Research paper on stem cells
Stem cell research is a topic almost everybody in the world has a viewpoint on. Many view the issue of stem cell research and stem cell therapy as morally wrong and a crime against humanity, others view the study of stem cells as the next step in modern science. Stem cells are non-specialized cells that have the capability to mature into more specified cells to help with certain functions or diseases. Cells are the basic building blocks of the human body and these tiny structures compose the skin, muscles, bones, and all of our internal organs.... Diabetes, or fully named diabetes mellitus is when a person has high blood sugar and that is cause by the lack of insulin produced by the pancreas or it is when the cells do not respond to the insulin produced, it is also according to the type of diabetes that the cause may be different from others. What if there was research that the use of stem cells could lead to potential treatments and cures. According to the national institute of health, stem cells in certain organs, have the ability to divide into other cells that are used to “repair and replace worn out or damaged tissues” (nih). Although stem cell research raises ethical concerns, it should be legalized due to the possibility of medical advancements and cures of numerous diseases.... The acid-bath method creates viable induced pluripotent stem (ips) cells recent breakthroughs in stem cell research are helping to narrow the ethical divide surrounding the use of embryonic stem cells. In a desperate attempt to avoid using embryonic stem cells, scientists are uncovering different methods of converting non-embryonic cells into stem cells. The first successful production of embryonic-like induced pluripotent stem (ips) cells was published in 2006 by japanese stem cell research scientists who used a microscopic needle to directly inject the genes necessary to reprogram an adult somatic cell into an ips cell.... The possibility of stem cells to develop prospering health makes them beneficial to the human race. Stem cells posses the potential to arise into hundreds of different cells in the body- for this reason stem cells are also referred to as undifferentiated cells.... With the development of stem cell research, and the more controversial embryonic stem cell research, every one of these instances could not only be cured, but prevented, within the next half century.... Embryonic stem cell is one of the most controversial, widely discussed medical issues in the united states today. According to scientific american; june 2004, embryonic stem are derived from the portion of a very early stage embryo that would eventually give rise to an entire body. Because embryonic stem cells originate in this primordial stage, or having existed from the beginning.... First of all you need to know there are three main categories of stem cells. I believe the pros outweigh the cons in each of these and stem cell research is very beneficial for medical purposes. The term ‘stem cell research was first used by gist alexander maksimov, a russian histologist in 1908.... The controversy over stem cell research’s use in the medical field is almost two decades old. It’s because president obama recently revoked the ban on stem cell research, as he believes it holds the potential to revolutionize the medical industry in the years to come. As usa today quoted him saying in march, after he stopped restricting federal funding for stem cell research, "at this moment, the full promise of stem cell research remains unknown and should not be overstated.... Stem cell research stem cell research is a new, inventive technology that will be and currently is saving lives. Stem cells have the ability to “increase understanding of how diseases occur, generate healthy cells to replace diseased cells, and test new drugs for safety and effectiveness. These special cells have become a new and better way of treating diseases such as; heart disease and diabetes. Scientists have discovered that if these cells are under the right conditions, the stem cells will divide.... Scientists are attempting to expand on stem cell research, while aspiring towards new medical advancements, but maryland is questioning state-funded research (department of legislative services, office of information systems [dlsois], 2011). Stem cells have the ability to regenerate themselves and produce specialized cell types (academy of sciences, 2009). After a stem cell divides, the stem cell can continue to exist as a stem cell, or turn into a unique cell, like a red blood cell (institutes of health, u. According to christopher reeve, the actor who played superman and tragically became paralyzed, said, “the greatest good for the greatest number of people means allowing embryonic stem cell research, which has the potential to help 150 million americans who suffer from serious or incurable diseases or disabilities” (roleff 63). It is incredible how some of the smallest items like stem cells can have such a drastic impact on the world. Stem cell research has been met with major ethical concerns in the media and as a result the research has tried to address the concerns of funding and ethical dilemmas. There are 6 major concerns raised in the review, such as: tumor formation, contaminating animal products, genetic compatibility, funding issues, selecting and generating the right cell type from transplantation and new approaches to generating embryonic stem cells (es). In the use of stem cells, there is room for error, especially in transplanting cells to renew or help cells....
