Juvenile delinquency research proposal
Delinquency is committing criminal acts or offenses by a young person, generally involving people under the age of eighteen. For my research proposal my research question is what can cause or deter juvenile delinquency in first time offenders? I feel that this is an important question to be asking, because in our society there is too much juvenile delinquency and if we can use this research to figure out what can cause and deter this phenomenon then we could sincerely help a lot of this research project i have a few specific research objectives that i would like to look at, the first research objective is to look at certain factors regarding what can cause juvenile delinquency. Another specific objective that i would like to with my research would be a public service. The research design will have our general issues, sampling, and this research question i set out to find articles that would help or send me in the correct direction for my research. My main goals while trying to find this previous research was to find ones that discuss impacts of crime in the neighborhood on juvenile delinquency, and also the impacts of parent/child interaction and mistreatment. I then turned my view to both of them and it actually turned out that these two are linked together in almost every juvenile delinquent study. Out of all of the scholarly articles that i had found i have come to the conclusion showing that my articles one through seven have fit into my research question and all of these articles have their own specific goals and information they are trying to find, but they all have two major things in to cite this marxist crime perspective on juvenile delinquency of african americans. Introduction countless studies from respected sociologists, criminologists, and psychologists have suggested several theories as to why juvenile delinquency exists. The theory this paper uses to explain juvenile delinquency is the marxist perspective of the conflict theory. What this paper seeks to achieve is to show how this theory is conceptualized, how it causes juvenile delinquency particularly for african americans, statistics on african american juveniles, and why it could lead to a life of crime as juveniles transition into adulthood.... However juvenile delinquency can be prevented by offering bullying prevention, violence prevention curriculums and mentoring programs.... The causal factors for delinquency is defined as attention deficit and impulsivity problems, depression and mood, academic achievement, and parental supervision.
Research proposal on juvenile delinquency
Each of them will utilize self-report measures from both the juvenile, and, for those factors involving the family, one of their parents or guardians, as well.... That is what is happening to many underage juvenile all over the united states; they are being sent to adult prisons for crimes that do not deserve such severe punishments. I couldn't begin to cover all the possible reasons that may cause an adolescent to become a "juvenile delinquent. During my research, i found that the term juvenile delinquency is defined a number of ways. Mosby's medical nursing, and allied health dictionary summed up juvenile delinquency best with this definition; "resistant antisocial, illegal, or criminal behavior by children or adolescents to the degree that it cannot be controlled or corrected by the parents, endangers others in the community, and becomes the concern of a law enforcement agency"(1994).... With all of the crime being reported by the media about juveniles, one can’t help but wonder if all of our nation’s youth are juvenile delinquents. Although there are many cases where the juvenile did not commit a serious crime, there are others where the crime is so bad the juvenile court system tries the juvenile as an adult. A juvenile delinquent offense is an act committed by a juvenile for which an adult would be tried at a criminal court. As stated by bartol and bartol “juvenile delinquency is an imprecise, nebulous, social, clinical, and legal label for a wide variety of law- and norm-violating behavior” (2011, pg 139). Juvenile delinquency there is no doubt that various experts can give us many theories as to the causes of juvenile delinquency, including one's economic background, substance abuse, delinquent peer groups, repeated exposure to violence, increased availability of firearms and media violence. However, i feel that the number one cause of juvenile delinquency is the breakdown of families, including lack of parental control over children. The most important part is that they actually go on to show that these both can cause juvenile delinquency in a child. That is really important to my study because i can base my research off of this preexisting empirical start off the discussion i want to look at the specific articles that talk about my first variable, neighborhood crime.
Like i mentioned earlier these all found that neighborhood crime and violence plays a major impact on future juvenile delinquency. These are a few examples of what they have article parent and peer pathways to adolescent delinquency: variations by ethnicity and neighborhood context points out that if the youth has peers that are antisocial they have more deviant tendency’s thus making it easier for peer pressure and for the youth to fall into delinquency. Deutsch, crockett, wolff, russell, 2012) then on another article it states, that peers in the neighborhood have a major impact on juvenile delinquents. The article is parent and peer pathways to adolescent delinquency: variations by ethnicity and neighborhood context. The main reason why i think that is important is because you can take those theoretical perspectives and maybe later conduct more research on this topic analyzing it with those perspectives. I feel this is important to my study because my whole reason for conducting this study is to figure out how or what causes juvenile delinquency in adolescents. I believe that if we can figure out what causes it we can learn new ways to deter it and thus give these adolescents better main point i want to make is that all of these articles make such strong points on my research and they will definitely help me progress farther with my research and gathering data because i will then know what to look for and how to do the research correctly. That is exactly what i am going to do so it makes an even bigger impact on my own this research project i have two hypotheses that i would like to base my research off of. The first hypothesis is the more crime in the neighborhood the more juvenile delinquency that will occur. The first one, neighborhood crime is positively related to juvenile delinquency because it more than likely will cause it. Then the second independent variable actually goes both ways it can be positively or negatively related to juvenile delinquency. Now for my first hypothesis the variable is parent/ child interaction and within every article that i found, they actually use it as a factor for possible juvenile delinquency crime which is exactly what i am trying to figure out. This is also found within the articles that i found because this was the second most looked at factor on determining if a juvenile will become a delinquent or next section that will be discussed will be on the research design.
