Teenage pregnancy research articles

Join pregnancy and resulting births pose many societal challenges, and as a result require the collective efforts of many to provide solutions. Teen pregnancy has been considered a "social ill" for centuries in the united states and has always challenged moral and ethical sensibilities.

The economic costs of teens giving birth are significant, and there are many compelling reasons to reduce the teen pregnancy. Research shows that reducing the number of births to teens and increasing the age at which a women gives birth yields significant cost savings for the public sector.

Efforts to reduce teen pregnancy are mainly focused on prevention and sex education is a large part of the effort. Abstinence only teaches that abstaining from sexual activity is the only truly effective way to prevent unintended pregnancy.

The success of abstinence only education has been exaggerated according to many sociologists and researchers. Scientific research indicates that abstinence plus education is actually much more effective in preventing teen pregnancy.

Solving the problem of teen pregnancy has largely been relegating to treating the symptoms of the problem and employing prevention strategies aimed at young women. Sociologists believe that reducing the rate of teen pregnancy will require developing more comprehensive and holistic solutions in the future.

Researchers, teachers, parents and community leaders are recommending and developing programs that focus on the role of boys and young men in the teen pregnancy puzzle. Research indicates that involving boys and young men in "male only" sex education may help to significantly reduce the rate of teen pregnancy over the coming years.

The effectiveness of approaching the teen pregnancy problem from holistic or system-wide view will be documented in future ds abstinence only; abstinence plus; comprehensive sexuality education; non-marital births; public sector costs; punitive; teen pregnancy is largely regarded as a societal problem that is most effectively dealt with through prevention strategies. However, some researchers argue that the discrepancies between the realities of teen pregnancy and the strategies for its prevention hinder the issue from being adequately addressed on a holistic level (kohili & nyberg, 1995).

Cultural and political attitudes toward sexuality may also hinder the formulation of a concerted effort toward confronting the problem of teen pregnancy. Instead, policy makers, educators, researchers, and parents have generally focused on preventing teen pregnancy itself rather than on addressing the societal influences that may encourage teen pregnancy.

However, changes in the language associated with the issue illustrate significant shifts in the subjective perception of "teen pregnancy" throughout history (luker, 1997). Today, many sociologists admit that the stigma is largely gone, and that its disappearance has had at least some relation to the increase in teen sexual activity and pregnancy.

Economic cost of teen teen pregnancy rates declined by 36 percent from 1990–2002 and by 33 percent among girls aged fifteen to nineteen from 1991–2004; as of 2012 the teen pregnancy rate in the united states is still the highest of all the industrialized nations. The author of the later report described his methodology, which was similar to that of the former report:The cost estimates provided in this report are based on a very conservative research approach that only includes costs that can be confidently attributed to teen childbearing itself rather than to other traits or disadvantages that often accompany teen childbearing (such as poverty) (hoffman, 2006, p.

S goals in reviewing these net costs associated with teen births is to "make apparent the economic value of preventing early pregnancy" (hoffman, 2006, p. Pregnancy declined by about one-third between 1991 and 2009, consequently reducing the number of children in poverty; by 2013 the rate of teen pregnancy was still declining.

A great many programs focus on preventing teen pregnancy; however, this essay will not attempt to provide a comprehensive review of all of them. Instead, it will discuss research surrounding sex education, namely abstinence only education and abstinence plus education.

The discussion surrounding sex education will focus not only on current research findings, but also on the veracity of the research that has produced different and often conflicting results. If you suggestions, please email  al campaign to al organization on adolescent pregnancy, parenting guttmacher cent girls' attitudes toward journal of family practice, july 01 2001 by , tillman al poverty and teen cence, june 22 2001 by tamera m.

Data on nonmarital births yo adults and teenagers l strategies to reduce nonmarital ive approaches to reducing adolescent unprotected sex,Pregnancy, and journal of sex research, february 01 2002 by a- the economics of births to married and cents (mississippi study). From journal of sociology and social welfare, june 01 2003 al teen pregnancy ght 1996 - 2007 child welfare research ation we provide.

From journal of sociology and social welfare, june 01 2003 al teen pregnancy ght 1996 - 2007 child welfare research institute.