Should the electoral college be abolished essay
For abolishing the electoral college politics imer: this essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by our professional essay opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of uk electoral college has the job of officially electing the united states president. The biggest controversy over this system is that it does not represent the democratic system as it should. There have been elections in which the nation's popular vote did not win because of the electoral college. Although this system has served the united state since 1787, it has become unfair in many ways and it is time to develop a new electoral college system was established in the constitution by the founding fathers. It is made up of 538 members and a candidate must receive a majority of 270 electoral votes to win the election. Although this system is a major part of this country's history it has also developed a dislike by many for important reasons and it is time for a change in the united states election electoral college was great when it was first introduced because voters did not have the advanced technology that we have today. This clearly shows that the electoral college is less useful to our nation than it used to be. The people in our world today want to be well represented and have their vote actually count, but with this system still in use they are not getting their full chart shows the majority of the united states can agree that the electoral college should be abolished. There are several reasons the electoral college may be called "unfair," but three of those reasons stand out over the first reason is the fact that this system gives more weight to votes cast in small states. The government requires candidates to appeal to all fifty states, so this problem should not be an issue. The electoral college is creating the problem that it was supposed to fix, but just reversed. The more electors a state is represented by the more powerful it is in the electoral college system. This cannot be fair to the people of minnesota, and this is not the only state that has this is easy to see in this electoral college map that several states are underrepresented for their size while many of the smaller states are overrepresented. This does not settle well for many people in the states that have a small number of electoral votes. The electoral college is supposed to make the system of voting fair and representative of all the people in the nation, but it fails to do that job. The electoral college system is choosing the smaller states over them because they feel they need to be protected. The smallness of a state should not be considered if the system delegates an equal number of electors to each bar graph shows each state's population weight on one electoral vote. This is not based on the size tion of the state, but more or less its electoral power. File:state population per electoral 2004, california had a total of fifty-five electoral votes for is population of 34 million people, but wyoming who has a population of 50 million people was only given three electoral votes. The difference in the two states population and electoral power is clearly unfair to the electoral college also creates an issue with its "winner take all" method. Democratic candidates have little incentive to spend time in strictly republican states, like texas, even if many democrats live there" (concerns with the electoral college). Each state is supposed to be equally involved in the election, but they are not because of the electoral , this system also allows a candidate, who does not have the popular vote, to win the election. Tilden by 250,000, but he won in the electoral vote by one making him the next president. In 1888, benjamin harrison lost the popular vote by more than 90,000 votes, but he won by sixty-five votes in the electoral college which made him the winner of that election.
Should the electoral college be abolished dbq essay
Bush won the presidential election by five electoral votes, but lost to al gore in the popular vote by 540,000 votes. If a state has a majority of democratic voters then the republicans do not have a chance in winning the electoral vote for their state. In other words, the minority in a state is not being represented and there is not anything they can do about electoral college has many reasons it's considered a bad system, but it still has a good side as well. Should keep this method in use is the fact that it "contributes to the political stability of the nation by encouraging a two-party system" (kimberling). If the government eventually decides to abolish the electoral college, the small parties that have grown over the years will emerge quickly. This is a major reason it has not been abolished because people are afraid of what the results will be in the next election. It could lead to no majority vote because of all the small parties, but it could also lead to great results and an improvement this country desperately electoral college is a system that has been with this country for many, many generations and just like anything it has its pros and cons. The electoral college was great in this way because electors knew which candidates were going to best represent the country and could then give this information to the people. People could trust electors to guide them to the right electoral college also had intentions to make their system fair to all states. Candidates running for president knew which state would vote for them as well as which state had the most electoral power. This resulted in candidates focusing their attention on the states they needed most and less on the states that had hardly any electoral votes or were guaranteed to vote for them. This leaves out all the states who already have an assured vote and the ones who have hardly any electoral votes. Over time, the electoral college has created the same problem it tried to fix when it was system also used the winner take all system, which would ensure the candidate with the majority of votes to win the