School violence research paper
Reasons why school violence is decreasing is that many schools now have rules and policies such as metal detectors and locker checks, these rules and policies help teachers and students realize that for what purpose do these students bring these kinds of items to school. As we approached the turn of the twenty-first century, news outlets increasingly covered violence in america’s schools; most specifically violence in the form of “school shootings. A panic swept the entire country after the extended coverage of a few high profile incidents of school shootings. As a result, prominent sectors of society began searching for and analyzing the possible causes of school violence. Many were quick to blame violent television shows, films, and video games, but did the violence occur as a byproduct of violent entertainment or were these “bad influences” merely patsies.... There are numerous programs and studies aimed at reducing school violence, but how does a school district know what type of program would work best for their students. In the article, reducing school violence: school-based curricular programs and school climate (2008), michael greene, reviewed different approaches on reducing school violence to determine if one approach was better than another. One of the hardest components of researching the effectiveness of school violence prevention/reduction programs is the fact that all researchers view “violence” differently.... How do we respond to the traumatic events of the twentieth century, where a series of school shootings lead by students at 12 different schools planned and carried out violent shootings that resulted in the deaths of several students and teachers at each school. How many times have you or your children been victims of violence or intimidation and how many times have you been left feeling abandoned, demoralized and full of despair because no-one will lift a finger to help. The truth of the matter is that we are all alone when it comes to dealing with any form of aggressive behavior from children, especially in school. A lot of research does show that higher violence is related to city schools, though there is still a significant amount in schools outside of the city. Violence and crime in schools is related to the home life experience of the children committing these terrible deeds. Children that are allowed to watch tv shows that have violence or play the popular style of video games with violence have a higher chance of becoming actively violent at school.... It is time to eliminate school violence the mix has become appallingly predictable: volcanic anger, no one to turn to, and readily available firearms. Result: dead and wounded students, teachers, and faculty at schools in all parts of our nation. Violence in our schools, whether it involves threats, fistfights, knives, or firearms, is unnecessary and intolerable. What could ever drive two high school students to the point where the only answer was death and suicide. Since columbine, connecticut, georgia, virginia, oregon, michigan and tennessee have had violence plaguing there schools with children as young as 9 years old committing the acts.... Factors contributing to school violence jim cringed when he heard his assistant yelling to him from her office across the hall. This has caused many problems among students, families, faculty of schools, and residents of the areas. With all the people being injured or killed in schools by guns and other weapons, more and more people are getting more weapons to bring in to schools.... Increase in school violence over the past several years, incidents of school violence have intensified. Disasters like the shootings at columbine high school are not unheard of, and precautions for school safety are on the minds of numerous communities. Today’s transgressions include physical and verbal violence, incivility, and in some schools, drug abuse, robbery, assault, and murder” (1995).... When you are a middle or high school public school teacher, events happen instantaneously, and you have to be equal to the task of confronting the challenge of an unexpected situation face to face. You never know when or where school violence will erupt; a teacher only knows that it inevitably will. The article title states exactly what the article talks about, the many different cases of bullying and violence in schools. The focus of american schools these days have so changed from the “basics” of teaching children to read, write and do arithmetic.
