Social science research council
Countries on 6 ting research ships and generous partners innovative social immanent frame | "is this all there is". A symposium on donald trump’s candidacy and decisions as er 6th 2017research matters | “learning from history, fighting for change: in conversation with amanda alexander”. 6th 2017kimberly kay hoang, transregional research junior scholar fellow (2016), co-edited and wrote the introduction for “de-centering ‘globalized asia,’” a special issue of positions: asia critique that contributes new perspectives on inter-asian capital circulations, cultural transformations, and methodological er 3rd 2017read the latest council update: advancing social science, media + democracy, fellowship opportunities, and more! 2nd 2017participants of the transregional virtual research institute-organized interasian connections v: seoul workshop on mediatized populism across interasia have contributed a special section to the international journal of communication, titled “mediatized populisms: interasian lineages. 4th 2017measure of america publishes “highway to health: life expectancy in los angeles county” in collaboration with the los angeles county department of public science research wikipedia, the free to: navigation, article is about the american organization. Science research science research ary knowledge for the public sciences think yn, new york, social science research council (ssrc) is a u. Based independent nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing research in the social sciences and related disciplines.
Established in manhattan in 1923, it today maintains a headquarters in brooklyn heights with a staff of approximately 70, and small regional offices in other parts of the world on an as-needed ssrc offers several fellowships to young researchers in the social sciences and related disciplines, mostly for overseas fieldwork. Notable fellows and committee ssrc came into being in 1923 as a result of the initiative of the american political science association's committee on research, headed by the association's president, charles e. Merriam (1874–1953), who was political science chair at the university of chicago and an early champion of behaviorally oriented social science. Of the american economic association, the american sociological society, and the american statistical association joined with merriam and his associates in forming the world's first coordinating body of the social national associations—in anthropology, history, and psychology—designated representatives to the new entity, named the social science research council (ssrc), in the year following its incorporation on december 27, 1924. These organizations would tap leading thinkers in various fields to think creatively about how to rid the nation of the social and political ills brought on by the industrial independent, nongovernmental, policy-minded institutions founded in that era included the american law institute (1923), the brookings institution (1927), and the council on foreign relations (1921). 3] the council's main distinguishing feature was its commitment to the advancement of research in the social sciences in the united states. It was not a governmental body, thus was removed from the pressures of washington and public calls for quick-fix solutions to social problems.
It was not a university and hence did not have to confront competing demands for services unrelated to research. One was wesley clair mitchell (1874–1948), one of the founders of the new school for social research and a leading force behind the emergence of the national bureau of economic research in the 1920s. He poured rockefeller resources into the social sciences in general and the ssrc in particular. The ssrc was constructed as a platform on which scholars from various disciplines and traditions (including the natural sciences and humanities) could come together in a spirit of problem-solving intellectual ediary role: the federal government was not prepared to put its weight behind a central funding agency for the social sciences. Thus the ssrc frequently acted as an intermediary between researchers and research-supporting foundations, assuming the functions of assessing research priorities and disbursing research utional flexibility: the ssrc was designed to be as elastic as possible, to take advantage of changing social conditions and methods of investigation. Even in its early days, the council’s research planning committees were expected to carry out their work for a limited span of time, and for the same reason fellowship programs were kept going only as long as they were judged to be ific advance in the greater interests of society: the ssrc's founders believed that the social sciences should address real-world concerns. They wanted to see social science move in a more data-sensitive, empirical ng in the mid-1920s the council sponsored annual conferences and launched its research training fellowships tees launched in the 1920s and 1930s included:Agriculture (1925–42).
Of the council's first acts was to urge congress to appropriate funds sufficient to allow the library of congress to publish an annual index of state laws. As early as 1923, the ssrc cooperated with the national research council in a study of human migration from a social standpoint, said to be the institution's first global in d. After he became president, collaborations between administration officials, the rockefeller foundation, council staff, and council networks led to the committee work that accompanied the formulation and implementation of social security. World war ii, the council served as a bridge between the roosevelt administration and the social sciences, working behind the scenes to ensure that qualified social scientists were placed with appropriate agencies. 9] it joined forces with its humanities counterpart, the american council of learned societies (acls), and other partners to form the ethnogeographic board, with the mission of providing information about unfamiliar societies with which the war was suddenly bringing americans into contact. Identity of the council in the latter half of the 20th century would closely overlap the development of area studies[11] and the promotion of modernization theory. There was considerable tension, however, between those who felt strongly that, instead of applying western models, social scientists should develop culturally and historically contextualized knowledge of various parts of the world by working closely with humanists, and those who thought that social scientists should seek to develop overarching macrohistorical theories that could draw connections between patterns of change and development across different geographies.
