Scientific research papers database
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An international resource, popline helps program managers, policy makers, and service providers in low- and middle-income countries and in development-supportive agencies and organizations gain access to journal articles and other scientific, technical, and programmatic dge for health, center for communication programs, johns hopkins bloomberg school of public health[105]. Database primarily of references and abstracts on life sciences and biomedical al institutes of health and the u. It offers a comprehensive and balanced selection of resources from a growing number of international databases with a european focus, covering the needs of academic and professional z institute for psychology a: online research isciplinary (historical). And abstracts of journal articles and reports from researchers working in the more than 35 distinct professional disciplines (architecture - zoology) relevant to preventing unintentional injuries, violence, and lit foundation[119] in cooperation with the graduate school of public health, san diego state university[120] and the world health organization's department of violence and injury prevention[121]. Is a bibliographic database and a model for cooperative electronic publishing in developing countries originally from brazil. It contains 985 scientific journals from different countries in free and universal access, full-text , cnpq and bireme. Provides a search of over 45 scientific databases and 200 million pages of science information with just one query, and is a gateway to over 2000 scientific alliance, 18 scientific and technical organizations from 14 federal agencies that contribute to .
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