election. One of the main reasons for creating the electoral college was to make voting fair and representative of every citizen in the u. But that is not the gh the electoral college proves to have many bad qualities that could eventually lead it to being abolished, it still has some that may keep it in use for a while longer. The electoral college makes it almost impossible for a third party to have a chance because they do not have the ability to get the most electoral votes. Elections and it would be a bad decision to abolish y, it is a tough call as to whether or not abolish the electoral college, but the system has done more bad than good in the recent years. People are afraid about what will happen if the government does take it out, but that should not stop them from trying it. The united states has grown in almost every way and handled millions of new developments and there should be no doubt that it can handle a new voting you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have the essay published on the uk essays website then please click on the link below to request removal:Request the removal of this cs essay writing cs dissertation sted in ordering? Our government leads us to believe that our vote matters, and that we should not take the responsibility a political science major, i religiously follow presidential campaigns and was looking forward to being able to vote this november in the general election for the first time. This was due in large part to my growing understanding of the electoral is the electoral college? What happens after this stage, though, is not as universally is at this point in the election process that the electoral college begins to take effect. In 48 states the electoral college is utilized in the same way (maine and nebraska have a slight variation). After the votes in each of these 48 states are counted and tallied, the political party whose candidate received a majority in a particular state is allowed to choose a slate of electors who will cast the real votes for total there are 538 electors who comprise of the electoral college. So each state is given a minimum of 3 electoral votes (each state has 2 senators and at least 1 representative) regardless of vote for president in november, but all 538 electors meet at a designated location within their respective state in december to cast an official ballot.
The candidate who receives a majority of the electoral votes (currently 270) wins the ms with the electoral are many issues with the electoral college. The distribution of electoral college votes per state is not equally electoral college was created, in part, to make the states feel important in a federalist government. If the amount of electoral college votes a state receives was directly proportionate to its population, smaller rural states would be rendered completely irrelevant. For starters, it made the value of each citizens vote different from that of someone living in another giving smaller states more electoral votes per person than larger states, disparity was created across the nation in regards to the significance of each citizens' vote. With the electoral college, the value of a vote depends on what state a person lives in. Of the popular vote in a state, yet receive 100% of the electoral votes from that is important because some states are considered 'swing states' and others are considered 'safe states. However, if you are a resident of a swing state, say florida for example, your vote is marginally more significant than the vote of an individual in a safe is because under an electoral college voting process, an individual vote is only as valuable as its ability to influence the majority vote of a state. And in 48 states plus the district of colombia, the citizen's majority vote determines which candidate will receive all the electoral votes from their state. If a candidate wins the popular vote of a state by a just a single vote, he generally receives all the electoral votes of that state (excluding maine and nebraska). Combine this with the fact that smaller states receive more electoral votes per person than larger states, and it becomes possible to win the presidency by winning just 21. Reason that winning the 39 smallest states by a slight margin and outright losing the larger states results in winning the presidency with the lowest possible percentage of the popular vote, is because a candidate can win the votes of the fewest amount of people, yet reap the greatest reward by receiving more electoral votes than the state of those people should reasonably be saw this happen on a smaller scale in the 2000 election. However in the electoral college, gore received 266 votes while bush received must ask ourselves if we want a voting system that allows a president to be elected into office when less than ¼ of our nation voted for him or her. S worth considering that it might be time to rescind the electoral college and rely exclusively on a national popular vote to determine our electing our president solely based on who the majority of our population selects, without the inclusion of an electoral college, the vote of every american citizen would hold equal weight and significance. The will of the american people would always be executed and honored, and could never be the electoral college, the voting power of the people has been diluted and unequally distributed across our nation. It's time that we begin to amend our broken lewisjunior, university of maryland baltimore we should abolish the electoral breaking news here to turn on desktop notifications to get the news sent straight to for president of the united this november, many of us americans will journey to our specified polling place to cast a vote for the next president of the united states. It's time that we begin to amend our broken lewisjunior, university of maryland baltimore we should abolish the electoral breaking news 538 party officials around the country prepare to cast their electoral votes on monday to formally elect donald trump the 45th president, the question whether the