Instead of just being an academic institution that is entrusted with teaching our children skills that would enable then to be intelligent contributing members of society, the schools are now looked at as “extensions of the community”. Therefore, according to john dewey, “ schools should share social burdens and be responsible for equipping children with skills necessary to survive and succeed in the community. Schools have indeed had to modify their roles from teaching content academics to helping all students adjust to changing “radical situations” such as juve... Preventing school violence the number of extremely violent crimes occurring in schools has been increasing over the last three years. Incidents that deal with school violence occur 16,000 per school day, which is equivalent to once every six seconds (kipnis 11). School violence has been around since the1950's, but back then it was more an issue of juvenile delinquency than violent behavior (baker 3). Crime in and around schools is threatening the well being of students, as well as the staff and surrounding communities.... Topic: school violence general purpose: to inform specific purpose: to inform what needs to be done to stop school violence. Introduction: since the april 20, 1999 shooting at columbine high school in littleton, colorado i have been looking deeper into the issue of school violence. Mainstream strategies to reduce school violence have focused on combinations of upgrading school security postures (more guards, metal detectors, etc. This paper investigates another aspect of school violence—school cultures of violence—that few schools recognize as a serious problem and that mainstream strategies fail to address.... On april 20, 1999 eric harris and dylan klebold opened fire on columbine highschool killing twelve fellow classmates and one teacher. School violence varies from accounts of “death, homicide, suicide, weapon related violence, in the us. C1) school violence can occur to and from school, while attending a school sponsored event, on a bus, or at an activity.... School violence in the past several years, there have been many instances of violent acts (including murder) occurring throughout the united states. Many school officials and citizens are convinced that the growing problems of student disruption and general lack of respect for authorities are attributable directly to an over emphasis on students’ rights. The increase in violence, drugs, and weapons in schools has directed our attention to the need to talk all reasonable steps to ensure a safe learning environment for students and teachers.... Whether it deals with guns, knives, or just a little fight, school violence is more common than ever before. Schools have always been one of the safest places in a child’s life, but are we sure that this is true anymore. Every year, three million students in the united states fall victim to crimes at school and almost two million of these incidents involve violence.... Charlene alexander) the united states is facing an outbreak of seriously violent crimes in middle schools and high schools across the country. In turn, this leads to the student not wanting to be in school or not being able to concentrate on what matters the most, their future.... Violence in our schools is an issue that has become more prominent in the last few years. In order to maintain a peaceful environment for all, we must address and inform our schools, children, and parents as well as the neighboring communities about the issue of school violence. Johnson, the author of reducing school violence states, “to eliminate violence and resolve destructive conflicts, schools must first admit that such conflicts are out of control. Johnson 7) schools in general must identify with these issues in order to deal with th... Parents send their kids off to school everyday hoping that their children will make it home. The school system today is not what it was like fifty years ago, teachers would disaplin students for talking too much or chewing gum, but today teachers have to wonder if they are going to get shot for giving a kid a bad grade. Now that might be a little exaerated but the safety of everyone in a school is not as comforting as it once was.
The trend of school violence began a few years ago and then rapidly increased in almost in a copycat pattern.... Kids now days observe so much violence its almost predictable that they act this way. Kids tend to imitate what they see exposing them to violence before they can understand it doesn’t help them. School violence is in the headlines again, 6 years after columbine, the tragic colorado school shooting in which many students died. Now, sadly, 2 school officials and 6 students have been killed in a shooting at red lake high school in minnesota. According to the centers for disease control and prevention (cdc), fewer than 1% of all homicides among school-age children happen on school grounds or on the way to and from school.... To act out in violence in school against eachother, not just fist to fist physical altercation, but from one boy’s fathers gun to another.... Increasing student achievement through preventing school violence introduction school violence is any type of violence, whether it is a simple threat on another student or a school shooting, that happens in the school environment. The purpose of this research paper is to examine how school violence impacts student achievement. Violence at columbine high school the events that happened in littleton, colorado at columbine high school in april were tragic. Simply looking back over the past few years of teenage violence a picture become clear of who the aggressors are : white males. Thus, in regards to the debate of the school uniform policy, could it be said, to conform to the masses to secure a little safety; liberty is being forsaken. Uniforms have been around for centuries; yet, only more recently introduced into american public schools in 1979, as a way to combat differences in social status among students.... Many parents believe that sending their children to school is almost certainly the safest place for them to be, nevertheless it is probably one of the worlds most dangerous places in the united states. School violence is a belligerent activity that can happen with school staff as well, as well as with students.... Each day millions of children across the united states go to school to learn, but instead they come face to face with violence generated by