Stem cell research papers
Recently in the scientific world, the field of embryonic stem cell research has become a popular topic and has been the subject for many heated debates. Experts in the field of stem cell research promise that this will be the future of medicine; that stem cells will be the cure to all the debilitating diseases and afflictions of today, such as alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, cancer and nerve damage. The truth about embryonic stem cell research is that it is not as hopeful and as revolutionary as it seems.... An interesting aspect of stem cell research is how politically charged it was from its very beginning. Originally born into a conservative playing field, the bounds on stem cell research were never as open as they are now, having been suppressed by political opinion for several decades. Numerous accounts of voting to support stem cell research were blocked by individual opinions of people with the influence to do so. Today, stem cell research is more open and accepted, due to technological advancements, but i think more importantly, a changing political mood.... Embryonic stem cell research is a part of biomedical science and has the potential to ease the suffering of sick people by curing diseases and defects, creating organs and tissue for patients needing transplants or skin grafts, regenerating axons in spinal cord injuries, and creating new treatments, drugs, and immunizations.... The field of stem cell research remains highly controversial because of its ethical and moral values. Despite the news in 2006 that researchers had found a way to harvest human embryonic stem cells without having to destroy embryos, controversy still surrounds potentially life-saving stem cell research. Due to the strong emotional responses to some of the subject matter by the pro-lifers and certain religions and politics in general, i will attempt to explain different sides of embryonic stem cell research (esc).... Mesenchymal stem cell (msc) msc are initially recognized in the late 1960s by friendenstein and colleagues, as an adherent, non-phagocytic, fibroblast-like population that could regenerate rudiments of normal bone in vitro and in vivo (friedenstein et al. Stem cell therapy is an exciting area of medicine that is both enthusiastically researched and hotly debated. It has been suggested that stem cell therapy is the answer to treating many patients greatly improving their quality of life.... A lot of research areas had emerged for that purpose including one of the most fascinating and highly active areas at present, stem cells therapies. Due to self-renewal property and differentiation capability of stem cell, it becomes a new hope in modern treatment. As the research teams of the eurostemcell project teach in their educational short film a stem cell story, there are certain stages of development while in the uterus where most of our cells stop dividing and stabilize into a specific kind of cell. They are called stem cells and they are the only known cells that can renew themselves.... In general, a cell can be defined as a stem cell if two basic criteria are met. First, stem cell is capable of self renewal for indefinite period throughout life while maintaining undifferentiated state, i. The cell can divide and produce two identical daughter cells and thereby maintains the stem cell pool. Second, stem cell possesses capacity for differentiate into specialised and functional progeny under the right conditions, or given the right signals. All of those things and more could be a thing of the past with the incredible potential of stem cell research. Stem cells are like blank cells that can take the form of other kinds of cells. Stem cells can come from several different places, some of which cause lots of controversy and ethical debate.... Stem cell research is the key to developing cures for degenerative conditions like parkinson's and motor neuron disease from which i and many others suffer. The fact that the cells may come from embryos is not an objection, because the embryos are going to die anyway. Stephen hawking the phrase “stem cell” calls to mind images of controversy: pro-life picketers outside abortion and in-vitro fertilization clinics, patients with chronic disabilities waiting on a cure, scientists in a lab experimenting with a petri dish.... Introduction stem cell technology is developing rapidly to bring tissue and organ regeneration from the foreground of current research to the hands of physicians for therapeutic interventions of injuries. Though this field is rapidly progressing, several limiting factors have reduced the efficacy and survival of many transplanted cells. Tissue and organ development from specific progenitor cells is tightly controlled by the surrounding biochemical environment.... Stem cells have the chance to change all that we know in the medical field as well as the potential to heal old wounds and heal damaged organs. This point causes much debate and anger of those opposed to stem cell research but they ultimately look at the process and not the form or result of it. Stephen hawking as college students, it is important that we know and care about the issue of stem cell research. There are people that feel that stem cell research should not have even been introduced into our society.
With the advancement of stem cell research, we would be able to help many people with such diseases as heart disease and alzheimer’s. Stem cells could also help others with dibilating diseases and those who have suffered some very unfortunate accident.... In the final analysis, the debate about embryonic stem cell research is not primarily about medical benefits. The claim that destructive embryo research will achieve such a utopian end is, we believe, a hollow promise.... Supporting embryonic stem cell research scientific research has the ability to help the terminally ill and disabled. Today in the united states there is controversy facing embryonic stem cell are dying because of the legal and moral obstacles involved in embryonic stem cell research. American citizens with illnesses and disease could be treated if this research was to continue at a much faster pace.... The controversy over stem cell research in a lab at the university of california, a scientist carefully isolates several cells and locates them to a petry dish. A few days later, he returns to find the cells pulsating like a human heart (gorman 58). These cells, known as stem cells, produce nearly all the other cells and tissues found in the human body (sobel sep 4, 22). Intensive research has found that when these stem cells are grafted with human tissue, new tissue is formed and the diseases found in that tissue are cured.... A conservative argument against stem cell research for the past few years stem cell research has been a widely debated topic; however, former president clinton? There are four ways of obtaining stem cells, which are taken from embryos that are approximately one week old. They are using unwanted embryos from fertility clinics, embryos from aborted fetuses, cloned embryos, and embryos created for research purposes.... It’s time to legalize embryonic stem cell research in the united states of america, people have many rights and freedoms that are respected by the federal government. Stem cell research stem cells are a large focus of study in today's biomedical world. Stem cell research offers the hope of transplants being done without the sacrifice of another person losing an organ. There are many different pros and cons when it comes to discussing the use of stem cells. In order to develop an opinion of whether or not stem cells should be used, one must first understand what they are and how they are used. Cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cells types in the body.... Over the last decade the use of stem cells has been a controversial and heated topic. It has been speculated by scientists that stem cell research may have the potential to cure harmful diseases or even regrow organs. However some find that the health issues seen in earlier attempts to use stem cell transplants and ethical controversies involved with extracting stem cells, make it very dangerous to further investigate. In actuality the fact remains that the potential cures that may come from stem cell research could prove to be some of the most significant advances in modern medicine to this day.... Advancements in medical technology has allowed for a new understanding of stem cells and further developments in research. The use of stem cells in regenerative medicine may hold significant benefits for those suffering from degenerative diseases. To avail such advancements in stem cell research could see the alleviation or complete cure of afflictions that take the lives of millions worldwide each year. Mclaren, 2001) a stem cell 1 is able differentiate into any somatic cell found in the human body, including those identical to itself.... Msc were cultured in msc complete medium made up of dulbecco’s modified eagle’s medium with nutrient mixture f-12 (ham)[1:1] (dmem/f12) with glutamax -i (gibco, invitrogen, usa), supplemented with 10% pre-selected foetal bovine serum (stem cell technology inc. The shape or the size cells are related directly to the function of the cells. 22) the human body has several different types of cells like cell membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus. The topic of stem cell research has long been debated over, and yet no consensus has been reached, since different views, and mixed feelings persist in the minds of people. There is tremendous potential in this research in finding treatments for diseases that are currently thought to be incurable. In addition, new cells also develop as the body repairs and remodels its tissues after an injury. These new cells come from mesenchymal stem cells (mscs), which are considered as multipotent cells.