electoral college should be abolished again was hotly debated this the arguments for and against the electoral college by two new jersey election scholars, then vote in our informal poll to tell us what you electoral college is neither a disaster or outdated, and it is as vital to our republic today as it was in electoral college is a critical part of the concept of federalism, and fundamental to our system of government. The other part of this compromise was to give all states two senators regardless of electoral college ensures that support for a candidate is broad as well as deep. The electoral college makes it unlikely that a regional candidate, popular in the urban centers, can win without appeal to other segments of our the electoral college were eliminated, presidential candidates would focus only on highly populated areas. Rural areas that are less populated would be ignored, because, as a whole, these areas would have less impact on the r reason to keep it is that with the electoral college we have a rational rather than an emotional approach to electing our presidents. For instance, a candidate who receives a substantial majority of the popular vote is also almost certain to win enough electoral votes to be elected r, in the event the popular vote is close, then the candidate with the best distribution of popular votes wins by obtaining the absolute majority of electoral , the electoral college encourages a two-party system by making it virtually impossible for a third party to win enough popular votes to have a real chance at obtaining sufficient electoral college votes. The practical effect of the electoral college is then to force third party movements into one of the two major political works in two ways, first, major parties have every incentive to absorb minor party movements in an attempt to win popular majorities in the states. For these reasons the electoral college should not be cardenas is a graduate of rutgers school of frank electoral college strikes the second time in less than 20 years, our next president will be sworn in having received fewer votes than their principal opponent. Served on the electoral college in 2012 as an elector for president obama and wrote an opinion piece at that time, for this same newspaper, arguing against the unfairness of this antiquated those unfamiliar with the electoral college, a bit of history is in order. It was designed by the founding fathers as an elite institution to check the will of the "people" who, engulfed in the political passions of the day, might elect someone unfit for rationale for the electoral college is set forth very clearly in federalist paper no. Hamilton won that debate and the electoral college was codified in the united states was a nice idea in the 18th century as the united states was moving away from the governance of kings toward greater self-rule.
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By the time of the next presidential election in 2020 we will be celebrating the centenary of women's r, in the 21st century, the electoral college is an outdated relic of a bygone era. If you reside in a swing state your vote carries a great deal more weight than if you are in a state that leans towards one political party or the ss could draft a constitutional amendment that would eliminate the electoral college and replace it with a direct popular vote. Barbara boxer recently submitted legislation abolishing the electoral college and replacing it with a majority vote system. New jersey has voted to join the compact, but it does not go into effect until states totaling 270 electoral votes have joined it. If it were in place clinton would be compact may be our only hope of a system more closely approximating democracy because i am not optimistic of the electoral college being discarded any time in the near future. In the polarized politics of today this seems like an insurmountable conclusion is that the electoral college is a historical curiosity that never seems important enough to make a national priority. There is some uproar over it now but very soon everyone will move onto the process of governing and forget about this very curious institution which is uniquely our , i predict, this 18th century relic will remain with us for most, if not all, of the 21st argote-freyre is an assistant professor at kean search returned over 400 essays for "electoral college". I like the electoral college a lot, and i would like the voting system to keep it that way. However, our founding fathers created the electoral college, being the geniuses they are, created a good way to elect a president that would not cause chaos or havoc in the country.... Time out for the electoral college american citizens are naïve of the function of the electoral college because they believe in error that they directly elect the president and vice president when in fact the “electors” representing the candidates cast the electoral college votes. The electoral college two hundred years ago, the framers of the constitution outlined the electoral college when they disagreed on who should elect the president, and disagreed on the role of the people, the congress, and the states in the political process.... Electoral college holds an ability to alter result of election over popular votes, discriminates candidates to campaign in certain states not others, and creates high voter turnouts.... This paper will take an in depth look at how the voting process works in the united states, but mainly focus on the electoral college and its wrongs and rights in the american voting system. It’s difficult to understand or appreciate the electoral college unless one completely understands its past circumstances and the problems it was attempting to solve. The electoral college was established to elect a president in a country that was split up into thirteen states that lacked communication and transportation and was made up of 4 million people scattered through out thousands and thousands of miles (middleton, 2012).... In this article one will find the details of the electoral college