the thesis presentation seminar and provides feedback to the candidate with regard to any revisions to be incorporated to their final thesis. Candidates must present a seminar satisfactory to the relevant associate dean (research) before their thesis will be accepted for submission for examination by the relevant associate dean (research). 1 the principal supervisor must give the office of research a minimum eight weeks’ written notice of intention to submit a thesis or exegesis and creative work for examination. The principal supervisor recommends examiners to the associate dean (research), who nominates a panel of potential research degrees committee, or chairperson acting on behalf of the committee, approves the examination panel. An examination panel will consist of:Chairperson of the examination ly an academic staff member of this university with appropriate expertise in the research area. To 3 external ers hold a doctoral degree (or equivalent research experience), and must be an active researcher in the relevant discipline, as demonstrated by relevant and recent research publications. Any persons acknowledged in the thesis as making a contribution to the work may not be appointed as an reserve examiner(s) may be called upon by the research degrees committee to fulfil the role of examiner (in the event that any of the originally nominated examiners are unavailable), or should an additional or adjudication examiner be required (see section 6. An examiner wishing to enter into dialogue with another examiner, a supervisor, a candidate or the chairperson of examination panel, should direct any request to the chairperson, research degrees committee. 1 a candidate is required to lodge:(a) soft-bound copies of the thesis for examination (one for each of the examiners who requested a physical copy). C) a completed ‘higher degree by research thesis submission form’, which includes a declaration for each of the candidate, supervisors and associate dean (research):Candidate’s declaration certifies:The thesis is my own account of research undertaken by me; thesis has been wholly completed during candidature, except where the committee has approved a transfer of enrolment from another higher degree by research; work has been done conjointly with other persons, my contribution is clearly stated and the contribution of other persons is clearly acknowledged and recognised; thesis does not contain as its main content any work or material which is embodied in a thesis or dissertation previously submitted by me or any other person for a university degree or other similar qualification at this or other higher education institution, except where approval has previously been granted by the thesis includes required acknowledgement of the australian government’s research training program scholarship (where applicable). Panel’s declaration certifies:I have read the thesis and approve the submission for external examination; and. Confirm that the candidate’s thesis / exegesis conforms to the academic policy governing the above degree; thesis/exegesis has been run through safeassign and the report does not indicate plagiarism; of the other supervisors or an independent peer reviewer conducted a review of the thesis; candidate presented their research to a school ate dean (research) declaration certifies:I approve the submission of the thesis for external form must be signed by the candidate, the principal supervisor, and the relevant associate dean (research). 2 submission is to be made to the office of research by the agreed thesis completion date. Where the candidate has been given permission to submit their thesis in a form outside standard requirements for their hdr, the candidate must comply with the directions of the research degrees committee regarding the material to be presented for examination. 3 in the event that the supervision panel does not provide the required statement within two weeks of the candidate's submission, or if the principal supervisor declines to support the examination of the thesis or exegesis and creative work, the research degrees committee, or chairperson acting on behalf of the committee, will determine whether the thesis or exegesis and creative work will be accepted for examination. In making the determination, the research degrees committee, or chairperson acting on behalf of the committee, may seek written or oral representations from the candidate, the supervisors and the associate dean (research), and may seek information from any other sources. If the research degrees committee, or chairperson acting on behalf of the committee, determines that the thesis or exegesis and creative work may not be submitted for examination, the office of research will advise the candidate in writing of the decision, the reasons for the decision and, where appropriate, any actions that the candidate needs to take in order that the thesis or exegesis and creative work may be made ready for examination. 4 the school of enrolment covers the cost of printing and binding the thesis for examination. Candidates cover the cost of any final printed and bound copies of the thesis to keep as personal copies.