With this type of research i am going to focus on the individuals and the things that affect the individual’s life. Now with it being a research project we need the subjects to be in their natural environment. Now to discuss why we would do it this way, and the main reason why we would use this study is because we would have the same sample every time we needed to gather data and with us having the same sample we would be able to understand what really caused or deterred delinquency. For example we could look at the children and see what caused the delinquency, and then we can look at the preventatives taken to deter them from doing it again, and once again contact them again and see if the steps taken have worked or we are going to turn it over to our other part of the research design. The sampling plan includes target population, type of sampling method and how i would gather my sample target population that i would use for this research would be children who are in iowa at a juvenile center after a first minor offense. Now having files on them already gives me my list thus making it my basis for picking the subjects at finishing off my general issues, and my sampling plan i am now turning my attention to the most important part of the research design. With that being said the most important part of the research design is the data gathering method. We also need to know the indicators for each one of the variables, along with a description of what type of gathering method we would refresh your memory our dependent variable is the amount of juvenile delinquency, and our independent variable is the amount of neighborhood crime, and parent/child interaction. The first definition i am going to give is for the dependent variable and it is the amount of juvenile delinquency and that is crime that is committed by someone by the age of 17 and under. This is because they seem the most logical way of getting information on how much juvenile delinquency is in the area. That is one of the biggest reasons why i chose these two data gathering though i have my research design, sample plan, and data gathering method all figured out there are still some general issues with my study. Although even with it being harder to get this type of files the research is still a possibility because this is the type of research that the government or law enforcement would support so they know how to slow down juvenile delinquency since there is no way to really stop it from second issue that i have with this type of study is getting truthful information from the subjects. The children have a potential to lie to the researcher as well, but they may lie for a specific reasons.
Now the reasons why a child may lie is because of fear of what the parents might do if they tell the truth or the children may not feel comfortable talking about together now we have discussed the articles that i had found for my research question, and i have even pointed out how the articles link up to my hypotheses. Then throughout the paper i have discussed the research design by looking at the general issues, sample plan, and data gathering method. Because we looked at all of this i am hoping that we can look at the data and research and figure out exactly what can help slow the rise of juvenile delinquency in our cities and help save our youth. After looking at this research i would most likely urge anyone else who is willing to conduct research on this type of topic to head in the direction of parent/ child interaction and the maltreatment that the children gets form their parents. Now after doing that research i would hope they would find a link between them so we may be able to save even more youths from falling down this hti, s. Parental control, adolescent delinquency, and young adult criminal kohl t, maguin e, hill k g, hawkins j d, abbott r, catalano, r. Help centerless log insign usal factors of juvenile delinquency: a proposed study8 pagescausal factors of juvenile delinquency: a proposed studyuploaded byebony dickens connect to downloadget docxcausal factors of juvenile delinquency: a proposed studydownloadcausal factors of juvenile delinquency: a proposed studyuploaded byebony dickensloading previewsorry, preview is currently unavailable. Help new research papers in:physicschemistrybiologyhealth sciencesecologyearth sciencescognitive sciencemathematicscomputer rivacycopyrightacademia © insign upmore job boardaboutpressblogpeoplepaperstermsprivacycopyright we're hiring! 0)document actionsdownloadshare or embed documentsharing optionsshare on facebook, opens a new windowshare on twitter, opens a new windowshare on linkedinshare by email, opens mail clientembeddescription: to help in planning a research proposalview moreto help in planning a research proposalcopyright: attribution non-commercial (by-nc)download as docx, pdf, txt or read online from scribdflag for inappropriate contentresearch proposal (2): qualitative orientation crystal loh wai ying; m. I) proposed title (ii) introduction (iii) brief literature review environmental variables and crime rational choice crime prevention through environment design (cpted) (iv) methodology participant observation individual interviews community observation analysis of official/unofficial statistic (v) proposed research time-table (vi) references. I) proposed title the relationship between juvenile delinquency and environmental variables in new town, tuen mun. Ii) introduction the problem of juvenile delinquency in tuen mun's new town' has become more and more alarming in recent years. According to recent police statistics, the figure of 662 recorded juvenile arrests in tuen mun was the highest among all police districts in the territory in the first half of 1996.