system, a system which denies the power to elect the president to the american people.... Mackenzie marquess professor beange govt 2305 23 october 2013 electoral college outline the electoral college is a system that elects the president, it is possible for a presidential candidate to win the popular votes of the citizens and still lose the election because of the electoral college, a prime example of this rare happening is the election of 2000 where george bush lost the popular vote to al gore but still won the votes of the electoral college 271 to 266. The electoral college can best be explained in an article from the huffington post which states “every four years, voters go to the polls and select a candidate for president and vice-president … the candidate who wins the maj... The electoral college is a voting system that was put in place by the founding fathers back in 1787. Also, the public learned that despite this fact, bush had won the majority of the electoral votes, resulting in him becoming the next president of the united states. This event left many people questioning the legitimacy of the system for selecting a president, the electoral college.... 200 years after the electoral college’s creation, it still serves its intended purpose, but the increasing social and political awareness in america has caused a need to look at reform in this process. The question that should be asked by every citizen as they participate in the vote next year is if the electoral college enables the wishes of the people to be truly represented.... As an opponent of the electoral college, my argument is grounded upon these four issues: the ability an elector has to vote for someone other the candidate he/she has pledged to vote for, the possibility of electing a minority president, its failure to represent the popular will of the people, and the negative effects it may have on voter turnout. One major criticism that we faced and still face today is why not vote by popular vote instead of rely on the electoral votes.
When it was first created, the framers thought the average citizen of their day was not intelligent enough to know who should be leading their country. So they created the electoral college which was run by people who knew what they were doing. The electoral college is a body of people who represent each state and they determine the president. The real question is: has the electoral college gotten too far out of hand where it needs to go.... Beginning in america in 1787, the electoral college was originally created during the constitutional convention to help make a fair way for the president to be elected without giving too much power to either the national government or individual states. Over the years, the electoral college has undergone a few changes in attempt to make it more fair, but there is still much debate about whether or not the electoral college is the most effective way to elect a president. Some people believe that the electoral college does an excellent job of creating an equal distribution of votes across all ethnicities and social classes of america.... According to critics, the electoral college is a faulty system that should be abolished and replaced by direct election. Supporters of the electoral college system make convincing arguments that it is the best system to decide the presidential election in a complex society such as the united states. Many scholars place the electoral college into a historical context by discussing its evolution and sustenance throughout the history of the united states. This paper will discuss the main arguments made by supporters of the electoral college system.... The american political system is one of the most revered and complicated in the world, but one of the main components that has major effects on the election is the electoral college. The electoral college hampers the value of each citizen by taking away the value of each individual’s vote, not allowing third party candidates to have a chance to win the election, and altering the way that candidates campaign for office. The electoral college the united states of america’s system of electing the president is one that has been firmly enacted in the country since the constitution was signed by our founding fathers back in 1787.... The roots of the electoral college system can be traced way back to more than 200 years. Each state has its own number of electoral votes, which is determined by state population. Which means the candidate with 50 percent or more of the votes in an individual state gets all of that states electoral votes. The 2016 presidential election will have 538 electoral votes, this means that the election will be decided who is the first candidate to 270 votes. Although the electoral college was an ingenious compromise establish by framers of the constitution, the development of the two party politics and the “winner-take-all” system has led it to the fail its original purpose.... The electoral college is outlined in the constitution and is the current system that elects the president of the united states. Why its time to reform the electoral college even though the electoral college worked in the past it isn’t working for the present. Even though the electoral college worked in the past, it needs to be change for the present and these reasons are; it gives bigger states more votes and is unfair to smaller states (clayton) the constitutional co... In order to fully understand the underlying problems of the electoral college we have to look back at the time that the idea of the electoral college itself was proposed and see how the culture of the time and the ideologies of the people involved helped shaped the final outcome. The people elect the president through the process of electoral college indirectly, whereas the members of the federal legislature are elected directly through popular vote. The state law regulates all the aspects of election process such as primaries, eligibility of voters, running the electoral college of each state, and running state and local elections....