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If the candidate has been in receipt of a scholarship, the office of research advises financial services to cease stipend payments (in accordance with the relevant scholarship conditions booklet). 6 the office of research confirms the candidate has successfully completed any coursework requirements, conditions and milestones of their candidature, as described in the hdr policy and procedures. 1 the office of research provides members of the examination panel with:(a) a copy of the thesis. 2 each examiner must submit to the office of research a concise written report on the thesis and must recommend one of the following:The thesis be accepted as satisfactory and the candidate awarded the thesis be accepted as satisfactory and the candidate awarded the degree, subject to revisions as listed being made by the candidate to the satisfaction of the chairperson of the examination and resubmit for external thesis in its present form is not satisfactory and further work as described in the examiner’s reports is required. The revised thesis should be subject to thesis does not merit the award of the degree and does not demonstrate sufficient merit to warrant resubmission. 3 examiners are expected to take up to two months to examine the thesis and must return their examiner’s report to the office of workflow for late examiner’s reports includes:If no report is received by the due date, the office of research emails a reminder requesting the report within two no report is received within the two weeks, the office of research contacts the examiner again (usually by email), to ascertain when the report will be returned. The delay is communicated to the candidate and supervisors, and the office of research and principal supervisor liaise on how best to it is agreed that the report will be unacceptably delayed, the office of research advises the examiner that their services are no longer required and requests the return of the office of research invites the reserve examiner to examine the thesis. 4 the research degrees committee, or the chairperson or a sub-group nominated by the chairperson acting on behalf of the committee, determines the outcome of the examination as one of the options described in 6. B), the office of research provides a the external examiners reports to the principal supervisor while the research degrees committee determines the final outcome of the examination, to facilitate commencement of any required corrections to the thesis. Where there is substantial disagreement between the external examiners, the research degrees committee, or the chairperson or a sub-group nominated by the chairperson acting on behalf of the committee, may seek input from the chairperson of examiners, or may request that an additional external examiner be appointed to examine the thesis to provide an additional report to assist them to make their recommendation for the final outcome. If this recommendation is approved by the research degrees committee, the office of research will invite the reserve examiner (in accordance with 4. Who will examine the thesis and provide an additional report for the chairperson of the examination panel to consider (in accordance with 6. 5 the office of research provides final advice to the principal supervisor and chairperson of examiners about the examination outcome, including any fee implications for period of revisions. In the case of referral to an additional external examiner, the office of research provides an update to the relevant principal supervisor to explain the delay to the final examination outcome. 1 a candidate must advise the office of research of the date of their final exhibition and submit the relevant ‘advice of intention to submit form’, stipulating dates, times and locations of exhibition/s, two months prior to the first exhibition date. 2 prior to the exhibition/s, candidates submit the ‘dca/mca exhibition approval form’ to the office of research, signed by their principal supervisor and relevant associate dean (research). This form demonstrates that the principal supervisor and associate dean (research) agree that the creative work is ready for exhibition. 6 submission is to be made to the office of research by the agreed thesis completion date. Where the candidate has been given permission to submit their thesis in a form other than a printed volume, the candidate must comply with the directions of the research degrees committee regarding the material to be presented for examination. 7 at the conclusion of examination, prior to awarding of degree, candidates must submit final exegesis to the usc research bank in a manner and form to be prescribed by the director, information services, and must provide the principal supervisor with a copy of the final exegesis. Applications for restricted access should be made in writing to the chair, research degrees committee prior to the conclusion of the examination process. 1 for examination outcome b) (accept with revisions) a candidate will be permitted to amend and submit a revised thesis or creative work and exegesis for chairperson of examiner’s review once only. 2 the candidate is required to lodge:(a) one soft-bound copy of the revised thesis for the chairperson of examiners.
