Statistics research papers
Paperssnapshot of statistics paper series (sps) is a channel for statisticians, economists and other professionals to publish innovative work undertaken in the area of statistics and related methodologies that is of interest to central sps covers both methodological and conceptual issues related to central banking statistics, new statistical topics and techniques. The statistics paper series is published to stimulate discussion and to contribute to informing the international statistics community about work on improving methodological standards, with the goal of ultimately attaining more comparable and higher-quality statistics from all economic areas and bility: ecb statistics paper series are available online . A croatian granular data system at a counterparty level for legal entities/nonresidents on the list and at an aggregate level for households, other non-residents and small businesses was developed in 2007/2008 following a series of workshops held among colleagues from supervision, statistics and it at the croatian national bank (cnb) and credit institutions. Mathematical and quantitative methods→econometric and statistical methods and methodology: general→otherc81 : mathematical and quantitative methods→data collection and data estimation methodology, computer programs→methodology for collecting, estimating, and organizing microeconomic data, data scientists increasingly expect to have access to detailed data for research purposes.
We present a case study on a business dataset to show how rejecting the concept of spontaneous recognition led to a substantial change in research hno. Mathematical and quantitative methods→multiple or simultaneous equation models, multiple variables→panel data models, spatio-temporal modelsc82 : mathematical and quantitative methods→data collection and data estimation methodology, computer programs→methodology for collecting, estimating, and organizing macroeconomic data, data accesse02 : macroeconomics and monetary economics→general→institutions and the macroeconomye22 : macroeconomics and monetary economics→consumption, saving, production, investment, labor markets, and informal economy→capital, investment, al euro area-wide statistics on the capital stock and its breakdowns by asset type and sector are not yet available, but would be very useful for economic and financial stability analysis. 203 may 2017the journey from micro supervisory data to aggregate macroprudential statisticsbarbic, gaia, borgioli, stefano, klacso, jan abstractjel classification. This paper deals with the main issues in the challenging endeavour of transposing firmlevel supervisory returns, often based on different accounting systems, into comprehensive aggregate statistics, while ensuring as far as possible continuity in the time series for indicators and aggregates calculated from different successive data models.
It then addresses their statistical recording in compliance with esa 2010 and, specifically, the methodological framework of monetary financial institutions (mfi) balance sheet item statistics. All research findings are consistent with the notion that changes in consumer confidence and social media sentiment are affected by an identical underlying phenomenon. General economics and teaching→collective works→otherc82 : mathematical and quantitative methods→data collection and data estimation methodology, computer programs→methodology for collecting, estimating, and organizing macroeconomic data, data accessf21 : international economics→international factor movements and international business→international investment, long-term capital mandate of the task force on valuation of foreign direct investment (fdi) positions was to review the methods to value direct investment positions stated in annex iii of the guideline ecb/2011/23 on external statistics. 330 september 2013quality measures in non-random sampling: mfi interest rate statisticssandars, patrick, eleni, starida, nega, stamatina, casado, antonio, buzzi, maria rosaria, stacchini, massimiliano, švedas, tomas, goes, wim, bartmann, martin, ciesla, norbert, maitland-smith, fenella, goggin, jean, reddig, jörg, puigvert gutiérrez, josep maria, huerga, javier, montornès, jérémi, pérez-duarte, sébastien, technical expert group on mfi interest rate statistics, georgakopoulos, vasilis, bojaruniec, piotr, wijas-jensen, justyna anna, kofoed mandsberg, rasmus, hofer, christiane, tibrewal, anisha abstractjel classification.
Nevertheless, there has been a recent revival of interest in non-statistical samples, given their widespread use in certain fields like government surveys and marketing research, or for audit purposes. This is done by focusing on the statistics compiled by the european system of central banks (escb) on the interest rates of monetary financial institutions (mfis) in countries of the european union. It also analyses issues like differential unit and item non-response and other issues that may have an effect on the comparability of the survey data across imer: please keep in mind that the papers are published in the name of the author(s). Their views do not necessarily reflect those of the publication quality s’ graphical references ticspaperseries@.
