Research paper on sickle cell anemia
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Sickle cell research paper
Tissue that does not get a normal eventually becomes is the problems of sickle cell day there is really no cure for sickle blood cells take oxygen from the breathe into our lungs to all parts of the is carried in red blood cells by nce called hemoglobin(hemoglobin “ is substance of the red blood cell. It helps cells carry oxygen from the air in our all parts of the body). Hemoglobin s obin c are abnormal types is carried in red blood a substance called obin in normal red blood cells obin a. Normally, red blood cells live 120 days before new ones with sickle cell conditions make ent form of hemoglobin a called hemoglobin.
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Red blood cells hemoglobin s do not live as long as blood cells (normally about 16 days). Sickle cell trait (as) inherited condition in which both hemoglobin s are made in the red blood cells, there more a than s. Sickle cell inherited from parents in much the same blood type, hair color and texture, eye other physical things. Person makes in the red blood cells what hemoglobin genes the person his or her parents.
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If one parent has sickle and the other is normal, all of the have sickle cell trait. 4 if one parent has anemia and the other has sickle cell trait, a 50% chance (or 1 out of 2) of having a either sickle cell disease or sickle cell each pregnancy,when both parents cell trait, they have a 25% chance (1 of 4). Que differentiates between obin (a), sickle hemoglobin (s), and ent kinds of hemoglobin (such as c, d, e,). Problems sickle cells are y in the body of people with the g anemia, jaundice and the formation ones.
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The sickle cells also block the flow through vessels resulting in lung (acute chest syndrome), pain episodes. Treatment nance for patients with sickle cell with early diagnosis, preferably in n period and includes laxis, vaccination against ia and folic acid supplementation. Ent developments in search for nce that can prevent red blood cells ng without causing harm to other parts of , hydroxyurea was found to reduce ncy of severe pain, acute chest the need for blood transfusions in ts with sickle cell disease. Hydroxyurea is -known drug, however its use in sickle e is relatively new and must be caution.
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Short-term side effects must lly monitored and long-term effects are n potential savings from hydroxyurea estimated total cell patients 65,000. Sickle cell anemia results when inherits two genes for sickle hemoglobin,And is homozygous for the an-africans are the most likly to cell anemia. In enated form, it forms into long arrays out the shape of the red cell and characteristic sickling that characterizes e. Scientists recently have had some s in using genetic engineering techniques good copies of the beta globin gene with sickle cell anemia.
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Other sample model essays:biology / sickle cell diseasethe genetic disorder i was told to research was the sickle cell disease. Snow goose overpopulationthe overpopulation of the snow goose in north purpose of this paper is to explore available research on the overpopulation of the snow goose on the north american continent. Solar cellssolar cells today are mostly made of silicon, the most common elements on earth. Lline silicon solar cell was one of the to be developed and it is still the ...
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Click here to submit a research ch paper cell anemia research cell anemia research papers look at one of the most common inherited blood cell anemia research papers examine the disease that is an inherited blood disorder. Medical health writers research the disease and give the most recent information in a custom written cell anemia, (sca) one of the three distinct types of sickle cell disease, is the most common inherited blood disorder in the united states. An overview of sca will be described tance of the sickle cell hemoglobin gene is usually determined during prenatal testing or at birth, when screening tests, usually using isoelectric focusing or high-performance liquid chromatography (hplc), are carried out, as mandated in 44 states . The conversion of the single amino acid causes a structurally defective sickle cell hemoglobin molecule (hbs) to form instead of normal hemoglobin.
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The oxygen transporting molecules in red blood cells are composed of two alpha and two beta polypeptide chains. Other point mutations cause blood diseases such as beta thessalemia, but the mutated hbs gene causes sickle cells form in varying quantities unless the hbs is mitigated by the inheritance of a normal hemoglobin gene coding (hba) from parental dna. Creates carriers, who have the sickle cell trait (designated as hgas) but are healthy and asymptomatic, while those with sca, (designated as hgss), inherited an hgs gene from each parent and express the disease phenotypically and genetically. Every child born to one parent with normal hba and one with hbs will have the trait, while a child from one parent with sca and one with the trait will be equally likely (50%) to have sca or to only carry the trait and experience few or no d research paper al nurse practitioner - neonatal nurse practitioner research papers discuss the specialized nurse practitioners duty to the care of newborn sachs disease - tay-sachs disease research papers discuss an overview of this genetic disorder and the cs - genetics research papers examine the study of genes and how they relate to heredity and variation in living c illness and ethnicity - chronic illness and ethnicity research papers correlate race and ethnic heritage with medical health aspects of al diversity in nursing - cultural diversity in nursing can help nurses treat healthcare concerns that appear more often within certain y physiology - anatomy and physiology research writing discusses the two branches in the medical science nia - pneumonia research papers examine how the virus develops, and people who are at high risk of getting this ads - skinheads originated in england and can be traced back to two completely different cultural groups, the mods and the rude yping research papers study what benefits this genetic test has to find out chromosomal le myeloma - multiple myeloma research papers discuss the complications that occur from this disorder, and the ia research - acute myleoid leukemia research papers delve into how this type of blood cancer syndrome - down syndrome research papers discuss this genetically based mental n's syndrome - sjogren’s syndrome research papers discuss the chronic autoimmune disorder that is characterized by the body’s white blood cells attacking and destroying the exocrine glands, specifically the salivary and lacrimal syndrome - marfan syndrome research papers discuss how this disorder develops and other causes of this n's disease - addison’s disease research papers discuss a chronic, but rare, disorder of the endocrine id conditions - comorbid conditions research papers on the medical term used when one or more additional diseases or disorders occur at the same time with a primary disease or ms marfan syndrome - symptoms of marfan syndrome research papers examine the six basic areas that are impacted by this genetic y physiology - anatomy and physiology research writing discusses the two branches in the medical science mune disease symptoms - autoimmune disease symptoms research papers discuss the disease that courses an abnormal response in the body's immune system to various substances or tissues that are normally found in the system diseases - immune system diseases research papers examine the diseases that effect the structures in the body that process and fight off - lupus research papers probe questions about this disease that is not really acknowledged by public health e x syndrome - fragile x syndrome research papers discuss the genetic condition that is marked by an inherited intellectual ital malformations - congenital malformations research papers explore the effects of the nervous syndrome - hurler syndrome research papers examine the rare genetic disorder that prohibits a person from making a specific substance, lysosomal hysiology of ovarian cancer research papers discuss the known reasons of this cancer such as mutation or deletion of al alzheimer's disease - familial alzheimer’s disease research papers discuss the uncommon form of the fatal, memory-affecting to write a research paper on sickle cell page is designed to show you how to write a research project on the topic you see to the left.
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