Teachers should not give homework on weekends
New to old created: old to newlikes: most to leastlikes: least to mostreplies: most to leastreplies: least to most10% say d: new to old created: old to newlikes: most to leastlikes: least to mostreplies: most to leastreplies: least to mostweekends are for homework!! Maximum 900 words)submitwhy shouldn't they until people do not have to work 6 to 7 days a week and work on weekends, in order to afford to live in this country. This way, when they get to the work force, they will be prepared to work these long hours and understand what it really takes to live in this ugarsugarpoplilyhoran210(maximum 900 words)submithomework is great! Homework is a way of refreshing and renewing your knowledge it teaches you to work independently. Why mind doing it on weekends this way homework distracts you from bordom while studying. It is said that schools are our second home then why its homework should not be a part of our weekends? Homework must be included in the to do list of students on analogous to performing our all basic activities on weekends, homework should also be a part of their reading or listening this word 'homework' makes the students irritate and unstable and their thought process directly revolves around their plans for bring into limelight the key performance of homework in a student's life i would like to put forward the following rk instills discipline in students and make them learn time management from the very beginning of their growth rk assists students in increasing their knowledge a little more thereby enhancing their self learning the time of doing homework at homes on weekends students may encounter those doubts which they may have not thought of, rk also eradicates laziness of students on weekends and bestows self confidence about the topic studied. Know you might think that this all may occur by studying on weekdays also, but the perfection or expertise level can be reached in less time by being in better touch with studies on weekends. Posted by: ngesugarsugarpopsuperwomen12323(maximum 900 words)submithomework is great homework should be given over the weekend because learning is fun! They already should be reading for pleasure over the weekend and studying for tests so why not give worksheets? Homework is a great extra thing for kids/students to work on during their free time on the weekend! Yes, i understand that kids like the weekends to relax over the weekend because they have school on the weekdays but they should still have work to do. But if you want to be in a top college, you should try to challenge yourself. I dont truly think that you should be forced to do it, but i think that teachers should really try to get their students to do ugarsugarpop12(maximum 900 words)submitkids should have homework on the weekends. The weekend is a significant portion of the week, and kids have no actual class time on weekends.
Weekend homework does not need to occupy all of their time, but they should devote some of their weekend to preparing for ugarsugarpop12(maximum 900 words)submitwe have too little homework we have approximately 180 days of school, that's less than half the school year. We also have many breaks including the summer ugarsugarpop11(maximum 900 words)submithomework is great homework should be given over the weekend because learning is fun! Maximum 900 words)submitweekends are breaktime weekends are a time where people are supposed to have a break and spend time with their family. Teachers should not give homework because like i said weekends are supposed to be a break from school and just time to be lazy but students can't because they are worrying about homework. So teachers shouldn't give homework on ajortheduderachelkraft23frank74deadpool2005your_baecrazyzhadenwernersupermario8519moorez94(maximum 900 words)submitno homework over the weekend!!!!!!!!!!!! My mom is like "check if you have homework and if you do then do it" so if we have no homework over the weekend, then everyone would be ajorthedudeecsrocksboifightmefrank74deadpool2005hadenwerner19moorez64(maximum 900 words)submitwhy we need home work on weekend????? Posted by: ngemajorthedudedatmoosedoughsuperwomen123hadenwerner19moorez53(maximum 900 words)submithomework on the weekends is an increasingly depressing cycle of disappointment every monday night i sit in room and think about everyhing i have to do the coming week. So all of you adults who are trying to persuade the world we need longer work hours and more homework, let me tell you something: you don't understand! Maximum 900 words)submithaving been to school, as a child i hated having to do home work at the weekend i mean i was in school from 8:30 until 3:30 so thats 7 hours a just about a normal work day 5 days a week then i had 2 hours of homework so thats a 9 hour day which as a child is a long day then i have homework to do over the weekend while everyone who is in work has the weekend off. So no weekend home work is a bad ajorthedudedeadpool2005superwomen123hadenwernermalakhussein51(maximum 900 words)submitweekend homework is counterproductive i am a student and weekend homework is torture. I just want a break but it seems to get worse and worse, the teachers dishing out more and more homework each weekend. Maximum 900 words)submitwell i am a student my self and i say no no no yo yo yo i say no no no because the weekends are for children like my self to have a break and we need time to r,the week days are also for children like me or any body else to do some work so i do not think it's fair to have homework on the ajorthedudedeadpool2005malakhussein31(maximum 900 words)submithw creates stress homework on weekends creates a lot of stress to kids who have sports, church, activities, and if they just simply want to hang out. The weekend is a time to relax and get away from school, because not having homework for two days isn't going to affect the student's ajorthedudedeadpool2005malakhussein30(maximum 900 words)submithw creates stress homework on weekends creates a lot of stress to kids who have sports, church, activities, and if they just simply want to hang out. The weekend is a time to relax and get away from school, because not having homework for two days isn't going to affect the student's ajorthedudedeadpool2005malakhussein30(maximum 900 words)submitwe need a break we're im school 5 days a week from 8-3 and a lot of people like me have after school activities. People be able to fishwould it be good to give college grads a break in their loans?