For this agenda, it already had a natural institutional partner, the acls; indeed, the two councils had worked during the war mapping out u. Based foreign the other hand, the ssrc also wished to promote behavioralist social science—an agenda that directly descended from charles merriam's prewar further its interests in area studies, the ssrc teamed up with the acls in administering area research training fellowships with funds from the carnegie corporation and in forming the committee on world area research. Further its behavioralist agenda, the ssrc set up various other committees—including, most notably, the committee on political behavior, organized in 1945 by pendelton herring and headed at various times by david truman, david easton, and robert dahl, all of whom would serve as presidents of the american political science association; and the committee on comparative politics, organized in 1953 and headed by gabriel almond and then lucian pye, both of whom also became apsa ssrc's agenda for the behavioral social sciences largely came apart in the 1970s, leaving area studies as its central platform. In 1972 ford conferred to the two councils the responsibility for managing its centerpiece program, the foreign area fellowship program (fafp). 14] for the next 30 years, the ssrc and the acls would award approximately 3,000 area studies dissertation fellowships and, with funds from other foundations as well, another 2,800 postdoctoral area studies research grants. In kenton worcester's words: "the cumulative total of awards for field research outside the united states was staggering. According to cumings, the ssrc was particularly appreciated as a meeting ground between traditional social science disciplines and area studies.
When area studies occupied center stage, the ssrc continued to support advanced research on social themes of the day. In the 1970s and 1980s, it convened committees addressing such topics as cognitive research, law and social science, international peace and security, states and social structures, the urban underclass, and urban migration. Council's forays into non-area studies were limited, however, by the challenges of the funding environment. In the immediate postwar period, the ssrc had benefited from unprecedented federal support of social and domestic programs, as well as increased public attention to social science research. But the growing tide of american conservatism, begun in the 1950s, eventually led to a populist backlash against federal funding of social research. By the time president ronald reagan assumed office, the political atmosphere had soured over the role of the social sciences and public investment in social research. End of the cold war and the quickening pace of globalization turned the future of area studies into the number one issue for council management in the concluding years of the 20th century.
According to this vision, the area studies field would be transformed and integrated into traditional social science disciplines—especially, economics, sociology, and political science. And, although most ssrc fellowships target the social sciences, a number also engage the humanities, the natural sciences, and relevant professional and practitioner ssrc established the albert o. Hirschman prize in 2007 to recognize academic excellence in international, interdisciplinary social science research, theory, and public communication in the tradition of german-born american economist albert hirschman. The decades, ssrc research committees have produced edited volumes that helped to crystallize new fields and invigorate existing ones. Bunche (1903–71) held an ssrc research training fellowship in ential biographer james macgregor burns (1918-) has held two ssrc awards: a demobilization award in 1946-47, and a research training award in ian john hope franklin (1915–2009) was a recipient of an ssrc fellowship in the early part of his career. From 1956-61, he served on the ssrc's long-running grants-in-aid an-american economist john kenneth galbraith (1908–2006) had a research training fellowship in ian peter gay (1923-) was a research training fellow in janowitz (1919–88), a prominent sociologist at the university of chicago who specialized in the sociology of the military, received a demobilization award, kuznets (1901–85), a nobel laureate in economics, led the ssrc committee on economic growth from 1949-68. His long involvement with the ssrc began in 1925, when he was a research fellow studying economic patterns in prices.
He went on to become a prominent political scientist and president of lattimore (1900–89), a prominent anthropologist of china and central asia, especially mongolia, held a research fellowship in cal sociologist seymour martin lipset (1922–2006) held a field fellowship in 1945-46. One of the results was his award-winning book political man (1960), which remains thought provoking to this -renowned cultural anthropologist margaret mead (1901–78) held a research fellowship in ist and nobel laureate douglass c. Schultz (1920-) was a research training fellow in t economist paul sweezy (1910–2004), best known for his work monopoly capital, received a demobilization award in ist and nobel laureate james tobin (1918–2002) was a research training fellow in wohlstetter (1913–97), the architect of u. Nuclear security policy, was a field fellow, ian and president of the southern historical association, francis butler simkins, (1897–66) held a research fellowship. According to an early boilerplate, the purpose of the ssrc was to "plan, foster, promote and develop research in the social field. Eldrige sibley, the social science research council: the first fifty years, reprinted in kenton w. Hirschman idated list of ssrc committees, science research council archives, 1924-1990 at rockefeller archive : 0000 0001 2243 : cb118671911 (data).