their peers, from minor things like trash talking to more major offenses such as dangerous situations involving weapons and bullying. School violence is a worldwide problem that is unpredictable, making it difficult for researchers to narrow down it's causes. The violence has become more of an epidemic as time continues to progress and it varies on the type of violent offenses that occurs depending on several factors.... Some examples of school violence are bullying, mass massacres, as well as psychological issues that go unnoticed or ignored by staff and doctors. Although there are many problems still occurring today, there are numerous organization helping to stop or prevent school violence. School violence may never be suppressed, but its our job to find the origins, the effects, the causes, how people are trying to solve the problem, and how is the problem decreasing or increasing.... To explore how to maintain safe school environments, we must first define the causes of school violence. When eric david harris and dylan bennett klebold opened fire inside columbine high school on april 20, 1999, injuring 24, and killing 13 (including themselves), they were simply displaying the unfortunate 'symptom' of their 'disease'- a deeply-rooted lack of emotional literacy. As sandra bloom notes, 'a few incidents of violence are directly related to limited skills in reading, writing, and computation, but rather, limited emotional literacy' (bloom, 2004, p. In nearly every school’s mission statement, it is stated the school will provide a safe environment for all children; yet, every day on the news, there are stories in which a teenager commits suicide or a teenager has inflicted pain on another student. Most of these stories stem from one common denominator: the student had been a victim of violence in schools. When a student enters a school building, it should be a safe haven where the students feel protected and out of harms way; however, that is not always the case.... These days, gangs are not only made up of adults on the streets, but teens who are in school as well. As a result, gangs are now seen in many schools, and as a result may lead to increased violence among students....
School violence violence in a school setting is one of the most emotionally upsetting things that we are constantly faced with in today’s news media. Whether it is a childish slap to a classmate or a threat to a teacher, or even a very real incident of gun violence in school, school violence rates have dramatically increased in america, almost to the point of being called an epidemic.... Schools are no longer a safer environment for teenagers and children in today’s society. School shootings are widespread issue that seek attention because of their dramatic and frighten nature. However, school shootings are becoming more and more of an everyday incident around the world. School shooting is an event that is committed by a student with gun violence at a school campus or other institutions.... Throughout the decade, violence in high schools and colleges has been dramatically increasing and taking a toll on society. The columbine high school massacre in colorado, the sixteen year old boy beaten to death in chicago, the virginia tech rampage, and the death of yale student annie le should encourage government officials to discover a precise solution to cease this type of violent behavior. It seems like every time we read the newspaper, or turn on the tv, someone has been murdered or severely injured from violence in high schools and colleges.... Finding the root of the problem of school violence after shootings at jonesboro, ark, paducah, ky, springfield, ore, pearl, miss, and littleton, co, serious questions arise such as has school violence risen, and, if so, what can we do to fix it. The truth is, school violence is on a rise, and it can be attributed to factors such as disinterest in learning, the total preservation of the civil rights of the students at all costs, and the lack of power the teachers and administrators have to punish misbehavior.... One out of every twelve students would stay home rather than attend school for fear someone would hurt them or hassle them (kreiner). However, you can also help to achieve a larger goal: preventing violence before it happens (kreiner).... On december 1, 1997, mike carneal walks into heath high school in paducah, kentucky and opens fire on a daily prayer group. From monthly shootings, to daily bomb threats around the country, violence is becoming more and more common in schools. It is typical to hear about acts of violence among our youth everyday on the news. Although more numerous in cities, this violence does not discriminate against inner city or suburban areas; it happens everywhere. When addressing this quick spread of crime, one can inquire as to its history and why it happens, myths about school violence, and how was can taper it, by the use of technology.... By the time a child reaches middle school income levels do not influence negative behavior. But when the child reaches high school they could be teased for how the dress because they may not have nice clothes like other kids, or simply choose to dress differently.... This was the headline seen and heard on every newspaper, radio, and news broadcast after the now infamous columbine high school shooting on april 20, 1999. To begin with, eric harris and dylan klebold, ages 17 and 18, entered their school with an assortment of guns, knives, and bombs, ready and willing to take the lives of every individual in the high school.... Society demands that schools be safe for our children, yet recent events indicate we need to escalate our efforts to prevent violence in schools at the same time address violence in the larger community. Crises involving sudden violence in schools are traumatic in large measure because they are unexpected. The shrapnel from bullets fired on school grounds have a way of touching the life's of many. In the wake of such a crisis, members of the school community are asked-and ask themselves-what could have been done to prevent it.... I will be holding a meeting which will address upcoming plans for the tragic in on dear school. I will also be pointing out six steps on how we can improve on school security so we can our students and staff members in the awake of sandy hook. On december 14, 2012 a young man walked into sandy hook elementary school then proceeded to shoot and kill 20 students and six of the faculty members.