Mscs are found in various parts of the body during growth and development, but in adults, they are present in the bone marrow, where they later differentiate, mature and migrate to become more specialized cells with unique functions.... According to history, stem cells were first used in 1950s, where a progressive advancement on its use has been carried out by physicians and clinicians. Research has been focused on finding stem cells in tissues of the body, where harvesting has been concentrated on all body tissue. It has been agreed that the process of harvesting or collecting stem cells depends on the source of the cell. Stem cells are being further researched for virology today and can commonly be found in the influenza immunizations (“stem”). In 1960, scientist made another amazing medical milestone was reached by transplanting cells into patients suffering from digeorge syndrome and was accepted as an effective form of therapy (”stem”). This experiment treated two siblings suffering from immunodeficiency, a destruction of the immune response system.... There are many advantages from researching this technology since it will beneficial to many people. In this essay, i will explain embryonic stem cells concept, and importance of utilizing it in medical development. Moreover, i will show the flaws in the arguments of those opposing use of stem cell. Stem cells are very unique types of cells that have an incredible potential to develop and transform into different types of cells in the body, not only producing brain cells, but containing the ability to produce more stem cells, known as a process called self renewal. So is it possible that stem cells can cure diseases and redevelop organs that are lost for some. There are multiple types of stem cells, such as embryonic stem cells (es), induced pluripotent stem cells (ips), and adult or somatic stem cells.... Someday all of the diseases in the world may be curable through stem cell research. Stem cells are very unique because they have the ability to morph into any of the over 200 cells that make up the human body.... The article “stem cell research,” elaborates on the medical benefits that come from stem cell research. It defines exactly what stem cells are and how their abilities can be harnessed and applied to treat chronic human ailments and degenerative diseases. It goes on to present supporting and opposing views that challenge its progress and reviews the role the government is taking in the issue (stem cell research). There is significant scientific information that supports the potential for stem cells to treat or possibly cure various diseases that afflict humanity.... Stem cells provide a faint glimmer of hope, with all the amazing things they, in theory, are able to do and cure. The goal of this paper is to compare the utility of adult, embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells (ipscs) to treat parkinson’s disease. As such several things will be assessed, dosage of stemcells, improvement in motor function, in combination with the presence of α-synuclein proteins and cell survival. Obtaining stem cells, whether adult, embryonic or induced, shall be done using healthy mouse models and after ethical approval has been gained.... By lifting the funding and ethical ban on stem cell research scientists will have a better understanding the complexity and disarray of the cellular structure of humans with a lifted ban on federal funding to front the research of stem cell and stem cell development. Two types of stem cells are key to unlocking the complex coding of cellular make-up and those are embryonic and adult stem cells. Embryonic stem cell research has created supposed ethical issues because those specific cells are taken from embryos that are not yet developed and those cells have no exact duty as opposed to adult stem cells which have particular duties throughout the body.... As the medical research of scientists improves, new treatments are found that enable people to have a longer lifespan and live healthier. Medical researchers continue to discover new medicines that help people overcome fatal diseases and allow them to achieve a more sustainable life. As scientists research the potential of treatment for diseases, there is a promising future in stem cells that offer a possible treatment for a wide variety of diseases.... Although most people who consider themselves "pro life" are the main opposition for this potentially beneficial research, most people do not fully comprehend what stem cells are, much less the implications of them. This allows them to form into the majority of cells in the body, depending on where they were from. In this essay i’m going to not only offer a plethora of information regarding stem cells, but make an in depth analysis of the question that everyone wants the answer to, should stem cells be used.... Diseases such as above kill off important cells that reproduce rapidly to help the body function normally. Well, what alternatives does one have to turn to when the time clock runs out for all cells, resulting in death.... The ethical issue surrounding embryonic stem cells research arises because human embryos are destroyed in the process.