Such figures raise public concern about the occurrence of juvenile delinquency in the context of planned housing in the new towns. A number of questions arise, such as: " why does tuen mun suffer more juvenile delinquency than other places? Hence, the following hypothesis will be examined in my proposed study: " the environment of tuen mun's new town invites and provides more opportunities for juveniles to commit delinquency than other new towns and urban areas of hk. The related "situational crime prevention" approach which focuses on the "rational choice" of offenders will also be critically used to supplement an understanding of the factors involved in juvenile delinquency. Their study "juvenile delinquency and urban areas"(1942) showed that high crime areas usually straddled the industrial zone which was characterized by very high rates of residential turnover and low rates of home ownership. Will compare juvenile delinquency in tuen mun's new town with two other areas in order to make the study more interesting. They argued that differences in delinquency rates between areas was correlated with environmental variables like housing conditions. Using the "environmental" approach to study juvenile delinquency is a novel attempt in hong kong. Iii) brief literature review environmental variables and crime the work of the pre-world war ii chicago researchers shaw and mcay made a major contribution to criminology by developing the "ecological" approach to the understanding of the interaction between society and environment in crime causation. I will employ the "environmental perspective" in my study in order to attempt to explain the nature of juvenile delinquency. My study will explore how juvenile offenders perceive such environmental variables and test whether they commit delinquency in a rational fashion. My study will examine whether the environment of tuen mun's new town provides insufficient "natural guardianship" compared to kowloon city which leads to a high delinquency rate. My study seeks to find out how similar sorts of environmental features in tuen mun influence juvenile delinquents to make this type of rational choice.
A study by beavon ( kinds of environmental factors found in the three study areas may provide hypothetically an explanation for differences in juvenile crime in hong kong. Demonstrated this rational choice assumption by showing that a shop located in an area with more converging streets suffered more crime than those located dual interviews individual interviews by a way of structured questionnaire will also be used to collect information about the juvenile delinquents' perception of the environment. By comparing the physical environment of the three studied areas the different environmental influences on the opportunity for juvenile delinquency can be gauged. My research following the brantinghams' suggestion will examine and compare what sorts of places and why they are prone to high juvenile crime in tuen mun. Participant observation participant observation with a group of juvenile delinquents or marginal youths in tuen mun will be carried out. I propose to associate myself with tuen mun's juvenile delinquents through the help of the district outreaching social work team. The interview is especially important for examining questions like "what kind of environment could encourage juveniles to make the rational choice' to commit delinquency? Carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextqualitative researchqualitative research proposal_group assignment_mpu 1024research proposalthe structure of a qualitative proposalqualitative methods (business research)qualitative research proposal outlinequalitative researchqualitative market research study proposalqualitative researchresearch proposalqualitative research proposal - understanding consumer perceptions of advertising effectsqualitative researchqualitative researchqualitative researchqualitative research methods a data collector s field guideintegrated theori es05 chapter 1violenceworks cited for hum annmla biblographyjuvenile cyber delinquency children in crime- cracks in the country_s juvenile justice systemyoung offendersyoung offendersmcclucas cri100z1 week 3 l (21)sp-chapter 06law papers nlsiu 1991ra 10630documents about juvenile delinquencyskip carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextarchdiocese chargedfbi law enforcement bulletin - dec00lebjuvenilejustice rec 2011111385_1980-1984united states v. Names and crimethe 1997 revisions to washington's juvenile offender sentencing lawson the record dispositional reasoning recommendationsunited states v. 2011)chemical dependency disposition alternative for juvenile offendershouse hearing, 111th congress - meeting the challenges faced by girls in the juvenile justice systemut dallas syllabus for soc3362. Robert flores, of virginia, nominee to be administrator, office of juvenile justice and delinquency prevention, u. Department of justicehouse hearing, 114th congress - reviewing the juvenile justice system and how it serves at-risk youth2009-10 nyc deficit reduction testimony of pam bennett to senate finance committee on after-school programsut dallas syllabus for crim6324. 1972)house hearing, 111th congress - reforming the juvenile justice system to improve children's lives and public safetychildren in welfare families were referred to juvenile court for abuse and neglect more often than other childrenunited states v.
Dialogthis title now requires a credituse one of your book credits to continue reading from where you left off, or restart the t ation and virginia department of juvenile justice (djj) supports and encourages research on juvenile delinquency and on the effectiveness of programs and services intended to reduce juvenile offending. Before requesting data or proposing research, please review the data resource guide and any other relevant publications that may inform your ch proposals for human research in any unit or division of djj must be approved by the human research and review committee (hrrc) and the director. Research proposals involving secondary data analysis with case-specific information must also be submitted through a similar process using the same forms. Research proposals must also be approved by the institutional review board (irb) of the researcher’s institution/organization. Internal and external requestors must abide by the procedures listed research must include informing participants in writing of the procedures, risks, and benefits of the research and obtaining consent. For research involving minors who are wards of the state, consent from the minor’s parent/guardian is still on chart to determine the type of research request. If you are either requesting case-specific data or proposing human subjects research, follow the instructions for submitting proposals to djj. Both require completion and submission of the same the external research proposal flow chart for additional information regarding the review processes for each type of ctions for submitting proposals to the djj and review the administrative procedure vol. This document provides directions for proposing and conducting research in any unit of the virginia department of juvenile ad and complete the research proposal summary ad and complete the research agreement ad and complete the confidentiality agreement form. A confidentiality agreement form is required for each individual accessing the decision chart to determine the type of research request. For human subjects requests, download and complete the research proposal completed and signed research proposals should be submitted via e-mail to @. Please include all required attachments with the al is contingent upon your adherence to the exact procedures described in the final version of your proposal that has been submitted. If you need to make any changes to your research staff or procedures, you must obtain approval from your irb and djj.
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