Timeline for phd research proposal
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Phd proposal timeline
Typical phd, taken over 3-4 years, is structured as follows:During your first 3 months you settle in and prepare an initial research plan with your research plan gives a statement of the general topic area, an initial formulation of the issues to be addressed, a list of principal references on which the work will draw, and objectives for the first year of study.
You will also meet the postgraduate tutor and your postgraduate mentor (a member of staff from a different research group).
Continue to work on your research project, and will have the opportunity to attend the graduate school's professional skills courses on advanced writing, career planning, presentation and early stage assessment is submitted by the end of month report sets out the main research areas, details of work done so far, and a programme for future work.
This assessment confirms your suitability to continue with your phd will have also attended some, or all of, the graduate school's professional skills training on topics such as professional conduct, project management, and a residential course on research skills and stage review (18-24 months after registration).
You will be assessed by interview with one or more assessors and your continue working on your research project.