Maximum 900 words)thedungeuncrawler says2016-04-07t15:01: postit depends on the sircumstance, how the student acts in class, if they actually struggle, or if they want the homework. Give it to the students who deserve, want, or need says2016-10-30t14:02: postneither. Reasons you shouldn’t assign homework over the students agree that homework over the holidays really is a form of cruel and unusual returning from winter break, you’ll probably have a handful of students saying the dog ate their homework or it got blown away in a winter storm. But you’ll probably be surprised to learn that some research suggests too much homework can be a bad thing. A 2009 article in the los angeles times, suggests that some districts have cut back on the amount of homework in the effort to consider children’s social development. In fact, the san ramon valley district modified its homework policy and no homework is allowed over weekends and holiday vacations, except for us national education association recommends no more than ten minutes (of homework) per grade level, per rk has fallen in and out of favor over the decades. With recent trends of information overload, packed activity schedules, and childhood obesity, it’s no wonder educators are reconsidering their stance on homework. According to a recent article in mindshift traditional homework will become obsolete in the next decade. A 1989 duke university study that reviewed 120 studies found a weak link between achievement and homework at the elementary level and only a moderate benefit at the middle school level. In a similar recent review of 60 studies, researchers at duke u found homework was beneficial, but assigning excessive amounts of homework was counterproductive. The study was completed by harris cooper, a leading homework research and author of “the battle over homework: common ground for administrators, teachers, and parents”. Cooper suggests that teachers at the younger level may assign homework for improving study skills, rather than learning, explaining why many studies concluded less benefit for younger children. Cooper suggests that homework should be uncomplicated and short, involve families, and engage student interests. Around the world, countries that assign more homework don’t see to perform any better. A stanford study found that in counties like japan, denmark, and the czech republic little homework was assigned and students outperformed students in counties with large amounts of homework such as greece, thailand, and iran.
American and british students seem to have more homework than most counties, and still only score in the international average. In fact, japan has instituted no homework policies at younger levels to allow family time and personal interests. Finland, a national leader in international tests, limits high school homework to half hour per night. In fact, a 2006 study by yankelovick found that reading achievement declined when students were assigned too much homework. You can let parents know that instead of assigning homework, you are suggesting students attend a particular event that relates to your classroom. A recent article from australia’s happy child website, “what is the value of homework: research and reality” considers this issue and explains how children need unstructured play time. Etta kralovec and john buell, authors of the end of homework: how homework disrupts families, overburdens children, and limits learning, controversially suggests that homework may be a form of intrusion on family life, and may increase the drop-out rate in high schools. The authors blame homework for increasing the achievement gap due to socio-economic differences in after-school obligations. Consider challenging your own views of the benefits of homework and try to create a level playing field when considering assignments. This is a great alternative to assigning homework, especially for generation y who highly values civic involvement. If you are teaching physics or math, amusement parks give ample room to explain the laws of physics and mathematical probability. With many family outings and vacations during the holiday time, they will have less time to complete homework. Assigning holiday homework is usually unpopular with parents because it may the one time of year they have to give children their undivided attention. Not surprisingly one student created a facebook page, titled, “why do teachers give us homework over the holiday. If the students know you are giving them a break over the holidays they may work harder for you when they get you’re still not convinced, check out this fact sheet based on the case against homework: how homework is hurting our children and what we can do about it by sara bennett and nancy kalish.
If you are still going to assign some holiday homework, at least keep in mind some us national education association recommends no more than ten minutes per grade level, per night. If you must assign homework make sure it is meaningful and doesn’t take away from time with families. Those days playing outside and spending time with family are lifelong memories just as important as ood is over in the blink of an is a cross-post from teachers really teacher’s visual guide to social media. Top sources to become a better g math math homework to find a good g math study writing ic research paper atics research to detect fraud mini business tic homework assignment writing g assignments for e coursework g english homework sing an an essay customized for can help you with ng homework help y eating paper math te dissertation writing can do your homework for g with online ical engineering homework a homework agency for a thesis g math assignments ering free research papers assignment writing rial economics essay ing a math to avoid wasting your time. Controversial research paper can help you do ate planning essay risks of using free math help from writing economics paper s homework to improve your nd security: an essay ng time for your assignments. Homework helper to solve g cheap homework help g your term papers a statistics ng a writing to spend less time on y school homework ng a straight-a g an expert assignment to find assignment rk helpers on the g help with math scientific sources for a can do your college homework? On how to get cs homework research paper ng a coursework essay writing paper on roman can do your homework? Should not have homework: 5 arguments to support your rk has been a part of students’ lives for so long that the idea of not doing it can seem incredible, surreal, or even impossible. But if you stop to think about it, the truth is that homework is not necessary. Well, here are a few great arguments that will definitely convince t further ado, here are the top five best arguments that will definitely convince any naysayers that homework is not something that should be done by already have seven hours of school. If you’re cooped up in school during the day, then have to do your homework when you get home, you’ll develop poor health. When you stop school, that’s the time for you to play and go outside and get hours of school should be enough to learn anything. Rather than giving you lots of homework after school to compensate, schools should look at how they can rework teaching systems in class to make the most of the time you have in a social and family life is important. After school is the time for pursuing your own hobbies and personal you need to know about kids shouldn't have g free math e math paper free writing homework fast: 10 helpful ry homework g for a quality ing assistance for to hire a writing ing for non-plagiarized paper. Grade homework in g trigonometry ping a strategic business naut service can help you ts of dealing with to handle computer orthy math help online.
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