I believe that the benefits outweigh the negatives and that a greater good can come out of using embryonic stem cells. Stem cell therapy is like an intervention, in which new cells are introduced into the body or tissue in order to treat a disease or injury (haldeman-englet, chad).... The advance in medical research has led to the development of using existing cells within the body and placentas of humans to heal critical injuries that usually take years to fully return to normal (boniello). The cells are commonly referred to as stem cells which can turn into different types of cells depending on the injury, location, and what the body requires.... Louise brown of manchester, uk owes her life to scientists and doctors taking risks and exploring the world or stem cells. Whereas there are many facets of medical research in the world at the present time, one of the more controversial continues to be stem cell research and more specifically, embryonic stem cell research. There are many quarrels within this one area including “should stem cell research be federally funded”, “is embryonic stem cell research ethical”, and “is the outcome of stem cell research worth it”.... Bush and his allies say that frozen embryos are tantamount to humans, and therefore are no more appropriate for medical research than are death row inmates. Stem cell research gives a great opportunity to patients with incurable and/or deadly diseases that have been around for many centuries.... Many of the criticisms directed towards the advent of stem cell research have centered on the source of the most scientifically useful types of stem cells—pre-implantation human embryos. Unfortunately, harvesting embryonic stem cells typically results in the destruction of the embryo from which they are harvested, which gives rise to a moral dilemma: is it ethically acceptable to destroy an embryo’s potential to life. Those who are against human embryonic stem cell research will answer you with an emphatic “no”; they usually argue much like pro-lifers—“…human embryos have an equal standing to all living persons… and destroying them is akin to murder” (hyuu 71).... Too many people have skewed perceptions of stem cell research simply due to their lack of knowledge on the topic. The ignorant conception of stem cell research is human cloning, test tube babies, and mindless murder of helpless infants. The united states should be utilizing and funding stem cell research; it has miraculous benefit and is morally justifiable. The type of cells adult stem cells can differentiate into, might be limited based on their original tissue but there is evidence stating otherwise. As opposed to, embryonic stem cells that are found in four or five day old human embryos. Lacking the stimulation to differentiate they can just grow and divide rapidly into more stem cells that are able to become any type of cell in the body. The controversy of stem cell research one of the most controversial topics these days is stem cell research. There seems to be a split opinion among societies about the research and whether it is socially and morally acceptable. As a society, we need to open our minds to the possibility of broadening our scientific horizons with stem cell research, and take the time to learn and understand whatever we can about it. There are a lot of people who don't know exactly what stem cell research is which contributes to why a lot of people seem so against it.... One thing that seems to be reliable to treat all diseases and disorders is stem cell research. Stem cells are cells that are present at the very start of an organism’s life.... The stem cell research controversy is one of the major headlines in bioscience and has been discussed and debated numerous times throughout the last decade or so. Bush joined to the problem by vetoing the first bid that was brought forward by congress to lift funding restrictions on human embryonic stem cell research. Envision a euphoric world where a couple insignificant little cells had the possibility to cure horrible chronic diseases like cancer. This dilemma is called embryonic stem cell research, and it has caused conflicts with peoples’ opinions, morals, and religion for years.... It seems as though there is always something being said about new findings in stem cell research and what will be done with the newly-found information. One of the most conversed aspects of stem cell research is how stem cells can be used to treat potentially life-threatening conditions. Leukemia is one of the conditions being researched along with how stem cell therapy could help benefit the patients with it. In order to fully understand what is going on in the world of stem cell and leukemia research, one must first know what stem cells are and what leukemia is.... Development of stem cell research tissue stem cells have been used therapeutically for many years in the contexts of haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (hsct), in order to treat many types of blood cancer; stem cell-based skin grafting (green et al. In hsct, stem cells are harvested from the patient or donor and are transplanted back into the patient to restore damaged cells. On the other hand, advocates for this research type argue, “fertilized human eggs are just parts of other people’s bodies until they have developed enough to survive independently.
Introduction as the human race progresses into more advance healthcare and discovered new strategies to cure diseases, stem cells become a debatable topic of interest for both the cell biologist and the common society. As promising as it looks, it comes with an underlying risk that is associated with the use of stem cell.... A look at stem cell research research in the development of stem cells has become increasingly popular over the past decade. The fascination in the study of stem cells by scientists comes from the mystery of what the essential properties are and how cells differ. With the discovery of determining how stem cells are self renewing and identifying what causes stem cells to become specialized leads to the ability to create more cell-based remedies as well as preventing birth defects, more precise screening for new drugs and cloning of organs and tissues.... Cells that have the ability to become, basically, any other cell in the body are called stem cells. This way, when a stem cell does divide, the produced cells have the ability to remain a stem cell or become any type of cell in the body. When given a route, the stem cells will take on the given job as if that was their normal purpose.... These cells have the potential to treat and cure many illnesses for which this is not yet an option. This act is considered to be murder by a great piece of the united states population, which has caused a crippling blow to stem cell research (as far as money and factual knowledge goes). In 2007, a different type of stem cell was discovered through