The school's security protocol had recently been upgraded, requiring visitors to be individually admitted after visual and identification review via video monitor. Abstract it is necessary for the schools in the united states to take more action in order to keep the students safe during the day. It is obvious that schools are not safe, forcing everyone to take a part in stopping the violent behavior which takes place in schools on a daily basis. There are many warning signs and ways to prevent this violence from taking place, it is just a matter of using money more wisely and creating more programs for preventing violence before it erupts in schools. The most recent acts of violence by children have prompted us as a nation to look at the causes and possible solutions to this crisis in our schools. In fact, according to public agenda, a national organization that conducts public opinion research on educational issues, school safety was identified as the most important issue affecting schools by those surveyed (johnson & immerwahr, 1994/1995). Schools increasingly believe that their responsibility is not only to teach academics, but also to curb violent, disruptive, and antisocial behavior.... Due to all the media coverage of more recent violent events in school history, such as columbine, it is of popular belief that violence in school systems is the worst it has ever been. There are many questions about what type of violence occurs most often, what gender and what ethnicity violence is most affecting in schools. Violence can be defined by any deliberate act, serving no legitimate purpose, which causes injury or which could reasonably be expected to cause injury to another person.... The problem we are facing today with violence in the schools is a major concern with communities everywhere. Is the absence of school uniforms leading to an up rise of violence between children in public schools. According to the national school safety center’s report on school associated violent deaths, “since the 1992-1993 school year, two-hundred seven were shooting victims” (kelly n pag). Department of education’s national center for education statistics (nces), “10% of all public schools had one or more serious violent crimes (murder, rape, sexual battery, suicide, physical attack or fight with a weapon, or robbery), and most of the serious violent crimes occurred in the middle and high schools” (kelly n pag).... With the occurrence of incidents such as columbine, more schools are becoming aware of and concerned with a rise in teenage/school violence. Violence is a broad term to define but in it’s simplest terms, can be defined as “a verbal, visual, or physical act intended to demean, harm, or infringe upon another’s civil rights,” (kopka, 175). This organization was formed with the intent of providing technical assistance, training and research to school districts concerned with increasing incidents of “serious, disruptive student behavior,” (kopka... Another school shooting goes down and is preyed upon by the media for a gripping new story. Some people say that school shootings are due to the excess marketing of violence in movies, television, video games, and music.... Violent behavior at work and at school is exhibited in a wide-range of abusive behavior, a field that varies from mild forms of teasing to verbal abuse to long-standing persecution to deadly violence itself. While faculty aggression has been recognized as a challenge among students, little is understood about violence in opposition to teachers.... Violence is a very important issue that is coming to the front in today's school systems. School violence is a `complex social policy problem' and is considered very complicated and hard to define. My paper is on school violence and the methods in which the government and schools can provide support and/or programs to help stem the recent rash of incidents. These steps include: use of `less violent' materials, peer mediation interventions, police presence and action, individualizing of the troublemaker(s), safety measures [in schools, and at home], and raising deviancy awareness.... The last three years have shown us that violence in our schools society is more common today then ever before. Whether the violence has to do with guns, knives, or just a simple fight, school violence is getting a little out of hand. There have been several school shootings in the last few years, and the number of school shootings seems to be growing rapidly these days. When the last figures were taken by the government educators had found more then 2,000 weapons stashed by students in lockers, backpacks and pockets in the 1996-97 school year....