Non-profit organizations based in new york (state)research institutes in the united statessocial science institutesorganizations established in 1923hidden categories: wikipedia articles with possible conflicts of interest from june 2013wikipedia articles with viaf identifierswikipedia articles with lccn identifierswikipedia articles with isni identifierswikipedia articles with gnd identifierswikipedia articles with bnf identifierswikipedia articles with nla logged intalkcontributionscreate accountlog pagecontentsfeatured contentcurrent eventsrandom articledonate to wikipediawikipedia out wikipediacommunity portalrecent changescontact links hererelated changesupload filespecial pagespermanent linkpage informationwikidata itemcite this a bookdownload as pdfprintable page was last edited on 4 october 2017, at 16: is available under the creative commons attribution-sharealike license;. A non-profit ing innovative research 1923, the ssrc has awarded more than fifteen thousand fellowships to researchers around the globe. Council fellowship programs are strategic—they target specific problems, promote individual and institutional change, and expand ssrc’s varied fellowships and prizes share a core commitment to improving conditions for social science knowledge production worldwide. Hub for stories from our fellows and ation resourceon the art of writing fellowsnext generation social sciences in we workfellows generation social sciences in africa: doctoral dissertation research fellowshipdeadline: november 17th generation social sciences in africa: doctoral dissertation completion fellowshipdeadline: november 17th generation social sciences in africa: doctoral dissertation proposal fellowshipdeadline: november 17th society for the promotion of science (jsps) fellowshipdeadline: december 1st individual research grantsdeadline: january 5th collaborative working group research grantsdeadline: january 5th tanur memorial prize for visual sociologydeadline: january 24th fellowships & -ssrc dissertation workshop book manuscript completion grantsdeadline: january 5th collaborative working group research grantsdeadline: january 5th individual research grantsdeadline: january 5th fellowship for ct research university tation proposal development , security and democracy -ssrc winter school “media activism and postcolonial futures”. Society for the promotion of science (jsps) fellowshipdeadline: december 1st studies dissertation studies workshop for junior mays predoctoral research ating agreement in congress research generation social sciences in africa: doctoral dissertation completion fellowshipdeadline: november 17th generation social sciences in africa: doctoral dissertation proposal fellowshipdeadline: november 17th generation social sciences in africa: doctoral dissertation research fellowshipdeadline: november 17th tanur memorial prize for visual sociologydeadline: january 24th albert o. Hirschman egional research junior scholar fellowship: interasian contexts and 2nd 2017abe journalism fellow (2016) alana semuels explores how japanese public schools serve the needs of students across economic backgrounds in article for the 18th 2017next generation social sciences in africa fellow, xichavo alecia ndlovu, named one of 200 promising young south africans for her accomplishments in higher 16th 2017the interasia program has announced the 2018 transregional research junior scholar fellowship: interasian contexts and connections and the 2018 ssrc global summer semester residency at the university of gö 27th 2017the international dissertation research fellowship program announces its 2017 cohort of 70 fellows, whose research spans the breadth of the social sciences and humanities, as well as virtually every region of the 16th 2017the interasia program has awarded the 2017 transregional research junior scholar fellowship to fourteen scholars working on innovative transregional and transnational research projects that transform conventional understandings of asia and cross traditional area studies social science research digital generation social egional virtual research nmental humanities and sustainable modernity in asia (and beyond). For climate justice in california at the local pastor’s contribution to the “just environments” series interrogates how social movement organizations, often led by communities of color, pushed for progressive reforms in california.
Through a set of sophisticated tactics—including mobilizing new constituents, marshalling research, proposing new policies, and working with political figures—these organizations played critical roles in shaping more equitable and sustainable agendas. Pastor suggests the success and lessons associated with california’s story offer one path out of our current national state of racial, environmental, and economic ng for climate justice in california at the local pastor’s contribution to the “just environments” series interrogates how social movement organizations, often led by communities of color, pushed for progressive reforms in california. The authors articulate an intellectual agenda for a collaborative project between the council’s south and southeast asia programs focused on how environmental discourses intersect with development in the context of these regions’ colonial legacies. Engaging topics and concepts such as “wild nature,” natural disasters, biodiversity, ecotourism, and environmental science, the essay was the first step toward the eventual publication of a volume edited by greenough and tsing entitled nature in the global isciplinarity isciplinarity as collaborative problem eduardo s. Ng on past contributions to our “interdisciplinarity now” series, eduardo brondizio emphasizes that interdisciplinary collaboration is fundamentally a reflexive intellectual and social process. Drawing from his own research and teaching experiences in environmental anthropology, brondizio argues that disciplines, as domains of knowledge production, can serve as productive platforms of interdisciplinary work even as disciplinary organizational structures can be obstacles. A diversity of perspectives and approaches, even when in tension with each other, is essential for understanding fundamentally complex problems such as the oots protest and innovation: a new look at ry to the negative stereotypes associated with nimbyism, carol hager’s contribution to the “just environments” series demonstrates how nimby protests can be beneficial components of participatory politics that result in social, political, and technological innovation.
In this light, nimby protests can be seen as initiating processes of community learning and geography of social vulnerability: race, class, and cutter’s essay from the council’s 2006 “understanding katrina” series examines the particular confluence of natural and social vulnerabilities that devastated new orleans—a doomed convergence that has echoes throughout the recent 2017 hurricane season. In new orleans and other cities, failures in social support systems most severely impact the poor, the elderly, the homeless, and other special needs populations. Though disasters will continue to happen, cutter argues that we can lessen their impacts by reducing social vulnerability and increasing n scholarship and social movements: in conversation with jeffrey part of the international dissertation research fellowship 20th anniversary interview series, 2001 idrf recipient jeffrey juris, opens up about his work as a scholar and an g racial , capitalism, and conflict then and megan ming francis and michael c. Moving forward, they advocate for sustainable economic development and reliable public services as means of strengthening already-existing resilient and adaptive social science research digital generation social egional virtual research nmental humanities and sustainable modernity in asia (and beyond).