the use of adult stem cells: ips cells (adult stem cells are stem cells derived from adult humans; they are not as effective as embryonic stem cells in their natural state).... Brain and spinal cord injury special regenerative cells are used to repopulate areas of damage with the hope of improving the ability to feel and move beyond the site of the injury. Heart growth of new blood vessels to repopulate damaged heart tissue growth factor secretions assistance via some other mechanism ethics and legislation regarding stem cell research south africa has a ban on reproductive cloning, but not for therapeutic cloning. There are stem cell banks in south africa that store stem cells of clients for future use.... There are several types of stem cells that we have available to use for research. The controversy comes from the use of embryonic stem cells (esc) and how they are obtained. The funding is very unstable for stem cell research due to the use of esc, combined with the message they send. In-vitro fertilization (ivf) clinics have never been funded by the government and that is not the plan for this research either.... The argument on whether human cloning/ stem cell research should be deemed acceptable still exists. Those opposed of accepting stem cell research lift up the argument that it is unnatural and cruel. Impact factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years. Sjr uses a similar algorithm as the google page rank; it provides a quantitative and a qualitative measure of the journal’s more on journal application showes relevant information for each antibody next to the article and links to the complete record in the nif antibody registry the app also recommends relevant articles on example article on lides are short, 5-minute presentations in which the author explains their paper in their own in brief authors co-submit and publish a data article in data in brief, it appears on sciencedirect linked to the original research article in this example article on application allows readers to explore ncbi data on author-tagged genes through an interactive genetic sequence viewer that supports flipping strands, zooming to a sequence, selecting a specific position, and ctive plot application lets readers explore data and other quantitative results submitted with the article, providing insights into and access to data that is otherwise buried in example article on application allows readers to interactively explore high-resolution slide images using a "virtual microscope". This free service is available to anyone who has published and whose publication is in es in biological pmental an journal of cell mental cell expression isms of rs in cell and developmental international journal of biochemistry & cell cell research is dedicated to publishing high-quality manuscripts focusing on the biology and applications of stem cell research. Submissions to stem cell research, may cover all aspects of stem cells, including embryonic stem cells, tissue-specific stem cells, cancerstem cells, developmental studies... Cell research is dedicated to publishing high-quality manuscripts focusing on the biology and applications of stem cell research. Submissions to stem cell research, may cover all aspects of stem cells, including embryonic stem cells, tissue-specific stem cells, cancerstem cells, developmental studies, genomics and translational research. Special focus of scr is on mechanisms of pluripotency and description of newly generated pluripotent stem cell journal publishes• original articles• short reports• review articles• communications• methods and reagents articles• lab resource: stem cell linehide full aims & embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes survive and mature in the mouse heart and transiently improve function after myocardial effect of low-frequency electromagnetic field on human bone marrow stem/progenitor cell cell treatment of degenerative eye angiotensin ii promotes adipogenic differentiation of human adipose tissue mesenchymal stem cells through type 2 angiotensin tion of induced pluripotent stem cells from a patient with parkinson's disease carrying lrrk2 p. Tion of the duchenne muscular dystrophy patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cell line lacking dmd exons 49 and 50 (ccmi001dmd-a-3, ∆49, ∆50). Contribution of human/non-human animal chimeras to stem cell otency of embryo-derived stem cells from rodents, lagomorphs, and primates: slippery slope, terrace and ages of nonhuman primates as preclinical models for evaluating stem cell-based therapies for parkinson's regeneration and downloaded most downloaded articles from stem cell research in the last 90 embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes survive and mature in the mouse heart and transiently improve function after myocardial effect of low-frequency electromagnetic field on human bone marrow stem/progenitor cell cell treatment of degenerative eye ly published articles from stem cell angiotensin ii promotes adipogenic differentiation of human adipose tissue mesenchymal stem cells through type 2 angiotensin tion of induced pluripotent stem cells from a patient with parkinson's disease carrying lrrk2 p. Published review articles from stem cell research review contribution of human/non-human animal chimeras to stem cell otency of embryo-derived stem cells from rodents, lagomorphs, and primates: slippery slope, terrace and ages of nonhuman primates as preclinical models for evaluating stem cell-based therapies for parkinson's l issues published in stem cell regeneration and n partner journal is now partnering with heliyon, an open access journal from elsevier publishing quality peer reviewed research across all disciplines. Partner journals provide authors with an easy route to transfer their research to for papers "integrative biology studies in pluripotent stem cells". Deadline 31st december l issues and l issue in preparation: germline stem cells and germ lineage edited by kyle orwig and amander out our online page! Resource template for multiple related pluripotent stem cell resources: 2017 starts with a new editor, template and e to sunita d'souza and updated requirements for new article type to describe and publish newly generated pluripotent stem cell your lab resource ad templates and learn how to submit lab resource ific guidelines for lab hed lab metrics – top social media is a recent list of 2017 articles that have had the most social media attention. Go here to learn more about plumx tion and characterization of a human induced pluripotent stem (ips) cell line derived from an acute myeloid leukemia patient evolving from primary myelofibrosis carrying the calr 52bp deletion and the asxl1 p. Generation and characterization of a human induced pluripotent stem (ips) cell line derived from an acute myeloid leukemia patient evolving from primary myelofibrosis carrying the calr 52bp deletion and the asxl1 p.
