Review of literature on training and development
My obo sign n american studiesafrican studiesamerican literatureanthropologyart historyatlantic historybiblical studiesbritish and irish literaturebuddhismchildhood studieschinese studiescinema and media studiesclassicscommunicationcriminologyecologyeducationenvironmental scienceevolutionary biologygeographyhinduisminternational lawinternational relationsislamic studiesjewish studieslatin american studieslatino studieslinguisticsliterary and critical theorymanagementmedieval studiesmilitary historymusicphilosophypolitical sciencepsychologypublic healthrenaissance and reformationsocial worksociologyvictorian literaturebrowse all ten your password? This article training and uctiongeneral overviewstextbooksreference worksjournalshistorylearningtransferinstructional systems designneeds assessmenttraining methodspre-training interventionstraining mediatraining teamstraining evaluationlearner characteristicslearning contextemployee d articles related articles close human resource n american studiesafrican studiesamerican literatureanthropologyart historyatlantic historybiblical studiesbritish and irish literaturebuddhismchildhood studieschinese studiescinema and media studiesclassicscommunicationcriminologyecologyeducationenvironmental scienceevolutionary biologygeographyhinduisminternational lawinternational relationsislamic studiesjewish studieslatin american studieslatino studieslinguisticsliterary and critical theorymedieval studiesmilitary historymusicphilosophypolitical sciencepsychologypublic healthrenaissance and reformationsocial worksociologyvictorian more forthcoming articles...
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Obo/ng and development is the study of how structured experiences help employees gain work-related knowledge, skill, and attitudes. A variety of disciplines offer insights into this topic, including, but not limited to, industrial and organizational psychology, educational psychology, human resource development, organizational development, industrial and labor relations, strategic management, and labor economics.
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The focus of this bibliography is primarily psychological with an emphasis on theory and practice that examines training processes and the learning outcomes they seek to influence. Nevertheless, literature from other perspectives will be introduced on a variety of topics within this area of articles and chapters provide background for the study of training and development, particularly as studied by management scholars with backgrounds in human resource management, organizational behavior, human resource development, and industrial and organizational psychology.
Review of literature on employee attrition and retention
Aguinis and kraiger 2009 provides a narrative review of ten years of research on training and employee development, focusing on the many benefits of providing structured learning experiences to employees. Brown and sitzmann 2011 also reviews the literature and emphasizes research on the processes that are required to ensure that training benefits emerge.
Noe, et al 2014 examines training in a broader context, relative to the roles of informal learning and knowledge s, herman, and kurt kraiger. Mail citation »a comprehensive review of training and development literature from 1999 to 2009 with an emphasis on the benefits that training offers across multiple levels of , winfred a.
Mail citation »offers a comprehensive meta-analysis of the relationships among training design and evaluation features and various training effectiveness outcomes (reaction, learning, behavior, and results). 12170-000e-mail citation »a comprehensive review of training and development in work organizations with an emphasis on the processes necessary for training to be effective for improving individual and team r, kurt.
Annurev-orgpsych-031413-091321e-mail citation »a review that places training and development in a broader context with other learning-related interventions and practices such as informal learning and knowledge sharing. 1534484302011003e-mail citation »presents a typology summarizing elements of training and work environments that foster transfer of , eduardo, scott i.
1529100612436661e-mail citation »reviews meta-analytic evidence and offers evidence-based recommendations for maximizing training without a subscription are not able to see the full content page. For more information or to contact an oxford sales representative click ctional systems -training r the editorial board ».
Social -cultural al e, analytic rment, reneurship, reneurship, women' employment in personnel business, gs, reporting , des cultural capital resource resource management, resources, ty in igence, ational economic ational strategic analysis and competency -member ship ship development and organizational change, coaching... Global and ship, ment in ational corporations and emerging -institutional cience, zation design, zation development and zational behavior, emotions zational citizenship behaviors (ocbs).
Publishing services for special 5, no 2 (1989) > tion of training and development programs: a review of the paper outlines some of the findings of a research project on evaluation, which involved a review of the training and development (journal) literature for the period 1970-1986.