Youth take what they hear and see at home and in their communities to school. A sudden increase of youth violence in public schools in early 1990 has caused many to raise concerns about violent behaviors in schools.... Violence and crime in our schools are problems, that many of our schools are facing today. According to federal activities addressing violence in schools, "there are more possibilities of violent acts and crimes taking place in public schools, than in private schools. Crime and violence in our school can disrup the learning process and have a negative effect on students, the school staff and the community as a whole. School violence and crime are problems that comes from homes, media, neighborhoods, and even from some roles in schools and colleges is therefore one of the most troublesome social problems in our... On january 18, 1993, scott pennington, a seventeen year-old student from kentucky, shot and killed his east carter high school teacher deanna mcdavid and janitor marvin hicks, and then held his twenty-two classmates at gunpoint for about fifteen minutes. On september 15, 1995, daniel watson, eighteen, was charged with one count of kidnapping, two counts of unlawful possession of a weapon on school property, and fifteen counts of first degree endangerment after holding a fellow student at gunpoint at his high school.... Eliminating violence in schools violence in schools has increased throughout the nation in the last few years. The cause of violence can be blamed on a variety of things, such as drugs, gangs, and the unstable mentality of adolescents. Just think of all the school shootings that have happened in the past few years.... Violence in our schools children today are growing up in an increasingly violent atmosphere, both in society in general and in their schools. While there is no easy answer as to how to end this violence once and for all, we can look at some of the causes and take steps to contain that which we can. The main contributing factor in all recent school shootings has been the shooters’ feelings that they were bullied by and alienated from the rest of the children and were made to feel that they were not as good as their peers.... School violence over the past number of years has been increasing and family life, the things that occur in schools and the neighborhoods that the teenagers (that commit the crimes or violent acts) live in are some of the major factors. Family lifestyle and the behavior of members within the family have been shown to have a direct affect on a teenager’s behavior in school.... Even after columbine, the highly publicized school shooting, violence in schools is still going strong with in a place where the last thing on the kids’ minds should be. James redfield, 1993, the celestine prophecy, new york: warner books,65–66) some school critics and statisticians have observed that drug-dealing, vandalism, robbery, and murder have replaced gum-chewing, “talking out of turn,” tardiness, and rudeness as the most chronic problems afflicting today’s schools.... Violence in our schools most americans don't understand the extent of violence in our school system today or simply don't understand how to address the issue. Violence in schools has spread widely throughout the nation and has caused many problems among students, families, faculty of schools, and residents of the issues will be discussed and i will produce what could or "should" be done to correct these problems.... The inevitability of school violence: no need for school reform “guns don’t kill people, people kill people,” i have often heard. Some are of the opinion that we are capable of doing so; by implementing new reforms and tightening school security, people are, in effect, saying they have the solutions to the problems. The violence of recent school shootings has wrought anxiety and fear in parents, teachers, and administrators across the nation.... The growing problem of teenage violence in schools today there is a growing problem with teenage violence today in school. Many of them resort to violence as a way to deal with anger and stress. Most of teenage violence starts with the so called thugs who think they rule the school. Another source of this violence is the outcasts or nerds that the bullies pick on because they’re different, but the worst type of violence is racism, like nazis who hate people because of there race, religion, or there sexual... Taking action to decrease violence in high schools violence in high schools is present in many places in the school. Both students and teachers were given maps to their schools and asked to identify where and when the most violent events and most dangerous places in the school were at.