Lytic processed form of cxcl12 abolishes migration and induces apoptosis in neural stem cells in vitro. Proteolytic processed form of cxcl12 abolishes migration and induces apoptosis in neural stem cells in integration-free, virus-free rhesus macaque induced pluripotent stem cell line (ripsc90) from embryonic fibroblasts. An integration-free, virus-free rhesus macaque induced pluripotent stem cell line (ripsc90) from embryonic cells: miami winter symposium downloaded your login details below. This free service is available to anyone who has published and whose publication is in es in biological pmental an journal of cell mental cell expression isms of rs in cell and developmental international journal of biochemistry & cell downloaded stem cell research most downloaded articles from stem cell research in the last 90 embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes survive and mature in the mouse heart and transiently improve function after myocardial w. Hymal stem cell-derived exosomes increase atp levels, decrease oxidative stress and activate pi3k/akt pathway to enhance myocardial viability and prevent adverse remodeling after myocardial ischemia/reperfusion arslan | ruenn chai lai | mirjam b. Tion and characterization of a human induced pluripotent stem (ips) cell line derived from an acute myeloid leukemia patient evolving from primary myelofibrosis carrying the calr 52bp deletion and the asxl1 p. Lee | bernhard kü markers of osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation of human bone marrow stromal cells identified using a quantitative proteomics a granéli | anna thorfve | ulla ruetschi | helena brisby | peter thomsen | anders lindahl | camilla molecule at7867 proliferates pdx1-expressing pancreatic progenitor cells derived from human pluripotent stem kimura | taro toyoda | yohei nishi | makoto nasu | akira ohta | kenji ion and functional interrogation of adult human prostate epithelial stem cells at single cell -yang hu | dan-ping hu | lishi xie | ye li | shyama majumdar | larisa nonn | hong hu | toshi shioda | gail s. 28 epigenetic corepressor is indispensable for stable induced pluripotent stem cell klimczak | patrycja czerwińska | sylwia mazurek | barbara sozańska | przemysław biecek | andrzej mackiewicz | maciej ma formation by human embryonic stem cells: evaluation of essential parameters for future safety hentze | poh loong soong | siew tein wang | blaine w. Ray and effective generation of transgene-free induced pluripotent stem cells using an auto-erasable sendai virus vector responding to nishimura | manami ohtaka | hitomi takada | akira kurisaki | nhi vo kieu tran | yen thi hai tran | koji hisatake | masayuki sano | mahito inner nuclear membrane protein induces rapid differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem a bergqvist | mohammed hakim jafferali | santhosh gudise | robert markus | einar pment and production of good manufacturing practice grade human embryonic stem cell lines as source material for clinical application. Fernandez | mahito nakanishi | raúl torres-ruiz | sandra rodríguez-perales | pablo mené induction of functional neuronal cells from fibroblast-like cells derived from adult human hao | zhen xu | hui sun | wu luo | youchen yan | jing wang | jingyi guo | yizhi liu | shuyi ation of stem cell derived neuronal cells to evaluate neurotoxic a wing | masaaki komatsu | shannon m. Eileen -wide analysis of gene expression during adipogenesis in human adipose-derived stromal cells reveals novel patterns of gene expression during adipocyte anyasi ambele | carla dessels | chrisna durandt | michael sean role of pluripotency factors to drive stemness in gastrointestinal müller | patrick c. Hermann | stefan liebau | clair weidgang | thomas seufferlein | alexander kleger | lukas tion of drug-induced cardiotoxicity using human embryonic stem cell-derived r. Tion of a bag1 homozygous knockout mouse embryonic stem cell line using crispr/-cheng tang | li pik shan | wu-ming wang | gang lu | rahul s. Tare | kenneth ka ho ethics of embryonic stem cell credit: nissim benvenisty, wikimedia if i told you that researchers could cure diseases such as parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis? Embryonic stem cells are stem cells isolated from embryos during a specific stage of development known as the blastocyst stage. These stem cells can renew themselves and reproduce to form all cell types of the body. Research utilizing these stem cells requires the destruction of an embryo, making the practice a point of moral, scientific, religious, and political controversy. Many argue that the destruction of embryos for research purposes is unethical based on the belief that embryos qualify as forms of life that deserve respect. Those in favor of embryonic stem cell research deem such a loss acceptable for the future benefits that this research could have on thousands of lives. While various arguments surround this debate, the main point of controversy is the source of stem cells used and the method with which they are obtained. In this paper, i will establish what stem cells are and the difference between embryonic and adult stem cells; then i will evaluate the two main arguments in the embryonic stem cell research debate; and finally, i will analyze the ethics of these arguments to come to the conclusion that embryonic stem cell research is ethical under certain ew of stem cell researchas defined by "the human embryonic stem cell debate: science, ethics, and public policy," human embryonic stem cells are "a self-renewing cell line that gives rise to all cells and tissues of the body" (holland 3). Most stem cells are only able to differentiate into a single form of offspring cells, otherwise known as progeny cells. For example, hematopoietic stem cells are a type of stem cells that can only form blood cells and skin stem cells can similarly only produce skin cells. These types of stem cells are referred to as adult stem cells or somatic stem cells because they are gathered from patients after birth (devolder 5). Meanwhile, embryonic stem cells are pluripotent, meaning they have the capacity to produce all cells and tissues of the body (holland 5). Embryonic stem cells, however, only have this pluripotent potential for the particular five-to-seven-day stage of embryonic development known as the blastocyst stage, after which they can only reproduce a single cell type ("the ethics of embryonic stem cell research" 123). Thus far, stem cell-based therapies have been developed to treat illnesses that previously had no cure. The hematopoietic stem cells in bone marrow are injected into a patient who has severely reduced blood cell levels and these stem cells generate new blood cells, restoring the patient's immune system (devolder 5). Therapies such as this will continue to be discovered with the support of stem cell research. In addition to the development of revolutionary therapies, stem cell research also provides valuable information about mechanisms regulating cell growth, migration, and differentiation. Scientists can learn about these processes by studying stem cells that have been stimulated to differentiate into different types of body cells. Stem cells are particularly valuable not only because of their pluripotent qualities, but also because of their ability to renew themselves. This is done by "divid[ing] asynchronously – at different times – into one differentiated daughter cell1 and one stem cell-like daughter cell. This unique self-renewing quality of embryonic stem cells allows them to continuously grow even in laboratory conditions. Other types of stem cells eventually lose the ability to divide, making them less valuable for research purposes.