The electoral college the electoral college has been used to elect the president since the beginnings of the united states. In the two hundred some odd years of history, there have been instances when the college did not work. The electoral college the founding fathers wrote the electoral college into the united states constitution as insurance against popular passion electing the chief executive into office. Since the political circumstance of today, the electoral college seems to be the topic in every conversation and the thesis to every essay. The electoral college the framer's intent of setting up the american government will never be known for sure, but it is gathered that they preferred a republic to a democracy. In the constitutional convention the drafters had to decide how much power they would entrust with the people of the united states, and how much should be controlled by representatives. The electoral college then, now, and tomorrow the electoral college system has been in place for over 200 years and americans are still not sure how it works or if it is the best system. The importance of the electoral college though our founding fathers created the electoral college over 200 years ago, it has been changed with time to accommodate modern needs and is still an important and necessary part of our electoral system. The electoral college ensures political stability in our nation by encouraging the two-party system and also protects the interests of minorities. Furthermore, the electoral college helps maintain a united country by requiring widespread popular support of a candidate in order for him or her to become president.... Since the foundation of america, the electoral college has been the means of deciding the next president of the united states. Until the recent fiasco in the 2000 florida presidential election, most people accepted the electoral college as a fair way to decide a future president. The reason for this strange outcome and why al gore lost was because of the electoral college. The electoral college is voting system where different states are given a certain amount of votes in the election, and which ever candidate wins a state, is given that state’s votes.... The electoral college should be revised as citizens of the united state of america, one of our most important rights is that of which to vote. The need for electoral college reform during the horse-and-buggy era of 1789, travel to neighboring states was nearly impossible. These obstacles and the lack of communication between voters in one state and candidates in another was the constitutional framers’ main impetus for instituting an electoral college for presidential elections. The electoral college is the system established by the founding fathers to select the president of the united states. However, instead of voting for the presidential candidate, people are voting for the electors, individuals who vote in the electoral college. Moreover, the total electoral vote, not the popular vote, actually determines the winner of the united states presidential election.... History of the electoral college the electoral college is the name for the electors who nominally choose the president and vice president of the united states. The electoral college was devised by the framers of the constitution as a procedure to elect the president by the people, at least indirectly.... Analysis of the electoral college many people argue that the electoral college is an outdated system. Reform of the electoral college in the past 200 years, many aspects of our society and those of the world have changed, ranging from social morals and ethics to technology. History of electoral college the formation of the electoral college can be attributed to the difficulties the founding fathers of the united states experienced regarding how to elect a president.
The current process of electing the president of the united states through the electoral college system should not be changed because the electoral college system is superior in comparison to other comprehensive voting systems. While allowing large metropolises and large states to be represented in a manner consistent with their size, the electoral college has the exceptional attribute of allowing small states and rural areas to still maintain influence in the government.... Electoral college is wrong the electoral college is the name given to a group of electors who are nominated by political activists and party members within the states. With the electoral college in affect third parties don't have a chance to become the president, which isn't fair. The electoral college was created so long ago that it is now outdated, so we shouldn't even have electors.... Elimintating the electoral college judging by the way things are looking with this year’s election, the electoral college is not benefiting american citizens. People fight both sides of the system, but the truth of the matter is that although the electoral college has been in place for over 200 years, americans are still not sure how it works or if it is the best method. The electoral college system after the last presidential election, which is still underway apparently, there is much controversy over what should happen to the electoral college system. There are people who say that the electoral college is good but should be modified to meet the needs of the modern world. There are those who say that the electoral college system is too outdated to be modified and should be entirely eliminated. The electoral college system you walk in to the voting booth on the first tuesday of november to cast your vote for who you think should be president. Your vote only decides who the electors that join the electoral college in december will be, but the elector can always change his or her vote.... Electoral college the electoral college is not important in choosing the president of the united states. I agree with this because it should matter what the voters say, this is a democracy and it should be the people’s final choice, and if the electoral college changes the voters’ choice then they will be the ones to blame if our country goes haywire. It’s not right because if the majority of the voters choose one president and the electoral college chooses another then most of the voters will be upset.... The constitutional convention created the college in 1789 in hopes that it would be an adequate system (macbride 29). The electoral college consists of senators and representatives who cast their votes for the state they represent. Those who feel that the college should remain as it is believe that the american people are too uninformed about election issues to vote. The argument for the modification of the college maintains that the people are not actually electing the president, but the larger states are.... You walk into the voting booth on the first tuesday of november to cast your vote for who you think should be president. What you may not realize is that the electoral college actually elects the president, not the individual voters.... When the voting has stopped the candidate who receives the majority of the electoral votes for a state receives all the electoral votes for that state.... With the surge of controversy surrounding the recent election, the united states has rekindled the electoral college debate. Nor is it the first time the electoral college has made a president out of the popular vote loser. In the over two hundred years since its construction, the electoral college has demonstrated its shortcomings with more than its share of mishaps.