Due to the current mayhem of sudden violence on campuses, many pro-gun activists have agreed that, not only professors, but students also should be allowed to carry guns on campuses. As teachers, parents, and students prepare and begin this new school year, hopefully fears of school violence such as the bullying, slapping, punching, weapon use, and rape will not be their major concern. As defined in the oxford dictionary, school violence is a subset of students or teachers violence, physical force exerted for the purpose of violating, damaging, or abusing, the act or an instance of violent action or behavior at school, abuse or injury to meaning, content, or intent, vehemence of feeling or expression.... Every year, 3 million young people in the united states fall victim to crimes at school. In my opinion, there is no justification for individuals to go to particular extremes, such as school shootings.... Use of conflict resolution and mediation to end school violence conflict and differences of opinion exist in every healthy organization. Americans need to try to take control of today's youth and the violence that is and has been developing in this country for many years. Each school and student population has different ways of dealing with and helping to curb the need for violence in schools. The most effective and most common method in dealing with violence in schools is conflict resolution. Think that a school shooting could occur in their s are taking a variety of measures to improve school safety. Which will reduce the incidence of violence in our schools and alleviate the fears of parents and children? How can school and district administrators choose among the myriad possibilities, and how can they know where to allocate precious resources? The goal of this paper is to describe the options that are currently available for schools. An analysis of the key components of various approaches in terms of their potential positive and negative effects can assist in the selection of policies, programs, and procedures while we wait for evaluations to be about school violence is not confined to urban schools; it is ent in suburban schools. 3] most common in large schools, and middle school students are likely targets of violent behavior. For example, the percentage of students who reported being crime at school decreased from 10 percent in 1995 to 8 percent in. Whereas the chances of serious violence, such as shootings, low, violence continues to take place in schools. The latest ble on criminal incidents (school year 1996-1997) reveal half of public middle and high schools reported at least one physical attacks, fights (without a weapon), theft, larceny, or , even in light of the 5 percent decrease in weapon carrying between. And 1999, [3] 7-8 percent of 9th to 12th grade continue to report having been threatened or a weapon on school property. One school year, about half of public high schools reported at least one incident of physical attacks,Fights (without a weapon), theft, larceny, or ed concerns about light of these statistics, the concerns and fears of children appear to be out of proportion to reality. 7] in fact, 8 to 15 rank bullying as more of a problem in their lives mination, racism, or violence. Children who view themselves as targets of bullying show high anxiety and depression that impede their school performance. 11] research is needed to identify the conditions under which bullying are most likely to lash out, it is clear that school children increase the risk for subsequent are schools doing to improve safety? With intense public pressure, school administrators are taking action and implementing programs designed to curb school violence. These programs include:Physical surveillance, including weapons deterrence and the presence of security guards or officers on policies designed to prevent violence ing those who perpetrate ction-based programs designed to address the precursors of violence, including ing of potentially violent ling at-risk ct mediation and sheer numbers of these programs can be daunting; there are over 200 institutional programs alone. Some aim to boost physical safety by reducing extreme forms of violence, such as shootings. Some approaches involve the entire school and sometimes even parents or the community at large; others are designed for students identified as "at risk. Hence, school-based violence prevention efforts are based on drastically different sets of assumptions about what works. Each of these approaches is discussed in more detail al the most common physical surveillance measures currently used in schools are weapons deterrence and the use of campus security and police officers.