Embryonic stem cells' ability to be produced in large quantities allows researchers to make progress in regenerative medicine, using these cells to develop new functional cells, tissues, and organs. The healthy cells are implanted into the patient, serving as treatment to permanently repair failing organs (holland 5). The otherwise lack of treatment for loss of organ function displays the valuable potential of embryonic stem cells. The sources of embryonic stem cells are a main point of controversy in the debate regarding embryonic stem cell research. Some possible sources for these stem cells include embryos created via in vitro fertilization (for either research or reproduction); five-to-nine-week old embryos or fetuses obtained through elective abortion; and embryos created through cloning or what is known as somatic cell nuclear transfer (liu 1). The ethics of obtaining embryonic stem cells via these sources can be questionable and have led to disputes that i will later address. Research utilizing human embryonic stem cell lines has focused on the potential to generate replacement tissues for malfunctioning cells or organs (liu 1). A specific technique has been isolated to utilize stem cells in order to repair a damaged tissue or organ:"if a damaged tissue or organ cannot repair itself, stem cells could be obtained from these different stem cell sources [organs and tissues from individuals after birth; gametes, tissues, and organs from aborted fetuses; inner cell mass of early embryos]. Scientists could then culture these stem cells by creating conditions that enable them to replicate many times in a petri dish without differentiating. Such a population of proliferating stem cells originating from a single parent group of stem cells is a stem cell line. Stem cells from this stem cell line could then be coaxed to differentiate in to the desired cell type, and be transferred into the patient so that they can repair the damaged tissue or organ" (devolder 6). Other examples of research efforts include treatment of spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, parkinson's disease, alzheimer's disease, and diabetes. Researchers also hope to use specialized cells to replace dysfunctional cells in the brain, spinal cord, pancreas, and other organs (2). Federal funding of embryonic research has been strictly regulated since 1994 when president clinton declared such research would not be funded by the government. Following this executive order, congress passed the dickey amendment in 1996, prohibiting "federally appropriated funds from being used for either the creation of human embryos for research purposes or for research in which a human embryo or embryos are destroyed, discarded, or knowingly subjected to risk of injury or death" (liu 2). In 2001, president bush declared that federal funding would be granted to human embryonic research on a restricted basis. However, these funds were only to be awarded for research on already existing stem cell lines. No funding was to be granted for "the use of stem cell lines derived from newly destroyed embryos, the creation of any human embryos for research purposes, or cloning of human embryos for any purposes" (3-4). Debate over funding for embryonic stem cell research depends heavily on the ethical status of the research. There are two main arguments surrounding the ethics of embryonic stem cell research: the research is ethical because of the unique potential that embryonic stem cells have to cure currently untreatable diseases; and the research is unethical because it requires the destruction of life in the form of an embryo or fetus. Ultimately, the possible benefits and controversial status of life that an embryo embodies qualify embryonic stem cell research as ethical, as long as the stem cells are obtained in an ethical nts for embryonic stem cell researchin the realm of stem cell research, embryonic and adult stem cells are often compared. The controversial use of embryonic stem cells is supported on the basis of the many advantages that they have over adult stem cells. Embryonic stem cells are easier to obtain; they have a greater cell growth, otherwise known as proliferation, capacity; and they are more versatile. Embryonic stem cells are isolated from embryos in the blastocyst stage and the process damages the structure of the embryo to a point from which the embryo can no longer develop. Because these stem cells are obtained at a point when the inner cell mass is concentrated in the embryo, they are more easily obtained than adult stem cells, which are limited in quantity. Another valuable benefit of embryonic stem cells is their ability to multiply readily and proliferate indefinitely when cultured in the proper conditions (devolder 9). Lastly, embryonic stem cells' pluripotent quality is the main factor that distinguishes them from adult stem cells (10). The ability to differentiate into any cell type creates greater possibilities for the application of embryonic stem ters of embryonic stem cell research argue that the research is justified, though it requires the destruction of an embryo, because of the potential for developing cures and preventing unavoidable suffering. For the cells to develop into a human being requires an interactive process in the uterus between the embryo and the mother" (clemmitt 702). In favor of the research, such as heron, a biotechnology company, claim that "not to develop the technology would do great harm to over 100 million patients in the united states alone who are affected by diseases potentially treatable by the many medical applications of hes [human embryonic stem] cells" (holland 11-12). One example is the previously stated method of using embryonic stem cells to repair damaged tissue or organs. The only way to restore cellular function in an organ is to literally replace the lost cells and embryonic stem cells provide the best option for producing these cells (3). Stem cells do also have some disadvantages that should be considered when making the argument for further support of embryonic stem cell research. Unlike adult stem cells, embryonic stem cells have a higher risk of causing tumor formation in the patient's body after the stem cells are implanted. Embryonic stem cell-based therapies also possess the risk of immunorejection – rejection of the stem cells by the patient's immune system.