Is this system a tribute to democracy and the brilliance of its creators or is it an archaic tradition that should be eliminated.... Electoral college the system of the electoral college is a long but fair system in the united states. The electoral college- it’s time to move on the next president of the united states, the successor to william jefferson clinton and man who will lead america as the first president of the new millennium is george w. Analyze criticism of the "electoral college" system and the alleged advantages and disadvantages of various reform proposals. The electoral college is a system in which the individual voter does not actually vote directly for the president. Electoral college reform since the fiasco that was the presidential election in the year 2000, many americans have been calling for a reform of the electoral college. The electoral college* the electoral college was established by the founding fathers as a compromise between election of the president by congress and election by popular vote. According to the electoral procedure originally specified in the constitution, the electors were to vote for the two most qualified persons without specifying which was preferred for president and which for vice president. The candidate receiving the greatest number of electoral votes, provided the votes of a majority of the electors were received, would be president, and the candidate winning the second largest number of votes would be vice president.... Electoral college proposal imagine for a moment that a young man has been working hard all day on his own farm. The flawed electoral college voting process when americans vote their choice for president, one would assume that these votes would be tabulated and the majority vote would win. The presidency is ultimately decided by the electoral college, what william mcclenaghan calls “one of the least understood parts of the american political process”(340). Mcclenaghan also defines the electoral college as “the body that makes the formal selection of the nation’s president, from what the framers intended into a `rubber stamp’ for the popular vote in presidential elections”(67).... The controversy over the electoral college system a number of americans fail to realize that when they vote they are not voting for the president and vice-president directly, but for electors who then cast their ballots in the electoral college. I noticed how many people were actually very disturbed with how gore won the popular vote but will most likely lose the election only because he couldn't win enough electoral votes in one state.... The us presidential election system relies on the electoral college, an institution established to directly elect the president and vice president during the presidential elections. The method of choosing the electoral college is delineated in article ii, section i, clauses ii and iii of the constitution.... Every four years that a presidential election comes to pass the electoral college is responsible for the formal election of both the president and vice president of the united states. As an example of an indirect election, where people in each state at large vote in order to decide which individuals will be delegated the responsibility of casting votes for president and vice president in accordance with the popular vote of the state which has entrusted them to provide such representation, the electoral college works to ensure that smaller states are not denied the right to have the equal power of influence in our national election for president (neale, 2004).... Electoral college: an essential component of our democracy the right to vote is fundamental to our democracy. The affects of the electoral college on the significance and legitimacy of american voting in the 1996 united states presidential election, only 49 percent of the voting age population cast a ballot (federal election committee). The importance of the electoral college and its effectiveness in today's world when the constitutional convention gathered in 1784 they had the difficult task of determining how our government should be assembled and what systems we should use to elect them. They quickly decided congress should have the powers to pass laws and the people should elect these people to ensure they are following the will of the people. Persuasive essay on electoral colleges in the united states we are all guaranteed one vote per person. Electoral systems are methods that calculate the number of election positions that parties or individuals are awarded with after an election.