Metal detectors and student lockers and book bags are not uncommon, especially in middle and high schools. Whether metal detectors and prevent a well-planned incident from taking place is less s deterrence does not address the reasons why students carry guns to reports from administrators suggest that some schools are decreasing their use of metal detectors and searches because they appear to increase students' fears and anxieties. The presence of security guards and ed by the school, district, or local law enforcement on s is gaining popular support. This is especially true since ng incident at granite hills high school near san diego, california,Where a campus police officer was able to intervene quickly and r violence. The duties of campus officers vary from school and grounds to assisting school personnel with . In the spring of 2000, president clinton bolstered the use officers by providing more than $60 million to support 452 wide as part of the justice department's cops in schools reports[13] president bush might triple the amount of federal support for m. Ce of uniformed officers can, in fact, breed a sense of students and hence adversely affect school climate. Wide variety of school policies related to student conduct and dress code is enforced in schools across the nation. Rules and regulations that directly target violence are zero-tolerance policies inasmuch as a single violation results in punishment, often either suspension or expulsion. Although many of these policies pertain specifically to weapons possession at school, others target drug use or possession. Some districts and schools have adopted anti-bullying zero-tolerance policies, thereby targeting precursors to less of the specific foci of these zero-tolerance policies,They involve an explicit statement of consequences (i. Get-tough" practices are presumed to send a message to t students and decrease school violence. Explanation for the links among suspension, dropping out, and that a student who is not in school has more unstructured time, greater likelihood of contact with deviant peers. In some cases, punishment tactics employed by schools with es might result in an increased risk of violence for the t and for society at -tough practices are presumed to send a message to t students and decrease school violence. 23] this program was the only model program for school-based prevention at the in the blueprint programs by the center for prevention of the university of colorado at boulder, along with the centers e control and prevention and other institutions in 1996. The program provides teacher information for parents about the ctional programs focus on the precursors of or with the serious manifestations of us instructional violence prevention programs are available tary schools, but only a handful are designed for secondary ts. Programs are all curriculum-based, they are often implemented group counseling sessions and only sometimes are they embedded larger context of a school-wide prevention approach. Grouping together appears to reinforce negative behavioral patterns in of "deviance training," increasing rather than decreasing the they will engage in anti-social behavior ic anti-bullying programs alter social norms by responses to bullying incidents and increasing ing of potentially violent approach that gained support immediately following the ized school shootings was early identification or profiling ially violent students. Itself can lead to stigmatization and, if linked with a intervention, the labeling can also significantly limit the the identified students who will never commit violence are potentially ling and violence prevention efforts rely on counseling students with disciplinary problems and mediating in specific incidents of conflict as needed. Mediation and conflict resolution programs provide opportunities for modeling and rehearsing critical negotiation and resolution s school personnel can be in charge of the counseling and mediation. The professional qualifications of these personnel vary; there are no uniform educational requirements for school violence prevention coordinators. Although these programs can be elementary schools, some evidence indicates that high school not well screened. Most recent national data from the 1996-1997 school year includes a n on school actions and reactions related to discipline issues. Survey of 12,340 principals shows that 74 percent of middle 82 percent of high schools used some form of violence m (ranging from one-day to long-term programs) in 1996-1997. About 90 percent of the schools had zero-tolerance policies california, 63 percent of high schools employ at part-time law enforcement 13 percent of public middle schools and 21 percent of high police or other law enforcement on campus 10-30 or more hours . Percent of high schools in california employ at least one enforcement r evaluation is needed to determine which approaches s are sincere in their efforts to confront the antecedents of violence and alleviate students' fears, and they have implemented a variety of thoughtful programs. This time, only a handful of violence prevention approaches have been evaluated, and even fewer have been determined to be effective or promising. Proper evaluation research is costly and typically deemed a luxury by funders and program developers. As a result, large amounts of both federal and state monies are spent to support school violence programs with little or no data on their potential the lack of data on program effectiveness, school and district administrators have few guidelines to help them make informed choices among the myriad of alternatives.