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3 the office of research liaises with the chairperson of examiners to arrange review of the corrected thesis. 4 the research degrees committee, or the chairperson acting on behalf of the committee, is the approving authority to accept a revised thesis as satisfactory for award. If the research degrees committee does not consider revised thesis to respond to the original examiner’s comments satisfactorily, specific advice on further responses required will be provided to the relevant associate dean (research) to liaise with the principal supervisor and the candidate. 1 for examination outcome c) (revise and resubmit for external examination) a candidate will be permitted to amend and resubmit a thesis or creative work and exegesis for examination for award of the degree once only. 2 if the candidate is an international student, the requirement for the candidate to be re-enrolled in order to revise their thesis and resubmit for examination has implications for the student’s visa status. 3 the candidate is required to lodge:(a) three or four soft-bound copies of the thesis for examination (one for each of the examiners nominated plus a university copy). A thesis sent for re-examination will usually be sent to the original examiners, providing they are willing to re-examine the thesis. A revised and re-submitted thesis would not normally be sent to a panel of new examiners for re-examination. 5 thesis re-examination process described in section 6 is followed, with outcomes are as described in section 6. 1 the office of research sends advice of ‘finalisation of thesis examination’ to the candidate and the director, information services. 2 at the conclusion of examination, prior to award of the degree, candidates must submit their final thesis to the usc research bank in a manner and form to be prescribed by the director, information services, and must provide the principal supervisor with a copy of the final thesis. In the case of a thesis that includes published works or works that are subject to copyright or patent or similar intellectual property restrictions, the candidate must lodge with the thesis a copy of any contract or formal agreement or legal instrument that binds the candidate or the university with respect to those works. The copy of the thesis lodged with the university library will be available to any person for consultation or copying unless, on the application of the candidate concerned, the research degrees committee, or chairperson acting on behalf of the committee, determines that it will not be made available without the written consent of the author for a period which must not exceed 52 weeks or unless prohibited by any restrictions required by any legally enforceable instrument lodged by the candidate. 1 the office of research sends the ‘recommendation of admission to the degree’ and a copy of ‘recommendation to confer form’ to the secretary of academic board with copies to student services and engagement. On receipt of the correspondence, student services and engagement updates the student’s academic record to indicate that the candidate has been awarded a pass grade for their thesis. 2 the academic board, or the chairperson acting on behalf of the board, considers recommendations on admission to degrees and conferral of awards from the research degrees committee. When the academic board has approved the recommendations on the conferral of awards from the research degrees committee, the secretary, academic board advises the office of research and student services and engagement of this decision. Student services and engagement prepares and sends a letter to the graduand officially informing them of the conferral of the award, inviting the graduand to participate in the next graduation ceremony, and, where appropriate, informing the graduand that they are entitled to use the title of ates who can demonstrate grounds to appeal a decision by the research degrees committee may access the student grievance resolution – governing policy, via stage 3 of the student review and appeals – tip: to search, just start typing - at any time, on any ing {{ type }} for returned more than {{ ults }} top {{ ults }} of {{ tems }} are shown ing {{ type }} for returned {{ tems }} ing {{ type }} for returned no : {{ | date:'d mmm yyyy'}}. Us: 727-442-4290blogabout | academic solutions | academic research resources | dissertation resources | methods section: chapter s section: chapter methods section, or chapter three, of the dissertation or thesis is often the most challenging for graduate students. The methodology section, chapter three should reiterate the research questions and hypotheses, present the research design, discuss the participants, the instruments to be used, the procedure, the data analysis plan, and the sample size ch questions and null r three should begin with a portion that discusses the research questions and null hypotheses. In the research questions and null hypotheses portion of the methodology chapter, the research questions should be restated in statistical language. The null hypotheses are just the research questions stated in the null; for example, “there is no difference in gpa by gender,” or “there is no relationship between gpa and income level. Next portion of the methods section, chapter three is focused on developing the research design.
A mixed methods project is a mixture of both a quantitative and qualitative the research methodology, the participants are typically a sample of the population you want to study. The instruments portion should have references to the researchers who created the procedure section of the methods chapter is simply how you are going to administer the instruments that you just described to the participants you are going to select. You should walk the reader through the procedure in detail so that they can replicate your steps and your data analysis plan is just that — how you are going to analyze the data when you get the data from your participants.