Because embryonic stem cells are derived from embryos donated for research after in vitro fertilization treatment, the marker molecules on the surfaces of the cells may not be recognized by the patient's body, and therefore may be destroyed as the result of a defense mechanism by the body (holland 11). This is a problem that will require a solution if embryonic stem cell research is to be the basis for future therapeutic nts against embryonic stem cell research currently, the isolation of embryonic stem cells requires the destruction of an early embryo. Many people hold the belief that a human embryo has significant moral status, and therefore should not be used merely as a means for research. One position that opponents of embryonic stem cell research assert is what "the ethics of embryonic stem cell research" calls the full moral status view (14). Therefore, with full moral status as a human being, an embryo should not be deliberately destroyed for research purposes simply because it is human (devolder 15). The roman catholic church is a strong supporter of this view, opposing stem cell research on the grounds that it is a form of abortion. Several other groups, including american evangelicals and orthodox ethicists, consider "blastocysts to have the same status as fully developed human beings" and therefore oppose embryonic stem cell research for this reason. Beliefs regarding the moral status of an embryo are subjective, and also their own controversial issue, which complicates the task of creating a universal law for the use of embryonic stem cells for in opposition, such as kevin t. This view is very similar to moral philosopher and professor of philosophy as the university of california at irvine philip nickel's "loss of future life problem" in regards to embryonic stem cell research. The loss of future life problem holds that it is unethical to take the lives of future humans by destroying embryos for research (tobis 64). This stance stresses the potential of those future lives that will never have the chance to reach fulfillment if destroyed for research. In a retroactive sense, this can cause us to question "what if the embryo that developed into albert einstein was destroyed for embryonic stem cell research? It is impossible for one to know the value that is lost in each embryo taken for research purposes, if that embryo is created with the plan of developing into an adult human being. The response to this problem is that the particular blastocysts that are harvested for embryonic stem cell research are taken from (1) embryos that are frozen during in vitro fertilization procedures and never implanted, (2) donated egg cells, and (3) embryos created specifically for the purpose of generating new stem cell lines. In each of these cases, the embryo at hand does not have a future life in plan and therefore, nothing is lost by using such embryonic stem cells for research. For embryos created via in vitro fertilization, the researchers using the embryos are not making a decision that results in the loss of a future life. Therefore, the loss of future life problem is not a valid objection to research using embryonic stem cells from frozen ivf embryos that are never implanted. Donated egg cells can be fertilized in a lab or through somatic cell nuclear transfer, a process described earlier in this paper. Embryos created specifically for the purpose of contributing to stem cell research have no actual future life to be lost from the moment of conception. In both of these cases, the intent of fertilization is not to create a future adult human being, and so the loss of future life problem does not apply to these sources of embryonic stem cells. In terms of the loss of future life problem, the key question is again whether the embryo is being deprived of future life, and again the answer depends on whether the embryo is removed from a woman's reproductive system, in which case it is likely that it is being deprived of future life that it would otherwise go on to have. As shown by the various arguments in this essay, the debate over embryonic stem cell research is a multifaceted scientific, moral, ethical, and political issue. Embryonic stem cells, with their pluripotent potential and self-renewing quality, hold great value for scientific researchers in search of cures for untreatable diseases, progress in regenerative medicine, or a better understanding of early human development. Varying views regarding the ethical status of an embryo answer this question in different ways, though it is commonly accepted that if the means of obtaining the embryonic stem cells are ethical, then the resulting research of those stem cells is also ethical. For example, if a donated egg is fertilized in a lab with the intention of being used for future research purposes, the resulting research is therefore morally justified. The moral distinction between a blastocyst and a developed fetus weakens the moral arguments in opposition to embryonic stem cell research. After all, if this research can reduce suffering for thousands of people, are we not morally obligated to pursue it? Scientists in support of embryonic stem cell research are currently restricted by the limited amounts of federal funding and embryonic stem cell lines available for research. Many argue that these restrictions are preventing further scientific development and weakening the united states' position as a leading nation in biomedical research. Some scientists worry that if strict regulations of stem cell research continue, private companies may bypass the standards put in place by the national institute of health and conduct unregulated research (clemmitt 700). If the united states wishes to remain a premiere country in biomedical research and maintain order and control of embryonic research being performed, action must be taken to address this issue. Also, ethical sources of embryonic stem cells exist that do not take the life of future beings (i. Unwanted frozen embryos produced via in vitro fertilization, donated egg cells fertilized in a laboratory). For these reasons, in combination with the possibility of reducing suffering for future beings, embryonic stem cell research is ethical under certain circumstances. As long as the stem cells are isolated in a manner that does not harm an embryo with the plan of developing into an adult human, the subsequent research is ethically justified.
With this in mind, embryonic stem cell research should receive greater government funding so that continued progress can be made. Embryonic stem cell research stood out as a current issue that would be interesting to evaluate in the form of a researched essay.