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We owe it to our children to make sure that the methods we use to promote school safety will work. Hence, choices need to be made between psychological safety and physical safety; proactive strategies and reactive strategies; targeted and whole school approaches; punitive and instructional methods; and, finally, between incident-based and person-based interventions. California issue papers explore topics of interest to the policymaking gh issue papers are formally reviewed, authors have de to express provocative views without doing full justice perspectives. The views and conclusions expressed in issue those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of its research work described in this issue paper was completed within rand ng on more than 25 years of research and evaluation work, ion has as its mission the improvement of education policy ce in formal and informal settings from early childhood on. Rand's publications do not necessarily opinions or policies of its research ght © 2001 sion is given to duplicate this on-line document for personal , as long as it red and complete. Copies may not be duplicated hed 2001 by ation for t & linking on facebookshare on twittershare on to section > published research > issue papers > ip-219 >. Copies may not be duplicated hed 2001 by ation for t & linking on facebookshare on twittershare on ch paper of school of school of school violence research papers explore the causes of school violence such as bullying, video games, drugs or alcohol abuse or racial tensions in of school violence aren't easy to discern in today's society. Research papers on school violence may point to any of the following causes:Drugs or alcohol abuse by violence research papers show that the problem is widely agreed to be attributable to a complex of factors, and its expression is both responsive to, and resistant to, behavioral conditioning and external controls and influences. The literature points to physiological, psychological and social components and while there are multiple theoretical orientations to the study of violence, the hope of most school violence prevention programs is to deter violence in the school building. Incidents that occur in parking lots and so on are less readily influenced by classroom or building policies, and particularly in urban areas, school grounds may be used by community members for violent or illegal activities. For the purposes of a term paper, school violence refers to behavior or acts taking place inside the building or classroom, including ns of school school begins each day, students, teachers, administrators and personnel bring patterns of violence into the building as they enter it. Just as anger is not an emotion that is felt only at school, neither is violence expressed only at school, and school violence is widely acknowledged to be a symptom that will only decrease if the roots of the problem are identified and treated. Finding those roots is an arduous process for any term paper; there are many points of view on the causes of school violence - no simple solutions. Research paper can provide an overview of research approaches as useful preliminary research to examining this complicated problem in more detail. There are no simple solutions to it, and no single avenue of inquiry has been sufficient to untangle the web of violence so d research paper s in schools - weapons in schools are part of the growing trend of school a difference project - you can have a great impact in your classroom, your school community, and in the make a difference ine and social isolation - after eric harris and dylan klebold brutally murdered 14 of their own classmates and one of the school's teachers,... Violence - youth violence research papers examine youth violence from a psychological ine shootings - the april 1999 shootings that took place at columbine high school in colorado are arguably one of the most heinous acts of violence to be perpetrated on youth in america by ce on television - violence on television research papers explore the effects on children. 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A custom research paper on any online teed quality -time delivery via ential & masters - showing students how to write quality research papers for over 19 masters custom research papers on causes of school masters writes custom research papers on causes of school violence and explore the causes of school order paper faqs e-mail ch paper violence research papers examine the factors and causes of school violence in violence is examined in the context of the violence that children and adolescents experience away from school, and in the context of juvenile violence in general. Since violence in schools has become so prolific, many college students are asked to do research and writing on the topic. Paper masters can help you with a custom project on school violence that relates to any area of study. Specific topics may include:The sociological affects of school violence ion and school administration in an era of school violence - students as ng and school factors of school violence and policy ing to the safe schools, healthy students organization, the kinds and magnitude of violence encountered at school are compared to those that juveniles encounter elsewhere, and some of the effects of a range of policy changes that have been made recently are discussed with reference to the discrepancy between perceptions of the magnitude of school violence and its factual occurrence and character. Literature on the causes of school violence, and factors contributing to, the genesis of violent behaviors is reviewed, and the main theoretical approaches to the study of school violence are examined for effectiveness. Risk factors for violence are summarized from the literature, along with suggestions for effective programs to reduce and prevent violence, and practical techniques for managing a classroom with an angry student to prevent the anger to escalate to unately, the literature indicates that much of the public discourse on school violence is not informed by unbiased scholarly research and analysis. School shootings and other spectacularly tragic incidents attract much of the attention, even though they are usually isolated and unrepresentative of conditions in the nation’s schools. In turn, the policies that emerge are often designed for crisis situations that are rarely encountered at most d research paper isolation research papers looks at the issue why children socially isolate themselves and why school violence and suicide are often outcomes of ng research - papers on bullying open up with statistics, and then discuss the emotional and physical trauma bullying can ng in schools research papers look at a sample of a paper ordered with instructions for set-up of paper, and format games, violence, and children -. Purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of violent video games upon the behaviors of ing classroom management and student behavior policies - review district policies or other documents related to student behavior, classroom s in schools - weapons in schools are part of the growing trend of school to write a research paper on school page is designed to show you how to write a research project on the topic you see to the left. A custom research paper on any online teed quality -time delivery via ential & masters - showing students how to write quality research papers for over 19 masters custom research papers on school masters writes custom research papers on school violence and examine the factors and causes of school violence in order paper faqs e-mail us.