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Papers from the irving fisher committee on central bank tics paperssnapshot of statistics paper series (sps) is a channel for statisticians, economists and other professionals to publish innovative work undertaken in the area of statistics and related methodologies that is of interest to central sps covers both methodological and conceptual issues related to central banking statistics, new statistical topics and techniques. Papers from the irving fisher committee on central bank ch and papers utilizing the womanstats database by womanstats project team members (in reverse chronological order):Cohen, dara kay (2016) rape during civil war, new york: cornell university , robert, sabrina karim, benjamin morse (2016) ”building trust in a reformed security sector: a field experiment in liberia,” international growth centre working paper, , alison (2016) “changing patterns of human trafficking in the 21st century,” notes internacionals, cidob (barcelona centre for international affairs), june , sabrina and kyle beardsley (2016) “explaining sexual exploitation and abuse in peacekeeping missions: the role of female peacekeepers and gender equality in contributing countries,” journal of peace research, vol. Sexual equality and humanitarian foreign policy,” journal of peace research, 51(1): , dara kay and ragnhild nordas (2014) “sexual violence in armed conflicts: introducing the svac dataset, 1980-2009,” journal of peace research, 51(3):, alison and aditee maskey (2012) “reframing trafficking: power, profit, and prostitution in india,” global dialogues, spring , alison (2013) "changing hearts and minds: sexual politics and human rights," in thomas risse, steve ropp, and kathryn sikkink (eds. Promies and periels of the arab spring," current sociology monograph 2 61(4):, dara kay and amelia hoover green (2012) “dueling incentives: sexual violence in the liberian civil war and the politics of human rights advocacy,” journal of peace research, 49(3):, valerie m.
Paper presented at the european consortium for political research 40th joint sessions of workshops, thinking big about ‘gender equality’ policy in the comparative politics of gender, antwerp, germany, april , peter, rose mcdermott, j. Michael bailey, and nicholas martin (2012) “the different effects of gender and sex on vote choice,” political research quarterly 65: , valerie m. The oxford handbook of evolutionary perspectives on violence, homicide, and war, oxford: university ott, rose, and brooke ackerly (2012) “recent developments in intersectionality research: expanding beyond race and gender: introduction to critical perspectives special issue on intersectionality,” politics and gender 8: , valerie m. Li, mary, valerie hudson, rose mcdermott, bonnie baliff-spanvill, and matt stearmer (2009) “womanstats: premiering a new database,” journal of peace research 46:, valerie, mary caprioli, bonnie ballif- spanvill, rose mcdermott, and chad emmett (2009) “seeing security by seeing women: advancing a new research agenda by creating the means to pursue it.
Matthew stearmer (2009) "the womanstats project database: advancing an empirical research agenda," journal of peace research, vol. Emmett, bonnie ballif-spanvill (2007) "putting women in their place," the baker journal of applied public policy, summer/fall, 1(1): ott, rose, jonathan cowden, richard wrangham, and patrick endress (2007) "polygyny, pastoralism, and violence against women," paper presented at the annual meetings of the american political science association, chicago, illinois, 29 august-1 womanstats database is the largest crossnational compilation of data, statistics, and maps on the status of women zed by country, we have over 350 variables for 176 t owse for statsdata tools and servicesmethodshelp for survey participantsabout nz home > methods > research tions of research papers (including the statistics new zealand working paper series) on a variety of methodological topics. These papers represent the views of the author, and are not published on behalf of the government tics new zealand working paper ical and methodological research which typically deals with a well-defined topic based on a substantive research research tions of research papers on a variety of methodological topics, including how we collect and use zealand socio-economic index 2013 (published 2017). An investigation into whether using the trend rather than the seasonally adjusted series could improve the stability of the figures in statistics nz zealand socio-economic index 2006 (published 2013).
Collection of information papers looking at alternative ways of meeting information needs for social and population employer-employee data (leed). Collection of papers explaining the calculations used to determine the number of māori and general electorates for new zealand's next general election, based on data from the most recent census and māori electoral association of economists annual ence papers presented by statistics nz staff at the annual nzae al statistics research ch on the usefulness, reliability, coverage, and availability of the statistics produced and held in the official statistics system, available on the statisphere ch papers tion of working papers on methodological topics and data analysis published before op on economic statistics, november tations from a workshop about macroeconomics held by statistics nz to discuss planned developments in economic updated 18 january ots of new zealand official yearbook sed zealand in profile: āhua o aotearoa: zealand progress indicators tupuranga zealand social indicators he kete ated data ss ss growth and ch and ers price index (inflation). Domestic ion and nmental reporting nmental-economic research ct health ment and lture, horticulture, and ence and ation communications and cturing and phic boundary phic boundary and ges, civil unions, and tes and nz home > methods > research owse for statsdata tools and servicesmethodshelp for survey participantsabout us.