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Submit a business plan
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Use of this website is subject to certain terms and conditions which constitute a legal agreement between you and angelus / submit a business states india your business etary a business ple express receives many inquiries from entrepreneurs and companies seeking investment capital.
Please do not share any information that you feel is ple express, ple express, enter your name, email address, phone number, and a message along with uploading your business plan.
If your company meets our investment criteria, please use the following form to submit a funding request for consideration.
All submissions will be reviewed by our investment team and responded to in a timely ss plan submission formname *job title company name *address street addressapt, suite, bldg.
Funding request ($) *target size of funding round ($): *business description (max 100 words): *is your business a start-up?
Yesnoapproximate annual revenue *pre-revenueless than $1 million$1 million-$5 millionmore than $5 millionexecutive summary (max size: 3 mb) please include an executive summary of your business.